111,11 Oouttoll flC <JhuNta Woman will me4t ^ By OCMU8 B B L om a at • fct Bt. Rehaaraala for "Alice In Won­ Barbeous Beef Is a fbvorite qC M n. WBUautn Dowar o t derland," produced by the Ohil- Mrs. Robert Oossmaa, 74 BUsap Idant of the Arch* dren’a Wing a t the Uttle Theater betb Dr., baeauaa it can ba mada _ _____U «rf Oatholio Wom­ of Mancheater, will be held aa la advanoa and heatad juat befora an, wlU ba guMt apaakor. ReporU usual tomorrow. Mamhars of the aarviaf. 8ha llkaa to aarv* It cn will ha g tfm on a national eon» oast of scenes ona, two, thraa and btuu when frienda drt^ by for a vaitlen. four should report at 7 p.m. to the anaok, or aa tlN main eotirae at Locker Plant and Moat basement room at the former dtaraer. iwvxazys WASIMIMT State News •An 'lUnohaatar Power Squad- Howell Cheney Technical School. Bartmoae Beef ■an will meat tomorrow at 8 p.m. A. William Aatley, director, an­ 4 to 6-pound piece of ohuok with Pro-Nasser Rebellion nounced that all future rehearsals a t KorOi Mathodiat C3iurdi. A Waite la film, *'Opa«ation Sunahine," will of the play will be held at this lo- a cup margarine Roundup allow tba journey of the aubmarlna oatlon Instead of the Bast Side Rec 3/8 cup vinegar 8MVLEME FARM NKTIVE Kennedy Cites Risks V88 Nauimua under the Nottii building. 1 cup meat etock M e . Ilaftaahmente will be aarvad 1 oup catsup aftar tba profram. Because of the midwinter school Crushes Iraq Regime 1 oup ohiU eauoe MiUer Sentenced vacation, the military whist sched­ H teaapoon dry mustard B iy Scout Troop 3 will have a uled by the Washington School juice of half a lemon To Life in Prison famlw night and potluck Saturday PTA for B^b. 19 has been post­ clove chopped garlle ity W ttn ileKDrugr ♦mand M Ool. Abdel K4rim Mus-f report that the premier had been a t S:M a t the American Lngicn poned until Tuesday, Feb. 26, at 8 dash of red pen>er BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) tafa. It was not clear whether the assassinatfd. Home. A charter will be preaent- pjn. in the school cafeteria. The TURKEYS leader of the attack was the "th e population of Biaghdad tt- BRIDGEPORT (AP) — teaspoon Woroeetertttire ad, and owarda and badrea givan whLtt will be led by Mr. and Mrs. 19 to 11 LBS. Army rebels leading a pro- same man. Mustafa is believed ■elf Is .^et," the embassy’s first PriBon gstes have cUmged sauce to be A former paratroop oom- In Cuban Situation do troop mambera. BJdward McKeever. Naaser revolt crushed Pre­ messages to London said. teaspoon monoeodium gluta­ mander. shut behind Harlis Miller, the mate mier Abdel Karim Kassem’s Baghdad Radio announced all 81-year-old NcHwalk handy­ Oahtral ConnaoticUt Oiapter of Maj. E. Walter Lamie will con­ Simmer the beef for three to In Tehran, the Iranian govern­ CUDAHY PURITAN FULLY COOKED regime in Iraq today. Their ment said it bad recefved word Iraq’s borders—with Turkey, Sy- man convicted of murdering tiM Amaiioan Inetiltuite of liidus- duct a midweek service tonight four hours until tender. Oool and TOBIN WEBSTER SLICED ris, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and tllal Bnglneen will tponaor an eii' eit 7:30 ait the Salvation Army remove fat and bone and ahred forces captured his well- from the Iraqi capital that Ka«- a Westport social leader. ■em had been killed. Turkey's Iran—were closed. All Iraqi air­ ■hien lng' workahm Monday from Citadel. the meat Simmer all other In- guarded Defense Ministry, ports also were closed. A Superior Oolirt Jury of eight Hits Critics T to h pm . at Centennial Hall, giedlents one hour, add ahredded CANNED HAM and more than 600 soldiers ■emioftictal Anatolian news agen-. men and four wonton found Miller Rwtt and Wbltney Co., Weat There will be a reception for oy also -reported him assasstoat- 'Rie rebels, (ialling themselves guilty here yesterday of murder to meat and simmer one more hour. surrendered, broadcasts from ths NationAl Oouhcll of the Rev­ Bbrtford. Donald Martin, Indue- the Rev. and Mrs. Harold Burdon Season to taste. 