Plainfield City Directory, 1885

Plainfield City Directory, 1885

COMBINED or IV SOMERViLLE, BOUND BROOK, : fM|iTAN, 1 DUNELLEN, w WESTFIELD, . F A N W O Q D , rot \S * lfl(86«8C(t • N\ • - ~ " 'i r j f ’ i 4* (■ H f (M M BnsiMsjMrectirT. Miw w m (t ri*,• ‘ ■> ‘‘ii.iVf.HlI*»(.< S'i® WWM10 mUMKD BY 11 i - Pj? 1 ,7 77 I 4 *!»DKEW gfrVD.*i -» - * x , ff^ * V \ v.**>, \ t),' " * ^ i. !“T^'®*^’53!r7" 77 < ,[ n q i Tr t'i .1 >’ , ' ’ Vi 1 ' ’ u ' H4NRT« -•‘158 -i«tWo5cn2i?Sw - fcC . t . V: . ; ■ V, • I n d e x t o A d v e r t i s e r s . 8P1CUL ATTSKTIOH W,'V , i N o r t h P l a i n f i e l d . • : Ji. - ABWUEVUTI0 N8.-**,t o m ; M, H lw ; m , «omv: K,«tf ; » J '■■■«»------------------------ tpv»j fi5SiNF8fair?^"1 ; aq, aqwaaa; & w m } CtolMir. M hrtiiffl TV h n W «A •. Abbott Tho«M W, oonaiaakiMr (N Y), h Ariingtoiar As^assiih.Km > Aokw K ft fmuHfi pmtnffirr' ’ ' ■■■•. ' AcV.ernW AithlbiiaTckrk (N YX h 8 Elm pi [NP Aykanaun GjrtUriM P, drttMitkar, h Biot :& Wamo, AokerminObrMUu J?Y»td|flHft(N Y), kBBlm pi Aekemao Cora^a. ji diSW fcp! Y v " : AefcMMsBntat,oemtnt (wTihTtktorCtatii|it Ackerman J Harvev, lawyer (NY), h7thoor Otatnl i t Ackenui Jolui J, mbonr, hBaoeoorWama. N P Acton John W j m Q i Y), *18 W 4th . Ad>bfl*gw^,ohft,k^oWM * h 88 MaaudagsvNP .................. 0 , i t i d f i, b ie c S T p r S p Adame Mwia L, o M , b 4l)o«r,lDoorf IrP Adams Bspam Go, 88 S oKIit AdamsJittbT, M m , hMDaar, NP u l u i , S ^ le f T it ttm ft 8 » •»« •#, «*. <*• •••• 9 • « 0." •«w »*« • tl* ■ >, , . » •»•»»>» 9 9 * .•* i • * • • • . ii jfcjWIKUt MNMmiKY. * Mf*!!f ■£ wrTjrml rd k l t l t t ^ l^Jtapal* H Fbwt’»H*Hl| a iiiM c r In paiata, otk, « D w r ' kNortktr nr Tyrrell* _ dlkMKftl *\. (WUttMi A4dU tad WUUua f >aadfttfltten,4fi Nortk Y), k Iaiif’t Hotel “ Moaateia nr nr W enl*.,. A g * Job* Tfwfl ** ifVwrt Alkn JoeepHC, tab m k witH 0 * 1 * A. MavaH, W W B Allen ftunoel, engineer, H Somereet nr linden at, JT P JMI&iw, It CkMMCM 1U> XisdM ^ AJjta Saanrt CYalfoeauia arar Raymond ar,N P A^ajtamnelH, engineer, hBomereetn Linden ar,N P Allen Willing farmer,h Brook nr arWeetereeltan NP Allje JewnHh P, draftaaun, h 49 WM [tain an N P AIUmm KnaeiNMw- •optriatendent, h Someraet cor Hoon^) Alpaogh WilliamB. pniater, WESd/lido [W *d American Mutual Fire Ine Co of Plainfield, Park ar eor Amee Charlee J, insurance (NY), >14 Creeeent ar Ammerman Jamea,ewitofcman, k 94 Cottage pi Ammon John F. oarpen'ter, k 8 Cottage pi \n Anderson AlfiidW, oaitiagemakenfc17Manning ar AMtovnam A WUIIo, phjaktta, l PM jTlOfESd; to 10 am, 9 to .. ' Andereon Cluulen imrpeater, h 4JK*d _ ^ dHkw| r Andmeoa Henrietta, widow tlnmmaUh»CladMmh N P Andereon Ienae E, import* (N Y), h Droadnay cor Bet ▼idecear - ' ’ ■ * •“ Andereon John L, bwhm(N Y), h 148 W Front ^Andanon John N, painter,* M Bid Andereon Pet*, nook, h ^Manning an N P ‘ ' « P k ............ 