CENSUS OF INDIA 2001 SERIES-2 JAMMU & KASHMIR DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK Part - A & B BADGAM DISTRICT VILLAGE & TOWN DIRECTORY -c} VILLAGE AND TOWNWISE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT <7I'l c.n f f~ -:;! iUI PEOPLE ORIENTED Chander Shakher Sapru Deputy Director of Census Operations, Jammu & Kashmir Product Code Number n???-2001 "Ceo-Book (E) BADGAM DISTRICT CHRARI - SHARIEF he Ziarat of Sheikh Noar - ud - DinRA , popularly known as "Alamdar-e-Kashmir" T(the flag Bearer of Kashmir) is situated 28 kms. Sauth of Srinagar. The Saint who is venerated by Hindus and Muslims alike was the founder of a Muslim order of Rishis whose aim was to serve the community and spread the message of peace. The liara! of Sheikh Noor - ud - DinRA has a following from peop1e of all faiths. The seer had formed a Muslim sect to comprise of Saints for the propagation of peace and to serve mankind. The shrine honours his wisdom. According to the legend after death of the Sheikh, his coffin, after flying some distance, descended on the ground at the site of the Shrirle where He was laid to rest. The then ruler of Kashmir, lani-ul-Abiden (1420-70 AD) constructed a shrine on the burial site. The imposing shrine depicting rich -:lncient architecture was an oblong structure with a brick masonry plinth and a terraced roof resting upon wooden pillars before it was set ablaze a couple of years back. However, it has now been rebuilt with all wooden carvings. iii Brief analysis of the data on house and household amenities as , available in Table 200 I Censlis based on inset tables 48"52. 68 viii) Major social and cultural events, natural and administrative developments and significant activities during the decade. 72 ix) Brief description of places of religiOUS historical and places of tourist interest in the towns of the district. 77 x) Major characteristics of district, contribution of the district in the form of any historical figure associated with the district. 84 xi) Scope of Village Directory and Town Directory - column heading wise explanation and coverage of data. 85 PART-A VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Section-I: Village Directory a) Note explaining the abbreviations used in Village Directory, 90 b) List of villages merged in towns and outgrowth at 2001 Census. 93 Alphabetical List of Vi lIages alangwith location code of 1981 and 200 I. Village Directory -( CD. Block Wise) of Disn.Badgam 94 CD Block Narbal 96 Alphabetical List of Villages alongwith location code of 1981 and 200 I. Village Dire.:tory - C.D. Block Khag 113 Alphabetical List of Villages alongwith location code of 1981 and 2001, Village Directory CD Block.Beerwah 128 Alphabetical List of Villages alongwith location code of 1')81 and 2001. Village Directory CD Block Badgam 150 Alphabetical List of Villages alongwith locatio[l code (jf 1981 and 2001 Village Directory CD Block, B.K.Pora J 79 Alphabetical List of Villages alongwith location code of ] 981 and 2001 Village Directory C.O. Block,Chadura 193 Alphabetical List of Villages alollgwith location cod-: ,'f !':)81 and 2001 Village Din,::toJ'Y C.D. Block.Kh:lIl Sahib 208 Alphabetical List of Villages alongwith location cod," 0," l-~'8! and 200 I Village Directory CO. Block,Naga"l 239 Appendix to Village Directory Appendix 1 - Abstract of Educational, Medical and Other amenities in villages - CD. Block Lelvel 252 ii) Appendixl-A-Villagesbynumberofprimary scllools 256 ii) Appendi)\. I-B - villages by Primary, Middle and Secondary Schools. 257 iii) Appendix l-C Villages with different source of drinking water facilities available. 257 Appendix II Villages with 5000 and above population which do not have one or more amenities available. 258 CONTENTS Page Foreword yii Preface IX A<:knowledgement X District Highlights - 200 I Census XIII Important Statistics-2001 xiv Ranking of Tahsils in the District XVII Statements 1-9 Statement I Name of the headquarters of District/Tehsil, their Rural- Urban Status and distance from district headquarters. XVIII Statement 2 Name of headquarters of District/CD Block, their Rural-Urban status and distance from district headqLJarters. 'S\a\en,o;:n\ :;. Population of the DistTict <it each Cen::;us from \901 to 2()()\. Xl>: StatC:lllelll 4 Area. Number of villages/Towns and population in the District and Tehsils. xx Statement 5 CD. Blockwise, Number of villages and their population, 200 I. Statement 6 Population of Urban Agglomeration (including constituent units/towns-200 I). xxi Statement 7 Villages with population of5000 and above at C.D. block Level as per 200 I Census and amenities available. Statement 8 Statutory towns with popu lation less than 5000 as per 200 I Census and amenities available. xxii Statement 9 Houseless and Institutional population ofTehsil Rural-Urban, 200! . Analytical note: iJ History and scope of District Census Handbook 2 ii) 13riefHistory of the District 2 iii) Administrative set up J iv) Physical features 4 v) Census Concepts I I vi) Non Census Concepts 19 vii) 200 I Census fin¢ings - population and its distribution 25 a) Distribution of population in rural and urban areas 25 Il) Size, Class and status of towns, Population, Growth, Density and Se).. ratio. Work Participation. Literacy and religion. 