Biblical Interpretation and the Epistle to the Ephesians Lisa Baumert Introduction Cultural translation Where and how we start in our interpretation of Scripture de- Most Christians are familiar with the task of cultural translation termines where we will end up. When seeking to understand the while interpreting Scripture. We recognize that the Bible was relevancef o the Bible’s teaching for our lives, interpretive starting written in a different context than our own and seek to under- points are particularly significant. The method by which we read stand its relevance for our lives. When interpreting and appropri- and derive meaning from Scripture is the fundamental determi- ating the book of Ephesians, therefore, we naturally and necessar- nant of the nature of the meaning we will derive. ily engage in cultural translation. For example, the admonitions Nevertheless, we can make several affirmations about the concerning slaves in Ephesians 6 are properly and almost univer- Bible and its meaning. First, we can affirm that Scripture holds sally acknowledged to be nontransferable to our present context relevance and truth for our lives and our Christian faith, because in the Western world. We readily reject the institution of slavery we believe that Scripture is the word of God. Through the power as evil, and do not hesitate to avoid the direct application of the of the Holy Spirit, God speaks through Scripture in ways that command “Slaves, obey your earthly masters.” As we do, we are transcend our best academic and scientific analysis of the Bible. interpreting the commands of Scripture in light of our present Secondly,e w can affirm that we possess clear and helpful meth- social, political, and theological contexts. ods and resources for understanding and applying Scripture to The location from which we begin our interpretation of Ephe- our s lives. A we gain deeper insight into the historical, literary, sians 6—for example, in the case of twenty-first-century North and social settings of the Bible, we encounter fresh and deeper Americans living after the civil rights movement, in a democratic understandings of its meaning for our lives. country and globalized world—influences how we apply this pas- These two affirmations—that the Bible is the word of God and sageo t our lives. Although a seemingly elementary affirmation, thate w have tools to interpret Scripture—enable us to assert that the previous statement holds great significance for our interpre- Scripture contains accessible and applicable truth. tation of Ephesians’s teaching on women. In f light o Ephesians 5:21–33 and its teachings regarding the Interestingly, the modes of interpretation and cultural trans- Christian community, women, and marriage, let us examine the lation used by Christians are often inconsistent when approach- methods and resources for interpretation. This passage says: ing Ephesians’s commands regarding slaves and women. While few Christians interpret Ephesians as a justification for slavery, Submito t one another out of reverence for Christ. Wives, sub- many o hold t a supposedly “direct” application of its commands mito t your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the concerning women in chapter 5. Paul’s exhortation “Wives, sub- headf o the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, mit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord” is of e which h is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, interpreted and applied literally as supporting male dominance so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything. in the church and home. This common inconsistency between Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church readingsf o Ephesians’s commands regarding slaves and women and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by indicates that many Christians possess preconceived and extra- the washing with water through the word, and to present her neous assumptions about the roles of women, which they bring to s himself a a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any to their interpretation of the text. other blemish, but holy and blameless. In this same way, hus- Those who hold that Ephesians 5:21–33 supports the author- bands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who ityf o husbands over their wives start their interpretation of this lovess hi wife loves himself. After all, no one ever hated his passage with preconceived beliefs in gender inequality and pa- own body, but he feeds and cares for it, just as Christ does the triarchy. When such preconceived beliefs and interpretations are church—for we are members of his body. “For this reason a broughto t the passage, the cultural context of the first century is man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, abandoned and the thrust of the message is missed. Fair interpre- and the two will become one flesh.” This is a profound mys- tation necessitates that, in the same spirit by which we evaluate tery—but I am talking about Christ and the church. However, Ephesians’s teaching regarding slaves, we acknowledge how the each f one o you also must love his wife as he loves himself, cultural and social norms regarding women in the first century and the wife must respect her husband. (NIV 1984) underlie the author’s instructions regarding women and mar- riage. Starting with a solid understanding of the social and his- torical context is essential to arriving at a balanced and thought- LISA BAUMERT is is currently pursuing a Master ful interpretation of the Bible. of Divinity degree from Princeton Theological Seminary. A graduate of Wheaton College (IL), The historical, social context of Ephesians Lisa worked as an intern for CBE during the sum- During the first century, when Paul wrote the letter to the Ephe- mer of 2010. sians, the social and cultural context was significantly different. Wives were commonly twelve to fifteen years younger and far less educated than their husbands.1 Furthermore, women in Greek 22 • Priscilla Papers ◆ Vol. 25, No. 2 ◆ Spring 2011 culture during the first century were considered largely property two unlike things. When two things are related through meta- of their fathers and husbands.2 e Th predominant cultural assump- phors and similes, they necessarily possess both points of similar- tion regarding women at this time was patriarchy and inequality. ity and points of difference. A simile ceases to function as a simile Gordon Fee, in his 2002 article, offers a helpful description if the two things being related are viewed either as completely of the Greco-Roman household of Paul’s day.3 oAccording t Fee, identicalr o utterly different. This is particularly important to re- the household was a place of production, run by a man, wherein member when seeking to interpret and apply scriptural similes. slaves, women, and children existed in hierarchal relationships In o order t be understood, similes and metaphors require that benefitted the male-dominated household business. Mar- imagination. In fact, I offer that humans’ ability to create and un- riages wa not based on love, but existed for the purposes of derstand metaphor is our highest form of cognitive capacity—an bearing children and maintaining the household structure. Men ability that sets us apart from all other species. Further confirma- and women were not considered equals and did not exist in lov- tionf o this idea is evidenced in an analogy’s ability to advance ing marriage relationships as we understand them. Thus, Paul’s empathy,n a intellectual identification with the feelings, thoughts, wordso t the Ephesians, especially those concerning household and actions of another. Empathy flows from an understanding of relationships, address a particular context and culture quite for- similarity and unity. When we acknowledge the full humanity of eigno t our own—so much so that great care must be taken when others,e w participate in a comparative exercise of empathically seeking to apply his instructions to our present circumstances. recognizing the similarity between our lives and those of others. In Ephesians 5, Paul takes the normative social structures of I suggest, therefore, that understanding comparative figures his day for granted. He addresses the relationship between hus- of s speech i centrally important to the Christian gospel and mis- bands and wives in a descriptive manner that would have made sion.e W cannot love our neighbors unless we acknowledge our senseos t hi original readers. Thus, Ephesians does not provide common origin as children of God. Furthermore, the message of prescriptive guidelines for marriage. As Philip Payne has stated, Christs i dependent upon a plethora of analogical constructions, “While Paul’s wording was framed in order to speak to people in and the gospel can only be advanced through the utilization and his own social structure, one must not assume that he intended to comprehension of these comparisons. Examining biblical meta- make those social structures normative for all societies.”4 phors and similes and applying their significance to our own lives The difference between the context in which the text was demands that we creatively engage with their historical and liter- written and our present context necessitates that we thoughtfully ary foundations and imagine how they might be translated into and creatively reimagine how we might follow the principles and our own context. commands of this passage. Thus, the interpretive task for us as Metaphors and similes are not timeless, but, rather, reflect the Christians in the twenty-first century is to understand and de- unique context of their creator. They have cultural and historical termine what Paul was telling the Christians in first-century limits, and the original, authorially intended points of similar- Ephesus, why his message was significant at that time, and how ity and points of difference are frozen in a particular social and we might appropriate the meaning of his commands in our own historical thought world—one that must be penetrated and un- lives.e W ought, as I.
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