THE CATHOLIC PAGE 3 Racial Harmony February 15,ommentator 2019 Vol. 57, No. 1 SERVING THE DIOCESE OF BATON ROUGE SINCE 1963 thecatholiccommentator.org C A CALL TO PRAYER Finding peace in wake of abuse scandal By Debbie Shelley deepening of the wounds of the Davis. The Catholic Commentator abused and their families.” Their four-part audio se- After news of the scandal ries, “Let Us Cry Together: A Anger, pain, confusion and broke out, Davis and Eldredge Response to the Sexual Abuse heartbreak over abuse and were inundated with emails, Scandal,” found at beckyel- broken trust surface through phone calls and encounters dredge.com/let-us-cry-togeth- tears and cries for help. These with people during retreats er/, is a way for people to pray were among the feelings ex- and spiritual direction who together, cry out and discern pressed, especially among par- were heartbroken and won- what their response is to the ents, regarding the clergy sex- dering “What do we do as par- abuse scandal. ual abuse scandal according to ents?” and “How can we help?” Week one of the series fea- Becky Eldredge and Stephanie “I had these feelings and tures prayers for those who Clouatre Davis, retreat facilita- we found that people had the have been abused. The second tors and co-founders of Wom- same feelings,” said Davis, an week is for loved ones of those en at the Well. associate with the Domincan who have been abused, fol- As parents, they struggled Sisters of Peace and a youth/ lowed by the church, and the themselves to come to terms young adult ministry expert. final session focuses on the with last summer’s revelations With so many “voices” body of Christ. of clergy abuse at the national clamoring for attention on this The presentations feature level and most recently with issue, Eldredge and Davis said Ignatian meditations, prayers the release of names of priest they felt God calling them to and readings. As a reminder offenders in the Diocese of Ba- create a prayerful response to of God’s faithfulness, each ton Rouge on Jan. 31. help people clearly hear God’s to the pain we see, to the pain to provide a guided framework session ends with Psalm 136, “The ripple affect of this voice during such disturb- of those abused, to the betrayal for prayer.” which includes the response, news has been dispersed ing times. They began talking of some of our (former) clergy, And their search brought “For his love endures forever.” throughout the church and individually and collectively and the ripple impact of this sin them to St. Ignatius. The psalm, which talks the world,” said Eldredge, who about ways to begin the heal- throughout our church and our “With all this stuff, it was about God’s love in creating is also an author. “My heart ing process. world,” said Eldredge. “What a matter of turning to the rich the world, releasing the Jewish aches over the reopening and “We both sought a response stirred for us as a response was tradition of St. Ignatius,” said SEE PRAYER PAGE 16 Scouts celebrated at Mass By Richard Meek chaplain of the Catholic Committee on Scout- The Catholic Commentator ing for the diocese, Scout Sunday Mass was celebrated by the standing bishop “many, With a simple, but moving performance many years ago,” but had not been celebrated of the National Anthem by the St. Joseph Ca- in quite some time. He said the committee thedral choir, a tradition that had been dor- decided they would reinvent the Mass and mant for “many, many years” in the Diocese celebrate it on or around Scout Sunday, which of Baton Rouge was restored. is Feb. 8, or the Sunday closest to that date. More than 400 Scouts of America, Cub So the committee contacted Bishop Duca, Scouts, Girl Scouts, American Heritage girls a former scout, who enthusiastically em- and their families gathered in downtown Ba- braced the idea. ton Rouge for Mass and lunch with Bishop “When (the committee) offered (celebrat- Michael G. Duca on the day designated by the ing the Mass) I said ‘yes, yes, yes,’ because I Catholic Church as Scout Sunday. want you to see the connection of what you “It’s good to see you all here today,” Bishop do as scouts and your Catholic faith,” Bishop Duca told the young leaders Feb. 3. “I can’t Duca said in his homily. “The tenets of your tell you how important it is that we have this faith to being a good person resonates in the Bishop Michael G. Duca greets scouts following Mass on Feb. 3 at St. Mass today.” scouts. Joseph Cathedral in Baton Rouge. Photo by Richard Meek | The Catholic