GOVERNMENT OF WEST BENGAL Irrigation & Waterways Department Jalasampad Bhawan, 3rd Floor, Western Block, Salt Lake, Date: 03/02/2021 Memo No:G020210058161W File No:IW/P/IB-SDS-16/2020-21 From:- JOINT SECRETARY Irrigation & Waterways GOVERNMENT OF WEST BENGAL Irrigation & Waterways To:The Executive Engineer, East Midnapore Division, Irrigation & Waterways Directorate SubjectAdministrative Approval for the Scheme for Es aintenance works of functional and non- functional assets ii) Drainage channels (KM)/ flood embankments (1 )/sea wall (KM)/Iiners protection works ( KM), vi) Inspection/campus roads (0.070 KM). Scheme Id.-IW/MRl196/2020-21 ,Project 10:- IW202134989S000 The undersigned is directed, by order of the G v, to say that the Governor has been pleased to accord Administrative Approval for the Project Scheme for Essential "nt nance works of functional and non-functional assets ii) Drainage channels (KM)/ flood embank .109KM)/sea wall (KM)/Iiners protection works ( KM), vi) Inspection/campus roads (0.070 KM) Scheme Id.-IW/MRl196/2020-21 ,the details of which has been given belo Name of the Project: Scheme for Essential Maintenance works of functional and non-functional assets ii) Drainage channels (KM)/ flood embankments (1.1 09KM)/sea wall (KM)/Iiners protection works ( KM), vi) Inspection/campus roads (0.070 KM). Scheme Id.-IW/MRl196/2020-21 Project ID: IW202134989S000 Address: Drainage channels (KM)/ flood embankments (1.109KM)/sea wall (KM)/Iiners protection works ( KM), Administrative Approval: Rs 9592000 (Ninety Five Lakh Ninety Two Thousand Only.) Phasing amount and chargeable head of accounts Scheme Scheme Amount SI No. Financial Year Head Type Name Maintenance State Development Expenditure in Flood 9592000 1 2020-21 32-2711-01-001-00-002-19-00-V Schemes Control Sector Total 9592000 ---------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- Additional Conditions Conditions Description 1 List of the part estimates (total 18 numbers) of the main scheme is attached as Annex, which is an offline document and authenticated by the undersigned.The pdf version of the online AAFS generated G.O. of AdministrativeApproval together with the Annex is available on the Departmentalwebsite www.wbiwd.gov.in under Notification link. The part estimates are also deemed to have been administratively approved along with the main scheme. While submitting bills to the treasuries, the Divisional Engineerswill quote the G.O. Number of the main scheme as reference to Administrative Approval to the part estimates and produce the relevant G.O. with Annex, with the part estimate duly marked. This order is issued with the concurrence of FINANCIALADVISOR ( & Waterways) of this Departmentvide their 1 his U.O No. AA2021021143FAOODated 27/01/2021. (2yfJ.-' JOINT SECRETARY Government of West Bengal Irrigation & Waterways Department Date: 03/02/2021 Memo No: G020210058161W Copy forwarded for informationand n The Additional Chief SecretarylSecr ry -(Irrigation & Waterways Department) The PrincipalAccountant General(A&E)-West Bengal The PrincipalAccountant General(Audit)-West Bengal The PrincipalAccountant General(RW/LBA)-West Bengal The FinancialAdvisor-(Irrigation & Waterways Department) The Finance Department-( Group F&N ) JOINT SECRETARY Government of West Bengal Irrigation & Waterways Department _------------------------------------------------------------------- Enclosure to I&W D's AA GO No. G02021005816IW Dated 03.02.2021. I&WD's Main scheme ID: IWIMRl196/2020-21 (Rs in lakh) Contingency @ Tendered Sl. 3% of amount Name of sub-estimates as per tender amount No. put to tender 1 2 3 4 1 [Restoratlon of subsidence on left embankment of river Chandia near' 3.61 0.11 lhouse of Millan Pakhira & Pradip Singha at Haridaspur in G.pl IParamanandapur,Block Moyna under East Mindapore Division. 2 IRestoration of subsidence - on left embankment of Circuit 3.65 0.11 I [embankment (Modibar to Basantachak) of river Chandia near I IHanuman Mandir at Modibar, G.P Gukulnagar, Block Moyna under I I I :East Mindapore Division. _j! 1--3iRe~tor~tion-~f d~~ag~d~ightbank~f-NullIl~~ Kh~C-;~ar h~use ofi-2.87 - -+ --6.09-- I [Mritunjoy Acharya for a length of 26.00 m at Bishwas, Dhalhara in! I ~ I Block Sahid Matangini under East Mindapore Division. d I~41R~storatio~-;r_damage~ightb~nk of Soadighi Khal near Kakhardal 4.30 0.13 I [G.P Office & house o~ ~i:htha Maity ~or a leng~h.of 40 mat] I I~~:~:~::a6%i:O:.antlam m Bloc~sahld_ Matangini _u_nd_e_r_E_as_t+-l, ___j 5 ! Restoration of damaged left bank of river Rupnarayan in west side of! 4.01 0.12 , ]Mayachar for a length of 140 m at Mayachar & Arithberia in Blocki i I I IMahisadal under East Mindapore Division. 