Serving the State The Weather University of Iowa Partly elowly and winu teday. Partl, cloud, and Campus and eonUnued cool Sunday. Iowa City HIa1t todaY. 55: low. '4 HI~h FrIday, 8%: low. 47. Est. 1868 - AP Leased Wire - Five Cenls Iowa City, Iowa, Saturday. April 25. 1953 - VoL 97, No. 149 ----------------~--------~------~------------~~---- e n us .r.ID e enS'e Reds Release Slaying Case 'Far Irom Closed' Alter FBI Report GOP Airees The oftlclal Johnson county tile Bonus Number which records the untimely deaths Their hopes were not rUlfiUed. ! which were round upstairs in the shots. The gun trom which these don for routlne questionlnl at the On AII-Oul " of 15-year-old Beverly Brenneman Federal officials did establish Nelson home. contained human shots werc fired ls stm being ex- same hour that hlB body was lsoners and Mrs. James Ciler, 51, re- several facts, however, which led blood but not enough tor sufticlen amlned by statc :luthorities In Des 10und. Of Prl mained "tar trom closed" Friday Meardon to say that tile case is Car analysis. Meardon added that Nel- Moines. On the night Miss Brenneman Mobilization as County Attorney William from closed. son was not wearing the shoes on Arter studying tile FBI report, and Mrs. Cller were murdered, WASHINGTON (JP) _ The EII- PANMUNJOM (Saturday) (JP)- Meardon surveyed the anxiously Blood stains on the jacket be- the night of April 8. Meardon focused his attention on Nelson was wearinl the suede enhower administration has vir- The Communists today released a awaited FBI analysis report and longing to Nelson were detinitely R.... Show NotbJbI' future action, disclosing some of Jacket, a yeUow or tan knit shirt, tually agreed on the policy of bonus number of Americans, Brlt- termed It complete but not con- human stains, Meardon said, but Rags from the Nelson garage, the rapidly diminishing store of and brown trousers. The shirt and building a broad Industrial base II ish .nd Turks in line with their elusive. the dye In the suede permeate" believed to have blood stains on clues wh ich are still unanswered. trousers have not yet been tound. for mobilization, it was reported c promise to go b~yond the limit Officials had hoped that a brown the blood to such an extent that them, revealed nothing. The Nelson boy, who perhaps is He took his ITandfather to Mer- Friday, despite secretary of de- y the), had set for the first sick and suede jacket, pair of shoes, butch- the type could not be determined. A padng knife, Cound Saturday the only one who could answer cy hospital to visit the boy's rense Charles Wilson's desire for ;i el' knife and paring knife or some A butcher knife, one or several Illornlng about 9 ly ing on the these questions, did not, regain Cather, a patient, at 7;30 and h I I y wounded prisoner exchange of the old rags could provide some key knives discovered at 200 Evans st. kitchen floor near Nelson's body, consciousness between the time he picked him up alaln at 8:4S. In greater emp as s on actua arms Korean war. or connection between the double on a bridge that crosses Ralston was smell red with blood type A. was found Injured and his death the days and weeks of questioning production, Crossing the line to freedom slaying April 8 and the apparent creek, had blood on It of Mrs, CI- The youth's blood matched this (lve hours later. friends ot Nelson, no one can ac- President Eaenhower's moblll- wm 17 Americans, 4 British, 4 suicide or Charles 'Nelson, 17, on ler's type O. type. confirming evidence ot seIt- Due for QuesUonln, count for the boy's whereabouts Charles E. Wilson zatlon board, includlnl six cabinet ) Turks and 7S South Koreans. the following Saturday. Shoes belonging to Nelson, Inflicted wounds before the latal He was due to go before Mear- between these hours. FalJor.~ Actual Productloll o{Cicers and mobilization director t The Reds promised to {ree Sun- Took Oft laeb& Arthur S. Flemming, was said to day J3 Americans and 71 disabled M h ' D" h F eel b K R' I R Although young Nelson was --------------Ihave approved tentatively a state- South Koreans. ot er S oy , Brlhs re y oreans at ussla S equest wearing the jacket when he de- NATO V t ment endorsing the present poLicy Total EXManl'e Te Date Livered his vandfather to the hos~ 0 e S ot developing plant capacity for a In six swift days the Reds bave Open House ~~t~l~t~~n~:Sa~~t: 4~aring It when $ 8 85M -II-on po:~~~h:tur~~;:~!