•v-l 'i-v •' * . *• gr ■ ,*: * • - -.-3 v •- ; ' *' ' ' * ■ • •* ., v»i &M ■■■;■. > ? . m m m m m ........ 1 - o ^ r * **T-nt»T.tei .»,* DBYOTBD TO THB IJVTBBBSTS OB CB j± TS WOBTH AND VICINITY. '; %*- VOLUME XII. OHAT8W ORTH, ILLINOIS, fRIDAY EVENING, JULY 24, 1885. NUMBER 40. —Lawn* 0 centa. Beach Bro’a. this week. If health permits the Elder] Excursion to Cbnntnuqok Lake. New dawn on tbe members ot the family, and as that party lasted, Judge Dickey 'Dennis will occupy, the pulpit of the] they exchanged significant and sorrowful the cause of Douglas In biaTamoos eonf —Ties, Collars, and Hosiery at Walter’s.] .-Xfftfc. ‘ glauoes, and some drew forth their bandker- with Lincoln, and gave him efleotlvesappor —See our 65c Jersey. Beach Bro's. [Methodist church next Sunday morning. Every one contemplating a trip ohteffc and In subdued sobs gave vent to their In public addreassa la various parts o!__lbi —In view of General Grant’s recent death] the Great Chautauqua Lake Meeting, long-pgnt-up grief. As each one composed state. He formed a partnership wK —Mieses Rosa and Emma Klees left or a visit to friends in Ohio and York themselves they walked to the bed and L. Wallace aud practiced law until U Thursday evening fur Kentucky. [there will be a union memorial service at] pressed their lips to the forehead of tbe de­ broke out In I86i, wben he raised a I the Baptist church on next Sunday evening. State, should by all means join the parted and left the room, apparently to the Fourth Illinois Cavalry, and —All wool Shawls $1.00. Beach Bro’s. Revs. McGregor, McVay, and Dennis will] Illinois Central R. R. Excursion to rleve silently at their great loss. Mrs. pointed Its oolonel. He was with ! [each speak fifteen minutes, in the order] Chautauqua Lake, leaving Chicago, rant sal for some time at the head ot the Grant at tbe capture of Fort Henry, led -A full line of Fresh Groceries at] bed of her dead husband, and waa gently led advauce at Fort Donelson, participated 1 | Walter’s. tenlioned. Monday p. m., August 8 d, via the from the room. tbe battle of Shiloh with both bis sons a —Ginghams 5 cents at Beach Bro.’s,] —A new lot of Rice, of which you can] Lake Shore A Miobigan Southern, aon-lu-law, General Wallace, who wm kilt July 25th, rocure more pounds for $1 .0 0 than can] or the Chicago A Atlantic Railroads The Distinguished Jurist, in 186* he was appointed ohlef of eavalry Tickets are not of the Iron Clad Form, General Grant's staff sod sent to Memphl —For the best and cheapest Flour go tol Ke obtained elsewhere in the city. T. LYLE DICKEY, In command of that poet He was also a |J. A. Hall's. E . A . Banos. are good for stop-overs and limited to of the 8tate Supreme Court, Pass­ the battle of Iuka, and bad charge of all of! —Hobort’s lecture on “Shakerism,"] Oct. 15. For Rates of Fare apply to es A^way. the oavalry in General Grant’s army, eom-| —Beach Bros, are headquarters for bar-] nearest Illinois Central statian agents prising four brigades. He fonghtGener jains in dry goods. I with the jubilee singers, Friday night at] JUDGE T. LYLE DICKEY Pemberton, far In advance ot bis supports,] 'own Hall proved sufficient to draw al Applications for sleeping car berths Died at Atlantic City, N. J., at 1L16 p. m.. four days, on — Clocks at all prices—good, better,] [medium crowd to that place. The singing] must be made to the undersigned not Wednesday, July 22d. st—at C. Gumbel’s. The distinguished Jurist was born In HIS RETREAT FROM TALLAHASSEE. |was hardly as good as was expected, and] later than July 30th. Be sure and Rourbon county. Ky„ Oct.*, 1811. In the fall With 600 selected men be made the first ex­ —The hall over Walter’s store is being] fact the whole thing proved rather dull,] designate which of the two routes you of 1828 he entered the Ohio University, and tensive raid Into tbe enemy's oounirj |dtted up for the use of the Masonic lodge. >wing to the heat. etc. No album, cane,[ [desire to take from Chicago was graduated from the Institution In 1831. through a region filled with rebels, and rs December 6, of that year, he was married to turned without tbe loss of a single raanJ —A nice Fan, did you say? A beauti­ »r other articles were voted for. J. F. M e r r y , Miss Juliet Evans, and taught school In It was the deoeased who suggested and or-( ful line is to be found at Walter’s. —Messrs. Beach Bros A Co. will open] Oen. West. Pass. Agt. Ohio and Kentucky with marked success for ganlzed tbe celebrated raid of Grierson, [up on to-morrow in the Young] some time. He removed to McDonough stroylng the railroada about Jackson, Miss., —Everybody should have a barrel] DISTINGUISHED DEAD. county, III., In the winter of 1834, and formed In 1863. The same year he resigned, returne Ibammock this hot weather. So says Ben.