Commentator According to Deacon Richard Grant, the SEE SCOUTS PAGE 7 2 The Catholic Commentator February 15, 2019 | DID YOU KNOW Our hope is the Lord Days and weeks have flown by as we are as “we wait in joyful hope of the coming of in mid-February and Lent is fast approach- our savior, Jesus Christ.” St. Paul, one who ing. We prepare for the Sixth and Seventh personally encountered the risen Lord, reit- Sundays in Ordinary Time in this issue. The erates, “But now Christ has been raised from Scriptures are rich with familiar content res- the dead, the firstfruits of those who have onating with timeless themes. The golden fallen asleep” (1 Cor 15:20). thread of the readings is the theological vir- The verses continue with a comparison tue, hope. Hope is the virtue by which we de- between Adam and Jesus, sire and expect from God both “two individuals whose lives eternal life and the grace to at- Life-Giving have had the greatest impact tain it (Catechism Para. #1817). on the entire human race.” Hope in strength FAI H Sin began in Adam, opening the The reading from the Book of the world to decay and death. Je- Members of the Congregation of Sisters of St. Joseph make the sign of peace Prophet Jeremiah on the Sixth Sunday in sus Christ “brought salvation, a during Mass on Oct. 21, 2018 at St. Joseph Cathedral in Baton Rouge, celebrat- Ordinary Time is a commentary explaining triumph over sin that reverses the damage ing their 150th anniversary. Photo by Richard Meek | The Catholic Commentator the barrenness of trusting solely on human- done by Adam and gives us hope that even ity for strength. A heart turned away from our mortal bodies will be resurrected to new God will stand alone, as if in the desert: des- life” (Ignatius Catholic Study Bible, Ignatius olate, parched, empty. Yet, those who trust in Press, 2010.). The sign of peace the Lord, “whose hope is the Lord” (Jer 17:7) Hope in mercy will flourish like a well-watered tree that is The Gospel readings from St. Luke are You know you’ve been there be- the clergy would use a “pax (peace) so strong it even bears fruit when exprienc- widely known. The Eight Beatitudes and the fore, in that emotional state – with board,” a wooden paddle that each ing a drought. Is my trust in the Lord rooted Golden Rule sum up the way of Christan life. a heavy heart, mind or spirit, you minister would kiss. in him as my hope? Do I draw strength from St. Luke’s account of the beatitudes differs attend Mass, hoping to find peace The practice was dropped until it people or God? Is my hope placed in what the from St. Matthew’s writing. St. Luke recounts with that something or someone was revived with the Second Vatican world promises or what God delivers? When four “Blessed” and four “Woes.” Blessed are through prayer. As the liturgy con- Council and the church entrusted the dryness of the day parches my soul, am I those who are poor, are hungry, who weep tinues, the worry or concern might each conference of bishops to de- quenched by that which is from God or man- and are hated for they will find hope in God’s be overwhelming and the last thing termine the cultural sign most ap- made placations? kingdom, will be fulfilled, laugh and be re- you want is human contact – with propriate for their congregations. In Hope in the resurrection warded in heaven. Our present sufferings your spouse, your child, your parent some Catholic liturgies, the gesture The Second Readings for both Sundays will pass away as we enter eternity as long or even your neighbor. But, that is occurs before the offering while the are taken from St. Paul’s First Letter to the as we remain in God. Yet, “woe” to those who exactly what God is calling us to do Latin rite places it after the conse- Corinthians, Chapter 15. The chapter is ac- find all riches, fullness and esteem here and when we make the sign of peace in cration because it refers to the “Pas- tually 58 verses in length and rich with faith. now, since earthly dependency has “smoth- Mass. chal kiss” of the risen Christ present We will hear 10 of these verses. The first six ered” their love for God. In the Gospel of Matthew 5:23- on the altar. illuminate hope in the resurrection. The Congruently, we sing Psalm 103, “The 24, Jesus says, “So then, if you are The 2005 Synod of Bishops on Corinthians held a limited view of resurrec- Lord is kind and merciful.” He is slow to an- bringing your offering to the al- the Eucharist discussed whether to tion.
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