Winona State University OpenRiver Winona Daily News Winona City Newspapers 6-11-1962 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News Follow this and additional works at: https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews Recommended Citation Winona Daily News, "Winona Daily News" (1962). Winona Daily News. 295. https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews/295 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Partly Cloudy Tonight> Tuesday; Chaiite of Showe rs Kennedy Denies Hostility to Business 7 Killed in Boost Gonf idence 2-tar Crash InMS, Economy, In Wisconsin President Urges By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS A two-Car collision on a hill hn Chippewa . County has taken th« lives of seven persons, including six young people riding in one erf they vehicles. The dead included the driver of one of the cars, who was alone, and all six persons in ther second car. The crash occurred Sunday 'night; Eleven other person s . lost their lives over the , weekend, sending the 1962 Wisconsin traffic toll to 335, only eight /below the figure' .'on this date last yean/ Chippewa C o u n t y Patrolman James Revier identified the dead as Otto Iverion of Bruce, 51, who was alone, and Knute Nelson, 23, Cornell, and James Richards, 17, Linda Amerson , 17, - Valentine R u- benzer, IS, Juanita Aiikey, 16, and Jack Roberts, 16, all of Cadott. All but Roberts , the driver of the second car, died in the cra-sh or before reaching hospitals. Rob- erts died- about 2:40 a in. today HARVARD MAN GETS YALE DECREE . v.. President, i*_ __, in St. Joseph's Hospital at Chip- nedy. Harvard '40, has hood of ': honorary Doctor of Laws degrea pewa Falls, The accident scene is on a . from Yale University placed over his head at Commencement cere- straight stretch of road leading monies in New Haven. -Placing hood are Yal Corporation marshals up a hill about f ive miles north Frederick W. Killes (left ) and Richard L. Purdy. At right is Yal« of Cadott, The. crash took pla ced president A. Whitney Griswold. fAP Photofax) . about* l&O yards short of the sum- mit of the hill. By WHITNEY SHOEMAKER Chippewa C o « n t y authorities NTEW HAVEN; Conn. (AP) -^ President Kennedy urged DERAILED .y. Fifteeai cars of the 17<ar Northern Pacific passenger train are miles west of Missoula, Mont. (AP Photofax) said a yellow no-passing.line regu- today that critics, business and political, discard "wornout . shown scattered beside a yhighway after the train derailed early Sunday about 15 lated traffic in the lane in which slogans" and join hands .with the government to pump new the Roberts' auto had been travel- strength and confidence into nation's economy- ing. The car came to a: stop in the Kennedy vowed his clash with the steel industry did left-hand ditch , on the opopsite side pf the road. not mean his administration is hostile toward business. Hundreds of Catholics V/ill James D. Hall ,. 62, JariesvLlle, But in a speech, prepared ior Yale University's com- Child KMed?l9 Hurt died in an Edgerton hospital early mencement, he said the gov- t Sunday night of injuries suffered ernment is obliged to exer- wornout slogans an earlier era of in a three-car crash in the:city of cise " watchf ul concern for to"' "keep our mighty economic Opponents of Desegregate Edgerton earlier in the day. • our economic health" while machine moving steadily ahead." Daniel Spelick, 37, Wheeling, III., business and labor must live Western Europe's progress in died Sunday night after his car the last decade illustrates how In Wre ck in Montana crashed, through a: guardrail on a up to their public responsi- government can . coordinate all Franco Seized By JACK ZYGMOND speed limit for the curve. and clearing the wrecked cars Atlanta Schools railroa d overpass on Highway 12 bilities. sectors o>f an economy to generate MISSOtJLA. Mont . (AP) - A The train 's speed recorder tape a;wpy will take several days. Pas- in Claris County . Kennedy said economic prosperity, he said. MADRID ZAP) - Hundreds of will be given to Interstate Com- senger trains will use a freight ATLANTA, Ga. (A.P)-The Ro- Northern Pacific luxury train shot ¦¦ ¦ Peter Hellenbrand, 34, Cross problems bearing down on a opponents of Generalissimo Fran- off a mountain curve in western merce Commission investigators, line. ' ¦: man Catholic Church has ordered Plains, was killed Sunday when free economy cannot be solv- He responded by implication tp cisco Franco's dictatorship have Montana Sunday, killing a child a Northern Pacific official said at The stepfather and mother of Atlanta archdiocesan schools de- struck by a car as he directed charges by Republicans, including been reported