Government of Jammu and Kashmir Finance Department Civil Secretariat, Srlnagar/ Jammu ' ••• Subject:- Deferment of Darbar Move for the Summer Sesslon,2021-Arrangement regarding Offices moving In full/ In Camp. Government order No. 147 -FD of 2021 D a t e d :- 30 - 4 - 2021 In pursuance of the Government order No. 378-JK(GAD) of 2021 dated 26-4-2021 issued by the General Administration Department It Is hereby ordered that:- 1. The primary location at Jammu In full/ In Camp move HODs shall be as indicated at Annexure - " A"; 2. The primary location at Srinagar In full/In Camp move HODs shall be as indicated at Annexure - " B"; 3. Office of the Chief Financial Consultant shall be stationed at Srinagar as indicated at Annexure-"C". By order of the Government of Jam mu and Kashmir Sd/- (Dr. Arun Kumar Mehta) IAS, Financial Commissioner, Finance Department. No. FD/ Adm/ 52/2021 Dated: 30 -04- 2021 Copy to the:- I. Principal Secretary to Hon 'ble Lt. Governor, UT of JK. 2. CommissionerJSecretary to Government, General Admn. Deptt 3. Joint Secretary (J&K), Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India. 4. All Officers of the Finance Department. S. Managing Director, State Finance Corporation, J&K. 6. Excise Commissioner, J&K. 7. Commissioner, State Taxes, J&K. 8. Director GeneraJ, Accounts & Treasuries, Economics & Statistics, Audit & Inspections , LocaJ Fund Audit & Pensions & Expenditure Division-II. 9. Director, Expenditure Division-I. 10. Chief Financial Consultant, Finance Department. 11. Private Secretary to Chief Secretary, UT of JK. 12. Pri vate Secretary to the Financial Commissioner, finance Departme t. 13. All concerned Officers/OfficiaJs. 14. Govt. order file./Jn-charge Website Finance. I Aone"Kure:A to Govt. Qrsllt NQ, 147 ·FD of 2021,i,ttd 10.:..04.:..202~ \n fy\1/ \n c1rnR1 HoQ, to bt Rtlm•rUv loGtt•d,,ll J1mmu, Exc\se P•P•Jtrn•rnWlff •bill w9rui .tt11sl Otflc•, l•m.mwl ~ S.NO N1m1 of tht Offlctr/Offlclal o.. 11n1tlon - 1.. Rlhu\Shvm1 1t1u1h10 t'ommlij•lm:14r, J4K l . Atu\ Dutt Sharma 'I PA Ul IJ~clH Cilmml,,lrnllr, 14~ - - Ayu Ahmed Khan Adii1HQ1111f K.er,111ry (~A~I j l . - 4. R1mosh Kumar Bh11t ff1ctllm mttu, - s. Aaf \qbt\\ Ma\lk Pmonlf n& otttefr 6. Roh\t Kohl\ Ktnlor A.-l,11ni ., . An\\ Kumar Ba\\ Junior Aut,i,ni 8. AshokKumw Driver 9. Mohd Sajad Khan Orlvtr I 10. Prom Dass WCP/Ordtrly Directorate of Accounts & Treasuries (Staff shall work at H11d Office. Jammu) S.No Name of the offlcer/offlclal DHlanatlon 1 Anudeeo Kour Sudan CAO 2 Surlnder Maha1an AO 3 San1av Kumar AAO 4 Satwant Slnah Bedl Accountant s Gaaan Guota Jr.Steno 6 Rashm\ Sadhu Accountant 7 Satlsh Kumar 1/C Accountant 8 Rlshab Sharma Accounts Alstt 9 Sun\ta Devi Accounts Asstt 10 V\vek Sharma Accounts Asstt 11 Mohammad Waseem Farooa Accounts Asstt 12 Mohammad !small Senior Asstt 13 Sum\t Bird\ DEO 14. Mohammad Shakee\ Oazl Jr. Asstt 15 Arun Sambhval Jr. Assistant 16 Rohlt Kumar Cashier 17 Ashwan\ Kumar Orderlv 18 Shakeel Ahmad Orderlv (costed In FC office 19 Sholl Kumar Chowkldar Officers/ officials of Treasury Civil Secretariat stationed at l ammu. S.No I Name of the officerI official Designation 1. Shri Dalwar Singh CAO/ Treasury Officer 2. Shri Rakesh Kou\ DEO 3. Khursheed Ahmad Cashier Directorate of Economics & Statistics (Staff shall work at Head Office, Jammu) 01 Anil Kumar Gandotra