Special Issue TSA Exercise 2013 VSG Hon. Peter Shumlin, Governor The Vermont State Guard MG Steven A. Cray, Adjutant General, Vermont MG Richard D. Morrison, (VSG) Commanding VSG is the authorized all-volunteer State Defense BG Kenneth Stratton, (VSG) Chief of Staff LTC Thomas Wiley, (VSG) HQ - Editor Force of the Green Mountain State Vermont State Guard The Exercise Mission The Exercise Intent Transportation Staging Area Exercise (TSAX) On 5 October 2013, selected The simulated TSA exercise would Saturday, 5 October 2013 personnel from the Vermont State provide training for VSG personnel st nd rd th Guard’s 1 , 2 , 3 , 5 Battalions in the duties and tasks involved in and Aviation, Medical Corps, Air operating a TSA and review of the Hosted by: Wing, and VSG Headquarters equipment used in setting up a TSA. deployed from Rutland, Springfield, a. The TSA is designed for EPZ Armed Forces Reserve Center Berlin, Lyndonville, St. Albans and municipalities’ precautionary transfer Rutland, Vermont the greater Burlington area by POV and traveled to the Armed Forces of students and ambulatory/non- CPT Gretchen Bux, USAR Reserve Center (AFRC) in Rutland, ambulatory patients in area nursing Commander VT for a Transportation Staging homes and hospitals to locations at 424th Engineer Company Area (TSA) simulation exercise in Bellows Falls High School outside support of Vermont Division of the EPZ and to the Veterans And Emergency Management and Administration Hospital in White Homeland Security (DEMHS). River Junction respectively. Vermont Division of Emergency DEMHS participants, Dave Emery Management and Homeland and John Angil, have been involved b. The TSA simulation portion of the exercise would test the VSG’s Security (DEMHS) in TSA planning and exercises since John Angil, the first joint exercise in 2008. ability to establish and operate a TSA in an efficient and timely manner in Dave Emery, DEMHS personnel moved the 25- foot equipment trailer from its accordance with protocols initially Rich Cogliano, location at the VTrans field office in developed by DEMHS with VSG Dummerston to the exercise site in input. The TSA would receive and And Rutland. The trailer contains process simulated buses, ambulances equipment owned by DEMHS and and other vehicles and, on order, nd 2 Battalion VSG, the Vermont National Guard that’s dispatch appropriate vehicles to Rutland, Vermont necessary to set up and operate a requesting facilities. TSA. Equipment in the trailer COL Gerald Garrow, included tentage, a generator, light sets, traffic control equipment, and Participants Commanding office supplies. VSG HQ st 1 Battalion Event OIC 2nd Battalion The Exercise Objective rd LTC Candice Raines 3 Battalion 5th Battalion To train VSG personnel to execute Air Wing the TSA emergency transportation Aviation plan if a precautionary transfer of Medical Corps selected populations within the DEMHS Vermont Yankee nuclear plant ****************************** Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) And now – photos from the event! were to become necessary due to an event at the plant. Please enjoy ….. Rutland AFRC TSAX 2013 Layout Upon arrival VSG members were signed in for accountability and received their training station packets. A mass Vermont State Guard formation was held with welcome remarks from COL Gerald Garrow (2BN Commander). LTC Erik Christman (2Bn Executive Officer) and LTC Candice Raines (TSAX OIC) provided additional information on the sequence of events for the training exercise. LTC Raines then introduced the training station leadership. One-half of the members of the mass VSG formation were assigned to either Group 1 or Group 2. Group 1 reported to the AFRC multi-purpose room for a briefing led by LTC Candice Raines and Vermont Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security (DEMHS) personnel, Mr. John Angil and Mr. Dave Emery. Group 2 personnel remained in the AFRC parking lot to begin training on tent assembly and generator use led by 2d Battalion staff members LTC Erik Christman and LTC Joe Rigg. After 25 minutes the groups switched. TSAX overview Briefing The inside briefing consisted of a PowerPoint presentation which provided an overview of the Dummerston TSA site, IP-3 thru IP-7 station operations and forms, and an overview of the AFRC TSA Simulation site. Overview briefing with, l to r, LTC Raines speaks to Group 1 in John Angil (DEMHS), Dave the AFRC multipurpose room. Emery (DEMHS) and LTC Cand ice Raines (2BN). The outside briefing consisted of an overview of the TSA trailer contents, tent set-up and generator operation. The generator was operational. Trailer contents were reviewed and tents were erected in the AFRC parking lot by enthusiastic VSG personnel. Below, COL Stebbins (AVN Cdr) ensures the straps holding the separate tent pieces are well secured. MAJ Gilhooly (HQ) works closely PFC Kirby (HQ) works with SGT with LTC McCormack (HQ) to Emery (HQ) to matchup perlins put tent perlins together. for tent assembly. For the next set of classes, Group 1 reported to the AFRC