Shaanxi Mountain Road Safety Demonstration Project (RRP PRC 46042) Final Resettlement Plan February 2016 PRC: Shaanxi Mountain Road Safety Demonstration Project (Component: Hanbin Highway Road) Prepared by Hanbin District Government. CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (as of 10 July 2014) Currency unit – Yuan (CNY) CNY1.00 = $0.16243 $1.00 = CNY6.1565 ABBREVIATIONS AAOV – Average Annual Output Value ADB – Asian Development Bank AHs – Affected Households APs – Affected Persons AV – Administrative Village CRO – County Resettlement Office DI – Design Institute DMS – Detailed Measurement Survey DRO – District Resettlement Office FS – Feasibility Study HD – House Demolition HDG – Hanbin District Government HPMO – Hanbin Project Management Office LA – Land Acquisition LAB – Land and Resources Bureau LAR – Land Acquisition and Resettlement LEF – Land-Expropriated Farmer L&RO – Land & Resources Office MOU – Memorandum of Understanding M&E – Monitoring and Evaluation NDRC – National Development and Reform Commission PADO – Poverty Alleviation and Development office PAH – Project Affected Household PAP – Project Affected Person PDRC – Provincial Development and Reform Commission PPTA – Project Preparatory Technical Assistance PRA – Participatory Rural Appraisal PRO – Project Resettlement Office RIB – Resettlement Information Booklet RP – Resettlement Plan SES – Socioeconomic Survey SPS – Safeguards Policy Statement of ADB SPTD – Shaanxi Provincial Transport Department TRO – Township Resettlement Office WEIGHTS AND MEASURES km – kilometer m2 – square meter mu – 666.7 m2 NOTES In this report, "$" refers to US dollars. This resettlement plan is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section of this website. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. ADB Loan Project (TA-8440) Shaanxi Mountain Road Safety Demonstration Project (Component: Hanbin Highway Road) Final Resettlement Plan Hanbin District People’s Government February 2016 安康市汉滨区人民政府 COMMITⅢENT LETTER Hanbi n Dist ri ct PeOp1e’ s Government app1i ed f or t he 1oan t o Asi an Deve1opment Bank f or t he Hanbi n Dist ri ct component of shaanxi Mount ai n Road saf et y Demonst rat i on Proj ect 。 Theref ore, t he i mp1ement at i on of t he proj ect must sat i sf y t he soci al saf eguard po1i Gy of ADB。 Thi s p1an represent s a key requi rement of ADB, and becomes t he basi s f or t h ∶mp1ement at i on of 1and acqui si t i on and demo as re1ocat i on and reset t 1ement 。 The Res eres t o re1evant 1aψ 恋and regul at i ons of t publ i C Of Chi na, shaanxi Provi nce, Ankan anbi n Dist ri ct and ADB’ s saf eguards Po1i cy st at ement ( SPs 2009) on i nv01unt ary reset t l ement 。 I n order t o bet t er , ac0omp1i sh t he re1ocat i on and reset t 1ement work, t he pl an al so i nc1udes some addi t i onal act i ons and i mp1oment at i on and moni t ori ng arrangement 。 At t 0e preparat i on st age, t h0 Hanbi nⅡ Dist ri Gt Government prepared a RP based on t he f easi bi 1i t y st udy report , whi ch has been approved by ADB。 Accordi ng t o i t s agreement wit h t he ADB, t oe Hanbi n Dist ri ct Government has upd。 t 0♂ d t hi s RP based oh t he DMs。 Hanbi n Dist ri ct Government hereby acknOw1edges t he t 。 乩e“ ∷。f 1血 RP mo 饨 ⅡI ?0|. 0?0Ⅱ Ⅱ∴|0亠 : 0灬 j t i 。 '“ d占m。 1iti° h; r占 i 。 。 Ⅰ∶oo品pensat i on and reset t l ement budget of t he subproj ect Wi11 f o11ow t hi s p1an。 The Hanbi n Dist ri ct Government has di sGussed t he t hi s f i nal RP wit h t he agenci es concerned ( eg。 1and resource bureau and af f eGted t ownshi p government s) t hrough t he Hanbi n PMO and obt ai ned t hei r consensus。 The reset t 1ement GOmpensat i on and i mp1ement at i on of t he subproj eCt wi11 be compl i ed wit h t hi s RP。 Dist ri 。 t Magi st rat e of Hanbi n Dist r ~絷1~- ! 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( Dat e) 亻 GLOSSARY Affected person (or – Those who are physically displaced (relocation, loss household) of residential land, or loss of shelter) and/or economically displaced (loss of land, assets, access to assets, income sources, or means of livelihoods) as a result of (i) involuntary acquisition of land, or (ii) involuntary restrictions on land use or on access to legally designated parks and protected areas Compensation – Money or payment in kind to which the people affected are entitled in order to replace the lost asset, resource or income Entitlement – Range of measures comprising compensation, income restoration, transfer assistance, income substitution, and relocation which are due to affected people, depending on the nature of their losses, to restore