w Towers Unit May Ask SEE STORY PAGE 3 The Weather Sunny and hot today, fair THEBMLY and warm tonight. Continued FINAL not and more humid tomor- Red Bank, freehold row. I Long Branch 7 EDITION Monmoutli County's Outstanding Home Newspaper 30 PAGES * VOL.95 NO. 42 RED BANK, N.J. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23,1972 TEN CENT? iiiminiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniuriiiiiiiniiiiuiiniiiiiiuiiiiiuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiimiiniiiiiiiii VomineeNixonWoosYouth MIAMI BEACH (AP) — A Biscayne Bay from Con- ' McCloskey of California. Rep. McGovern here last month. Sen. James L. Buckley of hit by police clubs. confident Richard Nixon, se- vention Hall. Manuel Lujan of New Mexico Before midnight tolled in New York, one of those who Inside the hall, however, lected by cheering Republi- Just a few minutes earlier, dutifully cast the one vote the East, and before mideven- seconded Nixon's nomination, party unity reigned with one cans as their presidential a cascade of red, white and won byMcCloskey in the ing on the Pacific Coast, the was escorted into the hall by brief exception as the dele- nominee a record third time, blue balloons tumbled down, state's primary. session was history. police after about 100 demon- gates approved a party plat- is looking already to "the next upon • delegates, spectators Speaker Array Outside the hall, meanwhile, strators ringed him. and form extolling the adminis- four years" as a united GOP and marching Nixon suppor- An array of carefully se- throngs of youthful antiwar shouted "murderer." tration's virtues while criti- prepares to name Spiro T. Ag- ters and others floated upward! lected speakers, spanning the protesters demonstrated in Police, seeking to clear a cizing the Democrats. new once more as his running- toward the ceiling as vast party's ideological bridge the rain, jostling some dele- path for delegates, moved Brigid Shanley, a 26-year- mate. Convention Hall broke into from right to left, hailed the gates. Earlier, police made some 600 protesters from an- old New Jersey delegate, said Only the renomination of pandemonium following a 76- President in a smooth show of the first mass arrests of week, other stretch outside the hall. she would support a lawsuit Agnew, expected to be unani- minute'rite of nomination. unity that contrasted sharply hauling off 212 protesters af- At least two persons, one pro- against the plan. So did Sea- mous in contrast to a floor As expected, the roll-call with the drawn-out displays of ter they pounded cars and jos- tester and one photographer, ate GOP Leader Hugh Scott fight four years ago, and the vote stood at 1,347 for Nixon, division that marked the tled pedestrians outside Con- were injured, neither se- of Pennsylvania and the liber- acceptance speeches of the one for Rep. Paul N. Democratic selection of vention Hall. riously. They said they were al Ripon Society. two nominees remain tonight before the Repulicans end their convention and set forth to do battle with the Demo- cratic team of George McGovern and Sargent Shriv- City Rejects Anti-Loiter Code er. Nixon emphasized in a pair LONG BRANCH - A nega- struct, molest or interfere feated ordinance, charged The mayor supported a sim- Charles Polk, 237 Long- .of speeches here yesterday, tive vote by Councilman Wil- with" other persons. that "there is an unbelievable ilar ordinance two years ago, Branch Ave., a member of the one upon his arrival at Miami bert C. Russell last-night "Most of us are self-dis- misunderstanding on the in- which was also killed by coun- city Zoning Board, called for International Airport, the oth- killed the controversial anti- ciplined," Mr. Taylor said. "A tent and effect of the ordi- cil action. enforcement of existing state er to some 8,000 young suppor- loitering ordinance after a small percentage are not." nance." Chamber Support and city laws. There is no ters within the hour of his con- three-hour public hearing on The code, he said, was aimed "There is a blind fear James M. Moran, executive need, he said, for the anti-loi- vention triumph, that he in- the issue. at those who are not. here," he said, "that anything director of the Greater Long tering code. Declines Comment 'anti' is restrictive." Branch Area Chamber of AP Wlreptioto tends to make a major pitch Mr. Russell's vote ended Michael Addeo, 19. of 407 NIXON GETS A HUG FROM SAMMY — Entertai- for the vote of young people in what has been termed "a Council President Hoffman Obviously disappointed at Commerce, told the governing ner Sammy Davis Jr. grabs President Nixon from the fall campaign. cliffhanger" here since it was declined to comment on the the defeat of the ordinance, body last night that the busi- Exchange Place, presented issue before voting in