HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE INSIDE Dried Grapes Were not served during Kamaru's production of "Raisin in the Sun." For the review, see THFRIDAY, DECEMBEER 6, 199CHRONICL1 DUKE UNIVERSITY DURHAM, NORTEH CAROLIN A CIRCULATION: 15,000 VOL. 87, NO. 66 School merger proposal fails again Overloaded ACES By PEGGY KRENDL too much dissent in the commu­ Durham is no closer to a nity over the election plan," said merged school system than it was Vannesa Jeter, a spokesperson takes unplanned rest two months ago. After yesterday's for the state board of education, events, it may actually be even explaining why the state board By MATT STEFFORA All calls placed to 684-1111, further away. rejected the plan. The Automated Computer the number which accesses After the North Carolina Board Local officials see the rejection Enrollment System caused ACES and the student record of Education's decision to reject ofthe plan as a political and ra­ major headaches for students, computer, are controlled by a the Durham school merger plan cial issue and questioned the au­ the registrar's office and Tel- single small switching box, Fay for a second time yesterday after­ thority of state board to reject the Com when it shut down in the said. The box automatically noon, the county commissioners plan. middle of its first day of opera­ locked out all calls incoming voted last night to file a lawsuit "The state board has far ex­ tion Thursday. calls overloaded it. challenging the state board's au­ ceeded the authority given to The system started refusing The system was unprepared thority. them by the General Assembly. incoming calls around 3 p.m. to handle the large number of On Wednesday, the state board They knew they were exceeding because more students were calls because Fay and others of education rejected the city- those bounds and they did it for calling ACES than the tele­ at Tel-Com had assumed that county school merger plan by a STAFF PHOTO/THE CHRONICLE political reasons," said Needham phone system could handle, only graduate student Drop/ vote of 8-2. The state board cited Bass, member ofthe Durham city said Richard Fay, network Add would take place Thurs­ section six ofthe plan as the rea­ Becky Heron board of education. planner for Tel-Com. day and that ACES would not son for their decision. board of education. The proposal Commissioner Ellen Reckhow Tel-Com and Academic Com­ be fully activated for under­ Section six of the merger plan guarantees at least three of the disagreed the state board over­ puting worked to get the sys­ graduates until next spring, outlines an election process for seven districts would have a black stepped its bounds, saying she tem partially back on line he said. the merged board which calls for majority. thought legislation passed by the within 30 minutes, Fay said. See ACES on page 15 • a single-district, seven member They said they felt there was See MERGER on page 15 • Novelist, alumnus Styron honors Blackburn By NOAH BIERMAN class" and known for enrolling Styron spoke mainly about Wil­ teacher who had a pessimistic The featured speaker at wealthy, northern Ivy League liam Blackburn, a former profes­ but hopeful view of the Univer­ Thursday's Founder's Day convo­ rejects. sor of English who was known as sity, he said. cation revealed he never wanted Styron's father held a deep re­ a mentor to many of the nation's The former professor would to come to the University as a sentment for the Duke name, most important authors, includ­ have been proud of the Univer­ student. because he had previously worked ing Styron. Blackburn was sity today, but would insist that it "It had been chosen for me by in the tobacco industry, a field Styron's first writing teacher at not rest on its laurels despite its the Marine Corps," award win­ the Duke family aggressively the University and remained a current success, Styron said. ning author William Styron said. dominated. good friend and an important in­ Blackburn would have respected The Trinity '47 graduate, has writ­ Any university at the time was fluence on Styron's life until his many ofthe University's attempts ten several novels, including'The little more than a temporary way death in 1972, Styron said. at multiculturalism, but would Confessions of Nat Turner" and station on the way to World War "He would have been embar­ have been troubled by accusa­ "Sophie's Choice." II, since the Pearl Harbor bomb­ rassed, but his true passion was tions of sexism leveled at some of ing had occurred only a year and his favorite authors in the name MARK WASMER/THE CHRONICLE While an undergraduate, ultimately Duke University," Styron said the University was a half before his enrollment here, Styron said. of political correctness, Styron William Styron "unnoteworthy, not really first Styron said. Blackburn was