Director General E&S 02 Yaslr Latif 03 Ashl HussalnBhat Joint Director Surve 04 ,f I ·MudasirYaqoob Zargar Dy. Director -~ ;.i Sunil Kaul Asstt.Director Non Gazetted S/Sh. 01 Naveen Chander Accountant 02 Saleem Malik ' Sts. Assistant 03 Anil Kumar ' ' Sr. Assistant 04 Pardeeo Sinah . Driver t 05 Shah Mohmmad ' Driver 06 Satoaul _, t Driver. ~···... ' 07 MushtaaMohd . t' • Casual Labour 08 Sita Ram ' . Casual Labour ,, . I',, ' Officials of E&S cadre(Jammu based ) workln~ ,n Planning Dev~lopment & Monitoring Department ·. ,. :, · · . •1 '' 11 I I • I , ! 1 ') I ,• ~ ':.:0 ·,. ·' " 0 Sts Office 01 Sanjay Kumar I ' , C ,:, ' •,' t, ,' c'i • ., , r 02 Rakesh Kumar t ' . · Jr.Assistant 03 Rai Kumar · .. , ·· -: ,·,'./ · 1,Jr.Assistant 1',• ,. ,, 04 Ram Lal ,,... ' ' .. ·· Driver 05 Narinder Sinah , · 1 ' '},,. ·. .. Driver 06 Bishamber Lal .' , . ,,,\ I t 07 Ashwani Kumar . ,. , ·Casual Labour I Directorate of Audit & lns~ectors(Staff'sh'~II work at Cam~· Office, Jammu) I I t ,, '' '\. ' 1 . ·•,, Sonika Arora, I Dep,uty Director (~qr) t /· '' ' ' ,, I 1 ' " } Mr. Anil Bhat,• .. Head Assistant ' ' ' ~ Pawan Kotwal Jr. Assistant ' 4 Mr. Karnail Singh ' ' Orderly Directorate of Local Fund Audit & Pension (Staff shall work at Camp Office, Jammu) S.NO Name of the Officer/Official Designation 1 Mr. Imran Ahmad Kichloo Accounts Officer 2 Mr. Vikrant Singh Sr. Assistant Directorate of Funds Org_anlzgtlon£Staff shall work 11 Cam11. Offl.ce, Jammul 1 Shiv Kumar Shahabadl •. Accounts Officer Non-Gazetted 1 Joginder Pal Singh AAO 2 Abdul Majid Kllam Legal Assistant 3 Avtar Krlshen Compiler 4 Tarseem Chand Compiler 5 Sunll Kumar Compiler 6 Sohan Lal Orderly . '• ! Mohammad Tariq Malik . Accou. nts Officer Non-Gazetted l Ravlnder Kour ' 'Examiner , . 2 lnderjeet parihar .. complier. Staff shall work at GP Fund p_ollce Move Cell PHQ. ,, j' J&K£)ammul .. , . .. .. • f 1 Narlnder Singh I ' Acc9unts Officer ' ' ., ,,' . ' ' .... .. ' ' ' f" •· t •.. " Non-Gazetted •:·,, r: /, ,. .r,· . • ,. ' ' " I . 1, 1 Mohd. Rafeeq ,t• ,· •(•.\•'iit Sr. Assist ant .. ' Ajay Bhat ; ' . Data Entry Operator 2 ' "'• ., •1 ,. .•• l / ' • 1, t, '· h State Taxes D~partment J&K(Staff shall work at Camp Office Jammul S.No Name of Officer Official· Dest notion 0\ Mr.MansoorAslam Choudhary, Dy. Commissiqner State Taxes KAS ,. Head uarter J&K 02 Mr. Bal Krishon, KAS Dy. Commissioner ~.tote ,Taxes Judicial J&K' : · ,.\. ·.. :,.. /'' ', 05 Mr'. Rahul Chopr<:?, · s~nior Stenogra,1,>h~i\,,, ... , • I, . ' . 06 Mr. Kamal Kumar I Se.nior sfenographer.. · , . , ' . .. 07 Mr:ChunilalKoul '· ·,' ' Cashler1' 08 Mr.Viney Nehru Statistical A~.~istont f , ·.,'•• ! ,' I Mr. Rajesh Koul• 10 Mr:Neeraj ·Kumar Junio'r·Assistant . ,. · ' .·· •.. · ,:i:· '. I,, ,· ' • 11 Mr.Anirudh Mehta 12 Ms.N,idhi Sharma . .•. · Junior, A.ssistant • '• ' y 13 Mr.Hori Ram · · ···· Pr.ocess Server '·i·tt 'I' I I ',: , , •• . ' 14 Mr.Dharam Chand . , '• .. 15 Mohlnder Kumar • I sub Inspector ( Deploye<;l, to FD) 16 Mr.Bahadur Singh , Q.uqrd. ( D,~ploye<;:i to fD) 17 Mr. Man a Ram 18 Mr. Ravi Kumar 19 Mr.LaxmlDa al 20 Mr.Chamanlal ~1 Mr.JaganNath itate Finance Cor_por~tion( Staff shall work at Camp Office, Jammu) Jammu Based. • · . ,.. s. Name of the offlcers/offlclals Designation No S/Shri/Smt. ' ' ,. Anil Kr.. Pandita 1, Manaaer{PI Al I 2. Arti Soi \ ' . Head Assistant ., ' 3. R.N.Bhat Head Assistant ' 4. Sunil Janiua I Leaal Assistant I I I 5. Bhwani Parshad ! I, , Junior Assistant ,.. 