Fisheries Re fIorts No. 57, VoL 4 FRm/R57.4 (Tri) PFOc: EINGS F THE WORLD SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE ON THE PIOLOGY AN CULTURE OF SHRIMPS AND PRAWNS ACTES D LA CONFERENCE SCIENTIFIQUE MONDIALE SUR LA BIOLOGIE ET L'ÉLEVAGE DES CREVETTES ACTAS DE LA CONFERENCIA CIENTIFICA MUNDIAL SOBRE OLOGIA Y CULTWO DE CAMARONES Y GAMBAS Mexico City, Mexico, 12-21 June 1967 Mexico (Mexique), 12-21 juin 1967 Ciudad de México, México, 12-21 junio 1967 j V A FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS F4 0 ORGANISATION DES NATIONS UNIES POUR L'ALIMENTATION ET L'AGRICULTURE ORGANIZACION DE LAS NACIONES UNIDAS PARA LA AGRICULTURA Y LA ALIMENTACION 47 ? ROME, 1970 - 1439 - FAO LIBRARY AN: 115084 FRm/S101 FAO Fisheries Synopsis No.101 SAST - Shrimp SYNOPSIS 0F BIOLOGICAL DATA ON THE WHITH SHRIMP Penaeue aetiferue (Linnaeus)1767 Expose synoptique sur la biologie de Penasum setiferus (Linnaeus)1767 Sinopsis sobre la biologia dei Ponaeus setiforus (Linnaeus)1767 prepared by MILTON J. LINDNER andHARRYL. COOK Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory Galveston, Texas77550,U.S.A. Contribution No.240, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory, Galveston, Texas77550,U.S.A. - 1441 - FRm/$lOi PenaeusBtifO'?,5 i CONTENTSil Pago No, 3. IDENTITY 1*1 1.1Nomenclature i 1.11 Valid naine i 1.12 Objective synonymy i 1.2 Taxonomy i 1.21Affinities i 1,22 Taxonomic status 2 1.23 Subspecies 2 1.24 Standard common names, vernacular names 2 1.3 Morphology 2 1.31External morphology 2 1,32 Cyto-morphology * 1.33Protein specificity 2 2 DISTRIJTION 2s]. 2.1 Total area i 2.2 Differential distribution i 2,21 Spawn, larvae and juveniles i 2.22 Adults 2,3Determinants of distribution changes i 2.4Hybridization 3 BIONOMICS AND LIFE HISTORY 3 si 3.1 Reproduction i 3,11 Sexuality i 3,12 Maturity i 3,13 Mating i 3.14 Fertilization i 3.15 Gonads i 3.16 Spawning 2 3,17 Spawn 3.2 Pre-adultjhase 2 3.21 Embryonio phase 2 3,22 Larval phase 3.23 Adolescent phase 3 3 3.3Adult phase 4 3.31 Longevity 3.32 Hardiness 4 5 3.33 Competitors 3. 34 Predators .5 5 3.35 Parasites, diseases, injuries and abnormalities 6 i Thissynopsishasbeen prepared according to Outline Version No, 2 (M. Rosa Jr., FAO Fish, Synops.,, (i) Rev,1,1965). -1442 Page No, 34Nutrition arid owth 3:6 341Feedthg 6 3.42Food 6 3.43Growth rate 7 Metabolism 3.44 7 3.5 haviour 7 3.51 Migrations and ].00a]. movements 7 3.52Schooling 9 3.53 Responses to stimuli. 9 4 POPULATION 4:1 4.1 Structure i 4.11 Sex ratio i 4.12Age composition i 4.13Size composition i 4.2 Jthundnrice and densit of o ulation i 4,21Average abundance 4,22 Changes in abundamos i 4.23Average density i 4.24Changes in deneity i 403Natality and recruitment 2 4.31Reproduction ratee * 4.32Factors affecting reproduction * 4.33Recruitment 2 4.4Mortality and morbidit 2 Mortality ratee 4.41 2 4.42Factors causing or affecting mortality 2 Faotors affecting morbidity 4.43 2 4.44Relation of morbidity to norta1ity ratee * 4,5Dynamics of o ulationas a whole * 4,6Thepopulation in the community and, the ecosystem 2 5 EXPLOITATION 5:1 5.1 Fishing ectuipment 1 5.11Gears 5.12Boats 5.2FishinR area8 i 5.21General geographic distribution I. 5.22Geographic ranges i 5.23Depth rangos i 5.24Conditione of the grounds 1 5,3Fjshjn seasons 1 5,31 General pattern of season(s) * 