Wednesday - March 30 - 2016 Capital Weekly Page 1 No. 050 Wednesday - March 30 - 2016 Online Publication NEW FISCAL YEAR BEGINS Challenges Abound - Restraint Applied - Optimism Maintained his Friday, April 1, of unprecedented regional and this budget is to maintain opti- 2016, marks the start international challenges, against mism even as it employs sound of the new fiscal year. a backdrop of shrinking dis- fiscal policy which compels it It is when the new posable financial resources, to square its ambitions with TNational Budget kicks in with but thankfully on the back of a the means at its disposal. This, its approved allocations for pub- macro-framework characterized clearly, is the mood that Prime lic spending set out in Gen- by, in the words of the Prime Minister Dean Barrow has at- eral Revenue Appropriation Bill. Minister, “an economy and pub- tempted to set as he remarked The new Budget Pro- lic finances which stand on the in his budget proposal, “The posal was introduced in the rock-solid foundation of a strong extent of this reduced but still National Assembly three weeks currency backed up by excess robust new normal will be deter- ago on Tuesday March 8, 2016 reserves, robust fiscal revenues mined by a number of factors.” and debated in the House of and a well-managed public debt.” This being the first and Representatives on Tuesday and The 2016-2017 Budget pace-setting budget in his last Wednesday March 22 and 23, Right Honourable Dean Barrow was crafted in the context of the term as Minister of Finance, the after which the House approved Prime Minister of Belize administration’s transforma- Prime Minister certainly wants it. It is expected to be ratified by Titled “Stability in a Time tional success in the past term to preserve his legacy of transfor- the Senate on Tuesday March 29, of Change”, the 2016-2017 Na- and the promise for this term mational development and social after which it will be signed into tional Budget is a realistic but that “The Best is Yet to Come”. justice, but also of fiscal respon- law by the Governor General. ambitious proposal in the face The Government’s mission in sibility and sound stewardship. More Border Problems Guatemalans Grab Garland Guatemalanmember of the Belize Shoots expended BDF shells Soldier have been re- Belmopan’s Borland First Belizean Defence Force was moved from the scene. Sergeant shot on Holy Satur- Lambey is receiving medical at- day, March 26, 2016 tention at the KHMH Hospital. byA a Guatemalan farmer near the As we go to press Easter Western border. Sergeant Rich- Monday evening, the matter is ard Lambey was at a water-pond under investigation by the Minis- more than a Kilometre north- try of National Security and the west of the Valentin Operation Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in Post, when he was attacked by accordance with the usual pro- the Guatemalan Xatero who tocol adhered to with respect to had a .22 rifle. There was an ex- such border incidents that have change of gunfire and Sergeant the potential to escalate tensions Lambey was hit a few times, in- between our two countries, Be- cluding to the abdomen and lize and Guatemala, which have hand. As many as twenty-six an unresolved territorial dispute. New Cross Country Champion Alejandro Padilla Miranda (center) FILE flanked by Second Place finisher Julio Padilla Miranda (left) and Third Place cyclist Joel Borland of Belmopan, first Belizean finisher fter 144 grueling miles of by Joel Borland of Belmopan, the pedal-pushing, Belize’s first Belizean to cross the finish- most popular single- line. Fourth Place went to Bran- day sporting event, the don Cattouse; Fifth Place to Bill HolyA Saturday Cross Country Cy- Elliston; Sixth Place to Scottie cling Classic, came to a finish at Weisse, Seventh Place to Nissan the BTL Park in Belize City, with Arana, Eight Place to Robert Liam, two visiting Guatemalan cyclists Ninth Place to Henry Moreira, taking first and second place. and Tenth Place to Ron Vasquez. The new Cross Country The Champion finished Champion is Alejandro Padilla the race in a time of 5 hours, Miranda, and the second place 51 minutes and 9 seconds. This Minister of National Security Hon. John Saldivar visiting BDF finisher is his brother Julio Padilla was the 88th edition of the Soldiers at an Operation Post near the Belize-Guatemala Border Miranda. Third place was taken Cross Country Cycling Classic. Page 2 Capital Weekly Wednesday - March 30 - 2016 Faber or Saldivar for Deputy? EDITORIAL PM Barrow “Scrupulously Neutral” Reflection - Renewal - Recommitment The Easter Holiday just past, is in- variably for us a time of reflection, renew- al and recommitment to the principles and ideals we strive to uphold. We trust that such is the spirit of the entire nation. Honourable Patrick Faber Honourable John Saldivar The timing of the holiday this year t’s a contest that has been ent as PM