Notes of a Fringe-Watcher MARTIN GARDNER D The Big Bang Theory SHU Lives few years ago astronomers can occur all by itself in nothing, the discovered that the universe is BB offers a convenient moment for A much lumpier than they had a Creator to start the process of supposed. Galaxies are not spread cosmic evolution. (Of course empty uniformly throughout space. They space is not pure nothing; it has to tend to cluster along the imaginary contain quantum fields capable of surfaces of enormous bubbles that fluctuating.) Indeed, many liberal surround monstrous voids, or along Christians and philosophical theists huge ribbons that twist through have viewed the BB in this light. But space. This lumpiness seems to con- among fundamentalists still clinging tradict the uniform distribution of the to the notion that God created the microwave radiation believed to be the universe some ten thousand years residual glow from . a primordial ago, the BB is anathema. To accept fireball. If the universe is so clumpy, it would require accepting an evolving why is this background radiation so cosmos billions of years old. Creation- incredibly smooth? ists are now all in a dither over Spurred on by a small group of prospects that the BB may be over- scientists, the media have seized on turned. It only shows, they say, how these newly found large-scale struc- shaky modern science is—maybe, just tures as evidence that the big bang maybe, evidence for a young earth will (BB) theory is mortally wounded. Time soon be forthcoming. (September 2, 1991) headed a page It will not be forthcoming. "Big Bang Under Fire." Dozens of Although BB theory may have to be reports on the BB's demise have modified, or even replaced by a new appeared in newspapers and such model, evidence that the universe is periodicals as The Sciences (January/ billions of years old is overwhelming. February, 1990) and England's Nature Not only that, but rumors of the BB's (August 10, 1989). Plasma physicist death are enormously exaggerated. Eric J. Lerner has even written a book The term big bang was coined by titled The Big Bang Never Happened British astronomer Fred Hoyle to poke (Times Books, 1991), which has been fun at the BB conjecture of physicist widely and favorably reviewed. George Gamow. At that time Hoyle One might think that all conser- favored an expanding steady-state vative Christians would welcome BB model with no beginning and no end. theory. Because no one has any clear To keep the infinite universe always idea of how a "quantum fluctuation" in the same overall state while it Summer 1992 357 balloons, new matter is constantly an ionized (electrically charged) gas, being created in the form of hydrogen often called a "fourth state of matter," atoms—though where those atoms that permeates the universe. Indeed, come from was never explained. 99 percent of the universe is plasma. Hoyle's theory met its death when the Suns are made of plasma. Their winds cosmic background radiation was are plasma. Plasma surrounds the detected. larger planets, including Earth. It is At the moment, the BB's chief rival plasma that produces the polar auroral is a theory proposed 20 years ago by lights. Fluorescent lights contain a Hannes Alfven, a Swedish physicist form of plasma. and holder of a 1970 Nobel Prize, now Only a few plasma physicists favor 84 years old. Alfven has a reputation Alfven's view that plasma shapes the galaxies. If gravity was acting alone, they maintain, the large-scale galactic clumping would have required at least a hundred billion years, far exceeding the amount of time permitted by BB theory. The plasma theory, they say, not only allows sufficient time for clumping, it also predicted just such clumping. Although Alfven's universe is infinite in time and space, it is not a steady-state model like some of its rivals. Drawing on the views of Belgian chemist Ilya Prigogine, it is a universe that began in chaos and is steadily evolving more and more complex forms of order. At the beginning was a uniform hydrogen plasma that had always existed. Over trillions of years it began to develop vortices and gravitational instabilities that finally, after hundreds more as a maverick whose proposals have billions of years, formed galaxies, been a mix of successful hits and stars, and planets. Unlike the BB unfortunate misses. One of his con- model, Alfven's universe is not run- troversial conjectures was the basis ning down as its entropy increases, for his Worlds-Antiworlds (Freeman, but is being continually wound up in 1966). The book defended the view ways that Prigogine seeks to explain. that half the galaxies in the universe Its future is unlimited and unpre- contain stars made of matter and that dictable. the other