/ , ~ ; the removal of JUdge Loring; the in 19n nt protests. at the setting up of t e Daniel Webster statue in t~ state House Y rid --how poat: qi. Imperfect must be every attempt to preserve that Viglanee Uomm1tteets noble work for the deoa e--l850-1860--to sucoor U16se hunted men, '.roman and. children tumet!' extreme peril, 60 obscure and humble their very names now forgotten, an~ they floated out l~.ke wee 6 on the great oce n of llumanlty. ortun':4tely the Roll of Honor, wl th the nllmes of the VIGILANCECO~qTTEE t taelt, 18 1n existence, Brl 1s ~OW for the first time made public. RE1., NISCENCES (Pegs 1 of Bearse Th s ubl1cat on 1s ictate by t e quiek-neprtea symppthy ot ' my nti-slavery friend, Rev. PAotius Fisk, chaplain United States Navy, W 0 ~n the best BpiI.' -it of h~,s n tive land, classic Greeoe, as reare- appI.'oprl to monumentalstones to commemorate tae deeds of'martyrs W 0 h!!avesllffere in sever 1 St tes of America for aid.ing tbe escape of slf.!.vea from gtlllin \ b n age. At Mount AUbuI.'n~ to Rov. Charles T. Tor~y, who ~leQ in a Baltimore ja11: tew Bedfore " to Capta __n Drayton, who endure a terrible imprisonment or years in We slin§ton--for wh1ch Charles ,Sumner wrote tke inscrlptlon;t ake arbor, 111ctdg 0, to \i#aptain ohathan V:a.lker, "111-. }84~ W.R3CGst into a uogeon, and pieroed 1n tl1.e non w1 th a ot 1ron,. by Flori a slQvehol ers-iit' e oro of -!Ilhi tt:tert a soul-stirr.:.ng v"'}rse, ttTbe Dr ndefl and." All seachuBetts 01t1zens, ftBreastin0 the full tl e of wrong, Un ppalled by the danger" tl1e S}:Ult16, 2.nd the pain, o ' '1t ne each t r'-al for Trl1t as t ei r ga',n. tI Pres i den T1mony Gilbert Secretary Cnal'le s ~is t lJIlree.surer Francis ,aokson Exeoutive Tkteo oro P~rkpr We "el1..,11 1 lips, J08h1l B. Silli t11. E m'L".n ao1<:800 Lewis Hn:,..,~en Cherles·M. Ellis S~m'.lelG. nowe rlee K. Vi 1pple Robert E. Apthorp John A.• An raw Hen ry !. Boy;f..i te,};a Ellls Gr~y Loring William iN.. JIil.l"joI'am Robert 4'tlor-rla S muel E. SWWf411 T'ranc1s ,f~ckson ~o, in the sl g.t record of t e~e pages~ gr~teful1y enie tea to THE CO' '\~ITEE OF VIGIJ ..M.T•. CE, woul tlia lover of 1s fellow- men seek, to keep green the me ory of t e f ilful ser,p! oe done to umanlty in Boaton harbor and streets, in w. ien huntec fugitive slaves were ~nato e from kl appers, ahel tered, housed an.tl fed, Arre ta r r r ~1 1851 UZ"fIS 5 r p of 1 va- , their 'lll t en t •.roo en t f S w:..ranin , ~treet Ac Ie t ti- t t for 1 a e c. fro Ava na • b~ r t br1e.". C. Gilmor If Tb re by e. "1 0 OJ a bout r lp. S t put "1;1 t bo r . e uc ton. _~y 0)1 ion e internal s1 r pI t tioD, in or erial • eople ~:es. c :mot be s en of slavory by 9lant tion of comltric~ uce of pI nt tiona. not In my past ay I th9 system of slavery was lK muc iscusse u Is wthese t·:lngsas others 1 ithout lnterf-rence. I3ecause I no longer t ink it 1'1 : t t ee these things 1n &.L lence, I t~ de no nore 6 ut of on Dixon's line. t. flY. oy, ext ue lav 8• to £Iurfer 1ts .ey ooul be tou . rl presume, 1; m e~up t'eir min to t & anoook r e vio:.t e tel air al conae- orge III, ts reso . event" T e d of AICer' ar: 'oor 1 lly re pon J We ''''r1Iy 'be m e J a d p.3r ons al to trial ! er member of the ig:11ance COnt1. ere by ~o ~y, 0 sel sympat·y. In t i ex1.g ut oize to colI ct funa , t ese interesting an 81 n tures sb : Letter of !