Biff ^ CBHSADER NEXT ISSUE DEADUNE^^^^^^^^^ CRUSADINGCRUSADING FOR FOR JUSTICE. JUSTICE, EQUALITY EQUALITY & &MORALITY! MORALITY! Issue 32 AUGUST 1976 BATH HOUSE BUST FIZZLES! On June 25, 1976, dozens of San Francisco police officers descended in a raid on the Folsom Street Barracks, a gay bath house. The raid began with a bang and was direct­ ed by a confident Inspector Kenneth King of the Narcotic Bureau, who was armed with a search warrant which had been issu­ ed by Judge Daniel Hanlon of the Munici­ pal Court. The officers entered the Barracks by search­ ing all private rooms and lockers for possi­ ble contraband drugs. Upon completion of the search, seventeen Attorney B.J. Beckwith after bath house patrons were placed under his landmark victory arrest for charges ranging from unpaid tra­ ffic warrants, to very serious felony counts charging possession of restricted drugs for sale. However, by July 28th, the cop’s great bust which had begun with such a bang, died with scarcely more than a whimper. Credit for deflating the cop’s trial or test balloon for raiding gay baih houses, belongs to attorney B.J. Beckwith, who represented four of those arrested. Attorney Beckwith succeeded in having the search warrant declared invalid with respect to the patrons and the private rooms of the bath house. Thus, all evidence seized by the police in the private rooms or taken from the person of thè patrons is no longer admissible as eviden­ ce against those arrested. Without the evidence, the criminal charges must be dismissed. To achieve his victory, lawyer Beckwith scheduled a hearing on a “Motion To Quash The Search Warrant”. The motion was based upon the theory that insufficient evidence had been presented to Judge Hanlon to justify issuance of the search warrant in the first place. Secondly, Beckwith charged that much of the information presented to the Judge by the police narcotics officers, had been either false or misleading. At one point in the hearing, the deputy District Attorney protested loudly, “Your Honor, Mr. Beckwith is calling the police officer a liar.” And Beckwith in harsh reply to the District Attorney, said, “Yes, 1 am! That is exactly what I’m doing and I will present evidence to substantiate the charge!” The hearing covered two days and attorney Beckwith produced wit­ ness after witness. He was able to establish the exact nature of gay bath houses, the type of conduct that occurs there and the private nature of the rooms and lockers. He produced witnesses who flatly denied statements included in the affidavit filed by the police to secure the search warrant. At the end of the hearing, physically exhausted from his efforts, law­ Dr. Mark Freedman Dies yer Beckwith, known for his many court victories for gays and gay causes, broke into a broad Texas smile and expressed happiness that of Hepatitis... he had been able to secure another favorable decision for the gaypeo- ples of San Francisco. But, then his eyes and countenance saddened E>r. Freedman was known across the land as and in his slow but precise East Texas drawl, he confided his hope to an up-front homosexual. He didn’t try to this reporter that, he hoped that the police raid on the Folsom Street hide it. Barracks was not the signal of the begining of a period of increased He passed over on July 21, dead of hepatitis police harassment of gays here. while in the U C. Hospital. This reporter cautions all gaypeoples to exercise caution in your be­ Dr. Freedman wrote the book, ‘Homosexual­ havior at the gay bath houses in the future. This is based upon con­ ity and psychological Functioning”. He was versations with various cops who are trying to make Chief Charles at onetime a staff member of the Northeast Gain “look bad”! Mental Health Center in the Tenderloin of But, in the meantime, the Beckwith bath house victory is a landmark San Francisco, and a frequent visitor to the decision for gaypeople, and for Fourth Amendment Rights. old Helping Hands Center on Turk Street. Dr. Freedman was a pioneer in many areas Orthodox Episcopal Church of Qod for the gay liberation movement. And his efforts on behalf of better mental health for Aitpnò 8>abbath ^rntirpH all people is his monument. God bless this parb i8>alurbag at gentle young soul, rb MARK FREEDMAN. PhD. (!lljri0t ffiljappl 105 ®’3Farrdl & m t p 3 0 8 . HARRY LORDAN for EMPEROR V de San Francisco. His symbol is the Golden Dolphin. HARRY is not a quiter. He’s a real worker. ill Hpu,ilai|iiro3l|parB, paBtar G ay 1£x QIathriini KILLS MENDELSON IS bii Itagmonà Sroaiiearfi LEADING FREEDOM OF THE PRESS...........This is one of the e "Speed" category includes: Amphetamines, Dextro-amp- ....STATE SENATE business OBSESSION WITH SEAT OF MARKS IS most important of the freedoms allowed us by the hetamine (Dexadrine), Methamphetamine (Amphedroxyn), SEX LEADING TO DESOXYN, Drinalfa, D.O.E., Methedrine, Norodin, Synd- ABOUT TO FALL TO Constitution. A free press is vital to the continued MORAL DECAY OF THE PROGRESSIVE system of democracy. Groups such as the SWP rox. These are all stimulants, overdose potential is highly GAY COMMUNITY. possible, but ordinarily not fatal. Long-term damage to the CHALLENGER, BOB ...better known as the Socialist Workers Paurty, do not ..... The obsession of body and mind can and usually does through prolonged use MENDELSOHN. D irecto ry want freedom of the press except for their newspaper, too many gaypeople ....death possiblity increases when injected, due to impuri­ Regardless of who wins THE MILITANT. Same goes for the U.S. Ubor Par­ with sex has become ties in drug. the Senate eontest be­ The GAY CRUSADER gay business directory is for your ty, they want only the words of their publication, the quite dangerous to Speed does indeed kill. People have been taking speed ever convience. All businesses who wish to be listed who are tween Bob Mendelsohn not listed, please contact us at (415) 771-3366 NEW SOLIDARITY printed. These two groups are the future of our life since it was developed before World War II. How many have and Republiean Marks, Business Code identifications: E- Entertainment Bar; COMMUNIST groups, both have made great inroads style here in Fagdad. you met who have been taking speed for as long as ten year: the gay eommunity is W-Womens Bar; R-Resturant; C-Cafe; B-Bath House; with many gaypeople, particularly the SWP. Both of Sek, along with the ...? or even five years? If they survive this long, you can be­ the winner. the groups are the off-spring of the regular Communi­ lieve that their brain cells (gray matter) has detoriated to such DD-Disco Dancing; D-Dancing; F-Movie Houses; increasing use of hard an advanced stage, they they no longer know or care about But, when Bob Mendel­ P-Bookstores; A-Afterhours; S-Saloon. st Party, and was headed by Leon Trotsky, until he drugs in the gay cpm- their cleanliness, eating, or the conditions in which they now sohn wins, the Gay coni- was assissinated by the Stalinist Communist at his munity is a fact. live. Heroin addicts have a longer life span than does a...... munity wins in a big way DOWNTOWN home in Mexico. The gay bar and bath SPEED FREAK.....and that’s what they are.....freaks! as Bob Mendelsohn is a Freedom of the press, freedom to write about and ex­ scene of course is in Adonis, 384 Ellis Street.................................474-6995...P Speed activates the entire body and forces it to race Because of the massive stimulation of the ner­ “fighter” and will intro­ Blue & Gold, 136 Turk Street......................673-2040...S pose these groups, that is what we are doing. If you great part responsible at high rates of speed for a long time. The larger the vous system by the Amphetamines and because duce gay rights legislatior Cinamattachine, 384 Ellist Street................ 474-6995....F support Peter Camejo and Willie Mae Reid for Presi­ for it. How to bring it under dose the greater the strain. The smaller the dose the appetite and sleep patterns are disturbed, and will Repubfican Marks Club Frisco, 60 Sixth Street, off Market.....863-5314..DD dent this year, you are voting communist politics. conttol is another thing. smaller tne strain. This is why speed can be legitima­ eventual state of toxic psychosis often occurs. is content to set on his Club Turkish Baths, 1 32 Turk Street...........775-551 1 ...B Oh yes, they WILL BE ON THE BALLOT in Califor­ Too many gaypeople seem^ tely prescribed in small does (diet pills, etc.) for sev­ This is usually characterized by hallucinations, ‘duff”, watehing how Gordons, 118 Jones Street........................... 771-7575 RE nia this November. Yes, the SWP has apparently goat to believe that being gay eral months without harm. A lot of speed puts a tremendous panic or fear reactions, with added others vote, and then he Kokpit, 301 Turk Street............................... 775-3260..S ten the signatures they needed. is having sex....WOW! About great deal of strain on the entire circulatory system, waves of despondency and depression. casts his vote............the Landmark, 45 Turk Street............................474-4331..S GAYS & COMMUNISTS? Oh my years have shown Are they ever wrong! It and often causes aneurism (ballooning) in the arteries Does this discription sound like anyone you Peter Pan, 30 Ma.son Street........................... 982-1928..S or vessels. know? Seen on the streets, in a bar????? liar way. Rendezvous, 567 Sutter Street....................781-3949..DD me that the SWP has made considerable inroads into shows that the younger Appetite is non-existant.
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