half contain stars made of Now, the greatest obstacles to this antimatter. Almost all astrophysicists infinitely evolving cosmos are the red now agree that the universe is entirely shifts of distant galaxies, which are matter. best explained by a uniformly expand- In Alfven's model, gravity is not ing, finite model. If you run the alone in shaping galaxies. They are expansion backward, you reach a time, formed mainly by the electromagnet- 10 to 20 billion years ago, when the ism of titanic helical vortices in plasma, universe had to be an infinitely dense 358 SKEPTICAL INQUIRER, Vol. 16 Big Bang Gets Big Boost s this issue was on it's way to cist at the University of California, Apress, the startling news broke Berkeley, who led the research that NASA's Cosmic Background team. "The big bang," exclaimed Explorer (COBE), peering back astrophysicist Edward Wright, a some 15 billion years into the past, member of Smoot's team, "is alive found that the microwave radiation and well, very well!" was far from uniform. Fluctuations Still a mystery is the nature of in the radiation showed that soon the "dark matter" required by big- after the big bang there were bang theory to account for the nonuniform patterns in the radio galactic structure. As I write, there waves sufficient to account for a is yet no word from Alfven or rapid congealing of primeval gas Lerner about their reaction to the into large-scale structures. news. My guess is they are not The discovery was hailed as the likely to toss in their towels, but most important in cosmology for will be proposing an explanation for the past two decades. "If you're the COBE results that is consistent religious, it's like looking at God," with their plasma model. said George Smoot, an astrophysi- —M.G. singularity that exploded. site matter collide, they pass through How does Alfven evade this evi- one another without mutual annihi- dence? His conjecture is that the lation. The microwave background primeval plasma first produced a thin comes not from the BB of a singu- mixture of matter and antimatter that larity. It is radiation from nearby stars, gathered into huge clouds. Gravity smoothed by intergalactic plasma. caused each cloud to start to collapse Eric Lerner acknowledges that until the collisions of matter and there are grave difficulties with this antimatter produced an explosion that scenario, even though he is certain covered a space hundreds of millions that BB theory has been refuted by of light-years across and lasted mil- the universe's large-scale structures lions of years. Portions of each original and that something like Alfven's cloud blew apart to form smaller model will have to be substituted. clouds of matter and antimatter that Another alternative to BB cosmology in turn exploded in myriads of smaller is the possibility that red shifts are not bangs. Alfven calls this his "fireworks measures of receding velocities, but model." the result of other, as-yet-unknown We live in what Alfven calls a causes. If this is true, then of course "metagalaxy." It arose from a little our metagalaxy is not expanding at all. bang that occurred 10 to 20 billion Few cosmologists believe that any years ago, as indicated by the red other explanation of red shifting will shifts. In infinite space an infinity of be found, or that there is any evidence other metagalaxies are forming. Half to support Alfven's fireworks. our galaxies are made of matter; the Lerner's battering of the BB theory other half, of antimatter. Stars are so would be more effective if he would far apart that when galaxies of oppo- soften his rhetoric, which is like that Summer 1992 359 so often used to support fringe that if our universe is destined to die science. Not content with giving data from an overdose of entropy, or from and arguments against the BB, and a big crunch at the end of a contracting sketching alternative models, Lerner phase, then the universe does seem, bashes the scientific establishment for as in a much-quoted passage from a its stubborn inability to accept new book by Steven Weinberg, to be ideas. If BB theory is discredited, he "pointless." warns, would not the careers of hun- Presumably, if we could only get dreds of researchers be threatened? rid of unfettered capitalism and Although evidence against the BB substitute a more humane democracy, remains far from persuasive, Lerner's economic woes would be diminished, enthusiasm is boundless. He likens the hope for humanity's future would coming rejection of BB theory to the revive, and scientists would replace Copernican revolution. Just as astron- the pessimistic BB theory with an omers tried vainly to patch up the optimistic plasma model.
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