Australian Society of Herpetolgists Species List of Australian Amphibians and Reptiles - 20 December 2016 Partial list (amphibians, dragons, geckos, turtles and crocodilians) Group Family/Subfamily Genus/Species Subspecies Author Comments Amphibians-frogs LIMNODYNASTIDAE (40 spp) Adelotus (1 sp.) Ogilby, 1907 Amphibians-frogs LIMNODYNASTIDAE (40 spp) A. brevis (Günther, 1863) Amphibians-frogs LIMNODYNASTIDAE (40 spp) Heleioporus (6 spp.) Gray, 1841 Amphibians-frogs LIMNODYNASTIDAE (40 spp) H. albopunctatus Gray, 1841 Amphibians-frogs LIMNODYNASTIDAE (40 spp) H. australiacus (Shaw & Nodder, 1795) Amphibians-frogs LIMNODYNASTIDAE (40 spp) H. barycragus Lee, 1967 Amphibians-frogs LIMNODYNASTIDAE (40 spp) H. eyrei (Gray, 1845) Amphibians-frogs LIMNODYNASTIDAE (40 spp) H. inornatus Lee & Main, 1954 Amphibians-frogs LIMNODYNASTIDAE (40 spp) H. psammophilus Lee & Main, 1954 Amphibians-frogs LIMNODYNASTIDAE (40 spp) Lechriodus (1 sp.) Boulenger, 1882 Amphibians-frogs LIMNODYNASTIDAE (40 spp) L. fletcheri (Boulenger, 1890) Amphibians-frogs LIMNODYNASTIDAE (40 spp) Limnodynastes (11 spp, 15 taxa) Fitzinger, 1843 Amphibians-frogs LIMNODYNASTIDAE (40 spp) L. convexiusculus (Macleay, 1877) Amphibians-frogs LIMNODYNASTIDAE (40 spp) L. depressus Tyler, 1976 Amphibians-frogs LIMNODYNASTIDAE (40 spp) L. dorsalis (Gray, 1841) Amphibians-frogs LIMNODYNASTIDAE (40 spp) L. dumerilii Limnodynastes dumerilii dumerilii Peters, 1863 Amphibians-frogs LIMNODYNASTIDAE (40 spp) L. dumerilii Limnodynastes dumerilii fryi Martin, 1972 Amphibians-frogs LIMNODYNASTIDAE (40 spp) L. dumerilii Limnodynastes dumerilii grayi (Steindachner, 1867) Amphibians-frogs LIMNODYNASTIDAE (40 spp) L. dumerilii Limnodynastes dumerilii insularis Parker, 1940 Amphibians-frogs LIMNODYNASTIDAE (40 spp) L. dumerilii Limnodynastes dumerilii variegatus Martin, 1972 Amphibians-frogs LIMNODYNASTIDAE (40 spp) L. fletcheri Boulenger, 1888 Amphibians-frogs LIMNODYNASTIDAE (40 spp) L. interioris Fry, 1913 Amphibians-frogs LIMNODYNASTIDAE (40 spp) L. lignarius (Tyler, Martin & Davies, 1979) Amphibians-frogs LIMNODYNASTIDAE (40 spp) L. peronii Duméril & Bibron, 1841 Amphibians-frogs LIMNODYNASTIDAE (40 spp) L. salmini Steindachner, 1867 Amphibians-frogs LIMNODYNASTIDAE (40 spp) L. tasmaniensis Günther, 1858 Amphibians-frogs LIMNODYNASTIDAE (40 spp) L. terraereginae Fry, 1915 Amphibians-frogs LIMNODYNASTIDAE (40 spp) Neobatrachus (9 spp) Peters, 1863 Amphibians-frogs LIMNODYNASTIDAE (40 spp) N. albipes Roberts, Mahony, Kendrick & Majors, 1991 Amphibians-frogs LIMNODYNASTIDAE (40 spp) N. aquilonius Tyler, Davies & Martin, 1981 Amphibians-frogs LIMNODYNASTIDAE (40 spp) N. fulvus Mahony & Roberts, 1986 Amphibians-frogs LIMNODYNASTIDAE (40 spp) N. kunapalari Mahony & Roberts, 1986 Amphibians-frogs LIMNODYNASTIDAE (40 spp) N. pelobatoides (Werner, 1914) Amphibians-frogs LIMNODYNASTIDAE (40 spp) N. pictus Peters, 1863 The ending has been emended to reflect the gender of the person for which the species was named, as stipulated by the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. The original description proposed the name ending in ‘-i' (indicating a male), whereas the LIMNODYNASTIDAE (40 spp) N. sudellae species was named after a female. We follow Article 32.5.1 of the Code in emending the name. For the emendation of N. sudellae, see: Shea, G.M. (2012). Emendation of the specific name of the frog Neobatrachus sudelli (Lamb, 1911) (Anura: Myobatrachidae). Amphibians-frogs (Lamb, 1911) Mem. Qld. Mus. 56: 116–117. Amphibians-frogs LIMNODYNASTIDAE (40 spp) N. sutor Main, 1957 Amphibians-frogs LIMNODYNASTIDAE (40 spp) N. wilsmorei (Parker, 1940) Amphibians-frogs LIMNODYNASTIDAE (40 spp) Notaden (4 spp) Günther, 1873 Amphibians-frogs LIMNODYNASTIDAE (40 spp) N. bennettii Günther, 1873 Amphibians-frogs LIMNODYNASTIDAE (40 spp) N. melanoscaphus Hosmer, 1962 Amphibians-frogs LIMNODYNASTIDAE (40 spp) N. nichollsi Parker, 1940 Amphibians-frogs LIMNODYNASTIDAE (40 spp) N. weigeli Shea & Johnston, 1988 Amphibians-frogs LIMNODYNASTIDAE (40 spp) Philoria (6 spp) Spencer, 1901 Amphibians-frogs LIMNODYNASTIDAE (40 spp) P. frosti Spencer, 1901 Amphibians-frogs LIMNODYNASTIDAE (40 spp) P. kundagungan (Ingram & Corben, 1975) Amphibians-frogs LIMNODYNASTIDAE (40 spp) P. loveridgei (Parker, 1940) Amphibians-frogs LIMNODYNASTIDAE (40 spp) P. pughi Knowles, Mahony, Armstrong & Donnellan, 2004 Amphibians-frogs LIMNODYNASTIDAE (40 spp) P. richmondensis Knowles, Mahony, Armstrong & Donnellan, 2004 Amphibians-frogs LIMNODYNASTIDAE (40 spp) P. sphagnicolus (Moore, 1958) Amphibians-frogs LIMNODYNASTIDAE (40 spp) Platyplectrum (2 spp) Günther, 1863 Amphibians-frogs LIMNODYNASTIDAE (40 spp) P. ornatum (Gray, 1842) Amphibians-frogs LIMNODYNASTIDAE (40 spp) P. spenceri (Parker, 1940) Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) Arenophryne (2 spp) Tyler, 1976 Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) A. rotunda Tyler, 1976 Australian Society of Herpetolgists Species List of Australian Amphibians and Reptiles - 20 December 2016 Partial list (amphibians, dragons, geckos, turtles and crocodilians) Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) A. xiphorhyncha Doughty & Edwards, 2008 Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) Assa (1 sp.) Tyler, 1972 Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) A. darlingtoni (Loveridge, 1933) Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) Crinia (17 spp) Tschudi, 1838 Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) C. bilingua (Martin, Tyler & Davies, 1980) Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) C. deserticola (Liem & Ingram, 1977) Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) C. fimbriata Doughty, Anstis & Price, 2009 Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) C. flindersensis Donnellan, Anstis, Price & Wheaton, 2012 Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) C. georgiana Tschudi, 1838 Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) C. glauerti Loveridge, 1933 Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) C. insignifera Moore, 1954 Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) C. nimbus (Rounsevell, Ziegeler, Brown, Davies & Littlejohn, 1994) Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) C. parinsignifera Main, 1957 Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) C. pseudinsignifera Main, 1957 Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) C. remota (Tyler & Parker, 1974) Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) C. riparia Littlejohn & Martin, 1965 Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) C. signifera Girard, 1853 Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) C. sloanei Littlejohn, 1958 Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) C. subinsignifera Littlejohn, 1957 Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) C. tasmaniensis (Günther, 1864) Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) C. tinnula Straughan & Main, 1966 Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) Geocrinia (7 spp) Blake, 1973 Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) G. alba Wardell-Johnson & Roberts, 1989 Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) G. laevis (Günther, 1864) Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) G. leai (Fletcher, 1898) Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) G. lutea (Main, 1963) Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) G. rosea (Harrison, 1927) Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) G. victoriana (Boulenger, 1888) Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) G. vitellina Wardell-Johnson & Roberts, 1989 Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) Metacrinia (1 sp.) Parker, 1940 Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) M. nichollsi (Harrison, 1927) Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) Mixophyes (7 spp) Günther, 1864 Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) M. balbus Straughan, 1968 Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) M. carbinensis Mahony, Donnellan, Richards & McDonald, 2006 Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) M. coggeri Mahony, Donnellan, Richards & McDonald, 2006 Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) M. fasciolatus Günther, 1864 Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) M. fleayi Corben & Ingram, 1987 Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) M. iteratus Straughan, 1968 Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) M. schevilli Loveridge, 1933 Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) Myobatrachus (1 sp.) Schlegel, 1850 Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) M. gouldii (Gray, 1841) Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) Paracrinia (1 sp.) Heyer & Liem, 1976 Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) P. haswelli (Fletcher, 1894) Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) Pseudophryne (14 spp) Fitzinger, 1843 Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) P. australis (Gray, 1835) Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) P. bibronii Günther, 1858 Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) P. coriacea Keferstein, 1868 Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) P. corroboree Moore, 1953 Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) P. covacevichae Ingram & Corben, 1994 Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) P. dendyi Lucas, 1892 Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) P. douglasi Main, 1964 Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) P. guentheri Boulenger, 1882 Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) P. major Parker, 1940 Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) P. occidentalis Parker, 1940 Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) P. pengilleyi Wells & Wellington, 1985 Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) P. raveni Ingram & Corben, 1994 Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) P. robinsoni Donnellan, Mahony & Bertozzi, 2012 Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) P. semimarmorata Lucas, 1892 Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) Rheobatrachus (2 spp) Liem, 1973 Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) R. silus Liem, 1973 last seen 1981 Amphibians-frogs MYOBATRACHIDAE (87 spp) R. vitellinus Mahony, Tyler
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