t o w s d a t . Aveng# Doily Net Prsss Ron The Weothsr Wm the Mwrtb «t Oetobw. I84S rmiMt nc p. a. mrnm m I VbirniM nUghtty w h m large number of newly registered Bobcats listed above who were sU THE NoVBunr SBOr. 9,748 nftevaaou thna yMtnrinyi 8 present at the masting, aocompan- Mary Oiem B. 9m* night mM ThurnOny; wMW ‘ Lnrsbeveque, WUltnm IT M «M ham A bout Tow n Emergency ^ to r s and Ronald Scbuls ied by at least one of thsir par­ In__recopiltlon of their having ents. This splendid sign of parent ibf< Manehe9tar~-~A Ctiy of Vlttaga Charm Dr. Maaaaro, Tel. complete Cub Soout careers and participation will tnaim a siiccsaa JanlM McCuUoUgh O f 7089, and br. F. W. Helfrick, The annual Christmas party of having become old enough to ad­ M year for the pack In giving the 111* Chriftnuui Perty commlttoo of 4918, are the phyalclana of the vance to the B(W Soout Troop, b ^ full beneflt from tha Cub the Tall Cedars will be held at the T m (CkwISeS AOvarttMag m ragn 18) MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30,1949 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—IN TWO SECTIONS) PRICE FOUR CENTS the Brittah Americen Oub eii- Mancheater Medical Aaaocla- SUte Armory, Thuraday evening, Troop 112 and Paidt graduation certlflcatea were pre­ Scout program. v 6 l . LXDL, n o . 51 aouiice<| today that tlon who will reapond to emer­ December 15, at seven o’clock. D\ie sented by Donald Bennett Pack In closing, Cub Scout Donald Steiner led Pack 118 In the Cub Kiddie’a' Party would held on gency calla tomorrow after­ to the large membership, the party 112 Formally Ac(»pt- 112 Cubmaster to: Satorday. December 17, at 7 noon. Edwin Wright, Louis Gagnon, Smut Promise and Boy Scout Wil­ is rsstricted to the children of Tall liam Lannlim led Soout Troop 118 e’clock at the clubhouae. S w U Cedars through the age of Ik. ed Intp Conntdl Jr„ Robert Bennett Arthur Jarvis, F I L M S Tracks Suspended Over Ruihing Flood Waters Claua wJU be preaent to dlatrlbute Donald Steiner, Edward Wojclk, in tha Seoul Oath. ' •Tsssr flftt to children of club membere. Santa Claus Is expected with a gift Jack Sanaon, manager of the for each child. There will also be During a joint meetlM of Bo; Hooks Johnston, Jr„ and Robert Thomas Changes Schools Compromise 3 9 e R o R State Theater, haa returned to hla I entertainment and refreshments. Scout Troop 112 and Cub PacUz J. Sloan, St. Margaret-Mary Mothera Cir­ home. 86 Hai»Uh atreet, after un- 112, both sponsored by Washing­ cub_____________ Pack 112 then presented cle wlU meet tomorrow evening registration cards and Boiicat Pins dergoing a major operation at the Santa Lucia Society will hold ton School PTA last Friday, John Arthur B m g Stores with Mre. Peter Plalkaltla of 163 Memorial hoapltal. He will be Dormer, District Cub Commission­ to the following boys who had pre- Table Pads Not GuUty Plea; Its monthly meeting tonight at 8 er, on behalf of Charter Oak Coun­ vtoualy appU^ for membenhtp Hillard atreet. glad to have any of hla frienda I o’clock at the Itallsn-Amerlcan drop In to aee him. cil, Boy Scouts of America, pre­ and completed their Inltiel, re Measure Is Favored club. The aon bom at Memorial hoi' I sented the charters for the 1949- qolrementB: pltal November 26 to Mr. and Mra Alfred L. Elwln. of .23 Cumber­ 80 fiscal year. The charters were Richard J. Carlin, Philip M. Fin Joaaph Pavelack of 144 Main land atreet, la a patient at Hart­ XI Gamma chapter of Beta Sig­ accepted by George Leksner, vice ley, Gordon Todd, Anthony L. Faces Jail Term ■ti«et haa been named Vincent ford hoapltal where he will under­ ma Phi will meet tonight at eight president of the Washington Jones, Jr., Peter Larson, Robert S p e c i a l ’ Andrew. They have another ion, go aurgery. o’clock at the home of Mrs. Er- School PTA qnd in turn presented Maltempo, George F. Mockalls, Oaiy. Mra. Pavelack waa the mano Garaventa, Lakewood Circle by him to Robert McComb, Cub Joeeph Doucette, Paul Doticette, ROLICIIS With Minor Changes tOrmar Mlaa Roae DiFaaio. north. Pack committee chairman and Robert Howarth, Jamea Klar, Dan­ Throw s H im self on Mer>, The Chriatmaa party of Center Scoutmaster William Hannaford iel F. Renn, John Westmoreland, Repeats Tale Church Co-Weda will be held Fri­ Opening ceremonies were con­ Richard Chapdslaine, Scott Clen- FOR MEN AMD WOMEN cy of Court in Pay­ rraiik 3. Manafield Marine day. December 9. A dinner will ducted by Cub Scout Edward Wo* dahiel, Robert Jamaitla, Jack Zle- With with certain physical roll Padding Cose To­ Frcight Train Bring# Approved by Education; Ooipa League