Barrow has publicly was particularly appropriate, as it marked looking inevitable for quite pledged to remain, in his own the end of the old fiscal year and the be- some time, but it has now words, “scrupulously neutral.” ginning of the new. Following some fiery, been hastened by the vol- In an interview with the Iuntary stepping aside of Hon. national media, the Prime Min- sometimes personal exchanges in the Gaspar Vega as First Deputy ister suggested that the contest House of Representatives, our parliamen- Leader of the United Democratic for Deputy could have strong im- Party. And, as expected, Belmo- plications as to who will replace tarians had the extended Easter weekend pan Representative Hon. John him as leader as he is scheduled to cool off and refocus; and now the work Saldivar and Collet Represen- to retire as Party Leader and of nation-building must resume in earnest. tative Hon. Patrick Faber have Prime Minister by early 2020. both announced their entry into “There would need to By all accounts, the fiscal year that com- the contest to fill the position. be a convention for leader at mences April 1, 2016 will be exceedingly chal- Both gentlemen did so on that time. My sense is that most Monday, March 21, the day im- people see what’s going to hap- lenging as disposable public resources are mediately following the Party’s pen now as a kind of dry run for shrinking and large sections of our productive National Convention which was 2019 or 2020; and I think the and financial sectors face crippling adversi- scheduled well in advance when hope is that whoever wins now, no one anticipated the position will be seen as having a lock on ties, some natural, others induced by the ar- of Deputy becoming vacant. As to 2020, and that might actually chitects and regulators of the global economy. the special convention to fill the result in our avoiding having Though confronted by these issues of post, that hasn’t yet been exactly another convention. If that’s scheduled, but all indications how it turns out, so much the daily survival, we cannot allow ourselves to are it will be sometime in June. better; let us have the fight now be so consumed as not to remain vigilant Faber made his an- and let us have, therefore, years nouncement with a press con- after the fight takes place, to heal against the external threats to our very sover- ference at the Party Headquar- all wounds,” the PM explained. eignty as evidenced by the assault on various ters in Belize City, while Saldi- The date and venue for fronts by our ‘friends’ to the West and South var made his via a nationally the special convention will be broadcast television message. set at a National Party Coun- who, well into the Twenty-First Century, in- One of the youngest poli- cil Meeting to be held fol- sist on clinging to an unfounded, outdated ticians in the National Assembly, lowing the Easter Holidays. Faber is promoting his candi- E and unneighbourly claim to our territory. dacy as “The Path to the Future”, As individuals, we are endowed with the while Saldivar, the more elderly CAPITAL indomitable will to survive and overcome; a parliamentarian, is employing the slogan “Unity, Maturity, virtue we must exude and extend to the com- Continuity”. It promises to be WEEKLY munities we serve and reside in. As a people quite a contest, the two being close friends but both fierce and nation, we must do all that is humanly and savvy political contenders. possibly to cope, even as we place our ultimate The last time there was a Published By: faith in the Supreme Creator whose divine contest for First Deputy Leader Roots & Rhythm was back in 2013 when Hon. Pat- Limited master-plan and intervention grants us un- rick Faber was defeated by Hon. limited power and dominion over all things. Gaspar Vega who was defending Just as the grave could not contain him, the position. At that time, Prime Editor: Minister Dean Barrow, who com- so can we never be denied, nor long de- mands much respect and love Delroy Cuthkelvin tained, against all odds, from the triumph within the UDP, had showed his hand in support of Vega, some- and prosperity that is the just reward for our thing which many believe was Email: determination, resourcefulness and faith. In the single greatest determining e.capwklybmpbelize truth, the Saviour lives; and so does Belize! factor. This time, the equation @gmail.com promises to be much differ- Wednesday - March 30 - 2016 Capital Weekly Page 3 Fireworks in the Capital DEBATE ON NATIONAL BUDGET 2016-2017 Opposition Leader rebuts Prime Minister The PM then went on to swore in 2008 and renewed in 2012 chronicle what he contends is, by and 2015: our commitment to strive all accounts, a good performance always and ceaselessly for advance, starting in 2008 and leading up to for equity and for openness in our the fiscal year coming to an end.
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