multi-purpose classroom for a briefing led by LTC Bethel (MED) on Health concerns. Group 2 personnel reported to the AFRC classrrom for a briefing on Go Bags led by MAJ Law (3BN) and CPT Keast (3BN). After 25 minutes the Groups switched. Health concerns Above, LTC Bethel (MED) makes points that are to be considered when participating in a TSAX. Go Bags Above, l to r, MAJ Law (3BN) and CPT Keast (3BN) instruct VSG members on the contents of several types of “Go Bags”, both small and large. Essential item include personal hygiene items and both officers agree in the photo on the right that the operation isn’t complete until the “paperwork” is done. Lunch (provided at no-cost by the DEMHS) Go Bags As seen in the photos, VSG members were treated to an excellent lunch provided at no cost from the DEMHS. After lunch, Group 1 reported to the AFRC multi-purpose room for a briefing led by COL Frank Buswell on Communications. Group 2 personnel reported to the AFRC parking lot for a briefing on Traffic Flow led by MAJ Westover (1BN). After 25 minutes the groups switched. Communications Below, COL Buswell (VSG G6) explains how significant radio communication is in an operation where participants cannot see or easily communicate with each station. Above, COL Buswell (VSG G6) demonstrates the correct method of holding and speaking into communications radios. Traffic Flow MAJ Westover (1BN) has the groups’ full attention when displaying proper reflective gear for safe traffic flow duty. Also demonstrated were the individual placement and hand signals while performing traffic flow duty. So, don’t be pointing fingers at oncoming traffic! At approximately 1400, all VSG personnel reported to their assigned training stations. The following pages explain the station training responsibilities and photos of the stations in action. General officers and Colonels were to drive the simulated vehicles (buses, school buses, ambulances, handicap vans, etc.). TSAX Station Training IP2 – Staging Area Unit Leader Station IP-2 - Unit Leader (COL Gerald Garrow): This station is responsible for operational control and coordination of the VSG personnel operating the TSA, and for periodic status reports to the TSA Manager. COL Livingston (1BN) mans the Unit Leader Station while COL Garrow (2BN Cdr) visits one of the training stations. IP3 – Entrance Coordinator Station IP-3 - Entrance Coordinator (CSM Austin): This station checks fuel in each vehicle arriving at the TSA, orders the vehicle to proceed to the next station or to proceed to the designated fuel point as applicable, and reports arrivals to the dispatcher at IP-6. This was the first station to be operational during the exercise. Pictured are, l to r, SGT Emery (HQ), CPT Keast (3BN), MSG O’Connell (HQ), 1LT Combs (HQ), COL Agan (AIR) and CSM Austin (2BN). CSM Austin (2BN) oversees the training of the IP3 personnel as they ensure the arriving vehicles have sufficient fuel for the next vehicle request. IP5 – Vehicle Registration Station IP-5 – Vehicle Registration (LTC Richard Blongy): At this station, each arriving vehicle is assigned a control number by vehicle type and that number is affixed to the vehicle. Pictured are, l to r, MAJ Trapani (MED), MAJ Law (3BN), COL Burkhalter (3BN Cdr), and What a fine group of VSG personnel for LTC CPT Beaudry (1BN). Blongy (2BN) to instruct to ensure arriving vehicles are properly designated at IP5. All stations had personnel from different units ensuring the information could be returned to the units for training purposes. Below, l to r, COL Josselyn (MED), MG Morrison, BG Cota, BG Stratton observe TSAX stations in action IP4 – Vehicle Arrival Reporter Station IP-4 - Vehicle Arrival Reporter (LTC Erik Christman): This station keeps a log of arriving vehicles by number and type. Reports arrival to IP6 Dispatcher. Center on the left photo, LTC Christman, (2BN) prepares his station for action. Center photo, MAJ Sullivan (3BN) waves a vehicle through with proper traffic flow gear, placement and coned flashlight while PFC Kirby (HQ) records the vehicle number for the IP4 log. MAJ Hanlon (MED) stays in radio contact with IP6 Dispatcher station. Other IP4 participants were LTC Wiley (HQ), 1LT Kirker (1BN) and LTC McCormack (HQ). Vehicle Staging Area Coordinator Responsibilities (CPT Bruce Tucker & SFC Richard Rogers) – creates vehicle parking area using cones and signs, directs vehicles to designated parking area by vehicle type, greets drivers, escorts drivers to dosimetry and returns drivers to vehicles, offers refreshments to drivers or escorts to waiting are (some drivers cannot leave vehicles), upon receipt of dispatch orders, directs drivers to IP7 Exit Coordinator. MSG Proctor (5BN), Above, 2nd from right, SFC Rogers (2BN) demonstrates to his volunteered as an additional station personnel (l to r) SGM Mitchell (MED), MSG Proctor exercise vehicle driver and (5BN) and MSG Conforth (1BN), the proper method of escorted to the Dosimetry traffic direction and designated parking areas.
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