5555! M R o b e r t A n d e r s o n , <&- COOKING io/AND G0 0 D8 , Cor. Front A Peace Sfct, PUlNFlELD.liJ. W'dentM, 13 E Front, h J3 W Jam, to 0pm [Putnam ar , drjjood. (N Y), h FrUklinplar f t r M *r '■ ’ I ' " ! X f t 'iltW IVilIt iifclft •*;*.*;- rLAIVflSU) DISIOTOKT. m Avant, Alfred, laborer, h Bebaoat av ar JaokfQaav, NP Averill Charles F,#a Darla teadeotPUinl^ Gas light Co Avery William B, b WeeterreH av ar Grandview av, N P Ayera Alexander D.cierk,D.cterk, h Arlington av na Park avi AJiaao T.pninter, h Washington, u K ftl, A9MM» k Harmony ar W!errea, 3f-P. , ;; Aye Ayen B, pniniier, h Arlington''' av ar Park av ■i 0 , carpenter, wilder and contractor, ^ kdoW ' ’ "r*'*X _»*_■■ • - ' » * -1* Ayert William 8, driver,! *1 New Ayres Edward M, dark, n Arliagtoa av ar Park av Ayres Hannah A, widow ------ ■, h MPeeoe Ayres Nonnaa T, drygoods (N Y), k SO Creeoent av 'j ■ m Babbitt James, k Baca, nrBosnsreet, K P . figbeoek George#, p e n d in g Y), k W 8tk eor Union Broadway ear Park pi ......... '" S« I.f ■ 3 9 C*■* m j p & t i r f f 4i fo il ' . , Fliiiiift H. j. ooom m u t b i s d to a* y p a b t <y txx ornr. B s c k m a a ^ ^ wU Q and Heary Beckman), dry BaehpM ald^i^iaakaM Bros), h*? Wlfoimt .. * " ' " " ■ BacoafraakHTmleatate, kh dt-|E « w 5 r .... B@ is8~ _ , 1 rv . y 1 y<.~. ’ ' •I mou|ttaft,«(9. PM lW fU LP UIRKCTORY. Barnee Milton, feeder, h Waehineton ar, N P .. Baraee Thoaaa 8, merchant (N Y), h71 E5th Barnett Boajaxnin F, marbling, h North a? eor Hill Barry Catharine, widow Garret, h 81 Mtnnfiig it, N P Barry Darid, muon; It 31 Wenninger, N J> _ Baity EUen,aeiraat, h W8rt oorJMrleion Barry Jamee. laborer, h 05 W 81 "EXCITE Barry John, lather, h Oweabrookat nr Washington av, Berry Michael, laborer, h 05 W 3d Barth Edward, derk, h 58 W 5th | Bartlaii Aomat, j a a t t j ^ h 90 W 6th Butlrtt JH, bniur(HT), kPukHoue ^ ; Baaootai Qeoiy D, ineareiioeJN Y), h 50 E Oth fir BaaaWalterA.eoaimer(NV), hW 8th nr Plainfield . Bnee Walter A Jr, broker (N Y), h W 5th ar Plainfield Bmo William F, dark (N Y), h W 8th at Plainfield av Baaawacha Jallna W A, eaaaa, Warm opp Harmony, h Harmony, N P ^ ’ • ' ' Bainmartea Albert, botilar, h U X M Beak A t e , laborer, hlCtetfiem, N P BMlAjST/.ttaWfc r a p n - K t a r * ° ro^ bwo* •*» iy^^fW tout, h M E 4th “ dgara, 10* North aT^h OO 8op- m nm u> MHKiovr, ^ , ‘"‘, i- ft.' * „ t . _ . labortr, kOftSoattrit*, KP, i -<? P # * koop-polii MSoiMVMt, kdaNJp» M * JokaJr,cfemuk«r, h l»8om ^ N P JwmUk H, paiattr, k 7 New ........... — r;Hg«>P^» bookfa^r <H Y% k r U19 W T*m ‘v BfilMf 8»yk—, toier, raotoic* : M n a « Join, curwiKor. k K Sid «rBfcb»oad Job#, eferVH E aid itwiij aojtkr, tiK3 BMkMtWUHui h .w m f a '% iwtAlbwt 0, brokar (ITYCkl --------------- OMcotrpwtor, k M a d to tv v fi ....... ........ f t W?