-'-- Ilumb. 4. 103 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETT'E EXTRAOI~DINARY. WELLINGTON, 'l'UgSDAY, ,JANUAHY 15, H1l8. Notice as to Men called up under the jJ;lilitary Service Act, 1916, for Service with the New Zealand Expeditionary Force. N pursuance of section 10 of the Military Service Act, 1916, I, James Allen, Minister of Defence for thl' I Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby notify that, pursuant to the said Act and pursuant to a Warrant issued in that behalf under section 8 of the said Act on the 18th day of December, 1917, and pursuant to section 2 of the Military Service Amendment Act, 1917, the men whose names, places of abode, and occupations are set forth in the' Schedule h(creto are deemed to ha.ve been selected by lot from the First Division of the Expeditionary Force Reserve for service with the New Zealand Expeditionary Force. and I hereby declare that those men are called up for service with tha.t Force accordingly. Da.ted this 14th day of January, 1918. SCHEDULE . • Pre~tiously volnnteert'd. ~(). 1 (ACCKLAND) HE(,RUl,(,[~GI)(:-iTRJ("l'. 9~!15" Bradley, Alber( Yiet"f'. :-itoke .. , 26 W"llill~ton St, Allckland. 9272(; Brigg~. ('hade:;) Lenard. Sl->.anlan. [,7 :Kd:-lon St, Auckland. 92720 Anderson, Charle" Alfred, Cook, Auckland. ~R3RH Cairn8, Alcxaruler Xewton, EngintH']oaner, 46 Tutancka,i 88378 Barber, Archibald Rohert, Stable Assistant, King St, {{d, Grey Lynn, Auckland. Pukekohe. 927:!7 Casey, Raymond Glollcester, Piremall, Auckland. 92722 Beatty, John, Bntcher, Pukekohe. !J2728 Chand, Amar, Flax-cutter, Kopllku, via l\1"T(·,er. 88380 Belsham, .James, Cooper, 56 Newton Rd, Auckland. 92729 Chatfielcl, Selwyn' Athol, "l,,"ter Mariner. care of S.s ... Katon." 88381 Bennett, Charles Thomas, !-leaman, 25 Garfield St, Parnell. Auckland. 88382 Best, William Barnett, AHRistant Electriei1tll, :Jti Summer St. !J2no Church, .John Albert William, <iroe"r, I) !-lpring St, ~rorning­ Stanley Bay, Auckland. side, Auckland. 88383 Binnie (or Birnie); Reginald Lawrence, Tinsmith, 17 Wyn­ 92721 Clive. Andrew. Seaman. 1\felvern Terrace, Orey St, Auekland. yard Rd, Mount Eden. !J273l Cousens. J1tIllCS Arthur, Stoward, 138 Vietoria St, Alwklantl. 88384 Boardman. Kenneth )lylcH, J nsuralwe Clerk, "."ro of Post­ *927:)2 ('ramowl. Alh,,,.t Edward, Farm T"abolll·,'r. :17 Newton Rd. office, Epsom Auckland. 9:!72!) Bow, Arthur Frpil('r'ick, Rhipping Olerk, 2:! Campbell ~t, 8H:J!I:l Dalton, Frank Wyatt" H1trnOSSnH,kcr. Ho,lyJl Ten·acc. Grey Lynn. I)o,~onp()l't. 8838,3 Bowden, Albert .Toseph, Bookhinflf-1r, :-5tp-wal't Ht, .Monnt 927:l:l .J)avidson, Alber·t .John, Hlaehrnith. Hutton Rd. Hir·k,>nhcad. Eden. I *g.:!7:J4 Daw~, Ocorg(\ (;r('C'nwnll, Cal'pentl'I', It Maidstone ~t. Ur-ey 88386 Bradbury, .Ben, Poultry-farmer, Oakley l'ark, Avondale, Lynn. Auck1and. HH:l!l4 D""n;er, Hcr])(,,·t. Dairy-farm A"istant, Kaukapakapa. 88387 Bradbury, Le"lic Em"st, ('l""k, Wombido Hel, Mount Eden, SSHf)" Draffin, .John Rob.... !. P"dol',v Hant!, :lO Hepbnfll St, Auckland. Aucklant1. A 104 THE NEW ZE,.A.LANDoGAZETTE. [No.4 88486 Thorp, Henry Richard, Farmer, Te Aroha Rd, Paeroa I 88444 Peterson, Tudor Guy, Hairdre8ller, Eden View, Richardson 884,87 Worth, Edwin, Cabinetmaker, Clark St, WaihL Rd, Mount Albert. *88396 Edwards, James te Waitana, Timber-worker, Piha. 88445 Platt, Eric William, Woll-borer, "Elm's View," Ladies' Mile, 88397 Ellinghan, Malcolm Edmund, 67 Ponsonby Rd, Auckland. Remuera. 