0.10 I 6 [Restorationof damaged left bank of river Rupnarayan in west side of 3.53 IMayachar for a length of 140 m at Mayachar & Arithberia in Block! I I iMahisadal under East Mindapore Division. I I 4.96 0.14 Restoration to vertical slip for a length of 70 m at left bank of ex- i 7 I zamindari bundh of Haldi river near house of Ananta Maity in G.P Ranimohan Maity, Block Mahisadal under East Mindapore Division. 0.10 8 Restoration to severe vertical slip for a length of 50 m at left bank ofl 3.48 I lriver New Cossye neear house of Ashoke Manna at G.P Noichanpur- I III, Block Moyna under East Mindapore Division. I I I I i 0.12 I ! 9 [Restoration of damaged bank of river Hooghly in different placed! 4.11 [from PHE to Bhangagora at Betkundu and Natsal, Block Mahisadal 1 under East Mindapore Division. 10 iRestoration to severe vertical slip for a length of 50 m at left bank of 2.89 0.08 I !. Gopalpur Khal near house of Sumit Bag at G.P Satish ChandraI I Samanta, Block Mahishadal under East Mindapore Division. I 3.02 0.09 Restoration of slip over right embankment of Nowapania Khal near 3.67 0.11 house of Sk. Abdul Raup at Bathanberia in Block Kolaghat under East Mindapore Division. Sheet 1 of2 I&WD's Main scheme ID: IWIMRl196/2020-21 (Rs.in lakh) Contingency @ Tendered Sl. 3% of amount Narne of sub-estimates as per tender amount No. put to tender 1 2 3 4 i 13 [Restoration of slip near crossmg of Kashai RCC bndge overl 3.72 I 0.11 I [Nowapania Khal at Rine in Block Kolaghat under East MindaporeI 1 L IDivision. ! _j I 14 I Protection w~rk on right embankment of Dehaty Khal at MeChagraml--3.~ 'I --0.-1-1- I for a length of25 m along with repair ofhume pipe culvert at Dakhinl I I~__Jl'v!ec~agram, Blo_ckP~skura u_nde~EastMi_ndaporeDivision. __ .L. ~ ~ i 15 [Restorationof slip at Srirampur near Agriculture High School of New I 28.91 0.86 I I C?s~~e left embankment in Block Tamluk under East Mindapore I ~--------+Dlvision. : 16 IRepairing of moorum inspection path over Rup-right embankment 1.37 I 0.04 linear Kolaghat Purana Bazar for a length of 70 m in Block Kolaghatl 11fl'I:~:;g~::t~:~:::~~t:~:~iden;'~;;leftb3nk,R/S of riverI 5.79 + -0.17-- i iKaliaghai caused due to heavy rainfall on 20.05.20 & 21.05.20 near I: Ii [house of Shasanka Jana & playground at Mouza Narkeldah, G.P, I INaichanpur-II,Block & P.S Moyna under East Mindapore Division. ' 18 Emergent restoration of subsidence on left bank of river Chandia 5.38 0.16 caused due to heavy rainfall on 20.05.20 & 21.05.20 at Haridaspur, G.P Paramanandapur and at Ragpur & Chandipur-I sluice, G.P Pindrui under East Mindapore Division. Total: 93.17 2.75 Estimated Cost of Main Estimate : t 95.92 lakh ~IV' Joint Secretary (Works) Irrigation & Waterways Department Government of West Bengal Sheet 2 of2 GOVERNMENT OF WEST BENGAL Irrigation & Waterways Department Jalasampad Bhawan, 3rd Floor, Western Block, Salt Lake, Memo No:G020210058181W Date: 03/02/2021 File No:IW/P/IB-SDS-16/2020-21 From:- JOINT SECRETARY Irrigation & Waterways GOVERNMENT OF WEST BENGAL Irrigation & Waterways To:The Executive Engineer, East Midnapore Division, Irrigation & Waterways Directorate SubjectAdministrative Approval for the Scheme for Es aintenance works of functional and non- functional assets ii) Drainage channels (KM)/ flood embankments (1 )/sea wall (KM)/Iiners protection works (KM), iv) Inlet/drainage sluices (136 Nos), viii) Other bridges and culverts (1 No). Scheme Id.-IW/MRl197/2020-21 ,Project 10:- IW202134988S000 The undersigned is directed, by order of the rnor, to say that the Governor has been pleased to accord Administrative Approval for the Project Scheme for Essen tenance works of functional and non-functional assets ii) Drainage channels (KM)! flood emba (1.013KM)/sea wall (KM)/liners protection works (KM), iv) Inlet/drainage sluices (136 Nos), viii) Other bridges and culverts (1 No). Scheme Id.-IW/MRl197/2020-21 ,the details of which has been given below. Name of the Project: Scheme for Essential Maintenance works of functional and non-functional assets ii) Drainage channels (KM)I flood embankments (1.013KM)/sea wall (KM)!liners protection works (KM), iv) Inlet/drainage sluices (136 Nos), viii) Other bridges and culverts (1 No). Scheme Id.-IW/MRl197/2020-21 Project ID: IW202134988S000 Address: flood embankments (1.013KM)/sea wall (KM Administrative Approval: Rs 8777000 (Eighty Seven Lakh Seventy Seven Thousand Only.) Phasing amount and chargeable head of accounts Scheme Scheme Amount SI No. Financial Year Head Type Name Maintenance State Development Expenditure in Flood 8777000 1 2020-21 32-2711-01-001-00-002-19-00-V Schemes Control Sector Total 8777000 Additional Conditions Conditions Description List of the part estimates (total 24 numbers) of the main scheme is attached as Annex, which is an offline document and authenticated by the undersigned. The pdf version of the online AAFS generated G.O.
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