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"My wrltlrtc Prod Uces 1Il this trealllt Second Tim~ Iowan 2,800 Tons of Bombs :hord ih hun. ... ... ... Dropped by 1,000 low ChOCOlate Yank planes bomb Ponape, ffi.. jor Vital 'Nippon . Bas~, ·Ponap·e I'!. At Planes in 30 Minutes said in Sari Radio Appeals eastern outpost of Caroline is- which he I'!. lands. Deepest strike ever made To Italian Patriots LONDON (AP)-The RAF by land planes on Japan's central seared the remains of Berlin Tues. MADE FROM SALVAGE, JAP ZERO WORKS FOR ALLIES g these waa To Sabotage Traffic 8 Allied Planes Lost enned by 1Il Pacific islands. day night with well over 2,800 Blast Outpost who ac~ tons of explosive and fire-bombs-- gle-handedl.t ALL l ED HEADQUA R­ Rome raUway yards bombed for In New Ireland Raid the heaviest aerial bombardment· It chocolate TERS, Naples (A P)-AlllCl'i­ second straight day. Benedictine can A-36 rlIvaders (li\'e-bombed monaslery complelely demolished. or a single target ever delivered. American Troops In Carolines the Rome railway yurds for thc This unprecedented bomb load was dumped on the capital by pro­ Meet Little Resistanc.; second straighl day yesterday Two Russian armies, driving from bablY close to 1,000 bombers in 30 ~h'I, Bud the Bad l'adio appealpd to north and northeast, punch toward minutes from 9:15 and 9:45 p. m .• Positions' Consolidated 55 Tons of Bombs Italisn pall'iots bel1ind tile Gcr- important communications cenler sending through it a hurricane of Dropped on Mandated ".laD line' to fur.ther the. clestru.c- of Pskov at gateway to Baltic flame and shattering explosions ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN I. , lernily lIOn by sabotaO'lng NaZI tt·affLc. states. from which smoke quickly rose THE SOUTHWEST PAC I F [ C, Islands in lit Attack Hen. Sir. IIul'?ld Alexan.der, I Cour mil . high. Thursday. (AP)-A heavy raid on cOIumanuer-tn-chlef of a I I I d AUied air forces strike at Wewak 1.200 Bombers the Japanese base at Kavleng, T. PA 1FT FLEET men ' In the raid on Berlin, a teint forces in flaly, said Amcl'ican airdromes on New Guinea. shoot· New Ireland, which left the town HEADQ l\.RTEH" Pearl Har­ and British troops WC I'C will- ing down 7 Zeros and damaging attack on E'ranklurt-on-Oder, 50 bor y 'heta Sillna a mass of flames and cost the (AP)-Am dean h a. v ninl-( t lit, ~f'~OIlU rOllnd of the or destroying 37 on lhe ground. miles to the cast. Mosquito raids bombers stabbed w stward to ~ journalt.m on western Germany and Hol­ alii eight planes, and consoli­ held a for. battle on Anzio beachhead and Ponape Monday to blast t hat ultimately would smash on to Fourth war loan most successful land and mine-laying operations. dation of pOSitions won in the in­ .t of Marilyn 'he RAF used not more than 1.200 vasion of the Green islands. were important Japane e ba e in the Iburg; Mat)' Rome without assistance from the ever conducted. mandated al'Oline islands with Cassino front. ------------- bombcrs, including 1,000 "heavies," reported by allied headquarters 'aukon, and and lost 43. today. 55 lOllS of bombs in its first air ,t Iowa City. Even while the invaders struok The RAF armada sent out Tues­ The Green islands landings by attack of the war. rlOny i1qd a &(ain at the freight cars of Ger· day night probably was the largest United States and New Zealand The daring raid, faIth t w st­ man war material and switch­ F. D. R. Gives Ickes I MADE OF PARTS from five J ap Zeroes Ihot down in the baltle for the Buna airstrip, New Guln.ea. tbLs ty members ever to operate over the reich in t"roops Monday night and Tues­ ern penetration by land-ba ed held in the In, faelUties in Rome. P-4O a single night. day met but little resIstance, and Japanese Zero Is now IIrovtdJn, mllUary Information for the allies. It Is pictured at Wrl,ht fleld , :afe. A brief W.arhawks bombed the ruins of Relocation Position Stocllholm advic said that Gen. Douglas MacArthur's com­ Dayton, where specialists are conductln, tests to determine Us characteristics. The plane's ranre can army bombers, wag made in od