*: t < /, , a\ > d o & ^JMt oof IfadfcMAv *r. f : tailor, 0’ * •• ifti M ltW l IA W i 4 t i S v s riflFT ,S N w . 3®! ■c * IS •'ifl p u t **; ,t ^ •f ^4 ':;,"r is.»^> 3jj MIUVAIRh XV, IP I; PLAIK7IBLD DIBBUTOBT. 41 Berkaw John IT, dork, h 87 E Sd Bernard Augustus A, h 199 W 8d . Bernard Francis, cooper, h Harmony nr Somerset N P Berry Abb, widow Alfred, h 85 Somerset, N P ^ Berry BnnkdA )i 30 Somerset Berry John C,^Somerset nr Undon av, N P Bettman John M, commission (NY), h 0 Willow av, NP Betta Mary A, widow Peter J, li 100 E 9d Betts Peter H, produce (N Y), k IOC KSd Bearer Christian, machinist, hShort 2ds mr Plainfield av Bine Elmira, widow Henry M, h Washington cor E 2d Bloknell 8, fanner, postofflce ";7 Bilyen Elisabeth, widow Henry W. & 94 CHatham, N P “ “ ‘ r,HS4' ‘ • - BilyenHenry W, laborer, h 94 Chatham, NP Biiyen Jsreniah, mason, g 45 W Front . “ WyenTrnman Wi blacksmith, etc, Somerset nr John-Joli •ton’sdriven h Washlngtonville, N P 1 k Washington av nr Walnnt, N P _ nr Rkhmood .. ................. hMFMli, N P iH/darkP i&t Bi^d George, manhfnlalj\liRichmondnrEFlint V Bird Harvey, laboter,hJ0 Chatham, N P PlM &W W ,hW 8dar^ii^ldav Bird Joseph, matfh&t, h MIS W id B irdlSl hayTh^Hamoay, N P h 17Chatham,,NP v ^ . ____ _ , ml, kiadling wood- and mrtilisers, v - . _ - — : BirdaaU Stand % ahlpehandkr (NY), h 14 W Si ham Bdwatd^oaaehmatt, h 1O0W <kh iliiant F, bookkeeper (N Y), h FhtnUm pi n|; BlsaeU iiriUi 8. ntUliaer, k 64 W Sd K [J ’ ’ Bl tckford Lswia, carpenter, h Grove opp Rockview tfcss* ‘ t o ' ■•it •t MOaAUIwI.f. PLAIHPIBU) DIMKIOBT. 48 BMtaiDJIiBio (David and Ignats Boahn), dry good*, 7( Boahia ln ats (D Boahn 4 Bro), h Glly Hotel Boa WUfiaa. hatter, fc 43 Ptari, N P Bogardua SgbertH, oonmar (N Y), h Putnam ur Carl lout? . ' .--V.vv - ............ * & d w-MaHn^T Bohaakar Prtdark^p, dgateaaker, h BT^Froot Botea Clara 8^ h 69 .......: * // ! ‘ ‘ ‘ JjCm jJ n taim andta^-ootta, Park are Botet Lawteli tead, 68 hW 8oamaafc H P Botet tternh JL wldiar B Front, opp Church ■t?. r(5twSxH88Bf^S h 0Maa»laf ar, N P \. __arJaffwaoaav r |1 f W 4 a k ^ u L i t?t Hall*r- oor IttUBaM M M toM >» & • iWM w >Y" wmimmmm mmrisu> d ib&otost. -W- ■ rtka v Isaac, rtsl estate and ianuaaee, II Baer, hodo.XP i ------77 ' r & I n s u r a n c e B r o k e r , MONEY TO LOAN ON APPROVED SECURITY. IgMt n r A* Hiw w f a OMMRiR Pi?* Iiwmmm CommrIm of N«w VoritMiJ'&yCi*. / - : I s It BOSTM R U lin ilM lb J. LmRBm tm . Broke* Jots P, clerk, h I7£8d Broke* Msry, operator, it $1 Liberty ^ l# b Wi |Ma ■ jjp jgi M B Frost, h do ,/ Brooks Joks, k■ M W B WJnfoeifc .« Brooks; k St W Frost S f WW ' ■ (NY), k» With » W,k«TJMk«n.NP M v C H u t i r / _ -JJ, s y * ^ * i Broca n % m0m% x.wtu , »e lletiet ew \ v‘W-/7t«''V 1 ST W8Bi,ST, :, • , .

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