~. rurr son to ~neo ore Parker 65 Suf~ lk treat, ~ ro 4, 1851 I mi er3tan it h 3 been sug eated to t e Vigil nee Com. t t it w uld be expe lent to employ me two or tree reI! hIe per ons f r v ri u nurpo s-- uch's obt ~n ng r biving in orma- tion, collecting fU"8 &C, (I£.--in t e p.r6scnt 'tetra ssing crt 1 • r t ink well of tIe proaosltlon, n1 'waul ~ eart~ ly recommen our wort y an f 1 rul f'rlen , A stin Be J."b\:: (v;i t 'l~ am y u ra oquin to ), t fila! Y s tu ti n of tl t ki • Yours, it get reg r , :1t~. LLOYD :i.~FJUSOl." lq. B.--Go ble s you for your m ny faiIful PUiPi t testimonie • Th August o)out\ t €' af.t e11 p' i 11i ps in ~ SIlIi. t r bul{ to 01 t1 ze 8 of Bosto er of &lm , m ae t t e fir t 'nnu 1 co. ,renti n t - Inv rv >Joc ety helc ft r t e retur of S1 ., Jan. 30, 18 in F eu1l H 11. !J1-' "Resolve, t at as oltlz e an t e Co~o we It 1e recor' 0 r ee(' th~ surren er of Thom ~lms em c.r ly f' ly'nc; "olley of volt~ t,eer zeal 1. be If of ellberate '" n~,on_ avo,., v' 1 t1 n v:e 1 for t 0 baaeRt of f~ee m 1 nt,.,bon _~e t ~t m'k~ money. P,,111"'1 e nt1nu n T f1 ut little f ult, t c City ~ rs 1 of Boston, t t e 1 t e in£' ° Buty t merc. nts of Boston set 1m to. e f' ".lIt I rat .er c oae to note 1 • t at tie owner ~ t e br1 t crorn' can lk UJ St te Street, and be a er ct ever; an t t no merc nt e rinks from 1s a1 e. Aoorn continued. But e· 111 put t. e fact t t 18 OW:ld th t rig so blackly on T3cor Qn t u In! mous uses ae made of jt, tl at 1s chil ren--yes, 11: s c 11 ren--will, t ent;y ye&'l"s hence, 1. dly for.~go .1 thp we It. e':D 1 leve tl ern to blot it ute Tbe tit e 11 come when it wl11 be thoug; t th.e un:.dndest U n in t e worl· for ny \.ne to I' emin the son of t t m "'1 t J..l.ot 1s r t er 1s n mas Jo n H. Para n, i t t e 0 mod the Ac Letter of 'I'. P i lips to Capta_n e'rsa ¥ en my 1itr-le colore boy rrives, I ~ls you to take c~."l"ge f tmll nd ~fC p : i't! t1l1 Y 1. C n "':f't ::I jill' fe ·ay to sen" 1m to th Cape. You kno it i not safe to ve co .ore c 11dl"'entrllv,1 in" :#bouti lone, so be very careful at you get 1~ & safe c nveyance. e i to be sent to J. E. yo, H r iia. , to 1-1t.:.p t tl \~ Uotl:-:>n ~tore tl.t,re. !f Mr. t ayo i not t ere, Capt in S 11 will atten to i • You rou t write to~. yo. 0 1ays befcre e 11 rrlve, tellln 1~ When to ex ct 1. Pay pes ge on your letters. 10 nam i Bern I' 0 , 8 al j rect tl'e B t re. pIe ve left t 21 Corn 111. o t 11 :.allc'ltt bvut , let' 1 tten to Bernal' 0 t11 you .:-rive. :~'rlte .1. 4Jrrtv 1 t e :)m'.t a coma. C'rge exp nse t e. C pt in Be rs : I ve 'ri tten t ve in c me oy t_e train t at re (,e~ Boston bout one o·clock. I opa t" ey vl1l b ble to en iIl1 ' Y t t. suppose some one iLl be t t e office qt t t our to I'ec i ve 11m. 0. t t Ie t 1t b locke U!"l7'- .P. I aot the boy s fe ow~ to the Cape, B Mr. P. ~ toed. ve u e~ to to C; rle SU~ler S 'ouse niB ts.• Sumner n r. :J.ill ~ I"n 11, .er tryin tc c-tSin: out of the n El of the •• s• .u ra 1 WJ. th ~ri ts ~ n va him t ria ~, une ar tb -' law of •...•s~achuaetts, for asuultin a police-off:l.c'r, etc. I I~emember .1 • PhiI11p8 ,'len t ',~ith 1€ to counsel b ut ims--lf there soul sue c' we coul '-et' j",,; off fron tl~e 'Acor!~," g lng om t e' rbo!", n' f llo'lng ftf'r.
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