'Ihls recipe makes ed. The Turkish agency reported tile first degree. Coupled with the htW antfnaer, win ape^ Sunday between the second and Baghdad said. U army gencmis arrested. olutionary Command, announced F o r A cting eight generous portions. \ $ e .8 9 IDarllar bro«d(»ats w id "We that a national guard had been verdict wae a recommendation for *^00(ya Bitting." Regiatrati' third sendees at Center Congre­ A Belhit retident who reached Mrs. Ooeoman was bom in Btt- have deatroyed the tyrant,’’ but set up under an army colonel clemency, which meant Miller ■tar bo made with R. L. Delpino, gational Church In the Federation eter, Pa., and attended schools Baghdad by telephone, however, would receive a mandatory life 44 Darien Dr., Windaor Locks. Room. The Rev. Mr. Burdon Is Bacon 59! Kaeaebi’e fate wae iiot definitely ■Sid he was told' Ba^idad rest- identmed as Abdel Kerim Mus­ there. She came to Manchester two $ sentence with no hope of pardon leaving Center Church after serv­ eetabliehed. dents believed Kassem was still tafa. or pcLToIe. On Rum ors years ago after living on Long Announcemrat that tha Defmea alive. The Connecticut Youth Council ing as interim associate minister. Island, N.Y., and In Rockville, Md. The council iriedged to respect He was sentenced immediately at Pollah National Catholic All members and friends are in­ WAYBEST NATIVE FRESH Mlnlutvy had been captured at The British Ombaasy to Bagh­ the United Nations charter and by Judge James C. Shamum. WASHINGTON (AP) — Chimehea will have ita quarterly She was a member of a Home- EXTRA LEAN—FRESHLY GROUND g:80 p.m. foUowed a report boura dad reported to Lomtoq that jm - vited. maker’s Club and aaaisted with a GRADE "A” international agreements, to fol­ Two hours later. Public Defend­ President Kennedy has blunt­ meeting Sunday at 3:80 p.m. at NOT PRE-PACKAGED earlier that: rebel planes and lor omcere bad risen against low a nonalignment policy abroad er Herbert J. Bundock filed a mo­ the Church of tha Tranafiguration, 4-H Girl’s Club In Rockville, Md. tanka had demoUahed the Defense Kassem’s police' state regime but ly warned the Soviet Union "Hansel and Gretel” will be pre­ She Is a menuber of St. Bartholo­ tion asking that the verdict he set New Britain. Those attending from sented Saturday at 1:30 p.m. by CHICKEN PARTS Ministry and "destroyed hla did not confirm Immediately tiie (Oontinoed on Page Ten) aside. that if it ever again sets up K John’s Polish National Catholic mew’s Church, and publicity chair­ CHUCKGROUND (Kasaam’a) dirty rule.’’ Intermediate Girl Scout Troop 690, man and a member of Buckley The Jury deliberated for seven offensive weapons in Cuba CSnmh will meet at 1:80 at the at Whlton Library Auditorium. A "We announce to you, to tho lunirs before returning ifM verdict ^urch. Mias Beverly Burger and 3:30 pwfOrmance, originally sched­ School PTA. Her husband is a people and to the army, that our the United States will! know computer engineer for Phlloo Corp. to the Nov. 12 strangling of Mrs. Haniy l^oworski are chairmen of uled, has been cancel^. Proceeda LEGS ............ Ib.59e forces entered tho*Ministry of De­ Isabel SUlAn, 61, wife of a New it and will be prepared for his­ Uw hbnchester group. at United Aircraft Research De­ fense at 6:30 p.m. and that all tory’s greatest crisis. will benefit Lutz Junior Museum. partment, Bttst Hartford. York textile designer. reslatance ceased,’’ said toitight’S Iraq Historic Prey Miller, -who displayed no emo­ The risks in such a situation ’The couple has three children. Mountain Leturel Chapter, Sweet BREASTS . .lb. 69e communique, signed tw the tion during his two-week trial, de­ would be so alarming, Kennedy Adellnea, Inc., will rehearse to- Bob Jr., a student at filing Junior "commander of the battalions at­ told his news conference Thurs­ High School, and Susan and Julie 69£ tacking the strongholte of trM- parted slightly from his Impassive idiht at 8 at the Irish American 12th Circuit day, that he believes “the Soviet Ann at Buckley School. demeanor when the foreman of the Borne, N Orove St., Hartford. ■on." jury, Peter J. Daley, 70, of Strat­ Union will pr(x:eed with emution Mrs. Coeaman likes to sew, and L*t us fill your froeior with U.S.D.A. eholeo moats, notlvo poultry. "Our forces are now mopping For the Conqueror and care." bovris with the Village Mixers. ford roee to annoimce the ver­ Court Cases up the stronghold," It added. dict. And the President said the some Farm frultf and vo9otobles. Sovo up to 15 to 20% and oat llko a klnfi. Baghdad radio called for doc­ Miller, turning for the first time goes for the United States, which tors to rush to the city’s hospitals iy qmuch of her lands and her intri­ be sold must not be stampeded FAT MANOHESTEIl SESSION to treat wounded. Planes strafed directly toward the Jury, began AP Special CorreqHmdent cate' eystem of irrigation canals. breathing rapidly. But he quickly Into rash action on the b ara of Two abbreviated court trials the Defense Ministry up until For all of recorded history Iraq Gratlually the once fertile land rumor and hearsay concerning this morning brought guilty find­ Wo ront cold storogo loekors for your fronn moots and vogotaMoB for at four hours before Its'faU was an­ has been the target of conquerors.
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