...... ■ \- •.■ ■ ■-: '\ WEDNESbAY» SErtEMBER H WO PAGE TWENTY-POtJR Avenge Dally Net Preaa Run The WeathM jianrlr^Btfr lEtt^tthts f|mUt fdrtfeeWMkIMM raneeet ef V, B. SNeMP a M n Mki ISM OlM ey. M t -M «M l SapIptS Seer 13,125 IB OSe. Mday elee^* ■ ••len’ ebaeoa aC fale.ll0e\lB Sari: eeStfeeAMtS e f ( “ ■ ‘ Manchester'— A CUy of Village Charm T f HU' It:::: VOL. LXXDC. NO. 295 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES— IN TWQ SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN^ THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1960 AMeHtatag rage SB) PRICE nVE CENTS ■''n' :.A Nixon Declares ^oleSf Czechs Join He’s Not 100 % i i Soviet in Political For Any Group in Congo Plot; St. Louis, Sept. 15 (IP)— I ‘‘.'"Vi'-'V'-jj Vice President Richard M, Nixon told the International Association of Machinists he Berlin, Sept. 15 (yp)— In-< pleasure there wUl'be on the other Would never, as president, be creased activity by Red jet side." . “iOO per cent” for the pro­ The Polish snd Csechoslovak gram of any group in Amer- fighters w as reported today as missions announced their goyim:^ Poland and Czechoslovakia ments have joined Bkist Germany iQa. YOU In denouncing as ill^ a l docu­ TTie,^ Republican presidential joined the Communist politi­ ments the West German passports candldttte^eclared It is the obli­ C o n g o le s e U.S. Claims cal squeeze on Berlin.' gation of the president to work ior Wastem pllota Mid there la a carried by West Berliners. They said any who travel across the Interest " o f all the people of eonsiderable Increaae In patrol the United Sttltes 'in d not to set work by Soviet MIG’a In the air their frontlirs must have their T roops for visas stamped on separate pieces one group against another^’ Red Smear -f- f corridors to Berlin. Nixon spoke from the same plat' During the paat two days So­ of paper attached to their per­ viet or East German jets have sonal Identity cards. form In Kiel Auditorium where been busy over the city Itself, For the past two weeks East Sen. John F. Kennedy, hU demo­ Kasavubu Against cratic rival,' got a thunderous, leaving white vapor trails against German Communists Have been Leopoldville, The Congo, the blue sky. Some residents have jabbing at western Berlin, a 4- snake dancing reception yester­ complained of windows broken by power occupation city since 1954. day. Sept. 15 (A*)— Congolese sol­ United Nations, N. Y., Sept. the concussion of Jets breaking The ultimate objective Is to get Some boos mingled with the diers tried to lynch Patrice 15 (/P)—The Unib^ States asV the sound barrier the allies out bf Berlin. cheers as Nixon, speaking to. some lUmumba today. They broke serted today the SoViet Union, Western Allied officers, who West Herlin Mayor Willy 12,000 persons, asked the delegates nto a U.N. tro(H> building and is carrying on a smear cam-\ have no Jets based here, said it la Brandt charged last'night that the to "look at the record”'of accom­ possible the Communist squadrons squeeze was an attempt to "iso- plishments for working men under Tied to seize the disputed paign against the United Na- \ are using current fine weather to premier. Ghana troops of the tions in an effort to hide , a \ get In some training flights after (Continued on Page Ten) (Continued on Page Ten) U.N. Command succeeded in plot to turn The Congo into a bad summer. pushing the Congolese troops iii' "But training flights could eas­ a Soviet^satellite. ily be combined with a Mntrlbu- I’yom the building. “ It was a U.S. Delegate James J, Wads­ tlon to the war of nerves along the close shave,” one officer of the worth spoke before the security air corridors,” a British officer council, where he introduced a re­ Ghana force said. solution pledging full U.S. support commented. Discoverer Capsule The unruly Cpngo soldiers-wars West German President Hein­ roused to fever pitch by reports to U.N. Secretary-General Ham- THE FASHION rich tiuebke flew Into West Ber­ of numerous casualties among marskjold in hla fight with the Rui- siana. lin on his third official visit of the thslr famines In Ks m I^ province, year. He defied a chorus of pro­ Pacific where troops” loyal to 'Lumumba The U.S. resolution also called tests that had been voiced by the Floating in have been fighting agiainst Baluba for a halt to the shipment .of all Communists, who chsurged that he tribesmen. The United Nations arms, personnel and military sup­ came as "a political troublemaker announced a truce in the bloody plies to the troubled African coun­ and lawbreaker." He suggested Vand'enberg Air Force Base, Calif., Sept. 15 (A*)— An Air civil war last Saturday. try by anyone except the United that West Berliners remain calm. Many of the Congolese soldiers Nations. Wadsworth