Mathildenhöhe © Ulrich Mathias, Wissenschaftsstadt Darmstadt CERC2016 Collaborative European Research Conference Cork Institute of Technology – Cork, Ireland 23 - 24 September 2016 www.cerc–conf.eu Proceedings 22 Extended - Abstracts and 14 selected Full Papers Version 2 (January 2017) Editors : Udo Bleimann Bernhard Humm Robert Loew Ingo Stengel Paul Walsh ISSN : 2220 - 4164 Hints : - Topics in the table of content are linked to page where that abstract begins. - The page number at the end of all pages is linked to begin of table of content. 2 Table of Content Table of Content Keynote »Standards or Excellence in Project Management ?« 12 Prof. Dr. Nino Grau Extended Abstracts and selected Full Papers Chapter 1 Business Suitable Financing in the Context of a High-Tech (Semiconductor) Start-up 14 Mahbub, Maaskant, Wright A Port-Centric Logistic Supply Chain for Container Traffic: The Case for the 15 Port of Cork Company? O’Callaghan, Wright Galloping Technology: What risks? The Customer Service & Engagement 16 Dynamic. Ryan W., Wright Chapter 2 Business Information Systems The Application of Real Time Analytics Technologies for the Predictive 20 Maintenance of Industrial Facilities in Internet of Things (IoT) Environments Rieger, Regier, Stengel, Clarke Practical Relevance and Operational Scenarios of Semantic Wikis 26 Coym, Ertelt, Bleimann Industry 4.0 national and international 30 Ehlers, Bleimann, Loew 3 Table of Content Chapter 3 Applied Computing A Clinical Decision Support System for Personalized Medicine 34 Idelhauser, Humm, Beez, Walsh Prototype proof of concept for a mobile agitation tracking system for use in 48 elderly and dementia care use cases Healy, Keary, Walsh FindR-TB: A cloud–based tool for antibiotic resistance prediction in 58 Mycobacterium tuberculosis Walsh, Mac Aogáin, Lawlor Towards lifecycle management of clinical records in health care environments 60 Kowohl, Engel, Walsh, Keary, Fuchs, Hemmje Eye-Tracking in Computer-Based Simulation in Healthcare Training 69 Currie, Bond, McCullagh, Black, Finlay Chapter 4 Computing Harassment detection: a benchmark on the #HackHarassment dataset 76 Bastidas, Dixon, Loo, Ryan J. Large-Scale Biomedical Data Integration and Data Mining: a Multiplex 80 Network-based Approach Wang, Zheng Towards a Cross Industry Standard Process to support Big Data Applications 82 in Virtual Research Environments Berwind, Bornschlegl, Hemmje, Kaufmann Social Network Support for an Applied Gaming Knowledge Management 92 Ecosystem Salman, Becker, Fuchs, Heutelbeck, Hemmje 4 Table of Content Improved Data Centre Network Management Through Software-Defined 104 Networking Sherwin, Sreenan Towards Synchronizing Heterogeneous Data Sources and Information 107 Visualizations Danowski-Buhren, Bornschlegl, Hemmje, Schmidt Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms in Classifying Segmented 118 Photographs of Food for Food Logging McAllister, Zheng, Bond, Moorhead Chapter 5 Bioinformatics MetaPlat : A Cloud based Platform for Analysis and Visualisation of 122 Metagenomics Data Konstantinidiou, Walsh, Lu, Bekaert, Lawlor, Kelly, Zheng, Browne, Dewhurst, Roehe, Wang Towards a host-pathogen integrated molecular diagnostic for bacterial 133 infection in newborn babies Forster, Dantoft, Kropp, Dickinson, Smith, Mullins, Kelly, Sleator, Lawlor, Konstantinidiou, Walsh, Ghazal Metamorphosis: Changing the shape of genomic data using Kafka 146 Lawlor, Walsh A Generalized Multi-Network Framework for Disease Gene Progression 148 Prioritization Browne, Wang, Zheng, Lópezac, Noriega Measuring the Matches : Genome Alignment and Benchmarking 151 Lu, Michel, Baranov, Walsh The Moorepark Grass Growth model, a user-friendly model for farmers and 163 researchers Ruelle, Hennessy, Shalloo, Walsh, Manning, Wietrich, Delaby An mHealth platform for supporting self-management of chronic conditions 171 Zheng, Patterson, Nugent, McCullagh, Donnelly, Cleland, McDonough, Boyd, Black 5 Table of Content Development of a Bioinformatics Pipeline to Identify Antibiotic Resistance 174 Biomarkers of Bacterial Pathogens Mullins, Konstantinidiou, Sleator, Kelly, Forster, Dantoft, Ghazal, Walsh An approach for anonymization of sensitive clinical and genetic data based on 186 Data Cube Structures Ntalaperas, Bouras Chapter 6 Humanities / Social Designing narrative artefacts - the lives of women in eighteenth century Cork 196 Dempsey, Green, Wilson Exploring new collaborative approaches in engagement and education 208 towards the creation and enhancement of future STEM careers. Delaney, Vakaloudis, Green, Hogan, Kameas, Zaharakis Workplace Well-Being: Mental and Psychological Health and Safety of 212 Non-Unionised and Unionised Employees O’Mahony, Wright Gender, Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy, and Entrepreneurial Career Intentions: 214 Implications