92735 Ellis, Harold Earl, Cook, care of Public Hospital, Auckland. 88440 Prentice, George, Ship's Steward, St. Elmo House, II 92736 Escott, Frank William, Farmer, Dairy Flat, Auckland. Nelson Street, Auokland. 88399 Fairgray, James Douglas, Bank Clerk, 28 Queen's Parade, 88531 Rauch, Frank Charles, Student, St. Andrew's Rd, Epsom, Devonport. Auckland. 92737 Ford, Frank Louis, Stationer's Assiatant, 30 Carlton Gore 88446 Ridling, James, Farm Hand, 63 Cook St, Aucklanrl. Rd, Grafton, Auckland. 92819 Robinson, William Victor, Wool-buyer, care of Box 194. 88401 J<'ortnam, William Walder, Labourer, 1I8 Nelson St, Auok­ C.P.O., Auckland. land. 88450 Russell. Eric William, Engine-cleaner, 17 Western Sprin!(s 88402 Fountain, Hubert Sansom, Salesman, 84 Balmoral Rd, Rd, Auckland. Mount Eden. 88451 Russell, John Edward, Princes St, Auckland. *92738 Furfhey (or Furftey), Patriok, Marine Fireman, 2lB Graham 88452 Ryan, Edward Willism, Butcher, Bollard Avenue, Avon­ St, Auckland. dale, Auckland. 92739 Gibbons, Frederiok Williams, Farmer, Whatipu, via Waiku­ 92750 Sanders, Stanley, Carpenter, Brixton Rd, Mount Edt'll, mete. Auckland. *88403 Gilmour, Allan Mitchell, Clerk, 61 Bellevue Rd, Mount 88453 Sharpe, Stephen Francis, French-polisher, 32 Anglesp~ St" Eden_ Ponsonby. *88404 Grant, James, Carpenter, Mount Eden, Auokland. 88454 Skelton, Edwin John, Artist, "Trelawney," 6 Grange Rd, 88406 Harvey, David William, 236 Balmoral Rd, Mount Albert. Mount Eden. 88408 Henderson, Alexander Frederick, Joiner, Papakura, Auck­ 88455 Slatter, John, Salesman, 33 Argyle St, Auckland. land. 88457 Stewart, William Henry, Fireman, Hansen Rd, Takapuna. 88410 Hill, Horace Ray, School-teacher, 38 Balmoral Rd, Mount 88458 Storer, Thomas Edward, Engineer, 54 Wellington Rt.. Eden, Auckland. Auckland. 8841I Hirst, Edward, Fireman, N.Z.R., Grove Rd, Edendale, 88459 Sutton, Albert William, J<'armer, Pukekohe. Mount Albert, Auckland. 93008 TaylOl', James Philip, Engineer, "Alderley," Cromwell Rd, *92740 Horne, James, Farmer, "Glonalvon," Waterloo Quadrant, Mt Eden. Auckland. 88460 Thompson, John; Labourer, 8 Douglas St, Auckland. 88415 Hunter, William, Farm.manager, 20 Tole St, Ponsonby, 88461 Thompson, William, Labourer, 10 College Hill, Ponsonby, Auckland. Auckland. 88416 Hyde, Stanley Thomas, Carpenter, Ara St, Remuera. 88462 Trimmer, Henry Kraeft, Civil Servant, Ramarama. 88417 Irwin, James Herbert, Farm Assistant, Awhitu Central. *92957 Tyson, William Smith, Storeman, 3 Cheltenham Rd, Devon­ 92975 Janes, Kenneth Carlton, Wheelwright, 88 Beresford St, port. Auckland. *92751 Uridge, Frank, Mechanic, 21 Hayden St, Auckland. 88418 Jones, Wilfred Matthew, Orchardist, Rural Delivery, Albany, 92969 Vallance, James, Evangelist, care of Mr. Davoy, Npw Waitemata. Windsor Rd, Avondale. 88419 Kelly, J. H., 12 Hardinge St, Auckland. *92958 Vaughan, Frank, Jockey, Auckland. 88421 Kerels, Ernest John, Farmer, care of Mr. E. J. Karels, 88463 Walker, Jack, Shepherd, Motairehe, Great Barrier Island. Waiuku. 