Mason Football Coach Accepts New York .Job The I lCd Knho will· he off for tlw hie: lcngu1Js August 10; If hlflletter of 4 Sections - 20 Paga·s rcHiijnu I Inn frnm I hn M nson school bourd Is ucc!nptml Thurs· dny. ' 4 ·oep~ties Glorious Fourth 'l'lm Mnsnn frml hull cnndt hnH "ccopt()r) 11 contract lr1 lwwh · Shortens Week nwt lu:!mn til's, I alec over ns lu:nd Tollers on the Ingham Coun· Ar(hitects Advise tr<tek roach HIHI hnnrlle un lllisisl· Must Move ' . 1101 funlhnll coaching ;tsslgnmell1 ty New .staff will be short a Sheriff Willard P. Barnes Is duy next weoit. r1t White- Plujn~ senior high getting ready · to ulmndon his !chou! In New York. Tho Fourth of July fnlls on Lansing outpost ln the city hail. Thursrluy, puhllcatlnn day. 'l'hc 'J'hu Whll.ti'I'IrilriH HI'!Htol I" On Hospital Plans City officials serveu notice on newspaper will be r•rinled Iu \\'tJNLdHlHIIW t•uunty, :iii the, county several weeks ago Wednesday. Those not pir:lccrl Ar<'itltocts nnrl members of the members present were Perltlns, 1nlk.~ north of Nt•w \'twl' up hy suhscrihcrs Wednr.~day hulldlng committee for Mason's (;Jt,r. that the sheriff's branch office Dr. D. n. Let hhrlrige, Dr·. George must find other quarters after afternoon will he mailed that proposed new h o s p l I a 1 met R. Cllntrm, At !lice, Glen Coon, It will he n t·cturn of Ill£' nu· 1 July J. The old city hall, which night, to reach subscribers Frl· Wednesday night. l~1·ank l~vans, lloward Scih!!rt nnd day as usual. tivc for 1\chn, Ifc hniiH fmrn was to have been razed this sum· Tlw,y WBIIt UVI'I' 1hn hltlli<: Waller Zlmmnr. Hex StrlhiPy, a south of Burtnlo. Btit his ntJW lr,. mer, will now he u~ed until De· Correspondents and miver· 11lans, uh·t•.:uly dl'tJWJI for tlw leader In the hospllui fund cam· cntlnn will he only 00 miles clo:;er r:cmbcr, but the order to the Users are usl<ed to send lhllir Rnnwo hWI)tltnl, to mnlw paign, wns nlso present. to llnmhurg than his prcl!cnl [ r:ounty to move the sheriff's of· news Items nnd ndvertlsing 111:edcd chunge11 for DhiKOil, Architects Halri It will talw 3 home In Mason. flee has not been rescinded. copy a clay (artier than usuul.• Architects and members of the months ln wori< up detailed plans 'l'hc sehur1l IH one of llw Hill· for tile Musrm hospital. 'l'llCy !Wlci J·;d l{ehe l\lnlntuin!HI at the I,IIJINIIIg c:ommittec agreed that alternate let k JIOWcrllouses In the cast. II offlcll nm 1111 uutomoblln Ji. plans would be prepnrerl, for both lt will he possible to let mntrnc1s h11s 11n enrollml't)t of 1,HOO. Ae· Mr. and Mrs. Kchc anrl llwlt• ;1 CIJIISI\ llXlltnhllll', II dlfef dl\1111· a complete 3G·hed hospItal and fo~ late this fnll and to stru·t con· <•o'nllng to f{elw, Whii<J Plalrts Phlldrcn are members 'of St. ty Khl'i'lfl, und 2 l'!l!l'llllll"dCpll• Farmers Back the 36 beds and a wing to pro. struction iwfore wlnlcr sets in. r foolh111l tmtms have rolled to n .Jnmes f'i111reh. I lc has been a tills. It I~ ulso .tim tllf'lpltleh vide for an eventual increase to Another mtJellng betwcJPn nr­ rccrll'l) of :J5 straight wins. Tile leari<•r in men'<J aclivilic~ of liw olflcn for thc Lansing town· 52 beds . chitccts anrl tho.bttllrllng commit· school sends lt!i teams ail lhrrn1g-h pnrish. ship deJIUty. Wheat ·Quotas tee has been sel for July 10. the en~t lrHJiting fur opponents, If enough money Is uvallnble, The hospital campaign plficc he added. 1\r•Jtp will t ulw off fn1· Nnw Unless Lansing officials change the uddlllonnl space will be pro· Inghn!J! farmers, the few who above the In~hnm County New.-~ I<ehe came to Mason In Sell· Ym·l1 AIIJiU~l 10 ,lust us soon their minds before the end of the vlderl. It was pointe<! out that in has been l'losed. Records ha\ voted, favored continued rigitl o ' t<?mhcr of 1951 as head fnfllhail us IH' wilullol up his•Joh us dl- week, the sheriff said, he will Adrian's new hcspitai the enlire been transferred to the C. II. llall coa<•h, utter .serving us 1111 assist· I'Pclor of 1\luson's summer have to mova his Lansing staff federal controls on growing and fifth lloor has been left unfinished residence, 310 East Oak. Mrs. Hull ' to Mason. Just where he will put ON THE TRAIL-Captai~ Versile Babcock of the sheriff's de. and without J;Jnrtilions, to provide ant at. Lansing Eusterr;t. lie , J'et·reutlou • g ·um. ' marketing wheal. has r:hargc of the rccnrrls and will 111 11 1 for expansion of facilities Jate1:. starte11· otll. at lhc bottom wtrh 1 them In Mason he ·has not yet parlment, ond Officer Robe~t. Snow of the city police photogr11ph handle collection of contributions, Mason. In 195•1 Mason didn't win: Acr•ot·riing to St1111 .