December 6, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 152, Pt. 17 22629 some great debates with MIKE about I came to enjoy; that the partisanship BIOGRAPHY OF REPRESENTATIVE SHERWOOD Cyprus. MIKE, I am going to miss you would include friendship and would BOEHLERT on those debates. Maybe your son will allow people to differ in the ideologies Utica native Sherwood Boehlert (R–New take up the mantle, and we will have and their political beliefs, but at the Hartford), Chairman of the House Science Committee, was first elected to the House of those debates just like you and I have. end of the day we can say that we still Representatives in November 1982. He is cur- Anyhow, goodbye to my old friends, were able to be friends. I really think rently serving in his 12th consecutive term the Republican Study Committee that we all have to agree that in part, representing Upstate New York. members. We will miss you. Hopefully and perhaps a large part, the American Boehlert has served on the Science Com- you will come back and see us when people said that in the last election. mittee since 1983, and was elected Chairman you get a chance. As I said before, if I I say that because tonight the epit- in January 2001. The Committee has jurisdic- get in your neck of the woods, espe- ome of how that works is with my tion over all federal, nonmilitary scientific and technology research and development cially you, SHERRY, I will stop by for friend of long years, Congressman programs, on which the federal government dinner. SHERRY BOEHLERT, a gentleman, a spends more than $30 billion a year. The f scholar, an American, a Member of Committee has jurisdiction over NASA, the Congress; a person who loves his dis- National Science Foundation, and research GENERAL LEAVE trict, his constituents, but loves Con- and development initiatives within the Envi- Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, I ask gress and his country; a person that ronmental Protection Agency, the Depart- unanimous consent that all Members stood up to Republicans and Democrats ment of Energy, and the Department of Com- merce. In addition, the Committee has juris- may have 5 legislative days with which for what he believed in; a person who diction over civil aviation research and de- to revise and extend their remarks and soared in popularity among those peo- velopment and marine research. include extraneous material on the ple that were concerned with our coun- Boehlert is a senior member of the House subject of my special order today. try, with our environment; and a per- Transportation and Infrastructure Com- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there son that, no matter how strongly he mittee, serving as Chairman of its sub- objection to the request of the gen- believed or other people disagreed with committee on Water Resources and Environ- tleman from New York? him, never lost a friend in that process. ment from 1995 to 2000. He remains an active member of that Subcommittee. There was no objection. We will miss SHERWOOD. He has Boehlert was a founding member of the f fought the good fight. He set an exam- House Homeland Security Committee, by ap- ple for all of us. But I think that the pointment of Speaker J. Dennis Hastert. GOODBYE TO COLLEAGUES best tribute that we can pay to him is Boehlert was also an eight year member of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a that maybe all of us, Republicans and the House Permanent Select Committee on previous order of the House, the gen- Democrats, would try to find out, how Intelligence (term limited). Born on September 28, 1936 in Utica, New tleman from New York (Mr. RANGEL) is did he do this? How was he able to York, Boehlert is a graduate of Whitesboro recognized for 5 minutes. maintain his convictions, keep his head Central High School and Utica College Bach- Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, my col- high, be eloquent in the debate, dis- elor of Science, 1961). Before serving as Onei- leagues, I just would like to begin, I agree with so many people, Democrats da County Executive (1979–83), he was man- guess, where DAN BURTON has left off in and even those within his party, and, ager of public relations at Wyandotte Chem- saying so long to so many Members of at the end of the day, everyone is able ical (1961–83), he was manager of public rela- Congress that we have worked with. to say what a true gentleman SHER- tions at Wyandotte Chemical (1961–64) and served two years in the U.S. Army (1956–58). Because there are so few people here, I WOOD BOEHLERT is, what a great gen- Boehlert served as chief of staff for two think it is an indication of how we tleman he is, and, I am pleased to say, area Congressmen, Alexander Pirnie (1964–72) have legislated in terms of waiting so what a great friend he has been. and Donald Mitchell (1973–79), where he be- late and Members having to leave, but So I know that because of the depth came intimately familiar with the people, I guess the most important thing that of his commitment, that he could never places and issues of Upstate New York. I wanted to say is that this legislative walk away from us in terms of commit- An avid New York Yankees fan and movie ment. And so as he follows through in buff, Boehlert and his wife, Marianne (Wil- body has been very good to me, and I ley) Boehlert, make their home in New Hart- have been here for well over three dec- an extension of his life and terminates ford, New York. They have four grown chil- ades. that legislative part, I just want you to dren and five grandchildren. When Congress Not only did I have, do I have, an op- know that the entire delegation felt a is not in session, he returns to Central New portunity to serve my district and my sense of friendship for him. We will York each weekend to stay in touch with the country in this Congress, but it al- miss him, and we in the New York dele- people who elected him to represent them in lowed me to meet and work with some gation, and I hope the Congress, will Washington. The 24th Congressional District includes of the most exciting, intelligent and try desperately hard when we are all or parts of Broome, Cayuga, Chenango, interesting people that I never would tempted to do what we think our party Cortland, Herkimer, Oneida, Ontario, Otsego, have met had I not had the great honor label would want us to do, that we can Tioga, Tompkins, and Seneca counties. of serving here. remember that some have come here as Mr. REYNOLDS. Mr. Speaker, the upstate This has been especially true in the friends; they can do their job, they can city of Utica, New York, calls itself the ‘‘City of last decade where friendships have been work hard, they can disagree, and, God Possibilities;’’ and I rise today to pay tribute to very difficult to maintain, one, because willing, we can leave as friends. one of its sons, who saw his service in gov- of the legislative schedules that have Mr. Speaker, my failing eyes allowed ernment not only as that of great possibilities, been so different with the small me not to see my buddy on the floor but of responsibility and achievement. amount of time that we spent here; when I started this talk, and I just My friend, my colleague, SHERWOOD ‘‘SHER- two, because we don’t travel abroad as want to say personally, SHERWOOD, you RY’’ BOEHLERT will retire at the end of this a Congressional team; but, lastly, and I have been a model for me, a model for Congress after 12 terms of proud service to guess the thing that hurts the most, is the New York delegation, and if people his community, his state and our Nation. that the group became not just friends, had known our delegation, as diverse Whether it was as a Congressional staff what committee, what part of the as it is, perhaps they could go to their member, U.S. Army veteran, Oneida County country you came from, but it was delegation and be able to say that, hell, Executive, or Member of Congress, SHERRY whether you were Republican or Demo- anybody, if we try hard, can be like BOEHLERT saw government as a proud and crat, and that made the difference. SHERWOOD BOEHLERT. noble profession, serving others to achieve for We will miss you, but I am so glad them a better quality of life. b 2100 that I am in the same State, and I His service on the House Science Com- I do hope that the new Congress will know I will be seeing more of you. mittee, which began in 1983 and culminated have just as much partisanship as re- Mr. Speaker, I would like to submit with his election as chairman in 2001, earned lates to the issues that they believe in, Mr. BOEHLERT’s biography for the SHERRY high marks for his intellect and inde- but that we will have the Congress that RECORD. pendence, his ability and his vision. VerDate Sep 11 2014 14:57 May 19, 2017 Jkt 049102 PO 00000 Frm 00129 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 9920 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BR06DE06.DAT BR06DE06 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with BOUND RECORD 22630 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol.
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