M « h o « a t . H , * ' ' J a l l a c i t i . n"‘® V loal Soo. ' r . Local X M ovies Park, ■ S m c l« a.Four4:ctj^t"WorxJ' 83706 o o a p , nims shown this month were By BONNIE BAIRD JONES they wish. one occasionally. ' TfaaM^cwf 8Uff Writer, . rated X . ' another charge brought by the chargbi^ S5 cents to $1.76, Fo r. p a ren ts w h o d o n 't re a lize ‘'•I turned down "m *A-S-H" TWIN PALLS - X-rated One theater In Jerome, the Departm ent of Labor, he depending on whetheV the It, many of the (llms are not becausf I felt Tw in F a lls •movies have madq their debut •Frontier, s^tched to a program allegedly employed a minor girl viewer was a child, student or simply "educational". The^ audiences were not ready for in Magic Valley. of nothing but X films or in the theater while • sliowlng adult, Foost said, he was gobig often contain explicit sex acts, this type* of film, and then sat obscene fllms. ' And they^ have Attracted the I“XXX” films as owner brutality, perversion; sadism broke.' ' by and watcited m^ competition However, ho says, for the first largest audiences some local Dewayne Foust tferms them. and other portrayals the Now, at 93 per ticket, his show it to capacity audiences Ume since ho purchased the theaters have se^n in years. Interviews with theatet, lawmakers have ruled unfit for theater Is packed by the' 'X X X " every night for a week," Roper theater in December, he is Itefore January of this year, m anagers reveal onl^ one minors. pictures and he is making said, , ^ making money. X- Alms were rarely shown in reason for showing the fUms — ' m oney.. .Jn the local area all theater He has shown'^'Midnight Twin Falla. Only a few had b6en often called obsccno or por> " I was showing movies of G P owners aro careful. They oven Cowboy." ''What Do You Say to Fqust says were ho not screened In Buhl. But until this nographic by critics. and G ratings to nine to 15 solicit the aid of police officers a Naked Lady?” , "Beyond the showing the movies romebne year no theater manager The reason Is money. • persons • per show, and ill scfeening out rhinors. Valley of the Dolls” so far this else would be. ' ' .considered making Ihenn a • People want to see them ancl :spmoHmos I d(dn't make All persons must have proof year. In October he will show 'staple in the area's film diet. will pay the box office prico,. enough to p a y tho ticket sales Bo U i Fo u st an d R o p e r sa y tlio of ago to gain admission, partly the controversial "M y ra girl. Hils changed on January 28; meaning money b tho tills for p u b lic w ants rea lism , w an ts io becauHe theater owners know Brockenridgo.” That day Roy Roper, owner of theater owners. “ Now tho Uieater is usually be shocked and soo U iings “ as they would bo closed down the A more vivid story is told In the CIneina, Grand Vu and ^ full for tltfoe shows a night and t h e y a r o ” . first time a minor is found in Jorome where Uieater owner] Motor Vu theaters Introduced to turn his back on a profitable Uio smallest crowd I have had “ X ” film s, they say, have the audience, and partly Foust faces two court charges- ■,his first X movie to Twin Falls operation, 'the managers say. was at Uio close of tijo last show, proven this durihg Uio few because they have some qualms ns n result v t Ills M XXX" film audiences. The film, "Micinight As long OS the Iheat^ owners when only 50 persons iiltcndod,” m onthp they have" been show n about showing the films. programs. .he soys. Cowboy” drew large.fiudioncea do^not permit anyone under 16 h e r o . Roy Roper said ho does not In ono chn’rgo ho (a accused of each night of its run. yonrs of ago In tho audience On July 1, Foust bogan A year ago Roper says, ho approve showing a steady providing pornogrnphlc Since tiieh the picture has they oro operating legallj^ showing what ho terms “ X X X ” would not have considered program of X films. But ho says material to nilnors tlirough films. changed: about ono-fourth of a!l ahowintf as many X films as it IS good programming lo show booking “ ‘Beyond tho Valloy of outside thentcr billbonrds. In Showing regular films and tho Dolls” in Tw in Falls. V t W e a t h e r Phone Plenty of Of uti out loll-fftB nomlmit bummer Left lli.M Covflnforil 5^3 llurloy Bupetl Pniil OnUnyNoflond 670 35 57 Filer Rogor,on. Hollni., 3 ,5 . Wendell- Magic ValleyHome Newspaper Gnoj|.nu.Maofltmi.n ^536 7515 VOL, 6 7 , NO. 119 TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, SLJNDAY, AUGUST 30, 1970 tw en ty c en ts ‘Don’t Mind Talks Founder By United Press IntemaUonal over Uie Israeli Radio, Minister or