Coast Guard, DHS § 165.760 around all tank vessels, cruise ships, 082°32.5′ W; north to 27°51.76′ N, 082°32.5′ and military pre-positioned ships W; west to 27°51.73′ N, 082°33.16′ W; and docked in the Ports of Jacksonville, south to 27°51.62′ N, 082°33.14′ W, closing Fernandina, and Canaveral, Florida. off the Old Port Tampa channel. (b) Regulations. In accordance with (3) Sunshine Skyway Bridge, FL. All the general regulations § 165.33 of this waters in Tampa Bay, from surface to part, entry into these zones is prohib- bottom, in Cut ‘‘A’’ channel beneath ited except as authorized by the Cap- the bridge’s main span encompassed by tain of the Port, or a Coast Guard com- a line connecting the following points: missioned, warrant, or petty officer 27°37.30′ N, 082°39.38′ W to 27°37.13′ N, designated by him. The Captain of the 082°39.26′ W; and the bridge structure Port will notify the public of any columns, base and dolphins. This zone changes in the status of this zone by is specific to the bridge structure and Marine Safety Radio Broadcast on VHF dolphins and does not include waters Marine Band Radio, Channel 22 (157.1 adjacent to the bridge columns or dol- MHz). phins outside of the bridge’s main span. (c) Definition. As used in this section: (4) Vessels carrying hazardous cargo, cruise ship means a passenger vessel, Tampa, FL. All waters, from surface to except for a ferry, greater than 100 feet bottom, 200 yards around vessels in length that is authorized to carry moored in Tampa Bay carrying or more than 12 passengers for hire. transferring Liquefied Petroleum Gas (d) Authority. In addition to 33 U.S.C. (LPG), Anhydrous Ammonia (NH3) and/ 1231 and 50 U.S.C. 191, the authority for or grade ‘‘A’’ and ‘‘B’’ flammable liquid this section includes 33 U.S.C. 1226. cargo. Any vessel transiting within the outer 100 yards of the zone for moored [COTP Jacksonville 02–066, 68 FR 3186, Jan. 23, 2003] vessels carrying or transferring Lique- fied Petroleum Gas (LPG), Anhydrous § 165.760 Security Zones; Tampa Bay, Ammonia (NH3) and/or grade ‘‘A’’ and Port of Tampa, Port of Saint Peters- ‘‘B’’ cargo may operate unless other- burg, Port Manatee, Rattlesnake, wise directed by the Captain of the Old Port Tampa, Big Bend, Weedon Port or his designee but must proceed Island, and Crystal River, Florida. through the area at the minimum (a) Location. The following areas, de- speed necessary to maintain safe navi- noted by coordinates fixed using the gation. No vessel may enter the inner North American Datum of 1983 (World 100-yard portion of the security zone Geodetic System 1984), are security closest to the vessel. zones: (5) Piers, seawalls, and facilities, Port (1) Rattlesnake, Tampa, FL. All water, of Tampa and Port Sutton, Tampa, FL. from surface to bottom, in Old Tampa All waters, from surface to bottom, ex- Bay east and south of a line com- tending 50 yards from the shore, sea- mencing at position 27°53.32′ N, wall, and piers around facilities in Port 082°32.05′ W; north to 27°53.36′ N, Sutton within the Port of Tampa en- 082°32.05′ W, including on land portions compassed by a line connecting the fol- of Chemical Formulators Chlorine Fa- lowing points: 27°54.15′ N, 082°26.11′ W; cility, where the fenced area is bounded east northeast to 27°54.19′ N, 082°26.00′ by a line connecting the following W; then northeast to 27°54.37′ N, points: 27°53.21′ N, 082°32.11′ W; west to 082°25.72′ W, closing off all Port Sutton 27°53.22′ N, 082°32.23′ W; then north to channel; then northerly to 27°54.48′ N, 27°53.25′ N, 082°32.23′ W; then west again 082°25.70′ W. to 27°53.25′ N, 082°32.27′ W; then north (6) Piers, seawalls, and facilities, Port again to 27°53.29′ N, 082°32.25′ W; then of Tampa, East Bay and the eastern side east to 27°53.30′ N, 082°32.16′ W; then of Hooker’s Point. All waters, from sur- southeast terminating at 27°53.21′ N, face to bottom, extending 50 yards 082°32.11′ W. from the shore, seawall and piers (2) Old Port Tampa, Tampa, FL. All around facilities on East Bay and on waters, from surface to bottom, in Old the East Bay Channel within the Port Tampa Bay encompassed by a line con- of Tampa encompassed by a line con- necting the following points: 27°51.62′ necting the following points: 27°56.05′ N, 082°33.14′ W; east to 27°51.71′ N, N, 082°25.95′ W, southwesterly to 701 VerDate Mar<15>2010 07:59 Sep 03, 2010 Jkt 220131 PO 00000 Frm 00711 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\220131.XXX 220131 