Hastings District’s War Memorials and Roll of Honour Let Those Who Come After See To It That Their Names Be Not Forgotten Index Please note: Researched full name will take precedence when Roll of Honour initials differs Campbell, Archibald Given, John Edric Memorials Carr, Arthur Isabert Golds, John Alexander Carr, Wilfrid Gladstone Goldsbrough, Richard Horace Hastings Cenotaph Carrington, Stanley Murray Gradwell, Arthur Ernest World War 1 Carson, Charles Grant, Ernest 1914- 1918 Caswell, William Graves, John Harry Caven, John Gray, James Hawthorne Chadwick, Roland Green, William John Chappell, Richard William Greene, Jasper Arthur Charles, Eric Clement Growcott, Henry Edmund Charters, John Gumbley, Charles Roland Charters, Samuel Gutterson, Charles William Clarke, Leslie Hurstfield Haddrell, Sydney Herbert Clay, Blakeman John Hallgarth, Daniel Gordon Clearkin, James Robert Hamilton, David Cogan, Tom Hamilton, Thomas Cyril Collins, Richard David Hansen, Carl Stephen Comrie, James Morrison Hansen, Viggo George Connolly, John Hapuku, Manukea K. Roll of Honour Coombe, George Hardy, John Coulson, Eric Harnett, D. Adamson, Leslie Ernest Coulson, John Herbert Harper, Albert Bernard Ainsworth, Donald Roderick Cranston, Frank Mullen Harrison, Claude Napier Aldridge, Ailbe Craven, Norman Euart Harrison, James Rudolf Anderson, Ernest John Crerar, Robert Hastings, Warren Oswald Anderson, Thomas Ramsey Croft, Albert John Hawthorne, Thomas Alexander Angus, Mundell Dale, Charles Martin Henderson, Bertram Annand, David Burnett Davies, Percy Sylvester Henderson, James Annand, John Douglas Davis, Harley Henry Woodthorpe Holmes, Leonard Argrave, George Davis, Llewellyn Thomas Holmes, Matthew Atkinson, Peter William Francis Davis, Percy Charles Holmes, Reuben Bennett, Charles Moihi Te Arawaka Dimond, Henry Honnor, Edwin Herbert Bennett, Lawrence Eric Dixon, George Christopher Herbert Howard, Frederick Berry, John Arthur Doggett, Alfred Cedric Hoy, Norman Blake, Adam Donnelly, James Huki, Raymond Blake, Philip Manu Doull, James Hunter, John Joseph Blinko, Roland George Downey, John James Hyslop, Ninian Steel Bollinger, George Wallace Duff, Hugh John Jameson, Percy McFarlane Boon, Roderick Dhu Dunlop, Cyril Charles Karena, Wero Mohi Boulden, Edward George Dunn, Alexander John Kessell, Walter Henry Boyd, Stuart W. Dyason, Horace Hamilton Kibblewhite, Edward Henry Turner Breuer, Joseph Charles Ellingham, Claude Britten Kitt, Arnold John Brimer, Cyril Thornton Ellison, Thomas Whakatomo Lamont, Moses Britten, Vivian Russell Elson, John Lascelles, David Robert Breingan Brogan, Hugh Evans, Leonard Lawlor, Thomas Henry Lorraine Brooke-Taylor, Horace Reydon Fail, Clive Lawrence Le Quesne, Robert Brouard, Daniel Walter Finlayson, John Lawrence Lean, Herbert William Brown, Alan Finlayson, Robert Lewis Lee, James Arnold Browne, T.V.A Foley, Daniel Lloyd, Edward George Albert [Browne, Sydney Vincent Andrew] Fuszard, Arnold Winter Loach, George Wallace Brownhill, George William Gill, Harry Lomas, James Bruen, Austin Henry 1 Gillies, Walter Long, John Ernest Bryor, A. Gillispie, W.2 Love, Albert Arthur Bullick, Thomas Gilmore, William Love, George Joseph Burr, Eric Bell Lynn, James Joseph