July 12, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E911 for her exemplary humanitarian and conserva- fense Authorization Act (NDAA) for fiscal year around world, and the extent to which it threat- tion efforts and her work to build bridges of passed the House of Representatives by voice ens the U.S. national security interests. love, peace and understanding not only to the vote on July 11, 2019. This important amend- people of India, but to all nations. ment requires the ‘‘Annual Report on Military f Amma was born in 1953 in a small, coastal and Security Developments Involving the Peo- village in the South Indian state of Kerala. ple’s Republic of China’’ to include an assess- HONORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY OF MRS. MARGARET A. JONES Drawn from a very early age to a life of serv- ment of (1) China’s expansion of its surveil- ice to others, Amma began her lifelong prac- lance state; (2) Any correlation of such expan- tice of trying to alleviate suffering by sharing sion with its oppression of its citizens and its HON. MICHAEL F. Q. SAN NICOLAS food and clothing from her home while still a threat to United States national security inter- OF GUAM young girl. This devotion to service was not al- ests around the world; and (3) An overview of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ways appreciated by her family, who faced the extent to which such surveillance cor- Friday, July 12, 2019 their own economic challenges and could ill responds to the overall respect, or lack there- afford to give away any of the little they had, of, for human rights. Mr. SAN NICOLAS. Madam Speaker, I rise but Amma persisted and soon began her prac- This matter is one that I have long been at- today to honor the life and legacy of Mrs. Mar- tice of embracing those in need of comfort and tuned to and concerned about, ultimately lead- garet A. Jones. Margaret was a longtime resi- support. ing me to draft and introduce the ‘‘Protect dent of Guam, a wife, mother, a public-spirited As she matured, Amma grew to understand American IPR Act’’, which is H.R. 902 this community leader, and a woman of business that hugging and personal acts of kindness session, and seeks to stop Chinese theft of on Guam. In 1965, she was a founding mem- were not sufficient to heal our world, and she U.S. intellectual property through duties on ber of the Guam Memorial Hospital Volunteers began to speak publicly on the importance of Chinese merchandise. For this reason, I have Association and gave her time and effort to selfless service, compassion towards all been encouraged to see President Trump numerous charitable and non-profit organiza- beings, conservation, the importance of inter- prioritizing the Chinese stealing of American tions. Her family business, Triple J Enterprises religious harmony, and against human traf- intellectual property. was founded in 1984 and has grown across ficking and slavery. She founded two impor- Mass and unabated government surveil- the Pacific region. Margaret was born on No- tant charitable organizations, Mata lance does not only offend individual liberties; vember 5, 1937 and passed away in North Amritanandamayi Math and Embracing the in the hands of an authoritarian government, it Carolina on June 27, 2019, at the age of 81. World, which have provided essential disaster poses the Orwellian threat of the government Margaret was the daughter of Early and relief, food, clean water, housing, health care always watching, and ultimately using this abil- Verna Page. Margaret was born in Willow and education to thousands of needy men, ity, made possible to an unprecedented extent Spring, North Carolina. women and children in India and in Mexico, by modem technology, to spy on, steal from, Margaret married Robert H. Jones in 1957. intimidate and persecute not only those it Costa Rica, France, Spain, Kenya, Brazil, Slo- They raised three children and were blessed views as ‘‘political enemies’’ and ‘‘threats’’, but venia and Australia. with eleven grandchildren. anyone it deems as expedient. Amma is beloved by many as their guru and In 1965, Margaret was a founding member This Orwellian threat is becoming a reality, has a large following in my district. Her hu- of the Guam Memorial Hospital Volunteers As- perhaps nowhere more so than in China, manitarian efforts have been recognized and sociation (GMHVA), known as the Pink Ladies where the government vigorously pursues a celebrated by, among others, the United Na- for the pink vests worn by their volunteers. tions, the Parliament of World Religions, and national video surveillance network. The affin- ity of the Chinese government to control its GMHVA has raised millions of dollars for im- Rotary Club International, and she has been population in part by mass monitoring is not a provements to the Guam Memorial Hospital. awarded an honorary doctorate in humane let- new phenomenon, but advancing technology Margaret was active in the American Cancer ters from the State University of New York in makes its prospects more frightening every Society and led Triple J Enterprises in its sup- Buffalo. day for those within and outside of the Main- port for cancer research by participating annu- Amma continues to share her vision of land. ally in the American Cancer Society’s Relay peace, understanding and love through speak- One internet privacy expert warns, ‘‘What for Life and sponsoring an annual 5k run/walk ing programs, meditation retreats and her will- China is doing here is selectively breeding its event. ingness to embrace all in need of blessing. population to select against the trait of critical, Margaret had been active with other non- Madam Speaker, I want to recognize Amma’s independent thinking’’. Since China is a neigh- profit organizations, including the Guam Wom- selfless and compassionate devotion to all bor to many and more importantly an actor on en’s Club, Harvest Baptist Church, the Miss people, the work of her charities to relieve the world stage, that erosion will not simply Guam Universe Pageant, the Miss Guam poverty and provide health care and edu- negatively impact the Chinese, it will spread— World Pageant, and the Board of St. John’s cation, her outspoken advocacy against it arguably has already. A world with contin- School. human trafficking, and her efforts to encour- ually less critical, independent thought is a Margaret started her career in Guam at the age sustainable practices and protect our prospect to tremble at. Marianas Travel Agency. In 1975, she joined shared ecosystem. It is my strong belief that U.S. policy, includ- Pan American Airlines, working as a Special f ing defense policy, should by no measure as- Sales Representative until 1991. In 1984, Mar- garet cofounded Triple J Enterprises along NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZA- sist, intentionally or unintentionally, the growth with her husband, Robert H. Jones, and Geor- TION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2020 of China’s surveillance. Instead, it should dis- courage the expansion of the Chinese govern- gia Stafford. Today, the Triple J group em- SPEECH OF ment into the rest of the world, while at the ploys over nine hundred employees across the same time encouraging greater human rights Micronesia region, many of whom have been HON. STEVE KING for the Chinese people, including expectant with the business for over twenty years. OF IOWA mothers and Christians and other religious mi- I am deeply saddened by the passing of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES norities. Margaret A. Jones and I join the people of Thursday, July 11, 2019 I have heard from many individuals who Guam in celebrating her life. She was pillar of warn against China’s rapid expansion and in- the island community, leading both in chari- The House in Committee of the Whole fluence into the rest of the world, including Af- table and non-profit service and in business House on the state of the Union had under consideration the bill (H.R. 2500) to authorize rica and Central America, our nation’s own on Guam. My thoughts and prayers are with appropriations for fiscal year 2020 for mili- backyard. Although the government-connected her family, loved ones, and friends. tary activities of the Department of Defense interests bring economic promise (and exploi- I extend my condolences to her husband, and for military construction, to prescribe tation) to the developing world, they also bring Robert H. Jones, her children, Julie Jones military personnel strengths for such fiscal the Chinese surveillance state with them. To Murrell, Jeff Jones, and Jay Jones, and their year, and for other purposes; counter this very real and growing threat, we spouses, and her grandchildren. She will be Mr. KING of Iowa. Mr. Chair, I am encour- need to first understand its scope, its impact deeply missed, and her memory will live on in aged that my amendment to the National De- for individuals in China as well as those the hearts of the people of Guam. VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:20 Jul 13, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A12JY8.008 E12JYPT1.
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