6. Dewan Chand 'I . Junior Assistant ' I 'I 7. Kuni Lal I I I •• 1• '+ Peon I ' I ,1 I\ I . I 8. Mohinder Kumar . L ,• Peon \ ,,. 1,, I ., I 11 11\,,l , r , .,t· t 9. Deepak Sharma 1 . ,, Peon 10. Rozen Massih I . Sweeper . (Moham . ), Under Secretary to Government Finance Department '\ . I \ ' ' j • I ' I ' ,I nexure·B to Govt. Order No. 147 -FD of 2021 dated 30 - 04 - 2021 !!! Full/ In camps Hoos to be primarily located at Srinagar. pclse Department(Staff shall work at camp Office, Srinagar ) S.NO Name of the Offlcer/Offldal Designation 1. Ajez Ahmad Shah EDP Supervisor 2. Sacbin Pandita Junior Assistant 3. Komal Kachroo Junior Assistant 4. AJI Mohd Yatoo Jamadar s. Fayaz Ahmed Driver Directorate of Accounts & Treasuries (Staff shall work at Camp Office. Srinagar) S.No Name of the officerI official Desianation 1. Mohammad Iabal Ganaie Dv. Director Central 2. Abdul Mafid AO 3. Zahoor Ahmad Wanl PLO 4. Mohammad Ramzan Dar Private Secretarv 5. Naaz Kareem AAO 6. Ab Bari Deva AAO 7. Khairul Faisal AAO 8. Ma1id Mohhi-ud-Din Dar AAO 9. Shabir Ahmad Mir Asst Proarammer 10. Bashir Ahmad Mantoo ' Proarammer 11. Nazir Ahmad Ha1am Accountant 12. Firdous Ahmad Mir Accountant 13. Irfan Kharadi Accountant 14. Mehra1 Ah Dar Accountant 15. Imtlyaz Rasool Bhat Accountant \ . 16. Masrat Ayoub 1/C Accountant 17. Andleeb Rashid Accounts Asstt 18. Mubashir Ali Salman! Accounts Asstt . 19. Ilyas Naieed Accounts Asstt 20. Anil Kumar Accounts Asstt . ' 21. Mohammad Yousuf Wani Cashier 22. Hllal Ahmad Mir -. Sr.Steno : . J 23. Javaid Ah Bhat Sr.Steno 24. A1az Ahmad Hakeem Sr.Assistant 25. Farhat Fayaz . Jr.Assistant 26. Mohd Irfan Bhat Chauffer 27. Mushtaa Ahmad Oazi Accounts Asstt. 28. Sonaullah Jamadar 29. Syed Abid Orderlv ' 30. Yasmeena Akthar Orderlv 31. Tanveera Akthar Orderlv . Officers/officials of Treasury Civil Secretariat stationed at Srinagar. S.No · Name of the officerI official Desianation 1. Syed Karamat Accountant t ·· 2. Favaz Ahmad Shan Account~nt 3. Shiekh Showkat Accounts Asstt 4. Mudasir Nabi Accounts Asstt 5. Abdul Hameed Ganie Cashier Naseer Ahmad Khan Cashier ......./~/ it:. i - I Imran Ahmad Mir Accounts Asstt Ghulam Rasool Driver T.N Bhat Orderl ,.• ' Directorate of Economics & Statistics {Staff shall work at Camp Office, Srinagar} I . s. Name of the Officer/ Official Designation No •, .. '•' Gazetted ' . S/Sh. 01 Ghulam Mohammad Dar I . Deoutv Director' 02 Shah Ismail Banaroo . ' Asstt. Director 03 ·Muneer Ahmad Khan . ' Adm. Officer ,,. ;• ,. I Non Gazetted I ,:. S/Sh. ' 01 Ab. Rashid Sofi • ; .. 1, Sts. Officer I ·, .:,:}: .. 02 Manzoor Qadrl' , .. "· Sts. Officer 03 JaveedYousuf I ' I . Jr .Stenographer .•: (P.A) 04 John Mohmmad ' \ ,':' '.,,, ' : ... , Leaal Assistant OS M. ShafiaBhat ,• I ' . ' · • Sr. Assistant . 06 G.M.Mir . Jr.Assistant . I ,-_, \ 07 MianSajadHYder. · : 1,,, •. .1 , , r11J L Jr.: Assistant 08 Zahoor. .Ah . Sheikh ' ,· . :., Jr. Assistant . ' .._ Kaiser.Ali ... \ Order1v 09 .. 10 MohmmadlabalKuttav . .:t ' . ·Orderly . \ •' ' . ' I I ' ., I I Offldals of E&S cadre{Kashmir based) working In Planning Development & Monitoring Department '• . ,1·}: , , · .. , ·, ·; . ' .· .., ., , !i.
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