20— MANCHESTER HERALD, Friday. May 4, 1990 B rid ge A strograp h Comments of this ilk won’t help your so­ trump length to west’s and executing SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Doc. 21) Don t cial image. Reading an endplay. So he played A-K and let it be said of you today that you are NORTH S-4-10 CANCER (June 21-July 22) Your ambi­ ^Your nice only to persons who are in a posh ♦ J 62 ruffed a club. West followed to the tions and drive must be synchronized to tion to do something for you. If you try V854 the side-suits third round of clubs with the queen. b ir t h d a y your hopes today or else you might not to manipulate friends, it could work ♦ K83 Declarer now tried to cash three dia­ expend the needed effort to achieve ♦ AK84 By James Jacoby mond tricks, but West ruffed the third your objectives. Just wishing won't cut against you. CAPRICORN (Doc. 22-Jan. 19) Today If diamond and got off lead with the 10 of May 5,1990 it. you make a point of tooting your owri WEST EAST East had sparse values for coming LEO (July 23-Aufl. 22) It’s best not to clubs. horn in front of others you are must lik ^ ♦ K5 ♦ A Q 10 9 8 7 in with a two-spade overcall between The key to declarer’s choice of the Overall conditions in the year ahead pretend to be knowledgeable about V-- ly to produce sour notes. Modesty will V Q 9 6 3 two bidding opponents, but the bid proper play at the finish lies in what should be easier for you than they have something about which you have only a ♦ 9 4 2 ♦ J 10 7 6 might guide the defense against been for the past several years. Just be­ few surface facts. Embarrassment is get you much more attention. ■ defender West will naturally be think­ AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fob. 19) Don’t lor(( ♦ Q 10 3 2 ♦ 9 6 5 cause things begin to run more smooth­ possible if someone tests your intellect, North-South’s final contract. Mean­ ing when he discards on the third it over an associate today If you catch ly, don’t use it as an excuse to coast. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sapt. 22) The world SOUTH while, if two spades were doubled, spade. It would not make any sense for on to things quicker. Later If you en-; TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Don’t make doesn't owe you a free ride today, espe­ ♦ 4 3 North-South might not collect more West to discard from a four-card suit. counter someone smarter than you, impressive gestures today if your gen­ cially in your commercial or financial ♦ A K J 10 7 2 than the value of a vulnerable game. Instead he will surely be chucking you’ll know how embarrassing this can ♦ A Q 5 After South did arrive at four hearts, erosity has strings attached. The re­ dealings. If you expect something you from his three-card holding, in this sponse you are likely to get from the re­ don’t deserve, you're just kidding be. ♦ J 7 should the lead of the king of spades case a diamond. So declarer should cipients will be anything but what you yourself. Vulnerable; North-South result in setting the contract? You be play A-K of diamonds and ruff the PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) Today if expect. Know where to look for ro­ LIBRA (Sept. 23-Ocl. 23) Clandestine you’re drawn into a joint venture that Dealer: South the judge. mance and you'll find it. The Astro- fourth club. West will follow. Then the romantic adventure could be more ap­ requires a cash outlay from all the par­ Three rounds of spades were led, Graph Matchmaker instantly reveals queen of diamonds is played. West has pealing to you than usuai today. Be ties involved, make sure everyone antes West North East and declarer ruffed with the 10 of which signs are romanticaliy perfect for to ruff and lead away from the queen careful you don’t get yourself into up equally. Don't put up if they don’t. Pass 2 ♦ 2 ♦ hearts. West could see the Q-9-6-3 of you. Mail $2 to Matchmaker, c/o this of hearts, and declarer takes 10 tricks. something of which you might have ARIES (March 21-Aprll 19) Be careful Pass 4 ♦ All pass newspaper, P.O. Box 91428, Cleveland, hearts turning into two defensive trouble wiggling out. today you do not base your promises oh OH 44101-3428, tricks, so he discarded a diamond. De­ James Jacoby's books "Jacoby on Bridge’ and SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) Usually expediency Instead of sincerity. It's best Opening lead: ♦ K GEMINI (May 21-June 20) It's construc­ clarer played ace of