Volunteer Profile Hikers’ Almanac Glenn and Sarah Collins Enjoy a hike with one of our maintain one of our region’s member clubs and organiza - busiest trail sections. tions. See the fall offerings. READ MORE ON PAGE 4 READ MORE ON PAGES 8 and 9 O UR 90TH YEAR September/October 2010 New York-New Jersey Trail Conference — Connecting People with Nature since 1920 www.nynjtc.org Completed Bare Rock Trail Leads Ben Frankel to Great View at Sterling Forest Passes the See page 12 for a description of a hike on Rock, Raven Rock, and Indian Rock Taconics Torch this trail, or go to www.nynjtc.org/hike/ Shelter. The Rocks Trail was created by bare-rock-trail-greenwood-lake-overlook combining several existing trails with three For more than two decades, Ben Frankel for a more detailed write-up of the hike. newly bUilt trail sections. has been sUpporting trail maintenance and The Rocks Trail is 4.8 miles long; how - volUnteer enthUsiasm as sUpervisor of the t 2:20pm on Friday, JUne 23, Peter ever, from the Michigan Road parking lot, SoUth Taconics trails. One trUism of trail Tilgner and SUzan Gordon painted the complete hike is more than 7 miles, volUnteering is that each of Us brings oUr Athe last blaze and thereby finished with a total 1,300-foot elevation gain. It is own personality and style to the job and work on the 3.8-mile Bare Rock Trail in considered strenUoUs by park standards. has a lot of room to shape and bUild com - Sterling Forest State Park. The trail rUns The trail is blazed with white metal mark - mUnity. Ben broUght his knowledge, O T O between the Sterling Lake Trail and the Fire ers overlaid with an “RT” decal. The Rocks compassion, wit, and energy to the job, H P Y Tower Trail and leads to a great, 180-degree Trail has not yet been added to the official solving problems in his own qUiet, S E T R viewpoint overlooking Greenwood Lake. park map, which is available at several loca - methodical, and hUmble way. U O The trail was several years in the works, tions in the park. It will be added in the Ben loves the trails and has made a point C Long-time Taconics Trail Supervisor from inspiration to completion. Peter and near fUtUre. It is shown on a kiosk near the to get to know all of the volUnteers, even Ben Frankel has worked on the trails for SUzan, trail sUpervisors for Sterling Forest, Michigan Road parking area. having everyone to his hoUse for an annUal four decades. dinner. He is still going strong, bUt decid - ed that Upon tUrning 80, it was time to pass ing Up the Trail Conference’s SoUth Tacon - the torch. He has left sUch a deep impres - ic Trail Crew for years. I rapidly discovered sion on his friends and volUnteers that we how special the SoUth Taconic Trail is and wanted to compile this tribUte to thank how important the Trail Conference’s work him for so many years of leadership, stew - is to Taconic State Park. Ben Frankel, ardship, and friendship! Thank yoU, Ben! throUgh his leadership, has been a gUiding — Josie Gray, East Hudson Trails Chair force in the stewardship of what is sUrely one of the northeast’s premier hiking desti - I met Ben by coming across his sweater nations.” hanging on a tree on the SoUth Taconic — Ray Doherty, trails. Being a New Yorker, I wondered who Taconic State Park Manager woUld leave sUch a nice sweater hanging on a tree for anyone to take? Later, I came Upon “If yoU talk to Ben very long, yoU soon real - Ben, dressed in khaki pants and a long- ize how mUch he loves hiking and being sleeved, collared shirt, working on the trails. oUtdoors. Thank yoU, Ben, for all that yoU He was the most elegant trail maintainer I have done for the trails in the SoUth Tacon - R ever met. Ben got hot and left the sweater on ics and the maintainers who care for them.” I E W a tree to retrieve it on the way down. That’s — Jane Daniels, Chair, Trails Council E T T E Ben—trUsting, elegant, charming, and G R O inspiring. His dedication to maintaining the When I first met, Ben, I qUickly realized E A Trail Conference crew including Peter Tilgner, Suzan Gordon, Richard Summer (sitting) G trails inspires yoU to do as mUch as possible. that I was in the presence of an exception - admires the view of Greenwood Lake from Bare Rock in Sterling Forest. Ben called me this year and told me that al individUal. He was a patient, thoroUgh, he decided long ago that when he tUrned 80, competent instrUctor of this particUlar report that 17 different individUals helped BUilding the trail took nearly a year of he woUld hand over the sUpervisor job to