27 c:) Mother tongue, Scheduled Castes and scheduled Tribes of earlier Censuses. 28 Bri.:!' <lnaIY'sis of Primary Census Abstract(PCA) data haSl~d on inset tables - 1-36. 31 Brief analysis of village directory and town directory data ba,,;d on inset tables 37- 47. 57 Appendi:-. III Land ut,Uization data in respect of census townsfNon­ MuniCipal Town!t' Not appl icable Appendix lV C.D, Blockwise list of inhabited villages where no amenity other thall drinking water facility is available 259 Appendix V SUlTImary showing number of vii lages hlP, iRg Of not having scheduled castes population, 259 Appendix VI Summary sllOwing number of villages Raving Gf not having scheduled tribes population. 260 Appendix VII-A. List of villages according to proportion of scheduled castes to the total population by ranges. 260 Appendix VII-B List of villages according to tile proportion of the Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges. 261 Appendix VIll Number of villages under each Gram Panchayat (C.D.Block). 263 Appendix IX Statement showing number of girls schools ,in ,lhe villages, 264 Section II Town Oirectory a) Note explaining the abbrevi"tions lIsed in Town Directory, 269 Town Directory Statements (I-VII) b) St"tement 1 Status and growth history 277 c) St"tement 11 Physical aspects and location of towns 278 d) Statement 111 Municipal finance 279 e) Statement IV Civic and other amenities 280 f) Statement V Medi(;al, Educational, Re(;reational and Cultural facilities 2S! g) Statement VI Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking 283 h) Statement VII Civic and other amenities in slums 284 i) Appendix to Town Directory - Towns showing their outgrowth . with popUlation, 286 PART -B PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT: a) Brief note on Primary Census Abstract 290 b) District Primary Census Abstract (General) 294 c) Appendix to District Primary Census Abstract i,e. Urban blockwise figures of total SC & ST population. 306 Primary Census Abstract for SchedUled Castes JfO Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes 316 C.D.Btoc'kwise Village Primary Census Abstrllct i) Primary Census Abstract-Narbal CD, Block 322 ii) Primary CenSllS Abstract-Khag CO. Block 328 iii)Primary CenSllS Abstract- Beerwah CD. Block 334 iv) Primary Censlis Abstract-Badgam C,D, Block 346 v) Primary Census Abstract-B.K.Pora C.D, Block 358 vi) Primary Census Abstract-Chadura C.D. Block 370 vii)Primary Census Abstract-Khan Sahib CD. Block 376 viii)Primary Census Abstract-Khan Sahib CD, Block 388 Urban Primary Census Abstract 394 Annexures Annexure-i Percentage distribution of migrants by place of birth/place of last residence [981 and :ZOO I-Censuses.. 406 AllllC7\.UI'e II Briefaccount of main religiQns in the district/tehsil as per t 981 and 200 I-Censuses. 408 '\I1IlI::-.un:-111 \1arital status (If population as per 200 1- Censlis. 410 Annexure-IV Age, Sex and Education in the district. \ 931 and 2001 Censuses 41 \ Annexure-Y Distribution of differem mother tongues rewmed in 200 I Census. 412 FOREWORD The District Census Handbook CDCHB) published by Census Organization since 1951 Census, is one of the important publications in the context of planning and development at gross­ root level. The publication, which is brought out for each district, contains several demographic and socio-economic characteristics village-wise and town-wise of the district along with the status of availability of civic amenities, infrastructural facilities, etc. 2. The scope of the DCHB was initially confined to a few Census Tables and Primary Census Abstract (PC A) of each village and town within the district. Thereafter, at successive censuses, its scope and coverage has been enlarged. The DCHB published at the 1961 Census provided a descriptive account of the district, administrative statistICS, Census Tables and a Village and Town Directory including PCA. The 1971 Census-DCHB senes was in three parts: Part-A related to Villllge and Town Directory, Part-B to VIllage and Town PCA and PaIi-C comprIsed Analytical Report, Administrative Statistics, District Census Tab1c:s and certain Analytical Tables based on PCA' and Amenity Data in respect of villages. The 1981 Census DCHB was in two parts: Part-A contained Village and Town Directory and Part-B the PCA of Village and Town including the SCs and STs PCA up to tahsil/town levels. New features alongwith restructuring of the formats of Village and Town Directory were added into it. In Village Directory, all amenities except electricity were brought together and if any amenity was not available in the referent village, the distance in broad ranges from the nearest place having such an amenity, was given.
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