Janu ary 1974, Vo l. 15, No . 1 Thi s January, 1974 marks the openi ng of a special yea r- long drive to encourage present members of ACC to in crease their support of th e Council - by movi ng to a hi ghe r ca tegory of membership, and by seekin g others to become members. As AC C tru stee Jack Lenor La rsen sta ted in the December 1973 Cralt Horizons, "A new, broader base for fin ancial support must co me from th e Council's strong regional network. Th e craftsmen and all th os e concerned wit h the cra ft s must, to a far la rger ex te nt, share th e res ponsibili ty. The ACC is not just fighting for fi nancial su rviva l, nor to mainta in a program , but rather somehow to stand up to the cha ll eng e of ex pl oding media interest. " The annual budget divided by total mem bersh ip is many times hi gher than membership dues. New members would lower that diff eren tia t, as woul d the raising of old membe rs to hig her categories of mem bership, and contributions. Encouraging oth ers to join IS someth in g all of us ca n dO." Th e subjec t of mem ership is th us the focus of th is spec ial iss ue of Outlook. Me mbership be nefit s are restated and new on es announ ced There are policy sta tements written by the directors of the three ajor prog ram areas of th e Council: the Museum of Con tempora ry Cra ft s, Cralt Horizons, and th e Re search & Education Depart ment. Outlook's customary con ­ te nt is here too - the ca lendar, book, and sli de co lumns as well as other news and info rma tio n. And in order to tell our story to eve ry one, th is January newslett er is be ing mai led to the full membersh ip - all 33, 000. Normally, onl y voting members receive Outlook. New benefits for ACC members Effectiv e the fi rst of this yea r, each Centered at Yo rk University seven So ciety bo ok " In Praise of Hands" which vo ting me mber of the American Crafts mi les no rt hwes t of Toront o, th e confer­ will be pu blish ed as the catal og for the Coun cil automati ca ll y became a mem- ence will mark the tent h ann iversary of Fi rst World Cra fts Exhibition. er of the World Crafts Counci l. (Vo ting the foun ding of WCC . Malor in the con ­ An other wi ndfall to ACC voting mem­ mem ers are those in the $18 .50 or feren ce program is the debut of the be rs is the cha nce to purc hase th e higher category .) Th is is a marked Firs t Wo rld Cra ft s Ex hibition at the in ­ "World Craft s Dire ctory." This is a com­ departure fro m th e past when to be an novative Ontari o Sci ence Center. Con­ pilation by cont inent of craft schools, Ameri can member of WC C meant a ferees will also attend the premi er of a museums having special craft interest. separat e fee. film on world crafts prepared by the government agenci es and craft organi­ For ACC members as we ll as for National Fi lm Board of Canada expressly zations, malor craft centers and pu bli ­ bot h the America n and World Crafts for wee. Additio nal program wi ll con­ cations in each of 93 countries. Cra ft Cou nCils, this is a si gni ficant step Aside cern th e human condition of th e con­ departme nts in universities and coll eges fr om the immediate benefits - th ree an­ tem porary craftsman - how he lives and partic ul arl y will find thi s Directory help­ nual WC C newsletters and eligibility to works in all parts of the worl d. ul reference for stud ents and faculty parlicipate in WCC member-only pro­ The all -i nclusive fee fo r th e confer­ pla nni ng trips abroa d. grams - there is the clear prospect of ence (housi ng / mea ls at York Un ive rsity Th e co mplete set of four continental increa se d communicatio n among craft s­ and special evenls) is $175 . fo r double groups (93 co un tr l s) is $25. or ach men throughout the world. occupancy or $200 for single occu­ con tinental set may be purchased sep­ Because of this chan e, all voting pancy This sum is payable to WCC by arately for $10 The sels are. Afri ca-26 members of ACC are now invited to Ma rch 1 A deposit of $50 sent now countries , Asia-25, Europe-25, The att end the WC C conference in Toront o, will hold a re se rvation. Those who at­ Am ncas - 17 Orders should be ad­ Canada June 9-15 this year (Thi s is a tend can expect an extra dividen d - a dressed to WCC , 29 West 53 Street, WCC members-only event.) free copy of the WCC / New Yo rk Graphic ( c ntinued p 2) New benefi ts for ACC members (CO~ ("(' ) Stitchery, Free Expression by Ann Your Portable Museum Woelders. Van Nos trand Reinhold Co. The lollowmg new slIde h,ls have been added New York, NY 10019 and include a 1973. 