THE APRIL 30 Small Business Week, MAY 2-8 Serving Sealy and Austin County, Texas since 1887 VOLUME 134 NUMBER 17 THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 2021 18 PAGES, $1 Early voters hit polls Lapham: By COLE McNANNA City should EDITORSEALYNEWS.COM Election season is heating up for some and wind- ‘follow its ing down for the 442 voters who already hit the polls in Sealy and Bellville for the May 1 general election, according to early voting data provided on city and school district websites. own rules’ Much of the early voting rosters were from last week, but the City of Bellville had data for Mon- By HOLLY GALVAN POSEY day, April 26, before press time. The Cities of Wallis REPORTERSEALYNEWS.COM and San Felipe did not have any early voting rosters available on their websites. At last Tuesday’s regular meeting of the Early voting wrapped up earlier this week with Sealy City Council at the Hill Center, Austin 12-hour availability Monday and Tuesday, but not County Judge Tim Lapham told the council all rosters were available before press time. Stay that residents have approached him implor- tuned to SealyNews.com and The Sealy News’ social COLE McNANNA ing the city “to just follow their own rules” media pages for the most updated information on the Sealy City Hall was the location for early voters to cast their ballots. when it comes to new subdivisions. Sealy-area residents submitted 275 early voting ballots last week leading “They have asked me to talk to the city See POLLS, page 16 up to the May 1 general election. council again. I was very surprised by the amount of people that reached out to me and just said, ‘ask the city to just follow their own rules,’” Lapham said. Lapham gave papers to all councilmem- bers and the mayor with errors from recent- ly submitted paperwork for plats, including incorrect signatures and locations. Lapham said during the last council meet- ing he attended, the council approved an amending plat. “Out of your rules, it says, ‘an amend- ing plat as specified by the Texas local gov- ernment code may be approved administra- tively in limited circumstances,’ and then it lists out the limited circumstances that you can do that. Since this council and the plan- ning commission did not approve a prelimi- nary and did not approve a final, you cannot approve an amending plat,” Lapham said. Lapham said this is according to the city’s own rules and they should only be allowed to change boundary lines or smaller things such as those. “Not to sign an amending plat that you did not approve a preliminary or final (plat) for,” Lapham said. Lapham read from the subdivision regu- lations section three penalties which read that “Any person who shall intentionally, SPRINGTIME IN THE knowingly, recklessly, or with criminal neg- ligence, violate any provision of this Ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined in the amount not to exceed $2,000.” COUNTRY “So, who is guilty of all these offens- es? Who is guilty of all these errors,” asked Lapham. “Time and time again. If it was a property owner, how much would they be PHOTOS BY COLE McNANNA facing? How many times would they get to The Bellville Medical Center team of Jonny Averitt and Renee Poulter swept the Best Dilly Chili and Best Texas Chili Awards and The Sealy divide property again? This is not me against News’ Amanda Luksha, Amy Lieb and the Hot Off The Press team won the People’s Choice award. See RULES, page 16 Hein wins car show; Bellville Medical, The Sealy News earn Chili Dilly awards By COLE McNANNA EDITORSEALYNEWS.COM he Sealy Chamber of Commerce’s first- ever Springtime in the Country event T was held April 24 at Texas Premier Sporting Arms and had hot led, hot rides and hot peppers available for all. Ven- dor booths were set up around the chili cook- off teams for visitors to sample the best chili in town while getting some shopping done. Clifton Hein, a member of Austin County Cruisers, won the Car Show People’s Choice Award and Bellville Medical Center and The Sealy News teams won Chili Dilly Awards. KAREN LOPEZ The Bellville Medical Center team of Jonny Russ Rainwater presents the Car Show People’s Choice Award to Austin County Judge Tim Lapham prepares to address Sealy City Austin County Cruisers’ Clifton Hein of Bellville for his 3100 55 Council at its joint meeting with the planning commission March See SHOW, page 16 five-window Chevrolet Truck. 