Auxiliary will meet be aerved at 6:30 followed by the Jeik and Boy Scout Ronald Lar- mak. Walter Gleason, Paul Goulet, AabMtiNi Papers Given Reds’ Forces tomorrow evening at the Armj traditional dlatributlon of gifta Manchester Mrs. Conrad J. Rloux impairmanta. You may Wool Blaze to Firemen Appropriations and Fi­ sheveque. Bruce McClain, Ronald Pockett, (2.95 T op day; Judge Dismisses and Navy club. and reading of Umerlcka. Herb Richard L. Adams, Robert J. Mrs. Conrad J. Rloux, the for­ Following this, advancement Aad Up not ^ aninaurablo. nance Committees To­ Urwelder haa promlaed to be on D ale Book awards were presented to the fol­ Adams, Wayns A. Lowd, Jan P. Willlamstown, Mass., Nov. mer Miss Laura Mae Martin of Custom Made, Goarantoed Charge Against His Him by H iss Move Closer Orfbrd Pariah Chapter, D, A. R., hand to entertain with hla Inarlm- lowing Cuba: Peterson, Thomas J. Sullivan, John 6. J. AGOSTINELLl 30.—(ff)—Firemen were wait­ day After Joint Execu­ will hold ita December meeting, ba music and Fred Werner will ar­ Hackmatack street became the Robert Bennett, Louis Gagnon, 8. Campbell, Carlyle Teabo, Jr., To Fit Year Table Form er Secretary ing at toe station here when Wednesday, November 80 bride of Lieutenant Rloux at a Thuraday afternoon at 2:30 in the rive later In the evening to play Arthur Jarvis, Hooks Johnston, James Wlshart, Charles Yurkahot, 88 Beam Drive . IW . 94181 . ..V _ s? yr - T o C h o k i n g a Boston and Maine freight tive Session as House Pedaration room of Center Church for dancing. The committee has] League of Women Voters. Open ceremony Saturday morning, No­ Jr., Robert J, SlOan, Donald Stein­ Stephen Moaaer, Gug Gartsida end Phone 7691 Today Chambers Ends Testi­ train pulled In, bringing the announced that reservations membership meeting. 8 p. m., vember 26, in St. James’s church. WsBhington, Nov. 80.—(ff) And Senate in Recess; houae, with Mra. C. R. Burr, Mra. er, Edward Wojclk and Edwin Ernest J. Irwin. Jr. No extra eharga ta have ear 1MI MUTUAL UFi —^Rep. J. Pomell Thomas (R., mony Today; Repoirts fire. Oora Clarke and Mra. W. O. Craw­ should be In by Dec. 1. If you Mary Cheney Ubrary. Speaker: Wright A banner year is expected by to yoor home. The flames, in a bgle of wool have not returned the card tele-j anutANca company m niw vo«k i - - • Quick Piassage and Ad­ ford, hoateaaea. Mr. and Mra. H. U Prof. Laurence Barber on -“ State and evening. Center Church Second elaas awards were pre- Cub Pack 118 as avldeneed by the N. J.), today withdrew his Put in Record Con­ Reliable Reports from in a box car, were extin­ phone Mra. Harry Beach 2-9216, Diehl, local candle manufacturera, Government in Transition.’’ > House, 11 a. m. Luncheon and plea of not guilty to charges Taipeh, Formosa, Say guished quickly last night. journment Expected •will be the gueat apeakeri and ex­ or Mrs. Earle Rohan 7911 Thursday, Deoember 1 supper served. of payroll padding, and threw tain Name of Duggan iinridwaiivAiVl hibit aamplea of their work. Salvation Army Corps Christ- ITte lire hod traveled more Thuraday, December 8 himself on the mercy of the Nationalist Capital than 30 miles. All membera of Mother’s Circles ntas sale at Citadel. Emanuel Lu^eran Ladies’ Aid New York, Nov. 80.— —^Two Worker* walk oeroea the mala bne tracks of Great Northern railroad which are Kiepeaded over rushing State Capitol Hartford. Annual basaar and tea of S t court. The 64-year-old legis­ The first alarm came from Nov. 30.— —Three legiala- aunaat Council. No. 48, Degree and any others contributing to the Variety Sale and Supper. Sale reporta entered into the record of flood wwtera after the track bed bad been swept away at Mount Vernon, Wash. The workers a Taken by Communists of Pocahontaa, will give a aetbaek food sale to be held at J. W. Mary’s Guild, S t Mary’s Pariah starting at 8 p. m. Supper from 8 lator changed his plea to one checking on d}1tM In the area that were threatened by rising flood water*. (AP wirephoto); a motorist In Hooslck Falls, N. the eecond perjury trial o f Alger tive committees today ap­ party tomorrow evening at 8:18 at Hale’s ’Thursday at one p. m. for house, 2:30 on. to 7 p. m. of nolo contendere. That Hong Kong, Nov. 30—VP)—Com­ Y., who reported smoke was proved with only minor Food sale. Ladies o f Regina Hlea today contained the name of pouring from a box car. the home of Mra. Fltagerald, 12 the benefit of the Benedictine Al»- Satorday, December 18 meana he doea not oonteat the munist forces moved In on Chung­ Bralnard Place.
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