Outside today . ^ Urban and lowland flood watch in Inside today effect today. Turning sharply colder this afternoon with rain gradually changing I Area ...............6-7 Editorial ........... 4 to snow. Partly cloudy, windy and much Classified .. 10-12 Fam ily...............5 colder tonight and Tuesday: lows tonight Comics............13 Obituaries .. 6,14 near 10 and highs Tuesday in the teens. £v Dear Abby . 13 Sports............8-10 Chance of precipitation decreasing to 20 ^}tmwh^9tef^A City a / ViUn((t>.(.harm percent tonight and Tuesday. National weather map on page 11. ^FOIIRTEEN •‘a res ^ j ’,M««^aH5STER, MONDAy, JANUARY 9, 1978 - VOL. XCVIl, No. PRICE! F in EEN CENTS : Miner killed in Kentucky coal strike United Press International conduct and about a half dozen were The United Mine Workers strike accused of possessing concealed reached the end of its fifth week weapons. Arraignments were today with its first coalfield death scheduled today. and the single worst outbreak of In Boonville, Ind., a firebomb was violence since the walkout by 188,000 believed responsible for a Saturday miners began Dec. 6. night blaze that caused $500,000 to Funeral services for Mack Lewis, two non-UMW coal-hauling truck 65, a UAW member from Stanville, companies. No suspects were Ky., who was shot at least five times arrested in that incident. Friday near a picket station, were Kentucky state police arrested and scheduled today at Ivel, Ky. jailed a mine security guard, Ralph The retired miner’s death was the Anderson, 50, of Prater Creek, Ky., first of the walkout, but UMW Presi­ in Lewis’ death. During the weekend, dent Arnold Miller warned it may not family and friends paid their last be the last unless agreement on a respects to Lewis. new contract is reached soon with “This senseless act of violence is the Bituminous Coal bperators further evidence of the need for the Association. coal operators to return to the State police patrolled coal bargaining table in a meaningful ef­ operations in two Indiana com­ fort,” Miller said. munities after a weekend outbreak of There were indications talks These trees on New State Road were knocked down by the trical wires were down, causing some power outages. The violence resulted in nearly 200 between the UMW and BCOA, which high winds which struck the entire New England area Sunday opening of school was delayed by one hour in all Manchester arrests and caused $1.3 million worth broke off Dec. 30, may resume this week in Washington. night and early today. In Manchester, several trees and elec­ public and parochial schools. (Herald photo by Pinto) of damage. Indiana state police said 194 per­ In other weekend developments: sons, believed to be UMW members, • Federal agents in West Virginia were arrested Saturday night when arrested five miners, including two about 500 persons stormed the non- UMW local officers, on conspiracy UAW Rockport Dock Co, at charges in the dynamiting of railroad Unusual storm brings trouble tracks heavily used for hauling coal Rockport, Ind.i on the Ohio River, An unusual winter storm led to Park Department reported that three was blown in early today. The Hartford Fire Department was shooting and setting off explosions near Bluefield, W.Va., last Tuesday trees falling and power failing in the trees —one each on Bidwell Street, The Bolton Fire Department was flooded with calls about the problem that resulted in $800,000 damage. night. • New Jersey Energy Com­ Manchester area, an air raid siren Horace Street and New State Road called at 3:23 a.m. to fight a and managed to repair the system an All 194 arrested were charged with missioner Joel R, Jacobson warned malfunctioning in Hartford and hand —were felled during the storm. The transformer fire at the intersection hour and 15 minutes after the criminal contempt of court for that a prolonged coal strike would holding in Boston. trees and falling limbs and branches of Route 44-A and Lakeside Circle. problem started. violating a restraining order. Some affect utility stockpiles and lead to High winds, heavy rain and un­ knocked down some power lines and Timothy O’Suliivan, Manchester’s High winds belted the entire New also were charged with disorderly sharp reduction in the use of coal. seasonably warm temperatures com­ caused hazards for drivers. highway superintendent, reported England area. Winds were so strong bined to create a variety of problems Trash barrels in many places were that the storm caused a sidewalk on in Boston during the morning rush throughout New England. blown into the street by the high Elm Street to cave in and a road hour that pedestrians at many in­ The Hartford Electric Light Co. winds. depression on Lilac Street. tersections had to join hands