FREE www.caribbeanlifenews.com BROOKLYN/STATEN ISLAND EDITION Sept. 15–Sept. 21, 2017 IRMA WREAKS HAVOC Yaneisis Martinez hugs her two dogs over the remains of her house destroyed by Hurricane Irma in Isabela de Sagua, Cuba, Monday, Sept. 11, 2017. Associated Press / Ramon Espinosa 3007 Farragut Rd., Brooklyn, NY 11210 (corner of Nostrand Ave.) LAB TESTS SONOGRAMS EKG’S *À>ÀÞ NO i>Ì Ê >ÀiÊ iÌiÀ]Ê INSURANCE? STOP BY 718-253-WELL (9355) U 718-434-0711 TO FIND OUT Diagnostic and Treatment Center HOW NYS Article 28 Facility YOU CAN MEDICAID, MEDICARE GET INSURED MEDICAID, HMO’s & Most Major Insurance Plans Accepted TODAY! 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King Two popular Caribbean incumbents were victorious Tuesday in New York Police Commissioner James City Democratic Primary Elections. O’Neill speaking to the audience Haitian Dr. Mathieu Eugene, who at Brooklyn Borough Hall, on represents the 40th Council District in Thursday, Sept. 7, 2017. Brooklyn, and Jumaane Williams, the New York City Police Department son of Grenadian immigrants, repre- sentative for the adjacent 45th Council District in Brooklyn, were re-elected in Sept. 11 victims’ the low-voter turn-out. The winner in the Democratic Pri- mary Elections is usually a shoo-in to relatives vow win the November General Elections in New York, which votes overwhelmingly to keep for the Democratic Party. With 100 percent of the 104 precincts reporting, the first Haitian to ever win a legacies alive seat in the City Council, received 5,414 votes, or 41 percent, in a field of three challengers. By Dawn Plummer His closest rival was Brian Christo- Sixteen years have passed since pher Cunningham, the son of Jamaican the catastrophic attack on Sept. 11. immigrants, who received 3,991 votes, Many pledged during that time to or 30 percent. “never forget” the horror. To honor ia Raymond received 2,956 votes, or that commitment, the Brooklyn Bor- 22 percent, and Jennifer Berkley, 822 ough President Eric Adams hosted a votes, or six percent. memorial service at Borough Hall on Williams won the Primary in a land- Thursday, Sept. 8, 2017 to stand with slide with 100 percent of the 121 pre- the relatives of some of the victims cincts reports. He received 8,588 votes, and to remind the community of the or 90 percent, to his lone challenger, Council members Jumaane Williams and Mathieu Egene were re-elected indirect effects that still haunt some Lou Cespedes, who garnered 904 votes, Photo by Tequila Minsky first responders and the community or 10 percent. at large since the fateful day. Renowned as “The Haitian Sensa- In welcoming the group of invit- tion,” Eugene said the main reason for 53 percent of the vote, with his closest ed guests, the New York City Police his success is that he has dedicated his Tonight, we make history. challenger, Anne J. Swern, receiving Department and the New York Fire life to community service. I look around this room 11.6 percent. Department, Adams hailed the first In Brooklyn, he has been well known and see what’s beautiful “I am so happy,” said Gonzalez at his responders, as the best and the bravest, and respected for more than a dec- about Brooklyn. I see the victory party Tuesday night. “Tonight, some of whom are still suffering as a ade as a community leader, educator, diversity. we make history. I look around this result of illnesses they developed while health professional, local media per- room and see what’s beautiful about working at Ground Zero and are now sonality and founder of the non-profit Brooklyn. I see the diversity.” battling for their lives. Borough Presi- organization, YES (Youth Education Additionally, Williams is the found- The Brooklyn district attorney sets dent Adams asked that the relatives of and Sports). ing member of the Progressive Caucus, policies that affect the borough’s 2.6 the victims keep the memories of the Eugene said this organization, which and is a member of the Black, Latino & million residents, overseeing an office victims alive, ‘but most importantly served thousands of Brooklyn youth Asian Caucus. of nearly 500 prosecutors that handles turn pain into purpose.” and their families from diverse back- Williams said he is a fervent “advo- almost 85,000 criminal cases a year, In addition to his welcoming remarks, grounds, promoted self-esteem, disci- cate for affordable housing, anti-gun according to the New York Times. the Borough President also made a pline, respect, and skill development violence measures, fair policing, equi- In the 41st City Council District in personal contribution of $5,000.00 to in preparation for success in school ty, and social justice.” Brooklyn, two Vincentian candidates the Leon W. Smith, Jr. Foundation, a and life. His major successes as coun- were unsuccessful in a crowded field former New York City fire fighter and Eugene said his priorities are “to cil member include the Community of nine candidates. a victim of Sept. 11. The organization ensure quality education with smaller Safety Act, which created the Office Moreen King, who placed fourth, which was started by the mother of the class size, improve access to health- of Inspector General for the New York received 915 votes, or nine percent, late fire fighter is based in Brooklyn, care for all people, expand employ- Police Department; the Fair Chance and Royston Antoine, who placed and works to help students. In mak- ment opportunities, improve public Act and co-chairing the taskforce, sixth, received 597 votes, or six per- ing her contribution to the event and safety services and police / community which created New York’s Crisis Man- cent, in the race that was won by thanking the borough president for relations, improve affordable housing agement System and Cure Violence Alicka Ampry-Samuel, who 3,320 the kind gesture, Mrs. Irene W. Smith, opportunities and support immigrant Groups to combat gun violence. votes, or 31 percent. mother of the late Leon W. Smith, Jr. rights, as well as provide strong advo- In trouncing a field of five other Other contenders in the race were: recommitted herself to continue the cacy for neighborhood preservation and candidates, Eric Gonzalez, who traces Henry Butler, 2,318 votes, or 22 per- work of the 13-year-old organization, homeowners.” his roots to Puerto Rico, was tri- cent; Jamaican American Cory Prov- started in the memory of her son.
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