favor of behind and squeezes his arms while Nixon talks to As Good a Shot known that George Hoffman, the mayor said the council nessmen's unit supported the petitions bearing about 350 about 8,000 of his youthful supporters at a youth "We've got just as good a City Council president, and it. "made a sad mistake." He measure two years ago. rally last night. Davis' spontaneous gesture came shot at it as the other side, Councilman Jack Taylor fa- Mayor Henry R. Cioffi, a added that he will not propose "We have not changed our names opposing the ordi- shortly after the President had been nominated and we're going to get it," the vored the code and council staunch supporter of. the de- another anti-loitering code. position," he said. nance: for reelection by the Republican National Con- President told a rally in members Gertrude Berman vention. Miami Marine Stadium across and Samuel Teicher opposed the measure. Councilman Russell voted to introduce the ordinance Aug. 8, when it was slated for air- NJ. GOP to Seek ing at last night's meeting. He said then, however, that he created a 3-2 vote "only to get it introduced." He said the measure was contrary to his Small Contributors basic philosophy, but he thought it should have a hear- MIAMI BEACH (AP) - Late last night. New Jer- and one was absent. ing. ' Unified New Jersey Republi- sey's delegation cast all 40 of Miss Stanley of Ber- In swinging the 3-2 vote cans are planning a fund-rais- its votes to nominate Presi- nardsvflle. N.J., appealed to downing the code last night, ing-drive pegged to small con- dent Nixon for reelection to a the convention to reject the he said he has since consid- tributions to help finance second term. The unanimity majority rules proposal which ered its "intent, legality and what most GOP leaders con- contrasted sharply with the she charged was "uncon- ramifications" and. cannot fidently predict will be a big last two GOP conventions scionable, unacceptable and support it. a victory for President Nixon in. when New Jersey split down unconstitutional." Concerned for All the state this fall. the middle along con- The councilman added that Gov. William T. Cahill. af- servative-liberal lines in vot- To the surprise of New Jer- sey Republican Leaders, Miss he is concerned with the city's ter conferring with national fi- ing for presidential nominees. "problems with certain juve- nance chairman Maurice The celebration that follow- Shanley threatened in her re- marks to the convention to niles" and he is concerned Stans, said that the fund-rais- ed capped a day in which New with businessmen's problems. ing drive will take a cue from Jersey, led by its youngest file suit challenging the suc- cessful rules amendment. "I am also concerned with the Democratic Presidential nom- delegate, Brigid M. Shanley, rights of all the residents." he- inee Sen. George McGovern in played a prominent role in a "This formula proposed by said. seeking out small dona- losing fight by large industrial The controversial code, ac- tions. the Rules Committee is dis- states to win a bigger voice at criminatory," she said. "It cording to Mrs. Berman, "We'll welcome the $1 con- the 1976 Republican National gives a person from a small could be used for "selective Convention. tributor," said Cahill, chair- state many times the voting enforcement." A CONTRAST IN GROOMING — Representatives of opposite ends of the social spectrum move across man of Nixon's reelection ef- The state cast 36 votes in fa- power I have from the great She said it has been claimed the political stage that is AAiamI Beach during the Republican National Convention. At left are three fort in New Jersey. Cahill vor of a minority rules pro- Republican state of New Jer- that the law could allow antiwar protesters Whose clothes and long hair epitomize their anti-establishment views. At right, said that a series of fund-rais- posal designed to give th« ur- sey." "preventive arrests." That three carefully groomed conventioneers typify an opposing lifestyle. ing breakfasts and lunches ban states larger representa- term, she added, is a "fright- win be scheduled to help pro- tion four years from now. At age 26, Miss Shanley is ening concept." duce $400,000 for the Nixon Three New Jersey delegates the only New Jersey delegate In such cases, Mrs. Berman war chest in New Jersey. voted against the proposal under age 30. said, a police officer would have to judge who is likely to Woman Gets Fair Haven Post commit a crime or disturb- ance and who is unlikely to do FAIR HAVEN — This She said she appreciated the "I'm not too much for wom- for the late Harry Neuberger so. borough has its first female confidence placed in her by en's lib," she said, "but I of Middletown, and is still sec- councilman.
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