Ciência & Saúde Coletiva ISSN: 1413-8123 [email protected] Associação Brasileira de Pós-Graduação em Saúde Coletiva Brasil Monteiro Ferreira, Rebeca; Brasileiro de Vasconcelos, Thiago; Evando Moreira Filho, Renato; Maia Macena, Raimunda Hermelinda Características de saúde de mulheres em situação de violência doméstica abrigadas em uma unidade de proteção estadual Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, vol. 21, núm. 12, diciembre, 2016, pp. 3937-3946 Associação Brasileira de Pós-Graduação em Saúde Coletiva Rio de Janeiro, Brasil Available in: http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=63048571029 How to cite Complete issue Scientific Information System More information about this article Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Journal's homepage in redalyc.org Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative DOI: 10.1590/1413-812320152112.09092015 3937 Health characteristics of female victims of domestic violence FREE THEMES housed in a state care shelter Rebeca Monteiro Ferreira 1 Thiago Brasileiro de Vasconcelos 2 Renato Evando Moreira Filho 1 Raimunda Hermelinda Maia Macena 1 Abstract The promotion of care for female vic- tims of violence implies action that is not limited to combatting the problem, but also to the dimen- sion of care provided to the victims. This study seeks to understand the sociodemographic and health characteristics of female victims of violence who are/have been under the protective custody of the state, before and after the Maria da Penha Law (MPL), and the healthcare offered to them. It is a cross-sectional, exploratory-descriptive doc- umentary study, with a qualitative/quantitative approach, conducted in the second semester of 2013 in a special unit for the protection of female victims of violence in the State of Ceará. The sam- ple was composed of 197 medical records of wom- en attended between 2001 and 2012. Few changes occurred in the health profile of female victims of domestic violence sheltered by the State after the enactment of the MPL. Significant changes oc- curred in the pattern of care provided, such as in- creased investigation, promotion, and registration of health-related activities. The identification of the aftereffects of aggression per se is still scarce. 1 Departamento de A suggested addition would be the inclusion of a Fisioterapia, Universidade health professional in the staff at the shelters to Federal do Ceará (UFCE). meet this demand. R. Alexandre Baraúna 949, Rodolfo Teófilo. 60430- Key words Domestic violence, Legislation, Wom- 110 Fortaleza CE Brasil. en’s health [email protected] 2 Departamento de Fisiologia e Farmacologia, UFCE. Fortaleza CE Brasil. 3938 et al. and quality of care offered to this group in the Ferreira RM Ferreira Introduction services. Thus, recognizing the dimensions of the Violence is a social phenomenon that occurs in phenomenon of violence and elucidating the dy- human relationships in which there are conflicts namics of its determinants provide subsidies to of interest and domination. Domestic violence is the formulation of public policies and encour- considered a type of gender violence and refers to ages the reporting of cases in the individual and violence that occurs within the households, de- institutional levels18. It is, therefore, necessary to fined as any act of physical, sexual, or emotion- know the sociodemographic and health charac- al aggression perpetrated by an individual with teristics of women victims of violence who are/ whom one has or has had a relationship1,2. have been under the protective guardianship of According to the World Health Organization the state, before and after the Maria da Penha (WHO), in a study conducted in ten countries, Law, and the healthcare offered to them. including Brazil, up to 71% of women aged 15 to 49 years have suffered some physical and/or sex- ual violence at some point in their lives3. In Latin Materials and Methods America, domestic violence affects up to 50% of women, causing a 14.2% reduction in the Gross Cross-sectional, exploratory-descriptive, docu- Domestic Product (GDP) because of the costs it mentary study, with quantitative and qualitative gives rise to. In Brazil, 23% of women become approaches, performed during the second half of victims of domestic violence, which means that 2013 in a special shelter unit for women victims a woman is assaulted every four minutes. The of violence in the state of Ceará. The said unit aggressors are their own partners in 85% of the is linked to the Secretariat of Labor and Social cases4. Development, the Police Department Women’s Several legal measures have been adopted Rights Unit, and the Ceará Council of Women’s in Brazil as strategies for combating violence Rights. against women4-6. The creation of the Secretariat The sample was composed of the medical of Policy for Women in 2003 boosted the actions records of women who had been victims