5.32Dates of beginning, peak and end of soason() * 5.33Variation in date or duration of season * - 1443 - FRni/S1O1 Penaeus setiforus iii Page No. 5.4Fishing operations and results 5d 5.41 Effort and intensity 1 5.42 Selectivity 3 5,43 Catches 3 6 PROTECTION AND MANAGEMENT 6:1 6.1 Regulatory (leßislative) measures 1 6,li Limitation or reduction of total catoh 6,12 Protection of portions of population * 6,2 Control or alteration of h sical features of the environment 1 6,21Regulation of flow * 6.22 Control of water levels * 6,23 Control of erosion and silting * 6,24Fishways at artificial and natural obstructions * 6,25Fish screens * 6,26 Improvement of spawning grounds * 6.27Habitat improvement * 6.3Control or alteration of chemical features of the environment * 6,31Water pollution control 6,32 Salinity oontrol 6,33Artificial fertilization of waters 6,4Control or alterations of the biological features of the environment * 6,41Control of aquatic vegetation 6,42 Introduction of fish foods (plant, invertebrate, forage fishes) 6,43 Control of parasites and disease 6,44Control of predation and competition 6,45Population manipulation 6,5Artificial stoc * 6,51 Maintenanoe stocking 6.52Transplantation; introduction 7 POND FISH CULTURE 7t1 8 REFERENCES 8sl As no information was available to the author, these items have been omitted from the textO 1444 - FR» 5101 Penaeusotiferus 1 1 IDENTITY Definition 1,1 Nomenclature Rostrum toothed dcrsally arid ventrally, 1.11 Valid name Carapace without longitudinal or transverse suture s; cervical and orbito-ante nnal subi Penaeus setliferus (Linnemue) 17o7, Syst. and antennal carmas always present. Hopatio Na%,(od.12) 1:1054 and antennal spines pronounced, pierygoctomial angle rounded. Telson with deep med&n cul- The controverey over tho use of the cue, without fixed subapical spines, with or ucMio setiforus for the present species or for without lateral movable spines. First on- ochmiti has been definitely decided in tennular segment without a spine on vo,irn.l favor of thfirst alternative by the inter- diatoiosdian border. Aatennujar fli1a naiona1 Commission on Zoologica]. Nomonclatur shorter than carapace. Naxillulary pair with in 'helr Opinion 817 (1967, Bull. cool. 2 or 3 segments, usually 3, Bastai cpiiice on No:icjnol. 24(3)* 151). let and 2nd pereiopods exopode on let 4 per- eiopcde, usually present on 5th. Petasma 1,12 Objective synonymy symmetrical, pod-like with thin median lobes with or without distal protuberancee; lateral Astacue fluviatilie, Americanus, Seba, lobes often with thickened ventral margin, Appendix masculina with distal segment sub- 1759 triangular or ovoid, bearing numerous epinon. Cancer setiterue Linnaeue, 1767 Thelycum usually with an anterior prococo, variable in shape9 lying between thecoxee of Aetaous eetiferus (Linnaeus) Olivier 4th pereiopodm; with owithout lateral plates 1791 on eternite XIV. Pleuobrancbjae on omite IX to XIV: a rudimentary arthrobrancb on Cancer (Oamrearel1us) aetiferus semite VII, and a postarior arthrobranch on (Linnaeus) Herbst, 1793 somito XIII; mastigobranchias on mosites VII to XII, Zygocardlao osio1e oonreieting of Penaeus fluvjatilie Say, 1818 (n a principal tooth folloned by a longitudinal objective synonym of Cancer setii'eruo row of smaller teeth which often end in a L., 