1002 Supplementing Ca salts of soybean oil to late-gestating beef cows: impacts on performance and physiological responses of the offspring Alice Poggi Brandão,†, Reinaldo F. Cooke,†,1, Kelsey M. Schubach,† Bruna Rett,†,‡ Osvaldo A. Souza,†,‡ Ky G. Pohler,† David W. Bohnert,|| and Rodrigo S. Marques$, †Texas A&M University, Department of Animal Science, College Station, TX 77845; ‡Universidade Estadual Paulista—FMVZ, Botucatu, SP 18618-970, Brazil; ||Oregon State University—EOARC, Burns, OR 97720; and $Montana State University, Department of Animal and Range Sciences, Bozeman, MT 59717 Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/tas/article/4/Supplement_1/S22/6043895 by guest on 24 December 2020 © The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the American Society of Animal Science. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted reuse, distribu- tion, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Transl. Anim. Sci. 2020.4:S22–S26 doi: 10.1093/tas/txaa090 INTRODUCTION advantageous to gestational programming com- pared with the ɷ-3 + ɷ-6 FA mix used by Marques Nutritional management of beef cows during et al. (2017), and also elucidate the specific pro- late gestation has direct implications on postna- gramming roles of ɷ-6 FA. Based on this ration- tal performance of the in utero offspring (Cooke, ale, we hypothesized that CSSO supplementation 2019). The majority of the research conducted to late-gestating beef cows will improve postnatal within this subject focused on energy and protein offspring productivity via programming effects. nutrition, and limited information exists about This experiment compared growth, physiological essential fatty acids (FA). Our group recently parameters, and carcass characteristics of cattle reported that supplementing Ca salts of ɷ-3 born from cows supplemented or not with CSSO and ɷ-6 FA to beef cows during late gestation during the last trimester of gestation. improved offspring performance (Marques et al., 2017). More specifically, feedlot growth rate and MATERIALS AND METHODS carcass marbling were greater in calves born from cows supplemented with ɷ-3 + ɷ-6 FA. These This experiment was conducted at the Oregon results were indicative of programming effects State University—EOARC Burns, and approved from essential FA supplementation, by improving by the Oregon State University—Animal Care hyperplastic muscle development and intramuscu- and Use Committee (#4974). lar adipose cells of calves during gestation. The mechanisms underlying the outcomes Cow–Calf Management and Dietary Treatments reported by Marques et al. (2017) still warrant investigation, including the individual role of Nonlactating, pregnant, multiparous Angus ɷ-3 and ɷ-6 FA. In recent studies with beef cat- × Hereford cows (n = 104) were assigned to this tle, linoleic acid and its ɷ-6 derivatives were the experiment at the end of their 2nd trimester of specific FA linked with fetal cell differentiation gestation. Cows conceived during the same fixed- and development (Schubach et al., 2019). Hence, time artificial insemination protocol (Marques supplementing a FA source based on ɷ-6 such et al., 2017) using semen from two Angus sires (d as Ca salts of soybean oil (CSSO), may be more 195 of gestation on d 0). Prior to the beginning of the experiment (d 1Corresponding author: [email protected] −15), cows were ranked by sire, body weight (BW), Received May 1, 2020. and body condition score (BCS), and randomly Accepted June 17, 2020. assigned to receive (dry matter basis) 415 g of S22 Calcium salts of soybean oil during pregnancy S23 Table 1. Composition and nutritional profile of pasture for a 35-d preconditioning period as a diets containing Ca salts of soybean oil (CSSO) or single group. On d 325, all calves were loaded into prilled saturated fat (CON) a commercial livestock trailer and transported for 215 km to commercial feedlot (Cannon Hill Item CON CSSO Feeders LLC., Nyssa, OR), where they remained Ingredients, kg/d dry matter basis as a single group until slaughter (Agri Beef Co., Grass-alfalfa hay 12.7 12.7 Toppenish, WA). Calves did not receive supple- Soybean meal 0.415 0.415 mental CSSO or CON during preconditioning or Essentioma 0 0.195 in the feedlot. b EnergyBooster 0.170 0 Limestone 0.025 0 Sampling Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/tas/article/4/Supplement_1/S22/6043895 by guest on 24 December 2020 Nutrient profile,c dry matter basis Dry matter, % 91.9 92.1 Samples of all ingredients fed to late-ges- Net energy for maintenance,c 1.28 1.28 Mcal/kg tating cows were collected before the beginning Crude protein, % 8.3 8.3 of the experiment