| building with a complete line of dry goods.] a dose acquaintance with the Hon. Cyrus H. home, and entered into co-partnership with Mr. E. M. Palmer, well aud favorably] Walker, who persuaded him to study law. John n. Rice. Three years thereafter he wai —A new supply of Cheese at J. A.I (known to many in this vicinity, has been] CHANT, In 1885, when he was 28 years of age, he was Democratic candidate for Congress for IHl-| |Hall’s, which will be sold at the old price.I te Greatest General of Modern [admitted to the Illinois bar. Removing to nols at large. In 1868 be waa appoints tupervising the business, and with assist-] Times Cone to Hla Last Home. | Itushvllle, III., the following year, and while Assistant Attorney General of the Unit -Beach Bros, will offer to-morrow a| [ant Mr. F. G. Baker they have arranged] practicing law he edtted a Whig paper at States, and bad charge of all government choice line of Shirting Prints at 4 cents. the stock, which has arrived, upon the] [QBNBRAL U. 8. GRANT, THB OLD HBRO OF] that place. He also engaged In real estate suits In tbe Court of Claims and In tbat| —Mr. A. H. Hall Is building a new,| [shelves. MANY BATTLB8, ’’SLEEPS THB BLBBP [speculations, and the ora6h of 1837 rendered branch of litigation In the United Stat THAT KNOWS NO WAKING ” It Impossible for hint to meet his obligations Supreme Court, which duties he performs llarge, and commodious oual and cob-| for a lapse of twenty-one years, the most of with fidelity and ability. He reoslve high] < 1bouse. —The finest line of Coffee in Chatawortb.] BIS LAST MOmiYTS. his notes bearing Interest at 12 per cent. Two encomiums from the Judges of (hat nigh] ! S iMore pounds of each grade for $1 00 cash] ears later. In 1839, be removed to Ottawa court for the prompt ana thorough manner —Miss Ella Lucas left Thursday for a| than can be found elsewhere in Chats* M o u n t M cGreg o r , N Y .. July| in which he performed bis obligations. One 8 nd followed the legal profession. In 1846 - m m |visit with friends and relatives in Pennsyl­ Iworth. E. A. Banos. [23.—General Grant is dead. hortiy| the Mexloan war broke out. and he raised a of the most important cases ever tried In] vania. before 8 o’clock this morning, whll< [flue company of men, of which he that oonrt was that of the Floyd aooeptanc —The Presbyterian social held at the! case, where tbe deoeased contended sucoest —Harvesters and threshers, the best [the family were preparing for break-1 WAS APPOINTED CAPTAIN, fully against Judges Curtis and Jarre BlaekJ |place to buy your Machine Oil is at E. A.| [residence of Mr. J. R Bigham last Friday fast, and the doctors, were discussini [andJoined the First Regiment of Illinois the opposing counsel, and wm sustained by [night was largely attended, and a good [the patient’s chances on the piazza ol Volunteers. After sxtended service In the tbe Court. He held the pnellion about two |Bangs’. time had by all. The refreshments for the] field he resigned the company on account of years wben he resigned and went to Florida —Threshers, it will pay you to buy Ithe cottage, Henry, the nurse, wh' ill bealtn and returned home and resumed to pass the winter. In the summer of 18701 [inner man, consisting of raspberries, was with the general, stepped hurried his practice. In 1848 he was elected Jndge of he married Mrs. Hirst, of Prince Ann, Md.| |Water-Proof Cover for your machine at [cream, aud cake, proved acceptable, and] jly out of the sick room, and, going the Circuit, comprising twelve counties, He then returned to Ottawa and practice Jno. Walter’s. was duly appreciated, while the musical which position was ably filled. In 1854 he law. In December, 1878. he removed to Chi­ where the doctors were standing. In pened an oflloeln Chicago, hut continued to cago and was elected Judge of the Supreme —Look out for a big change in time [part of the program, consisting of instru­ formed them in a, whisper that he| reside In Ottawa. His wife died Dec. 81 of Court In December, 1876, to fill a vacancy.] card on the T., P.
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