Burr, Gordon Harvey MacDonald, Arthur Douglas 2 Gillespie, William? Maides, Arthur Burfurd 1 Pryor, Ambrose? With respect and solemnity 4 | P a g e Maney, Montague Andrew de Sails Perenara, Robert Walker, James Marchant, Alexander Barber Perress, George John Walker, William Martin, Andrew Wilson Perry, Albert John Watmore, George Frank Martin, Charles Frederick Persse, John Geoffrey Weeks, Francis Lionel Mason, William Phair, Robert Weeks, Leo Norman Massey, Charles Felthouse Pineaha, Tutere Rumatiki Weeks, Reginald Masters, George Pineaha, Watarawi Widdop, Norman Mathews, Thomas Raldo Pitt, George Percival Wilkinson, Albert Victor Maunder, Roger Edwin Powley, Charles Herbert Williams, Reginald Robert McCarthy, John Francis Puhara, M. Willis, John Arthur McClelland, Robert (Roy) Ratima, Timarana Wilson, Robert Hugh [McClelland, Robert William] Reeves, Alfred Wyatt, Sydney Joseph McConnachie, D.3 Reid, William Barr McDonald, Charles Risbee, Charles McEwan, Roy Arthur Ritchie, James Thomas Hastings War Memorial McEwen, Colin Colquhoun Roach, Eric Reginald Library McKay, Duncan Finlay Ross, Donald McKay, James Ross, Percy Raymond McKay, John [Mackay, John Murdoch] Rutherford, John Donald Mckenzie, William John Ryan, Dan McLean, John Wilson Ryder, William McMillin, John James George Sands, Arthur McRae, Leslie Peter Sands, Hugh Merritt, Frederick Hubert Sands, Oswald Mihaere, Taiamai Sands, Robert Mitchell, Harry William Satterthwaite, Tom Mitchell, John Sharp Saywell, Roy Wilkie Morgan, Charles Edward Collins Schaeffer, Albert Charles Morgan, Herbert Lewis Schaeffer, Louis Martin The building was erected by the Morgan, Stephen Short, James people of Hastings and District to Morrison, James Henry Siddle, Thomas commemorate those who gave Mulholland, William John Simpson, Alan Lawson their lives for their country in the Murfitt, Stanley David Simpson, Claude Elliott war 1939- 1945 Murnane, Lawrence John Skelton, Roy Albert Edward Neal, George Speer, Robert John Nolan, John Thomas Spencer, William Norman, William Charles Stables, William George Nugent, Edward Stockham, Thomas William O’Brien, John Stone, Richard Allen O’Connor, Daniel Sullivan, Michael O’Connor, Timothy Swain, Harold George Selwyn O’Grady, Ernest William Sykes, John William Orchard, Clarence Leonard Talbot, James Evan Orchard, Frank Henry Tamaiwaea, Paura Overend, William Thomas Taylor, Charles William Page, William Thomas, Albert Edward Pallesen, Thomas George Thompson, William Phillips Patterson, Joseph Herbert Thomson, Eric [Thomson, Eric Patton, Archibald William] World War Peddie, Alexander Dunbar Treleaven, Charles James 1914 - 1918 Pentecost, Edward Tucker, Eric Claude Roll of Honour Pepper, James Joseph Tuohy, James Pepperell, Lawrence Tutu, Rangi Adamson, Leslie Ernest Percy, Andrew Vickers, Frank Lawrence Ainsworth, Donald Roderick Percy, Frank Vyner, Arthur William Aldridge, Ailbe Walden, Frederick James Henry Anderson, Ernest [John] Waldin, Ivan Douglas Anderson, Thomas Ramsey 3 McConnochie, Stanley? With respect and solemnity 5 | Page Angus, Mundell Davies, Percy Sylvester Holmes, Reuben Annand, David Burnett Davis, Harley Henry Woodthorpe Honnor, Edwin Herbert Annand, John Douglas Davis, Llewellyn