88464 Walton, Arthur, Clerk, 13 Roslyn Terrace, Devonport, 88422 Kissling, Trevor George, Student, 22 St. Stephens Avenue, Auckland. pam.ell, Auckland. 88465 Watson, Alfred, Carpenter; 7 Riemer's Avenue, Kingsland. 88423 Knight, Royston Douglas, Carpenter, Mount Eden Rd, 88466 Westwood, Wilfred Edgar, Glass-blower, 14 New Bond St, Mount Eden, Auckland. Kingsland, Auckland. 88424 Linzey, Arthur Trevillian, Printer, 231 Man]lkau Rd, Auck. 88467 Whinwray, William Henry, Farmer, Runciman. land. *88468 Whitehead, Edwin George, Driver, 41 Calliope Rd, Devoll­ *92741 Little, Walter Watson, Warehouseman, Reimer's Avenue, port. Kingsland, Auckland. 88469 Wine, Howard Garrett, Soda-fountain Assistant, 39 Woll 92742 Lockyer, Edward, Seaman, I.s. "Wanaka," care of U.S.S. Park Avenue, Grey Lynn. Company, Auckla.nd. 88470 Wood, Albert Charles, Chauffeur, 53 East St, Newton, 88425 Loftus, John Joseph, Fireman, Auckland. Auckland. 93007 Lyng, Jame3, Ship's Cook, 11 Nelson St, Auckland. 88471 Wood, George Nmman, Clerk, 4 Sherwood Avenue, Orey 92744 Lyons, George Jack, Steward, corner of Brentwood Avenue Lynn. and Dominion Rd, Auckland. 88426 Lyons, Thomas, Student, care of Reweti Post-office, Kaipara. *92956 Manuell, Henry, Bushman, Makarau. 88427 McAneaney, Walter McDonald, Labourer, 32 Newton Rd, Ponsonby, Auckland. 88428 McCall, Henry Clifton, Letter-carrier, 8 Islington Avenue, Herne Bay, Auckland. 92745 McDonald, Arthur, Farmer, Otaua, Waiuku. 88429 McGlade, Daniel, Seaman, 89 Union St, Auckland. 88430 McGowan, Robert, Architect, 15 Seafield View Rd. off Khyber Pass, Auckland. No. 2 (HAURAKT) HECRUITING DISTR.ICT. 88431 McLean, Robert Charles James, Driver, 14 College Hill, Auckland. 92752 Abbott, Thomas Robert, Farm Hand, Kopuarahi, Hauriki 88432 McSweeney, Patrick, Dairy-farmer, Roslyn Terrace, Mount Plains. Albert. 88472 Anderson, William, Trucker, WaihQu. 88433 Marsom, Roy Stanley, Farm Hand, care of N. G. Litchfield, 92753 Baker, William George Robert, J<'armer, Commercial Hotel, Ashburton. Waiau Pa, Franklin. 88473 Daley, Nels.on John, Post-offico employee, Roycroft Ht., 92746 Miller, Hugh, Seaman, 11 Nelson St, Auckland. Waihi. 88434 Mills, Clifford Clarence, Bake,;'s AB'is'ant, Huia St, Devon­ 88474 Durbin, Austin Gilbert, Farm Labourer, Wharepoa Rd, port, Auckland. Wharepoa, Thames. 88435 Mudford, Robert James' Patrick, . Dealer, 7 Falcon St, 88475 Elliott, Arthur, Carter, care of J. Collins, Pollen St, Thames. Parnell. 88476 Harris, Frank, Carter, Argyle BoardiD.ghouse, MorrinsviII". 92747 Munn, Leonard Thomas, Purser, s.s. "Arahura," care of 88477 Horn, James Russell, Farmer, Eastport, Waihou. U.S.S. Company, Auckland. 88478 Kilbride, James Herbert, Bank. Clerk, B.N.Z., Mortinsville, 88436 Neal, Thomas Hewson, Labourer, 23 Bayfield Rd, Herne *88479 Kneebone, Frank Leslie, Dairy-farmer, Hinuera. Bay, Auckland. *88480 Lloyd, Norman Reginald, Letter-carrier, Russell St, Waihi. 92748 Nelson, Edwin Marsack, Clerk, Owens Rd, Devonport, 88481 Lusby, John Fletcher, Farm Hand, Manawaru. Auckland. 92754 Mawer, Valentine Payne, Labourer, Roto Roa Island. 884:l7 0' Donnell, Alfred Theo, Law Clerk, 67 Grange Rd, Mount 88482 McEnteeI',
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