charged that "The fewer big words wo use Force search plane last night spotted the missing capsule of in Camp Leopold II here are Balu- the Soviet Union had ignored pre­ now,” Luebke said, "the less the Discoverer XV satellite. The capsule had been all but given bas. vious council resolution asking up for lost when a JC54 plane found is bobbing in the sea Today’s clash occurred at the U.N. members to refrain rrom such near Christmas Island. Beepln'g'f' officers mess of the Ghana forces actions. and flashing, It was about 1,000 at the Congolese Army’s Leopold­ "If the United Nations falls, PICTURE Human Bones miles southwest of the recovery ville base, Camp Leopold II. there will be no alternative to area north of Hawaii where It Lumumba lost his grip on his unilateral action by many parties should have landed. State News supporters and dramatically ap­ with all the implications this would, Of Adult with The~Alr Force said an aniphibi- pealed for U.N. military protec­ have for Africa,” the U.S. dele-* ous plane will land aa soon aa tion. gate said. With street demonstrators Persons evacuated from marahlands on Louisiana coast as Hurricane Ethel approached Wednesday there is enough light. Roundup night crowd floor of high school gymnasium In Lockport as they prepare to sleep on -floor. Lock- Wadsworth' addressed tbs 11-na­ Coors’ Clothes “The sea condition la favorable shouting "Down with Lumumba port Is about 35 miles southwest of New Orleans. (AP Photofax). tion Security Council In the midst for a landing to pick up the cap­ the Communist,” Lumumba tried of a major crisis caused by a olash- Denver, Bept. 15 UP)—^The dis­ sule,” an official added. desperately to rally the Congolese ing Soviet attack on Hammarskjold covery of the bones of a d-foot It would be the third atraight Woman Shoots, troops in the camp against the aa the alleged willing tool of tha time the United States haa sent a military coup by pro-western Col. weatem powers. men and the clothing of Adolph capsule into orbit and recovered Joseph Mobutu. GOP Leaders Tornadoes in Florida Ooora m provided the FBI today Kills Husband Wadsworth accussd Qis Soviet c. e. house and son It. But for once he failed to swing Union of trying to subvert UJ7. “PORTRAIT OF A-MAN” p with a possible key to the dlMp.- The capsule of Discoverer the soldiers back to his side In the Deny All Ties operations in Ths Congo "tmder a pearance of the millionaire brewer was plucked from the air Aug. 19 New Haven, Sept. 16 (flV-A; 88- seesaw struggle with President Jo­ smoke screen of voting for the Se­ seph Kasavubu for power. cricketeor suits ........................... .............................59.50 Mven months ago. as It parachuted Into the recovery year-old woman shot and killed Ethel Loses Punch curity Council resolutions.” “VIEW OF THE CAMPUS” j. w. hale CO. area near the Hawaiian Islands. her husband early today during a A U.N. spokesman said Lumum- Ths grisly find was made at a Discovered XlII'is capsule slip­ To Hate-Mail “In recent days,” he said, "ths domestic quarrel, police rspoxjg^ ba “ rqqueated the protection o f the pattern has become increosingiy distinctly tailored in all wool worsted, natural shoul* trash dump in the Rocky Moun­ ped past air-catch' plana but was Police said Mrs. Mildred Reynsltlnlted Nations GHiana forces' be- th« corduroy groat coot .................. .................... 19.99 tain foothills 12 miles west of Cas­ clear. By slandering the Secre­ ders, shorter coats, vests and pleatless trousers, metic­ pulled from the ocean. olds shot, her husband In ths back eauM of the excitement and agita­ Washington, Sept. 15 (8^)—Sen, tle Rock, south of Denver. tion in (Jamp Leopold.” Henry M. Jackson, Democratic na­ On Gulf Coastline tary-General, the United Nations antelope or loden green, 8 to 18. ulous handiwork in the newest colors and patterns. 38 This Is 25 mlDs from the rural "Things, looked pretty black aa he was getting reqdy for bed. Command and even some of the free parking in the rear The woman was held on a charge The spokesman Mid Lumumba tional chairman, Mys someone Is bridge where. Coors’ abandoned about 10 o’clock iMt night,” am countries contributing troops, ths water repellent, windproof, quilted to 42, regulat and long. Air Force spokesman admitted. of murder without bond as the au­ was given hospitality in the of­ flooding the mails with antl- truw was found last Feb. #. He Soviet Union had tri^ to cover up W E G IV E The SOO-pound capsule )iad pop­ thorities continued an Investiga­ ficers msM of the Ghana Brigade, CathoHc literature In an attempt lining, lamb's wool Interlining, con- hsd left his mountain home that Mobile, Ala., Sept.
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