ucled by the Benedictine monasterJ on great fires were ringing Berlin munique said the Invaders' po­ be Increased by the droPliable ea tank shown a(ta.ched to the hlp. A. A. F. photo. "con idcrabJe force" and Winl­ MI. Cassino. Artillery was reo !a tion presl. yesterday in the wake of the RAF's sitions hod been consolidated ----------------------------------=-:--,-- oul the loss of a ~ing1e p1ane, ported sllll pourln, shells into Transfer Designed lquet. t5th heavy attack In the "elimI­ "without Incidcnt." Admiral Chester W. Nimitz an­ whill was left of the monastery To Bring Authority nation" series which bcgan last Y. '~dium bombers and aUack I, who for Russian Planes- nounced yesterday. "Mary Man. by Tuesday's attack. Under Cabint Officer Nov. 18. planes, with fighter escort, flew Reds Drive ISenate Hears Cedar &p. In its appeal. the Bari radio Vast New Damare through intense antiaircralt fire The Liberator. of the American her exptrJ. called for sabotage on the roads II was apparenl vast new da- to hammer ai Kavleng at low alti­ seventh army air force dropped WASHINGTON (AP) -Presi- magc was done in the already thnt ad,vic. from Rome to the AnFl0 beachhead tude. Besides converting the town most of their bomb loads on enemy and the Gal'igliano front on thc dent Roosevelt lasl night gave hard h.it capital. mostly in the in­ into an inferno. the ottackcrs sank Bomb In. From North AFL Head installations but also sank a small west coast and urged the Italian Secretary of Intel'ior IckeR super- dustrial ouler bclt including the a 3,000-ton cargo ~hip, three coas­ patriots 10 blow up bridges, viSio.n over the war l:elocation au- Wittenau, Lichtenberg and Mar­ tal ve sels nd several l;maUer cargo ship 11'1 the harbor. There change danger signa Is, cause land­ thol'lty agency. which operates ien(elde districts. craft in the harbor, destroyed or was no aIr interception, and anti­ Give Japanese relocation centers. Swedish correspondent were Sledges Already Helsinki Civilian Labor Draft aircraft fire was not mentioned, Slides, sprinkle lhe road with glass, damaged five ,cloatplanes and n Rec;tal nails ond sharp stones and try to Some. ~embers of congr~6s had unable to send carly reporl~ on blasted the airdromc. Sent Over Ice Would Ruin Morale indicatlng the mid day strike lire gasoline and ammunition been cnllcal o[ the authority ~nd I the raid to their papcrs. All (orms Thc lass of cight aWed plul1(~s TOCKHOLM (AP) - Two cllUght Ja?anes by V.Uf?Iis'.l. To Cross Estonia * * * Says William Green Ponape and the big naval base f Cherokee, dumpS: had demanded that the relocahon of communication in the city were 10 enemy .. Uack was Lhe heaviest wavcs or Russian planes bombed centers be turned over to the war disrupted. Late in the day traIfic toll ever exacted of our aircraft in Helsinki last night and caused of Truk are the admlnlstratlon reci tal ot "German traffic must be stopped WASHINGTON CAP) -AFL centers for the eastern group of ,t 8 o'clock on these roads and the railway department. It was u~del'sto~, was reported moving in the center many thrusts at Kavieng. Fifteen LONDON, Thursday CAP)-So­ fires and damage to the Finnish however. that the admmlstratlon of the city bul still was paralyzed allIed oirmen were saved, however, viet forces. driving down from the capiLaI from which rumors of President William Green told the Islands in the Carolines. Ponapc with Bett)' which runs along the Tyrrhenian senate mllitary committee yester­ Is west 01 KWlljaleln, the western ine, tIL, as and "driatic coasts at any cost," preferred a civilian agency. in the outskirts. by the daring crew of a navy Ca- north, have reached the narrow maneuvers [or a separate peace Transfer to 8impHry Travellers reaching Mallnoe, Lalina flying boal. The crewmen neck of water betwCl1-n Lakes Pei­ have been emanating since it was day a civilian labor draft would MarshaUs atoll captured by Amer­ it declared. ruin the morale of wal' workers ican troops earlier thIs month. and "IntrodUc· (The Germans.
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