an inspiring See STYRON on page 15 • Devils simply awesome in victory St. John's, Big East fali in ACC-Big East finale By BRIAN KAUFMAN Challenge. The team had lost to "I thought we played extremely GREENSBORO — Awesome. Syracuse and Georgetown in the well for the first 30 minutes," That is the only way to describe first two years of the head-to- said Duke head coach Mike the men's basketball team's per­ head conference matchup. The Krzyzewski. "Our defense was formance for the first 30 minutes win was also Duke's third over excellent." of its game against St. John's in St. John's in the past three years. Duke senior forward Christian the finale of ACC-Big East Chal­ The Blue Devils defeated the Laettner scored 19 of his team- lenge Thursday night in the Redmen, 78-61, in last year's high 26 points in the first half. Greensboro Coliseum. Duke NCAA Midwest Regional Final Laettner hit 12-of-12 free throw , dominated the seventh-ranked and 76-72 in the second round of attempts when the Redmen were Redmen over that period, build­ the NCAA tournament in 1989. forced to foul him to prevent easy ing an unbelievable 31-point lead The game, which matched the baskets or after he had pulled on its way to an easy 91-81 vic­ number-one teams from each con­ down a defensive rebound. tory. ference, was over almost before it After falling behind 28-12 mid­ "It all happened so fast," said began. After St. John's center way through the first half, St. St. John's head coach Lou Robert Werdann tied the score at John's fought hfback on the Carnesecca. "I don't have to tell 2-2 on St. John's first possession strength of the play of Malik you that they dominated us to­ ofthe game, Duke went on a 12- Sealy. Sealy scored 14 of a game- night. The only part that I'm 0 spurt and never looked back. high 37 points in the first half, proud of is that we didn't die. You The run was ignited by an alley- and single-handedly pulled the might say we played poorly but I oop dunk by sophomore forward Redmen within eight points with think Duke just made us look Grant Hill and sustained through just over four minutes left in the bad." intense defense pressure. The half. Sealy was the only St. John's The top-ranked Blue Devils Blue Devils used a fullcourt press player in double figures as he hit improved to 3-0 on the year with and their patented man-to-man 13-of-22 shots from all over the CLIFF BURNS/THE CHRONICLE court. But Duke ended the their first-ever victory in the defense to frustrate the Redmen Grant Hill was all over Lamont Middleton as Duke was all over St. throughout the game. three-year-old ACC-Big East See REDMEN on page 17 • John's in the 91-81 Devil victory PAGE 2 THE CHRONICLE FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6. 1991 World and National Newsfile Bush gives mixed signals on economic plan Associated Press By DAVID ROSENBAUM run his re-election campaign. as they are worried about the potential for NeWS goes bankrupt: Court- N.Y. Times News Service Bush also ordered the speedup of $9.8 political damage in picking one course appointed administrators in London WASHINGTON — President Bush and billion in federal spending, but economists above the other. took control ofthe Maxwell pubkshing his top economic advisers, undecided about said the amount was too small to kick life The budget law enacted last year after empire Thursday, prompting a bank­ what to propose to revive the flagging into a $5 trillion economy. tortuous negotiations between the White ruptcy filing in the United States by economy, sent mixed signals Thursday on The president and his chief advisers are House and congressional leaders required New York'sDailyNewsand speculation cutting taxes and on whether to violate under severe political pressure to take that any tax cut be offset by tax increases about the sale of Maxwell holdings. last year's budget agreement. steps to speed the nation's recovery from elsewhere or spending reductions in do­ The confusion was clearest on Capitol recession, and the Democrats are deter­ mestic programs. Strength promised: Defense Hill. On the first day of a series of congres­ mined to tighten the screws at every op­ Early in a long day of testimony before sional hearings on tax policy and the state portunity. the House Ways and Means Committee, Rich­ Secretary Cheney told survivors of of the economy, the economic advisers at But the administration seems torn be­ ard Darman, the budget director, was asked the Pearl Harbor attack in Honolulu first suggested that giving the economy a tween conservatives who are interested whether those budget rules should be broken on Thursday that their sacrifice will not quick jolt was more important than hold­ primarily in tax cuts and care little about in the interest of stimulating the economy.
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