arrested in a St. Paul,. Minn. He wouldn 't siegregated this fall in a move ed without separating myth former President I>wight D, Eisen- and injuring¦ ¦ 219 of its 350 passen- Uie dead child, Mr. and Mrs. traffic around his stalled truck on from reality— and he - said it is sweeping roundup of dissidents of gers. ¦ ' ' . ' ' • divulge what the recorder showed, James Yale s of Centralis, Wash;, supported by leading Catholic Highway 14 near Richland Censer. hower, and some spokesmen for all political shades. except to say the speed was a laymen and the mayor pt mythical:to coiitend th at govern- business that his policies touched Only two of the 17 cars re- were en route to his hometown of Daniel Raleigh , 29, Brantwood , ment is big and getting worse or . Five leading monarchists were mained, on the rails in the da\vn "good deal slower" than IOO Ekalaka. Jtont. With them were Atlanta. was killed when the .. sports'.car in off recent stock market gyrations. caught iny the dragnet as they re- m.p.h, the victim' ' to argue that deficits in the federal derailment , which may cost the s half-sisters, Roberta The historic decision applied *o which he was riding left- Lincoln budget always create inflation. Among false issues . which ho turned from a meeting of Spanish Beaber, 2, and Jacqueline Beaber, Catholic schools in the 71 north said are frustrating efforts to railroad $1 million . Tho derailment cams a little County Highway CC and plunged [ oppositionists in Munich , Ger- 5, Yates, 25 , was discharged from Georgia counties of the archdio- into a ditch early Sunday, r Kennedy chose Yale's 261st push the economy forward, Ken- The other i5 cars of the SeatUc- more lhan three months after the military service last Tuesday. ' commencement to deliver- what many. Three of them refused an to-Chicago North Coast Limited same (rain , westbound, ran oft the cese where about 7,500 pupils are nedy declared "is the assertion offer of exile and were flown to- enrolled. The tola! includes 735 Mrs. Mary Lyons, 2T , of ryral the White House clearly regarded that any and all unfavorable "turns catapulted down a 100-foot em- tracks amd into a lake near Athol, The wreck happened as North- , ~ an important statement of his ad- day to forced residence in the miles northwest of T-wo negroes, all . in Atlanta. Ocohornowoc was killed near Sul- of the speculative wheel—however bankment 15 Idaho. crewmen were killed in ern Pacifi c officials, including livan in Jefferson County Sumday ministration 's domestic views. temporary and however plainly Canary Islands, Two went into Missoula. president Robert S, exile in Paris. aiacFarlane. Archbishop Paul J. Hallinin when the family car missed a He received an honorary degree speculative in character—are the _ T)vp of the _ olive-green passen- gathered in Missoula for the open- said it was up to local bishops —his 22nd—and jested about the - •" (The trnin paxxsrd fhrmr gh - - of curve and smashed¦ into a clump result oE 'lack of confidence in tha Those flown to Fuerte V entura, ger cars plunged all the way to ing today the first -of f onr ICC elsewhere in the "archdiocesan of "trees:"""" "." "" ""' " :y"""" fact -that- as a Harvard . graduaie national administration.'- " - largest of the Canaries, the bottom , coming to rest in a Witiona Junction at 9:29 n.m. hearings in Montana on a merger province to decide what action to he is now a Yale man. second Saturday. There incre no Richard Nicholson , 23, Mil wau- were Joaquin de Satrustegui, an ditch along U.S. Highway 93 and proposed by the Northern Paci- take in their areas. That included kee, "Someone has told me that I "This, I must tell you, while boardings f or the Montana , d ied Sunday when his car executive of the Spanish affiliate 10A. fic Great Northern , Burlington other sections of Georgia as well left a road in Greenfield and now have the best of both worlds comforting, is not wholly true. of the American-owned Minnesota area.)' Spokane, Portland & Seattle rail- as North and Soulh Carolina and —a Harvard education and a Yale Worse, it obscures the reality— Tho nose ol one car smashed roads. struck a tree. Mining and ^Manufacturing Co. ; deep into the ditch , scooping up Florida , all under ihe arch- John Strouf , 17, and John Sku- degree , " Kennedy said . which is also simple. The solid Fernando Alvarez de Miranda . 40, The estimate of $L million h bishop's titular control. bal , 19, both of Manitow oc , died Turning serious , the- chief ex- ground of mutual confidence is mud that huried Terese AJM that wreck. Its cause , is still n claims and damages nephew of th« Marquis cf Val- Dooms of Ekalaka , Mont.
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