•Tames V,m. decided. The rnen shifted to Ma· The vote In Ingham wns 83 Smith, Illnchman & Gryls of lire and footprints, The offiedrs, plus Chief Horry Ch11ndler, not foi· cmlthmunce und 23 The total or hosplt.1i pledges n game .. His 1955 tenrr was lillie riPr Ven, the Mason schrmi bonrrl son, the sheriff said, can llo as· Delt'Oil are the architects who 1 in the picture, quickly found clue5 after the theft of G 500-lb safe stood at $502,59:. when the <'am· better: winning :J contests, anrl in has no one In view fr}r the Mason signed space at desi<s, but there's ug-ulnst, Only 88 of the 612 sent 2 representatives to( Mason cllglhln voters bothcmtl to go palgn office was closer! Friday. 1()5C Mnson posted a 5·1·1 rcconl, conC'iting pnsl. The matter will oc no office space left for the desks Gt Moson Dairy Sunday morning. (lng, Co." News photo.) Weclne~day night. They met Ma to the polls. There have bcr:n a few more good enough fo,• second place in tatwn up 111 the Th\tr~day night and file cabinets they'll bring son men at tile hom~ of Hay pledges turned in, Mrs. Hail said, with them. the Capltai Circuit. school bonrrl meeting. Again Farmers from White Oak, Per 1< Ins. Building committee and others arc c:xpecled. Part of the matron's quarters Stocitbriagc, Bunker Hill and Ing· on the third floor will be used to ham (all voting at the White Oak store desi{s, chairs and file cases, town hall) were the only Ingham the sheriff said. wheat growers registering a ma· Court· Denies· Motions . Thieves Rob Mason Dairy jorlty against continuance. The A meeting of the county, steer· Forest Hill and Hugh Corner vote there was 12 to 9 against ing committee to furthet· study a Thieves, at least .2 anrl maybe J Cedar anrl Ash streets by prying rigid controls, 'I county annex to the Lansing city more, lugged a 500·Ib safe. con· open a loclced door with a screw· ·Made in Dezeeuw· Case hull or purchasing or building tainlng business papers and about driver. Contents from desk d-raw· Acros·s the nation the votr. Rescue, 4 from Saginaw B~y other quarters for branch county $500 In cash from. Mason ,Dairy ct·s ancl ftlin::; Ciihincts were showed 83.3% of growers favor· Jacob Dczccuw, J(aJamnzoo em· lng controls, which means farm· mllcrl in llw Jli'C·trial hearing offices was scheduled at· Mason Saturday night or early Sunday thrown about the room in tile Four people owe their rescue pioye of Mir:higan Bell Telephone ers are guaranteed $1.78 per bush· o[ Hili anrl Corncr. 'file people Friday. Squires, Johnson ami Wednesday. It was c&ncelled morning. Sheriff's officers ; nnrJ thieves' search for money, from riro\vning to F'orest Hili of pointer! out Into the bay. There fl Co., must stand trial In Ingham after 11n Invited consultant was city pollee are ziiting clues to the . el on their 1958 crop. Strmgham, it IVHs revealed, h1ld Mason and Hugh Corne1·, former half·mil£' HWII.Y were people on a chnrge r}f manslaughter. 13ut flattened by a tractor. He went theft which left the dairy office ~hey pus!wd the safe. out. of the ail worked with or under De· A two.thirds majority of those ly of Mason, now of Gagetown. floundering amund a sunken that trial will not be in Mason at zecuw !or· Michigan Bell. to the mcetin" place, but com· disheveled. It's the second time In of~tce and Into a C?VCied cem~nt voting was necessary to continue The 2 men were in Corner's boat. lhe May term of circuit court. Whnl they mad in Mason and " driveway and, officers theorize, mittee members had called off the a year that the ·company has into a truck. 'fhe obvious trail controls. Had the marl(eting quo· l6·foot aluminum boat; powercr! Judge Louis K Coash denied 2 Lansing newspapers caused some Cornet• llll<l J[IJI lllllnciiV· meeting, believing the consultant been· hit by thieves. ends where the fre!'ih tire prints las failed to draw bacldng of two· with a 30 hp Evinrude motor, off· motlons made before him in Lan· could not attend.
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