30 at the Hill Center. Lapham returned to council’s April 20 regular meeting regarding the same subdivision regulations he talked about the prior month. Vaccine rates rising for residents 65 and up By COLE McNANNA ty have remained at 34 since 42% of those 16+ are fully announced in a news release the April 24 release says. EDITORSEALYNEWS.COM March 22. vaccinated,” Lapham said that providers were eligible “‘The Johnson & Johnson County Judge Tim Monday. “Bellville Medical to resume administering the vaccine is an important tool To begin the week, the Lapham said in his week- Center, Pine Medical, CVS, Johnson & Johnson vaccine in our fight against COVID- Department of State Health ly update that the vaccine Walgreens, Sealy Pharmacy, after the rollout was paused 19, and the scientific review Services (DSHS) had a rate of residents 65 and up Walmart Pharmacy, Medical following cases of blood clots. over the last 11 days has record of 1,763 total con- increased six percentage Clinics of Sealy and Sealy “The announcement comes affirmed its safety and effec- firmed cases of COVID-19 in points from where it was Urgent Care all show to have after a thorough safety tiveness,’ said Dr. John Hell- Austin County, 18 more than last week. For residents 16 vaccine available. The Wash- review and a Centers for Dis- erstedt, DSHS commission- last week, and an estimat- and up, the rates remained ington County hub is finish- ease Control and Prevention er. ‘We know some Texans ed 21 active cases, 10 fewer where they were last week. ing up second round doses advisory committee’s deter- prefer the simplicity of a sin- than last week. COVID-19 “They show 63% of those and will close soon.” mination that the vaccine’s related fatalities in the coun- 65+ are fully vaccinated and Over the weekend, DSHS benefits outweigh its risks,” See RATES, page 16 WWW.SEALYNEWS.COM THE VOICE OF AUSTIN COUNTY @SEALYNEWS APRIL 2021 SEALYCHAMBER.COM WEATHER SPORTS BUSINESS CONNECTION BIBLE VERSE JOIN US FOR THE LOVIN’ OUR MEMBERS CELEBRATION!!! SEALY CHAMBER A message from the president OF COMMERCE would like to take a minute to for awards. Th e application for nom- thank all our Springtime in the inations can be sent to you via email OUR VISION: I Country Sponsors, car entries, by requesting the application from To make Sealy the best choice chili cookoff teams, shooters, vendors NANCY JAMES our offi ce staff . and volunteers! Without you we, Trips Publications is working on to live, work, play and prosper. PRESIDENT I lift up my eyes to the hills — where does DAY H/L/RAIN would not have been able to present the 2021 Membership Directory Visi- such a fun and exciting event! tor and Relocation guide. Th e publi- OUR MISSION: If you have not registered for the cation should be to the Chamber of- annual banquet “Lovin’ Our Mem- fi ce by the first week of June. Michelle To promote business bers” it is not too late! Contact the As always, the banquet is open to all Banse Stokes and Lori Olivarez-Li- prosperity and strengthen the Chamber staff and they can help you our members as well as our commu- quality of life in our community. with your registration or sponsorship. nity. We are still taking applications See PRESIDENT, page 8 my help come from? My help comes from Thursday 77/60/64% WELCOME TO OUR NEW MEMBERS Circus Funtastic brought wonder to town ABC Environmental Site Services Circus Funtastic came to Austin audience and made all in atten- 2021 OFFICERS County on Tuesday, March 16. dance burst with laughter. He AND DIRECTORS Th e circus provided two perfor- drew in children into the act as mances, 4:30 and 7:00 pm, at the well as adults from the audience. OFFICERS: Nancy James Austin County Fair Exposition So funny! the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. and Convention Center located in Th e children in the audience Friday 76/55/31% President Zanetta Knesek Bellville. could not hold back their ex- Dora Martinez Nancy James Because of restraints due to citement when Optimus Prime Marcy Martinez COVID, no circus animals were a made an appearance. Th ey were Vice President Keith Oliver part of the show, but that did not bursting with such joy when he Keith Oliver entered the arena! To make their Jay Patel hold this circus and its performers back! What a wonderful and fun night even better, they were able Secretary DeeDee Pancherz show. Th ey had tightrope walkers, to take pictures with him during Rosa Hawkes Marti Powell jugglers, acrobatic acts and an the intermission. 415 Main Street Saturday 81/58/22% Kelly Snider extremely funny clown. Treasurer Th e clown interacted with the See CIRCUS, page 8 — PSALM 121:1-2 Devina Pancherz STAFF: DIRECTORS: Exec. Director Peggy Spradley Carolyn Bilski New directory coming to life with Trips Publication Lisa Caton Exec.
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