plans for wiUidraw^ls. putUng obstacles In Uie paUi of Senators,’ An Israeli cabinet mlnlfiter WlUiout Portfolio Israel Gallll, before being assured Uiat Uie Jarring during a Olknlnuto said Saturday Israel m ay pull who Is rosponslblo for Informa- oUier side intends to mako out of the Middle ^ s t peace mooting he had wlUi-visiting Uon, said repeated Egyptian ponce . ” Hungarian President Pal Loson- talks if the Arabs press thblr violations of Uie. Suez Canal On Sunday Uio Israeli cabinet czl. demands for a complete Israeli cease-fire could scuttle Uie- meets to h in ir^ report from Tlie sources said Nasser told withdrawal from occupied Arab Agnew Says Amorlcan-sponsorcd peace Inltl- Foreign Minister Abba Eban on his Hungarian guest of "Israel’s lands. Egypt's President Gamal aUve. the talks Uiat started Tuesday expansionist amblUons, Its refu­ Abdel-^asser accused Israel of “Tho fact that tho Egyptians In Now York. sal to wiUidraw from'occupied placing obstacles beforo Uio BAN GKOK (U P I) - Vico as ''useful though brief." They have from Ujo start violated Uio Israel’s U .N . envoy, Vosef Arab territory and Uie ob­ U .N . peace mediator. President Spiro T . Agnew has said Cambodia was given cease-fire casts' a heavy sJiadow Tokoah, took part In the first stacles it is placing .before Informed Tlialland officials Uiat particular ompliasls, in view of In Amman, figlitlng broke out on tho earnestness of their day's negoUailons wiUi U.N. Gunnar Jnrrlng.” between Arab guerrillas and recent U.S. Senate actions Agnew’s visit Uiorc Friday. peace Intentions,” Galill said. mediator Gunnar V. Jarring. Tlio sources did not elaborate Jordanian government forces concerninR SouUjeast Asia do Foreign Minister Thanat KJio- “ Possible situations may Uien flow home t6 brief Eban on Nasser’s charge, but Wes­ for the second time In 24 hours. not represent Uio viewpoint of man told newsmen Uie vice arise whiph would jusUfy our and .PclmD Minister Golda tern jliplomats in Cairo aald Uie Guerrilla sources said ono of the Nixon Administration. U.S. president had assured Um i wlUidrawal from Uio talks," Uio Melr. Tokoah is expected to fly Egyi^lans regard the iRraell .Uteir men was killed and 10 offlcial sources said Saturday. leaders Uie United States would Israeli minister said. “ Such a back to • Now York after charges Uiat I^ y p t U violating Agnew did not try to predict eontinue to help ’nialland persons, including Uiree govern­ situation would be ono In which Sunday’s cabinet mooting^ Uio cease-fire alonu tho Suez for the 11181 leaders what tho militarily and economlcaUy. ment security . men, were wo might be drawn towards In Cairo, official sources said Canal as on attempt to defeat ~ wounded in Uio fighting. outcome of Uio proposed Agnow will end his Aslan tour discussions on territorial issues Nasser accused' Israel of JarrlnK efforts. legialot[on would be, Uie Sunday, leaving hero for .sourccjfsaid, but discussed the Honolulu. He plans to spend a attitudes and Utlnking in Uio day or two Uiero flnlslilng up a United States and In Congress. report he will make to BOSTON P O U C E M A N Edward DoVie gives life lo the Urban Ghetto Family Agnftw told newsmen earllor President Nixon at Snn Q e - blllboirdi extoUlug the life-savhig services of pollco, is ho In his Asian tour that ho mento, C^llf. strives In vahi lo save the life of 11-woek-old Stacy Ann DeWolf, believed U.S. Senate legislation Ttie U.S. sourcos said Ag- who was found not breathing by her mother. A medical Assistance aimed at preventing American now's talks wlUi KitUkachorn examiner ruled the hifani died of natural causes. Tho Tlmes- Anger Mounts financing of Uiird naUon were general, wiUi no agreo' News printed a photo of g poster ol uncanny shnllarlty FVIday operaUons in Camli>dla and WASHINGTON (UPI) -A 14- tion," Lawson said. meats being sought or reached. showing a policeman tryhig lo revive a boy. (U P I) Pressed Laos would not become low In clty survey of urban affairs Comments from tlie H citios TTie vice presidential’ party Is SAN CLEMENTE, Collf. its present form. reporters turned up wamhigs frequentlyexproasedthofrustra- convinced Tliol officials do not (U P I) -H o p in g to save Uie He said ho felt Uie Hou.u across tho country Uiat hinor tlons and fears openly; believe Uie present situation In "flagship" of his domestic would make the terms of the city frustrations aro building New V o rk -A n unideiitiflod Cambodia would require Uiem New FM Station , programs, President Nixon measure less stem.
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