hearts, getting •Jacoby on Card Games’ (written with his father you’re a rather disciplined person who to say "no" up front rather than disap­ the late Oswald Jacoby) are now available at tive whenever we are able to say nice the bad news. He realized his only feels a need to be industrious and pro­ point someone later who is depending bookstores. Both are published by Pharos Books. things about our friends, but think twice chance for success was in reducing his ductive. However, today these urges on you. today before flattering the undeserving. might not be strong enough to motivate STRETCH YOUR burger Your ossuronce of quick CARS budget By using one part response when you adver­ STORE/OFFICE MISCELLANEOUS WE DELIVER FOR SALE soy extender to four ports on MORTGAGES tise In Classified Is that FOR RENT [m CHILD CARE FOR SALE For Home Delivery. Call HD of meat. Your taste buds our readers are ready to buy when they turn to the 6 4 7 -9 9 4 6 74 MALIBU-34k, 6 Cy­ won't be oble to tell the COVENTRY-Sunny, prl- SOUTH WlNDSOR- BOLTON area babysit­ BABY Crib, carriage, Monday to Friday. S to 6 little ads. 643-2711. Sulllvan Avenue. 1,200 stroller, high chair. linder, part-car $75. difference, but your voteentronce/both/flre ting In my home. May Call 644-8212 after 5 pm. budget will! Boost your place. Non-smokers. square foot office. Call thru September. Call Girl's clothing, to size $400. 742-5861 521-1744 or 644-0165. anytime, 649-4014. 3. 649-3671.___________ CHEVY 1979-Camaro- mianrliPBtpr ittpralB budget by selling Idle items In your home with o CONDOMINIUMS GOLF CLUBS Used. Star- Black good condition I 528-1098 after low<ost od In clossifled. APARTMENTS INDUSTRIAL ter and full sets with $3000. FOR RENT bags from $35.00. 649- CARS 6pm. ______________ FOR RENT Hi] PROPERTY MACHINERY 1794. MANY 2, 3, 8. 4 bedroom FOR SALE DATSUN 1981 210, S BUSINESS l i e ] HD /V\ANCHESTER-3,4 and 5 apartments In E. Hart­ MANCHESTER-For AND TOOLS speed, hatchback, $500 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Newsstand Price: 35 Cents PROPERTY DODGE - 1986. '150', 318 or best offer. 646-8468 or Saturday, May 5,1990 room apartments for ford and Manchester. lease, 800-2400-3100- CID, automatic, bed rent. 646-2426 week- 646-1218 or 649-0857. 7500-8500 Square Feet, TAG SALE 649-1285._____________ B U SI N ESS-Fontostlc HD liner, fool box, 50K, GMC-1977, 3 auarter ton. davs, 9-5. __________ Industrial Space. 1600 SQuore feet Beouty SCREEN TOP SOIL $5500. 742-8669._______ VERNON!! I Large 1 and F.J.SplleckI Realtors, Many new ports. Good Shop with high vlsobll- HOMES 643-2121. RENAULT 1986 Alllance- condition. $1500. Call Ity $43,900. Sentry Real 2 bedroom apartments FOR RENT ANY AMOUNT MONDAY FLEA 4 dr Deluxe, 5 speed, from $550-$635/month. [34] 875-2767._____________ Estate, 643-4060.O DELIVERED MARKET air, A M /FM cassette. Laundry facilities, wall MANCHESTER-4 large ROOMMATES Excellent condition. CHEVETTE-82, 75K, new tires, new water pump. to wall carpeting or rooms near busline. WANTED Also, Backhoe Bobcat & May 13th, noon-6pm $3100. 649-8430._______ hardwood floors, dis­ Runs well. Cleon. $650. FOR Garage, couples pre­ Downtown Coventry PLYMOUTH-1987 Ho­ Ks Dems’ budget hwasher, extra stor­ 649-5737 after 5. State Senate Ol ferred. No pets. 643- ROOMMATE WANTED- Loader rental. rizon. 4 door, auto, age. Swimming pool, 5797. Male/Female, non- Rare & Unusual LEASE BBQ pits, HEAT IN­ 872-1400 or power steering, 38,000 smoker, share V2 a Items: miles. Excellent condl- MDTDRCYCLES/ CLUDED. Call l/iA- house In E. Hartford. OR SALE PACT /iAanagement 6 5 9 -9 5 5 5 Antiques, tlon. $4,500. 646-9755. MDPEDS Story on page 2 CARS Close to highway. $525 HD New 12,000 Group at 1-800-562-9550. Includes everything. Collectibles, Crafts, PONTIAC-1985 Flero. 5 /MANCHESTER 1 Bed­ FOR SALE Call Joyce, 568-3500 speed, silver, alloy square foot HD PETS AND Books. wheels. $3750. Coll 646- commercial/light room Apartment. work, Monday-Frldav, Motorcycle Insurance Large kitchen with ap­ 7:30-4:30 or 568-2903 HD SUPPLIES Something for 2796.________________ Many competitive companies industrial building pliances. Wall to Wall Schaller's home, Saturday & everyone! CARDINAL Call For Free Quote off exit 66 and I- carpeting. No utilities. Quality Pre-owned Autos Sunday._____________ FREE TO LOVING First and last months HOME-6 year old yel­ Come & EnjoyUI Automobile Associates 84, Vernon.
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