their economic and social base Income restoration – Reestablishing income sources and livelihoods of people affected Resettlement – Rebuilding housing, assets, including productive land, and public infrastructure in another location Resettlement Impact – Loss of physical and non-physical assets, including homes, communities, productive land, income-earning assets and sources, subsistence, resources, cultural sites, social structures, networks and ties, cultural identity, and mutual help mechanisms Resettlement Plan – A time-bound action plan with budget setting out resettlement strategy, objectives, entitlement, actions, responsibilities, monitoring and evaluation Vulnerable Group – Distinct groups of people who might suffer disproportionately from resettlement effects, as specified in this plan Cut-off date – The effective date for resettlement eligibility based on the detailed measurement survey (DMS) based census of APs and preparation of a full inventory of losses. Note on the RP Update of Hanbin Component As required by ADB, it is necessary to update the RP based on the completed DMS, and the updated (final) RP will serve as the basis for resettlement implementation. According the detailed design, the Hanbin PMO and land resource bureau conducted a DMS for Anxun highway and Yandong road during October~ November 2015. On this basis, the RP is updated. This update mainly covers resettlement impacts, compensation and resettlement policies, resettlement programs, organizational structure, resettlement budget, resettlement implementation schedule, etc. Summary of this Update Content Original RP Final RP Remarks acquisition of 7.73 mu of collective land decreased, but 463.96 mu land will be acquired 456.27 mu land will be acquired 196HHs with 440 LA impact with 658 HHs and 2485 persons with 854 HHs and 2925 persons persons affected affected in 11 villages of 4 towns affected in 14 villages of 4 towns increased due to more accurate on-site survey 1643m2 house 11887m2 will be demolished with 10244 m2 will be demolished with demolition with 3HHs HD impact 59 HHs and 251 persons 56 HHs and 238 persons affected. and 13 persons affected. decreased Compensation for the acquired rural collective land includes land compensation fees and resettlement subsidies of CNY 60,000 per mu for paddy field, CNY 54,000 per mu for plain dryland, CNY 45,000 per Policies and mu for sloping dryland, CNY 48,600 per mu for housing plot, CNY No change rates for LA 22,500 per mu for forest land and CNY 18,000 per mu for other land. The compensation for young crops of paddy land and dryland will be CNY 1,200 per mu. The compensation standard for house demolition is set according to replacement cost of Hanbin District, CNY 1,000 per m2 for brick and concrete housing, CNY 520 per m2 for brick and wood housing, and Policies and CNY 400 per m2 for earth wood structures. The AHs will receive a No change rates for HD moving allowance of CNY 1,000 per household, and transition subsidies of CNY 250-400 per month if needed in case the new houses are not fully ready before moving. Livelihood The LA impact is limited, and cash compensation will be adopted No change restoration Rural households are subject to three resettlement modes, which are: HD (i) Reconstruction of new housing by AHs themselves, (ii) Participate in resettlement No change New Rural Village Development Plan and (iii) Cash Compensation with programs no need of new house construction Budget reduced by CNY 13.45 million, Resettlement CNY 357.71 million CNY 344.26 million mainly due to cost reduction in LA and HD Implementation start from July 2015 start from March 2016 schedule Contents 1 PROJECT OVERVIEW AND BACKGROUND ........................................................................................... 1 1.1 PROJECT BACKGROUND ......................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 PREPARATION OF RP ............................................................................................................................. 1 1.3 SCOPE OF THE HANBIN HIGHWAY ROAD SUBPROJECT ............................................................................. 2 1.4 MEASURES EMPLOYED TO AVOID OR FURTHEST REDUCE LAND ACQUISITION AND DEMOLITION ............... 4 2 PROJECT IMPACT ....................................................................................................................................... 7 2.1 SURVEY METHOD AND PROCESS ...........................................................................................................
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