Thomas Howard, Frederick Argrave, George Davis, Percy Charles Hoy, Norman Atkinson, Peter William Francis Dimond, Henry Huki, Raymond Bennett, Charles Moihi Te Arawaka Dixon, George Christopher Herbert Hunter, John Joseph Bennett, Lawrence Eric Doggett, Alfred Cedric Hyslop, Ninian Steel Berry, Joseph Donnelly, James Jameson, Percy McFarlane Blake, Adam Doull, James Karena, Wero Mohi Blake, Philip Manu Downey, John James Kessell, Walter Henry Blinko, Roland George Duff, Hugh John Kibblewhite, Edward Henry Turner Bollinger, George Wallace Dunlop, Cyril Charles Kitt, Arnold John Boon, Roderick Dhu Dunn, Alexander John Lamont, Moses Boulden, Edward George Dyason, Horace Hamilton Lascelles, David Robert Breingan Boyd, Stuart W. Ellingham, Claude Britten Lawlor, Thomas Henry Lorraine Breuer, Joseph Charles Ellison, Thomas Whakatomo Le Quesne, Robert Brimer, Cyril Thornton Elson, John Lean, Herbert William Britten, Vivian Russell Evans, Leonard Lee, James Arnold Brogan, Hugh Fail, Clive Lawrence Lloyd, Edward George Albert Brooke-Taylor, Horace Reydon Finlayson, John Lawrence Loach, George Wallace Brouard, Daniel Walter Finlayson, Robert Lewis Lomas, James Brown, Alan Foley, Daniel Long, John Ernest Browne, T.V.A. [Browne, Sydney Fuszard, Arnold Winter Love, Albert Arthur Vincent Andrew] Gill, Harry Love, George Joseph Brownhill, George William Gillies, Walter Lynn, James Joseph Bruen, Austin Henry Gillispie, W. [Gillespie, William?] MacDonald, Arthur Douglas Bryor, A. [Pryor, Ambrose] Gilmore, William Maides, Arthur Burfurd Bullick, Thomas Given, John Edric Maney, Montague Andrew de Sails Burr, Eric Bell Golds, John Alexander Marchant, Alexander Barber Burr, Gordon Harvey Goldsbrough, Richard Horace Martin, Andrew Wilson Campbell, Archibald Gradwell, Arthur Ernest Martin, Charles Frederick Carr, Arthur Isabert Grant, Ernest Mason, William Carr, Wilfrid Gladstone Graves, John Harry Massey, Charles Felthouse Carrington, Stanley Murray Gray, James Hawthorne Masters, George Carson, Charles Green, William John Mathews, Thomas Raldo Caswell, William Greene, Jasper Arthur Maunder, Roger Edwin Caven, John Growcott, Henry Edmund McCarthy, John Francis Chadwick, Roland Gumbley, Charles Roland McClelland, Robert (Roy) [McClelland, Chappell, Richard William Gutterson, Charles William Robert William] Charles, Eric Clement Haddrell, Sydney Herbert McConnachie, D. [McConnochie, Charters, John Hallgarth, Daniel Gordon Stanley?] Charters, Samuel Hamilton, David McDonald, Charles Clarke, Leslie Hurstfield Hamilton, Thomas Cyril McEwen, Colin Colquhoun Clay, Blakeman John Hansen, Carl Stephen McEwan, Roy Arthur Clearkin, James Robert Hansen, Viggo George McKay, Duncan Finlay Cogan, Tom Hapuku, Manukea K. McKay, James Collins, Richard David Hardy, John McKay, John [Mackay, John Murdoch] Comrie, James Morrison Harnett, D. Mckenzie, William John Connolly, John Harper, Albert Bernard McLean, John Wilson Coombe, George Harrison, Claude Napier McMillin, John James George Coulson, Eric Harrison, James Rudolf McRae, Leslie Peter Coulson, John Prideaux Hastings, Warren Oswald Merritt, Frederick Hubert Cranston, Frank Mullen Hawthorne,
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