r . th e DENI/ER O l l H O L I C THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1972 2 SECTIONS/VOL.REGISTER XLVIll, NO. 13/SERVING THE CATHOLICS OF NORTHERN COLORADO 72 YEARS rhem e is: To Teach as Jesus Did' U.S. Bishops To Speak on Education A major pastoral message on Catholic education, entitled “ To Teach as Jesus Did,” is being readied for presentation to the U. S. Catholic Bishops at their general meeting in *2 C Washington Nov. 13-17. O o- Archbishop James V. Casey and Bishop George R. Evans -H C m will be included among the 250 members of the Hierarchy X expected to attend the five-day meeting of the National m X Conference of Catholic Bishops (NCCB) and the United States < c c Conference (USCC). c: The pastoral, in preparation for well over a year, has or involved consultation with hundreds of individuals and groups > :i throughout the country as well as the Bishops themselves. If approved, it will be the Bishops’ first collective pastoral since their 1968 message on “ Human Life in Our Day.” FORMAL EDUCATION m r The pastoral on education deals with virtually all insti­ X r tutions and programs of formal education under Church ;o 3 sponsorship. The only major omission is seminaries, which T were treated at length by the Bishops in the recently ap­ proved and published “ Program of Priestly Formation.’.’/ Besides dealing with educational institutions andro- grams, the pastoral also presents an extensive theoretical rationale for Catholic education and makes numerous recom­ mendations concerning the process of educational planning. Twice previously this year — in January and again in September — earlier drafts of the document were sent to all the bishopg"for't’heti" cumments and suggestions. At the time the January draft went out, the bishops were also in­ vited to consult widely about it with priests, religious and lay- people in their dioceses, and many did so. W IDE CONSULTATION In addition, representatives of religious communities of men and women, professional educationakorganizations, and other groups and individuals have been consulted at various stages in the preparation of the pastoral. In part the document represents a response by the U. S. bishops to the Second Vatican Council’s Declaration on Chris­ tian Education. The council “ Declaration” urged national hierarchies to issue more detailed statements on the subject of education considered in light of conditions in their coun­ tries. Also, the U. S. bishops’ own 1967 “ Statement on Catholic Schools” promised a fuller treatment of Catholic education. A collective pastoral was specifically recommended by the Education Committee of the U. S. (Jatholic Conference. REVISION photo by Joseph's Revis;j_on of the document in light of the bishops’ sug­ gestions IS being carried out by a five -member editorial Brother John Moncha, O. F. M. Cap., class at Annunciation School, Denver. The committee headed by Auxiliary Bishop William E. Mc- shows seventh grader Jerry Ceja how to Capuchin tailor teaches his specialized skills * Turn To Page 19 use the sewing machine during a tailoring to the boys twice a week. Youngsf-ers Have fhe Answer IF I W ERE PRESIDENT T'l By L inus M . Riordan fighting and make all the bur­ fighting and make them all n’t fight each other and they SPOT director and producer, glars stop going into peoples’ friends. I would let people be should try to make friends. make up a TeleSPOT of the If I were President . houses.” peace-ly and love each other.” And love each other. That’s Franciscan Communication Here is what four little chil­ • “ I ’d never cheat the peo­ • “ I’d never lie to people why I want to be President.” Center in Los Angeles. dren say they would do if ple.” and I would always tell them These spontaneous and un­ Copies of the colorful Tele- they were President: • “ I ’d make the people be the truth.” rehearsed answers to ques­ SPOTS were sent to the head­ • “ I’d make everybody love happy and make sure they • “ I ’d stop the war.” tions of four small children in quarters of President Nixon everybody.” have enough food and dress­ “ I’d put an ad in the pap­ Los Angeles by Father Ed. and George McGovern and • “ I ’d make the people stop es and make people stop er saying the people should­ Wrobleski, C. S. P., Tele- Turn To Page 13 ^ I f _ _ _ _____ _ _ M fw 0 Be Sure and Cast Your Vote Nov. T Tax Credit Bill Gives Hope i By Judy Edwards number of painstaking steps court decision together give O fficial to be taken, I am confident “ strong impetus to this effort Measured progress in Con­ that progress toward enact­ to secure fair treatment for gress and significant develop­ ment will continue.” parents who while bearing Appoinfrnents ments in judicial areas have their full share of public come together to form a posi­ The new bill, is scheduled school casts, also exercise tive outlook for feoeral in­ to become effective .