of any against violence, making it an intersectoral issue. kind of domestic violence between 2001 and Thus, promoting assistance to women victims of 2012. To set the sample size, we considered the violence implies a qualified, humanized, multi- total of women assisted per year, and an estima- and interdisciplinary action, which presupposes tion of 30% was settled through stratified, pro- a combative notion that is not limited to fighting portional sampling per year. Therefore, of the the problem, but also to the dimension of the as- 608 women seen between 2001 and 2012, 183 sistance provided to the victims7. were selected for the sample and, considering a Law 11340, known as Maria da Penha Law loss of 7% (14), the total sample comprised 197 (MPL), was enacted in the latter part of year 2006 medical records. To select the medical records, a aiming to characterize gender violence as seri- list of random numbers without repetition was ous violation of the human rights and to ensure generated through Microsoft Office Excel® 2007. facing this problem by means of protection and In case the selected record could not be found, the humanized procedures for the victims, through following record number was selected, consid- transformations in the relationship between vic- ering their arrangement in order of admittance tims and perpetrators, changes in the way the in the sheltering unit. The records of underage crime is prosecuted, in the police service, and in women were excluded, as well as those lacking the Prosecution Office assistance as well8. consistent information (women with impaired Although the scenario of violence against cognitive function, that is, women presenting women demands an intersectoral action, debates neurological disorders that could compromise and study of the MPL are still deeply rooted in the answers). the scope of legal and social sciences9-15, with little Data was collected by three blind research- production in the health area, whether concern- ers, previously trained, using a specially designed ing prevention or the healthcare offered to wom- form containing: sociodemographic variables en victims of domestic violence16,17. (age, race, religion, marital status, education, Understanding the characteristics of wom- family income); experience with violence (trig- en in situations of violence is one of the ways gering factor, type of relationship with the ag- to improve the visibility of this subject, the so- gressor, means used for the assault); health status ciety’s perception of this situation, and the type of the attacked woman (diseases history, gyneco- 3939 Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 21(12):3937-3946, 2016 21(12):3937-3946, Coletiva, & Saúde Ciência logical history, physical and mental examination, Table 1. Sociodemographic profile of the studied lesions location on the body); and other observa- population. tions that were relevant to the study, such as the Sociodemographic characteristics n % women’s history of life and details from the po- lice report. The healthcare provided by the shel- Age ter unit was qualitatively evaluated, with the re- 15 ●—o 25 years 66 33.5 searchers’ observations being recorded in a field 25 ●—o 30 years 44 22.3 diary, along with the health-related information Above 31 years 86 43.7 Not informed 1 0.5 that was available in the medical records. Race The database was populated in duplicate us- White 42 21.3 ® ing Microsoft Office Excel 2007, and the analysis Black 22 11.2 was performed using the Statistical Package for Brown 93 47.2 Social Sciences (SPSS®), version 20. For inferen- Indigenous 23 11.7 tial analysis, it was decided to adopt a cut con- Education sidering the promulgation period of MPL (prior Illiterate 12 6.1 to it, from 2001 to 2006, and after, post-2007), Literate 180 91.4 since this legislation changed the way domestic Not informed 5 2.5 violence is confronted, by ensuring better assis- Civil status tance to the victims in Brazil. Inferential statistics Single 144 73.0 Married 52 26.4 was conducted to compare the variables using Not informed 1 0.5 Pearson’s chi-square test, adopting a significance City of residence level of 5% (P < 0.05). Data normality was tested Capital 167 84.8 by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Metropolitan area 24 12.2 The research project was approved by the Re- Not informed 6 3.0 search Ethics Committee of the Federal Universi- Family income ty of Ceará, in accordance with resolution 466/12 No income 60 30.5 of the National Board of Health19. Up to 1 minimum wage 54 27.4 1 to 3 minimum wages 18 9.1 Above 3 minimum wages 1 0.5 Results Not informed 64 32.5 Professional category No job/unemployed 62.0 31.5 Most of the women in the sample (43.7%) were Service provider and commerce worker 21.0 10.7 older than 31 years (29.76 ± 7.27 years; min. = Housekeeper 74.0 37.6 18 and max.
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