1767, through the type selection cluster of minute teeth, Body glabrous, by }Iolthui, 1964, Bull. zool, Noreenol,, (After Dall, 1957, eliglitly modified by Proz- 21(3): 233). Farfante), Specific Penaeus setifer (Linnaeus) L. Agasmiz, 149 Identity of type specimens 1.2 Taxonomy The specimen figured by Seba (17599 Locu- plet. Her, nat. Thee, 3: pl. 17 fig, 2) c 1.21 Affinities holotype, or if the original description nao based on more material, the lectotyps of Cd.cor Suprageneric (to family after Watermm eetiferus L. (by the eelection by Hoithuic, d Ohace, l9bO) 1962, Gulf Research Rep. l(3):1l5). The original typo material is lost and a neotype Phylum Arthopoda has been designated by Lurkenroad (1939, Bull, C1ae Cruetaoea Bingham ooeanogr, Coil. 6(6):l7). The neotypo Subclase Malacoetraoa is a male froni Matanzas Inlet, Florida (O-10 Series Eurnalacostraca fathoms, otter-trawl 2 April 1934, N.B, Bishop) Superorder Eucarida in the Bingbam Oceanographic Col1ection of Ya)o Order Docapoda University, New Haven, Conn, U,SA,, prasoroO Suborder Natantia under no. B.O.C, 237, Phis neotype eo1o'jon Section Penaeidea has been validated by the International Cee- Family Penaeidae mission on Zoological Nomenclature in their Subfamily Penne mas Opinion 817 (1967, Bull, cool. No:nencl, 24(3)* 151), Generic Type locality Genus Penaeus Fabricius, 1798, Suppl. Eflt.Syet,35,4OT Type species, by selection "In Indue" (Linnaeus, 1767), restricted by Latreille, l8lo, Consid.gdn.Anim.Crust. to "Amerloa" (Seba, 1759) by the leototypo Araohn,Ins,:lO2,422: Penaeus rnoncdon Fab- selection (Holthuio, 1962) and still í'iiibo' rioius, 1798, Supp1,Ent,Syst.4O, Gender: restricted to Matanzas Inlet, Floricn., U,S.t. masouljne, by the neotype selection (Burkenroad, 1939), The authors wish to express oir appreoiatíon to Dr, Hol-thuis who provided theinformation in this section, - 1445 - 1:2 FRin/S101 Ponaeus sotifrua Diagnosis 1.3 Morphology Adroetral carina not reaching behind 1.31 External morphology middle of oarapaoe; gastrofrontal carina absent; hepatic carina present; rostral Young (1959) described in detail the teeth usually 9 dorsal, 2 ventral; an- skeletal and muscle systems and discussed the terior portion of the ventral margin of the nervous, circulatory, digestive, excretory, and piouron on the ist pleonic soznite almost reproductive systems. Burkenroad (1934, 1939), straight; thelyouxn of female with open Rioja (1939, 1940, 1941), and King (1948) seminai receptiole; posterior portion desoribed minuto details of the external and of 14th sternite of female with conspic- internal reproductive systems. uous pair of fleshy protuberances; disto- ventral lobule of distornedian lobe of petasma Williams (1965, p.18) described the color rounded and not projeoting; petasma of maie "Body translucent, bluish white with dusky bands with diagonal ridge aoross ventral face of and patches composed of scattered black specks; distoventrai lobe (Burkenroad, 1934, 1936; rostrum and sides tinged with pink; blades of wald, 1965), pleopods marked with dark rod; antennae dark brown; uropode with tips of blades dark brown- Subjective synonymy ish purple with narrow stripe of yellowish green along margin." Penaeus orbignyanus Latreilie, 1817 (see Burkenroad, 1939, p.19).
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