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFR § 165.760 33 CFR Ch. I (7–1–10 Edition) 27°56.00′ N, 082°26.07′ W, then southerly cruise ship may operate unless other- to 27°55.83′ N, 082°26.07′ W, then south- wise directed by the Captain of the easterly to 27°55.55′ N, 082°25.75′ W, then Port or his designee but must proceed south to 27°54.75′ N, 082°25.75′ W, then through the area at the minimum southwesterly and terminating at speed necessary to maintain safe navi- point 27°54.57′ N, 082°25.86′ W. gation. No vessel may enter the inner (7) Piers, seawalls, and facilities, Port 100-yard portion of the security zone of Tampa, on the western side of Hooker’s closest to the vessel. Point, Tampa, FL. All waters, from sur- (10) Moored cruise ships in the Port of face to bottom, extending 50 yards Tampa, Port of Saint Petersburg, and from the shore, seawall, and piers Port Manatee, Florida. All waters, from around facilities on Hillsborough Bay surface to bottom, extending 200 yards northern portion of Cut ‘‘D’’ channel, around moored cruise ships in the Sparkman channel, Ybor Turning Ports of Tampa, Saint Petersburg, or Basin, and Ybor channel within the Port Manatee, Florida. Any vessel Port of Tampa encompassed by a line transiting within the outer 100 yards of connecting the following points: the zone of moored cruise ships may ° ′ ° ′ 27 54.74 N, 082 26.47 W; northwest to operate unless otherwise directed by ° ′ ° ′ 27 55.25 N, 082 26.73 W; then north- the Captain of the Port or his designee northwest to 27°55.60′ N, 082°26.80′ W; ° ′ but must proceed through the area at then north-northeast to 27 56.00 N, the minimum speed necessary to main- 082°26.75′ W; then northeast to 27°56.58′ tain safe navigation. No vessel may N, 082°26.53′ W; and north to 27°57.29′ N, enter the inner 100-yard portion of the 082°26.51′ W; west to 27°57.29′ N, 082°26.61′ security zone closest to the vessel. W; then southerly to 27°56.65′ N, 082°26.63′ W; southwesterly to 27°56.58′ (11) Saint Petersburg Harbor, FL. All N, 082°26.69′ W; then southwesterly and waters, from surface to bottom, ex- terminating at 27°56.53′ N, 082°26.90′ W. tending 50 yards from the seawall and (8) Piers, seawalls, and facilities, Port around all moorings and vessels in of Manatee. All waters, from surface to Saint Petersburg Harbor (Bayboro Har- bottom, within the Port of Manatee ex- bor), commencing on the north side of tending 50 yards from the shore, sea- the channel at dayboard ‘‘10’’ in ap- ° ′ ° ′ wall and piers around facilities. This proximate position 27 45.56 N, 082 37.55 security zone encompasses all piers and W, and westward along the seawall to seawalls of the cruise terminal berths 9 the end of the cruise terminal in ap- ° ′ ° ′ and 10 in Port Manatee, Florida begin- proximate position 27 45.72 N, 082 37.97 ning at 27°38.00′ N, 082°33.81′ W; con- W. The zone will also include the Coast tinuing east to 27°38.00′ N, 082°33.53′ W. Guard south moorings in Saint Peters- (9) Moving cruise ships in the Port of burg Harbor. The zone will extend 50 Tampa, Port of Saint Petersburg, and yards around the piers commencing Port Manatee, Florida. All waters, from from approximate position 27°45.51′ N, surface to bottom, extending 200 yards 082°37.99′ W; to 27°45.52′ N, 082°37.57′ W. around all cruise ships entering or de- The southern boundary of the zone is parting Port of Tampa, Port of Saint shoreward of a line between the en- Petersburg, or Port Manatee, Florida. trance to Salt Creek easterly to Green These temporary security zones are ac- Daybeacon 11 (LLN 2500). tivated on the inbound transit when a (12) Crystal River Nuclear Power Plant. cruise ship passes the Tampa Lighted All waters, from surface to bottom, Whistle Buoy ‘‘T’’, located at 27°35.35′ around the Florida Power Crystal N, 083°00.71′ W and terminate when the River nuclear power plant located at vessel is moored at a cruise ship ter- the end of the Florida Power Corpora- minal. The security zones are activated tion Channel, Crystal River, Florida, on the outbound transit when a cruise encompassed by a line connecting the ship gets underway from a terminal following points: 28°56.87′ N, 082°45.17′ W and terminates when the cruise ship (Northwest corner); 28°57.37′ N, 082°41.92′ passes the Tampa Lighted Whistle W (Northeast corner); 28°56.81′ N, Buoy ‘‘T’’, located at 27°35.35′ N, 082°45.17′ W (Southwest corner); and 083°00.71′ W.
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