^ug. 1, their right to send their chil­ come tax credits related to 197.3, will provide a tax credit dren to a nonpublic school.” nonpublic school tuition, ac­ of 50% of the first .$400 of tui­ Reverend James R. Purfield to be Chaplain, Penrose Hospital, He conceded it would be Colorado Springs. cording to CREDIT officials. tion, apply an income phase­ too early to claim that the With the House Ways and out beginning at $18,000 of ad- enactment of federal tax cred­ Reverend Seamus Doyle to be Administrator pro tern of St. Means Committee 18-7 vote in ju.sted gross income, and safe­ its legislation was imminent, John the Baptist Church, Longmont. favor of the tax credit con­ guard against discrimination. but added that “ these new cept, the committee prepared A spokesman for CREDIT developments provide every Official Schedule e “ clean bill” numbered H. R. said the prospect of Congress reason to be hopeful.” 17072 introduced by “ Burke, Archbishop James V. Casey Byrnes and Others” ; Rep. acting on the bill this year is “ encouraging but in no way James A. Burke (D.—Mass.) Tuesday, November 7 — 11:45 a.m., Denver, Blessed Sacra­ and Rep. John W. Byrnes concrete at this point.” He Asians Wary of Aid ment Church, Teachers’ In.stitute, Concelebrated Mass. added, however, that his (R—Wis.). 1:30 p.m., Denver, Chancery Conference Room, Priests^ group was heartened that a DUNEDIN, New Zealand— Council Executive Board Meeting. Speaking after the House federal court in New York re­ (NC) — A.sian people are in­ 7:30 p.m., Denver, Sacred Heart Church, Confirmation, Ways and Means Committee cently allowed to stand a state creasingly .seeing aid from Pontifical Read Mass. vote, Ivan E. Zylstra of Citi­ law granting tax credits to rich countries as something zens Relief for Education by parents of children in non­ designed to exploit rather Thursday, November 9, 6:30 p.m., Denver, Chancery Build­ Income Tax (CREDIT) de­ public schools. than help them, .^nd their re­ ing, Denver Metropolitan Area School Board Dinner clared: sentment is growing. Meeting. “ It is gratifying that the In a separate statement. This is the message of .Ar­ first important step in the Dr. Edward R. D’.'Messio, gentine - born Sister Inez legislation process has been treasurer of CREDI’l' and di­ Braun, from Jakarta, Indo­ Bishop George R. Evans accomplished and that fed­ rector of the elementary and nesia, now in New Zealand Thursday, November 2- eral income tax credits re­ secondary schools division of on behalf of the .Asian Com­ Sunday, November 5 — Harriman, New York, 41st .American lated to nonpublic school tui­ the United States Catholic mittee for People’s Organi­ .Assembly tion are moving toward reali­ Conference, said the House zations. Thursday, November 7 — 7:.30 p.m., Lafayette, Immaculate ty- Ways and Means Committee Sister Braun came to New Conception, Confirmation, Pontifical Read Mass “ While there are still a vote and New York federal Zealand after being the woman delegate to an .Austra­ lian conference on industrial 5 INTERNATIONAL chaplaincy. She went as del­ Lauds Theology Commission a r t SKI SHOPS egate for her commit­ VATIC.A CITY — (NC) — when he received 28 of the 30 tee which was set up by the The International Theological members in an audience dur­ East Asia Conference of Commission, which only a ing their annual study week GBROS I N O W OPEN Churches’ Industrial Mis.sion year ago wondered if it in Rome. He said he has con­ S»OBT1n O g o o d s c o m p a n y and the Catholic Church. should not di.sband, is alive fidence in their “ high quali­ and well — and highly appre­ fications” to discuss the Q ALL NEW ENLARGED RENTAL ciated — in the Vatican. thorniest problems facing the Readers’ Church today and praised the G & LEASING DEPARTMENTS Pope Paul VI lavished high .service they rendered t h e Guide praise on the commis s i o n Church. 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