of Female Role Models for Entrepreneurship Education. O’Brien Playing in the museum: shaping a definition of digitally mediated playful 217 experiences Heffernan, Delaney, Green Meeting in the Middle: A collaborative and multidisciplinary approach to 221 developing an empowerment course for women survivors of gender-based violence. Davis, Kenny A Serious Game to Dissuade Adolescents from Taking Performance 224 Enhancing Drugs Cunningham A User Engagement framework for Universal Inclusion 227 Vakaloudis, Magennis, Hayes, O’Flynn, Delaney 6 Table of Content Building capacity when assessing non-formal and informal learning through 230 collaborative networks for Recognition of Prior Learning O’Leary, Hearne, Ledwith Call for Papers for next Collaborative European Research Conference (CERC 2017) 238 7 List of Authors List of Authors Baranov 151 Bastidas 76 Becker 92 Beez 34 Bekaert 122 Berwind 82 Black 69, 171 Bleimann 26, 30 Bond 69, 118 Bornschlegl 82, 107 Bouras 186 Boyd 171 Browne 122, 148 Clarke 20 Cleland 171 Coym 26 Cunningham 224 Currie 69 Danowski-Buhren 107 Dantoft 133, 174 Davis 221 Delaby 163 Delaney 208, 217, 227 Dempsey 196 Dewhurst 122 Dickinson 133 Dixon 76 Donnelly 171 Ehlers 30 Engel 60 Ertelt 26 Finlay 69 Forster 133, 174 Fuchs 60, 92 Ghazal 133, 174 Grau 12 Green 196, 208, 217 Hayes 227 Healy 48 Hearne 230 Heffernan 217 Hemmje 60, 82, 92, 107 Hennessy 163 Heutelbeck 92 Hogan 208 Humm 34 Idelhauser 34 Kameas 208 Kaufmann 82 Keary 48, 60 Kelly 122, 133, 174 Kenny 221 Konstantinidiou 122, 133, 174 Kowohl 60 Kropp 133 Lawlor 58, 122, 133, 146 Ledwith 230 Loew 30 Loo 76 Lu 122, 151 Lópezac 148 Maaskant 14 Mac Aogáin 58 Magennis 227 Mahbub 14 Manning 163 McAllister 118 McCullagh 69, 171 McDonough 171 Michel 151 Moorhead 118 Mullins 133, 174 Noriega 148 Ntalaperas 186 Nugent 171 O’Brien 214 O’Callaghan 15 O’Flynn 227 8 List of Authors O’Leary 230 O’Mahony 212 Patterson 171 Regier 20 Rieger 20 Roehe 122 Ruelle 163 Ryan J. 76 Ryan W. 16 Salman 92 Schmidt 107 Shalloo 163 Sherwin 104 Sleator 133, 174 Smith 133 Sreenan 104 Stengel 20 Vakaloudis 208, 227 Walsh 34, 48, 58, 60, 122, 133, 146, Wang 80, 122, 148 151, 163, 174 Wietrich 163 Wilson 196 Wright 14, 15, 16, 212 Zaharakis 208 Zheng 80, 118, 122, 148, 171 9 10 Preface Preface In today's world, which has recently seen fractures and isolation forming among states, international and interdisciplinary collaboration has become an important source of progress. Collaboration is a rich source of innovation and growth and it is the goal of the Collaborative European Research Conference (CERC 2016) to foster collaboration among friends and colleagues across disciplines and nations within Europe. CERC emerged from a long-standing cooperation between the Cork Institute of Technology, Ireland and Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, Germany. CERC has grown to include more well-established partners in Germany (Hochschule Karlsruhe and Fernuniversität Hagen), United Kingdom, Greece, Spain, Italy, and many more. CERC is truly interdisciplinary, bringing together new and experienced researchers from science, engineering, business, humanities, and the arts. At CERC researchers not only present their findings as published in their research papers. They are also challenged to collaboratively work out joint aspects of their research during conference sessions and informal social events and gatherings. To organize such an event involves the hard work of a number of people. Thanks go to the international program committee and my fellow program chairs, particularly to Prof Dr Udo Bleimann and Prof Dr Ingo Stengel for organizing the conference and the review process. Dr Robert Loew put a great effort into preparing the conference programme and proceedings. Prof Udo Bleimann was invaluable for local organization. Thanks also to Dr Brendan Murphy and Tim Horgan for supporting CERC. Dr Paul Walsh General Conference & Programme Co-Chair, CERC2016 Cork, September 2016 11 Keynote Standards or Excellence in Project Management ? Prof. Dr. Nino Grau Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen - University of Applied Sciences, Germany e-mail: [email protected] How do standards for project management support project managers in their everyday work? Are they critical success factors or do they hinder project manager`s creativity on the way to excellence in project management? Let us have a look on standards like ISO 21 500 and on IPMA PEM Project Excellence Modell. Short CV Prof. Dr. Nino Grau He holds degrees in computer science (University of Erlangen) and industrial engineering (Technical University Munich) and received his doctorate with a thesis about decision making in teams. His main area of interest is project and process management. He was a member of the board
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