and analyzed for nutrient Fatty acids, % 2.46 2.45 and FA content (Dairy One Forage Laboratory, Palmitic (16:0), % 0.64 0.63 Ithaca, NY). Cow BW and BCS were recorded Stearic (18:0), % 0.61 0.08 and a blood sample was collected prior to the Oleic (18:1), % 0.16 0.41 beginning of the experiment (d −15). Within Linoleic (18:2), % 0.29 0.65 12 h after calving, cow BW, cow BCS, calf birth Linolenic (18:3), % 0.31 0.35 BW, and calf gender were recorded, and blood aEssentiom (Church and Dwight Co., Inc., Princeton, NJ). was collected from cows and calves. Blood sam- bEnergy Booster 100 (Milk Specialties, Eden Prairie, MN). ples were collected, processed, and analyzed for cValues obtained via wet chemistry analysis (Dairy One Forage plasma FA concentration as in Schubach et al. Laboratory, Ithaca, NY). (2019). At weaning (d 290), cow BW and BCS were re- corded. Calf BW was recorded over 2 consecutive soybean meal per cow daily in addition to 1) 195 g/ days upon weaning (d 290 and 291) and prior to cow daily of CSSO (Essentiom; Church and Dwight shipping (d 324 and 325), which were averaged to Co., Inc., Princeton, NJ; CSSO, n = 52) or 2) 170 g/ calculate preconditioning BW gain. From weaning cow daily of prilled saturated fat (EnergyBooster, until slaughter, calves were observed daily for bo- Milk Specialties, Eden Prairie, MN) + 25 g/cow vine respiratory disease (BRD) signs and treated daily of limestone (CON, n = 52). Supplement when signs were observed (Marques et al., 2017). treatments were iso-nitrogenous, iso-lipidic, and Carcass traits were collected upon slaughter at the iso-caloric (Table 1), and provided from d 0 to calv- commercial packing plant, including hot carcass ing. Cows were maintained in one of two meadow weight (HCW) that was adjusted to a 63% dressing foxtail (Alopecurus pratensis L.) pastures (52 cows/ percentage to estimate final BW and feedlot BW pasture, 26 cows/treatment per pasture) from d −15 gain. until calving. Grass-alfalfa hay was provided daily at 12.7 kg/cow (dry matter basis), and cows had ad Statistical Analysis libitum access to water and a commercial mineral + vitamin mix. All variables were analyzed with cow as the From d 0 until calving, cows were gathered three experimental unit, and cow(treatment × pasture), times weekly (Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays) pasture, and sire as random variables using SAS and sorted into 1 of 24 individual feeding pens. (SAS Inst. Inc., Cary, NC). Quantitative data Cows individually received treatments (1.42 kg of were analyzed using the MIXED procedure, and supplement treatment/feeding, dry matter basis). binary data were analyzed using the GLIMMIX Immediately after calving, cow–calf pairs were re- procedure. Model statements for cow-related re- moved from their pasture and assigned to the gen- sponses included the effects of treatment. Model eral management of the research herd until weaning statements for calf-related responses analysis in- (Marques et al., 2017), which did not include CSSO cluded the effects of treatment, calf sex, and the or CON supplementation. treatment × calf sex interaction. Results are re- Calves were weaned on d 290 of the experi- ported as least square means. Significance was set ment, and transferred to a 6-ha meadow foxtail at P ≤ 0.05. Translate basic science to industry innovation S24 Brandão et al. Table 2. Performance of beef cows receiving diets Table 3. Plasma FA profile µ( g/mL of plasma) of containing Ca salts of soybean oil (CSSO; n = 52) beef cows and their offspring upon calvinga,b or prilled saturated fat (CON; n = 52) during the last trimester of gestationa,b Item CON CSSO SEM P-value Linoleic (18:2 n-6) Item CON CSSO SEM P Calf 24.5 41.8 4.3 <0.01 Days receiving 85.5 85.1 0.6 0.60 treatments, d Cow 145 341 11 <0.01 Body weight, kg Linolenic (18:3 n-3) Initial 504 505 9 0.89 Calf 1.23 0.100 0.285 <0.01 Calving 545 554 9 0.48 Cow 60.5 34.2 1.5 <0.01 Weaning 568 564 9 0.78 Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/tas/article/4/Supplement_1/S22/6043895 by guest on 24 December 2020 Body condition Total polyunsaturated fatty acid score Calf 40.1 60.6 4.6 <0.01 Initial 4.88 4.88 0.04 0.92 Cow 270 450 15 <0.01 Calving 4.74 4.82 0.07 0.59 Total ω-3 Weaning 5.19 5.09 0.08 0.40 Calf 2.50 1.05 0.55 0.05 Cow 67.4 41.7 1.7 <0.01 a Cows received (dry matter basis) 190 g/cow daily of Ca salts of soy- Total ω-6 bean oil (CSSO; Essentiom; Church and Dwight Co., Inc., Princeton, Calf 37.6 59.5 4.4 <0.01 NJ) or 170 g/cow daily of prilled saturated fat (CON; Energy Booster 100; Milk Specialties, Eden Prairie, MN).
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