104 pp. $7.95. Focusi ng on basic to th e Research & Education Department serv­ check to WCC covering the complete ice Your Pori Ie M useum. All are available stitches and design shapes, this text order. New York City/ State residents fo r a 7S-day rental pel/ad mcluslVe 01 return could be a helpful "coach" to the be­ mallmg lIme, all may be purchased Desel/P­ must add applicable sales tax. (Only ginning or timid st it c her. t,ve notes ae ompany Ih e klls. Orders should voting members of ACC may purchase be marked Your Po rtable Museum and ad· this Dir ectory.) Ceramic Formulas: The Complete dre s~cn In ACe, .'.1 W 53 St . ew York, NY 100 9. Send no c/lec/(s until bIlled. A lull Havrng assis ted some members in Compendium by John W Conrad. Mac­ lislmq 0 1 Your Porlable Museum servIce will 1973 to collect unpaid bills related to mil lan Publishing Co 1973 309 pp. be mailed 10 Ihose who send a Siamped se ll- $ 10.95. Exactly as the titl e stat es, a book 'lddresse nv lope wllh Ihelf requeSI sal es of their work made principally al of formul ae - on glazes, clay bodies, Functional Pottery the Northeast Cra ft Fair, ACC plans to enam els, and glass 43 slides; rental $7; purchase $43. extend th is service to all voting members Casserol es, pots, plates and other durin the corning months. A nominal The Crossing Point by M. C. Richards . functional wa re by tw enty American fee "v ill be charged fo r handling each Wesl eyan University Press. 1973. 245 c ramlsts collecti on. Voti ng members who have p p $12 .50 . A compila tion of talks by Photographing Ceram ics: Camera need of this as sistance should direct " M.C." on ed ucation, philosophy, and Techniques and Other Suggestions their correspondence to the President's se lf -realization Her earlier book was 44 slides; rental $7; purchase $44. off ice at ACC. Ihe much praised "Centering." Not least of th e new benefits is a plan 80th general and speCifi c information The 10l/m'n ng oaks aro tleulg 0 lelfJd xeluslvely on photogra phi ng ceramics is pre­ to pu blish a job listing for members. 10 CC member al a special d,scounted pfle Thi s lis tin g would incl ude both persons Orders wllh ull remilla rlee payable 10 Ihe Amefl ­ sent ed In a combinat ion of slides can Cralls COLlnCl1 should bc addrcssod 10 lem · seeking lobs and organizations having and extensive descripti ve notes, er ' el ices. ACC. ,J ~ West 53 Sir CI, N IV York. Samuel Vellin : Sketches in hon openings Furth er detai ls will be an­ NY 10019. New York Ily and SlaW reS idents muSI add applicable sales lax 62 slides ; re ntal $9; purchase $62. nounced late r this year. Ba skets As Textile Art by Ed Rossbach, Des igns " s etched" in iron by the Van Nostrand ReinhOld Co. 1973. 199 outstanding Polish-born bl acksm ith , Books pp $14 .95 but $1 2.25 to ACC members Sa muel Yellin, who operated a thriv­ As an mlO/malion ser Ice 10 OUTL OOK readers, (plus 85(" to cover posta e and handling). in g Iron shop in Philadelp hia during books on crflils an . relaled subleelS re cently A book refreshingly beyond the "how­ the peri od 19 10-1940. Descripti ve receIved by Ihe ACC Librar y are Iisled below to" genre (yet cog nizant of the impor­ no tes in clu de the artist's biography, While ACe oes no l nreSenlly aCI as an agenl lor Ihe sale 01 books (I'JIII1 Ille e ceO llons nO led tance of te chniques) by an informed technical references, a glossary and b '10 10 ).
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