to cross reported that 1,023 Manchester Some cable television customers ^ m e schools were closed today the street. Gunshots heard customers lost service but almost all also repttrted loss of service. because of storm-related problems. In Fall River, Mass,, officials said sworth service had been restored this mor­ Manchester Police said that they Others opened late. that wind gusts on the Braga Bridge 11. ning. Power outages also were began receiving calls about power One of the most unusual problems over the Taunton River pushed some reported in parts of Coventry, South outages at 10:22 p.m. The loss of occurred in Hartford, where heavy cars sideways across two or three in Yernon strike le film lanes. dgrave Windsor and Vernon. power also set off alarms in many rain apparently short circuited the Trees and branches were knocked businesses and stores, police said. A flash flood warning was issued Gunshots were reported early this was made because a car at the site 1 in the city’s air raid system. down in many areas by the high The front window of the S & H The siren started to sound for all of Massachusetts except Cape morning at LaPointe Industries in was scratched, the spokesman said. Hart- winds. Ken Irish of the Manchester Green Stamp store on Main Street erratically shortly after midnight. Cod. Heavy seas pounded beaches Rockville where workers have been Court date is Feb. 8. !0 at 3 and seawalls along the entire New on strike since Dec. 22. Union employees at LaPointe went 1 Fred England coast. Vernon Police received a report of on strike Dec. 22. They are seeking The 230-foot transmission tower of the shots shortly after midnight. an 18 percent raise for the first year W RIB in E ast Providence was Bullet holes were found in windows of a new contract and a 13 percent knocked down by high winds. at the plant on West Main Street, a raise for the second year. The com­ Shah hacks Sadat plan Across the country, other weather pany offered five percent increases police spokesman said. problems developed. Tornadoes were He said that the shots appeared to for both years. CAIRO, Egypt (UPI) - The shah would like to see Egypt reach such an Moroccan King Hassan as some Ira­ LaPointe has been in business in reported in central and south Florida have been fired from a passing vehi­ of Iran today endorsed President agreement. I believe Egypt is nian newspapers reported. Rockville for about 27 years. It Sunday. At least one death has been cle. There were no injuries, he said. Anwar Sadat’s Middle East peace in­ following the right path.” Begin said Sunday in Tel Aviv that makes air and ground communica­ reported. Police also made an unrelated itiative, clouded by a new Egyptian- The shah’s visit began as Sadat and Israel has no intention of dismantling In California, a high surf en­ arrest at the plant shortly after 7 tion systems, a variety of electronic Israeli quarrel over Jewish Israeli Prime Minister Menahem its settlements in the Sinai, and his components and aluminum tubing. dangered expensive oceanside homes a.m. today. settlements in occupied Arab lands. Begin appeared locked in a dispute cabinet voted to strengthen and ex­ in Malibu. Eugene A. LeDuc, 28, of 344 Jobs Today’s incidents were tbe first signs To the booms of a 21-gun salute, over Jewish settlements in the Sinai pand existing settlements in two Ohio received up to 14 inches of Hill Road, Vernon, was charged with of serious violence since the strike Sbah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi desert just two days before the areas of the desert peninsula, snow and had drifting problems began. The shooting is still being in­ landed at the airport in the southern schedul^ start of peace talks in third-degree criminai mischief, the “ With friendship and respect, 1 because of the wind. Up to seven in­ vestigated by police and no arrests winter resort town of Aswan, the Jerushlem. police spokesman said. The arrest suggest that Israel and Egypt agree ches of snow was reported in parts of have been made. same spot where President Carter Carter visited Tehran Dec. 31-Jan. to leave the monopoly on burning Virginia. Alabama and Georgia also stopped for 80 minutes last 1 on a six-nation tour. He and the cities to Nero, emperor of Rome,” received snow. shah had talks with Jordan’s King )r con- Wednesday to confer with Sadat. Begin told a political meeting. A sharp temperature drop is Sadat embraced and kissed the Hussein who was visiting Iran at the “ Israelis don’t burn settlements, Farmers trying istmas expected sometime today in shah, who has given Egpyt more than same time. Carter.stopped in Aswan they build and maintain them.” id e l’s Connecticut.
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