novice trail maintainer. He knew his SoUth dUring eight work trips. The volUnteers planning followed by aboUt a year of trail somebody else, and that somebody is me. Taconic trail network jUst aboUt to the cen - inclUded members of the North Jersey bUilding and re-blazing. To mark its open - How coUld anybody say no to a man who timeter, and kept copioUs notes on varioUs Ramapo Chapter of ADK as well as Trail ing, gUests gathered for a continental has maintained trails for more than 40 years? featUres along the different trails. He was Conference members: Chris Connolly, breakfast and congenial talk before heading — Claudia Farb, Supervisor for South fUll of sternly worded instrUctions, fatherly Sheila Rizzo, Andrew Katzmann, ChUck oUt to walk the new trail. Geof Connor Taconics (newly appointed) advice, and all kinds of trail lore and natU - Holmes, Richard Lynch, Irene Logan, Ed presented a short history of the park that ral history of the area. Goodell, Georgette Weir, Cliff West, inclUded the history and lore associated Upon my arrival at Taconic State Park in continued on page 2 Richard SUmner, Alan Nolan, Fred Hodde, with each of the six rock featUres. 2001, Ben Frankel had already been head - Siman Gooden, John Mack, Noel SchUlz, Jeff Main, park manager, thanked the Mark Liss, and Jack Driller. volUnteers for their work in the park. DUr - The newly completed section of the Bare continued on page 4 Going Trail-less in Putnam County Rock Trail is not on the 2008 Trail Confer - ence Sterling Forest map, bUt is indicated Help Needed to Develop form a hiking trail across the northern part in the map detail on page 12. Orienteering Style Map for of PUtnam inclUde half a dozen parcels Section of the Highlands Trail owned by the New York City Dept. of New 4.8-mile Rocks Trail Links Environmental Protection (DEP). The Historic Spots at Ward Pound Ridge By Gary Haugland, agency owns bUffer lands there to protect I B On JUly 17, Ward PoUnd Ridge Reserva - A HT East of Hudson Chair the water qUality in their nUmeroUs reser - R I E tion trail crew members, Trail Conference H voirs in the Croton system. They permit, K Z representatives, park personnel, and friends O A portion of the Highlands Trail in even encoUrage, people to hike on these M R celebrated the opening of a new trail at the O PUtnam CoUnty will become a trail-less reservoir lands, bUt—and it’s a big one— H park called the Rocks Trail (RT). Left to right on the new Rocks Trail: David trail. What? they do not want any marked trails. What The trail connects six prominent and Margulis, Connie Stern, Fred Howley, The idea of a trail-less trail was first pro - to do? historic rocks in the park: Dancing Rock, Danielle Fitch, Fred Stern, Leili Kheirabi, posed for the Long Path in the 1930s: This fall, we will begin exploring these Bear Rock Petroglyph, Spy Rock, Castle Kurt Himpel, Geof Connor, and Jim Fitch locate an endpoint and identify some lands to identify viewpoints, scenic oUt - major waypoints and then leave it Up to the croppings, and, most important, stream VOLUME XXXVII, N UMBER 5 ISSN 0749-1352 Non-Profit adventUroUs hiker to find his or her own crossings, and sitUate them on existing US Postage Paid way. Over the years, the Trail Conference maps. In the end we will have a set of ori - Permit No. 1239 Bellmawr, N.J. has conscientioUsly moved away from this enteering-like maps for those who wish to concept to create a network of cleared and hike this portion of the Highlands Trail. marked trails. Even the Long Path is not Orienteering maps are specifically designed following the original strategy. for special competitions that involve fol - BUt it looks like a portion of the High - lowing maps and looking for specific lands Trail in PUtnam CoUnty will have to. featUres to reach a series of checkpoints, The open spaces we have identified to continued on page 11 Page 2 September/October 2010 Why Trail Maintenance Reports? VOLUME XXXVII, NO.5 SEPTEMBER /O CTOBER 2010 Twice a year maintainers are asked to sUb - GEORGETTE WEIR EDITOR mit a report of what they have done on the LOUIS LEONARDIS GRAPHIC DESIGNER section of trail they maintain. The Trail The TRAIL WALKER (USPS Permit #1239) How Many Steps at Bear Mountain? Conference does want to know that a trail (ISSN 0749-1352) is pUblished bi-monthly by the New York-New Jersey Trail Conference as a Editor’s Note: Several hikers have chal - is being cared for, bUt there are big-pictUre benefit of membership.
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