~ec:. would handed over at this tiny truce vil- Meardon venturtd that he had "make the statell.lent Pllbllc was late: 5 h d / 5 t no explanation tor the blood on F D f ' uncertaln. In a~ case, It Is In- 138 Americans - 16 more than C e U e e Nelson's jacket or shoes. He also or e en se tended to provide guidance for promiled. said that the Nelson car, searched administration. witnesses testllylng 3% British ~ 12 more than Open houses hove been sched- by authorities Saturday nfternoon PARIS (If' _ Th N .th At- belore conllfesslonal committees. i.. ' f 11 S b IIdl after the youtn's death, showed . e 01 pledl"d. uled or a new UI u ngs as evidence of \Jelnll recently cleaned. lanllc Treaty council voted II Lobi' ~ated , 15 Turks - the total they had part of the Mother's Day program Authorities also pinned their whopping mllltllrl' equipment The mobUiution Issue hIlS been , ~t for all non-K,orean natlonal!- planned by Mortar Board, Beth hopes on the Identification ot a program Friday at the same hour debated behind Bcenes slnCi! the !~~s~ther than British and Amerl- Larson, A4, Waterloo, chairman, car reported seen west of the CI- the West German upper house disclosure, three weeks ago, that F Id ler' home on the night the two dealt the whole defense buildup a Wilson believed too much money 17 Colombians, Australians, Ca- announced ray. Iowa Cltlans 'met their brutal shaking blow. and resources were being devoted nadians, South Afrikaners, FilI- An open house is scheduled death. The ear was seen about 8 Spurred by secretary ot state to standby plants and equipment pinos, Greeks. and Netherlanders. trom 9 a.m. until noon on May 9 p.m. parked along thc side of the John Fosler Dulles and other tor possible future use and too 4OO SouthrrK:ordeands, I k d In in the new Communications Center ' road. No Indication ot the kind of members of the U.S, delegation, little tor actual manufacture of The men ee to ay 00 e th I' t f lh NATO Ii I d h and Television Center. Continuous car or the license number could be e m nIS ers 0 e coun- weapons. r lil !O~e ~a~to the assurance movies will be Ihown during the made. It was only a "dark car." tries tlrst declared In a formI al The statement now drofted, In- , OF THS $EVEN BRITI H CITIZENS released by North Korean (;ommurUsts at the request of Mlrbt Know Somet.hlbl' resolution that the six-nat on formed persons said makes a bow ~;~~~~ad: i~a~~e~111o C~~f~~!n~ mornmg at the TV Ci!nter of tele- the RUSSian ,ovnnment In Moscow arrtve in Berlin by special RO)'al air lorce plane from I\100000w. Meardon added that he belleve~ European army tr aty must be to Wilson by calling' for as great n as th Ir needs m:y re~ulre. This vision shows prod~ced ~t SUI. They are, left to rl&'M, Georre Blake, British. vice-consul In Korea: the Rev. A. C. Coopu, AbI'lican that the two perso~s reported sit- ratified as the best means of rate of military productLon as Is ~'1S It contrast to the crude and The new Women 5 PhySical Ed- bishop In Kora: Herbert Lord, who was head of the Salvation Army mission In Korea; Norman Hng In the car, ,!t such n car brln~lng German troops into consistent with keepinl armament It kl h' b. 11 ucation building will be open from Owen, first Je,atlon leeretary in Korea. and Monsll'nor Thomas Quinlan, an Irish prle.t. really was there, could have Western defense. production in "balance." o en s mpy car~ w IC ,ear er , • either seen lights or heard some- .. 4-Y-ear Plan , te~(rlate~ Ij~qdlald was glven in 10 a.m. until noon. Cl\.lb demon- thlng more to work with "We Tnen it voted a four year $885 FoUoWl Lovell I Plall R~,~~~ ~t;~:a~:~ ~tratiOlJs wp~ be Ci~en by, SUI , "BU I"LET'I N Senators Refuse TUIII,lon BIIII wish we kl\e~ more"about t~e car, million budge' to bujld-air~rts, II In general, ho~ever, it adllerl!s Whll tad' t I tl women. ' I ~ , or the perSOI\$ In It, Mearlion re- ra(iar warnl"g sYlWr(l land oll,ler to tre polley of i. brpad pieles th. p;:r~~r:~~~t: ~~ a':; VIaUIlI' Fnlll 3 te 5 .' • I " I nected. in$\allIlUonj;, and to enilld supply ~se aa adyocat- Ori&inally pl~g'ed, tHere was ev- From 3 unUI 5 p.m., the new ~EW YORK (JP)- A B-28 bom- fo SI d I In HOUSln'g Unllr, Meanwhile, IpclIl lind state ports.
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