![The Ingham County News](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
VOL. LIV. MASON. MICH.. THURSDAY. MARCH 7. 1912. NO. 10 NliWN IN IlillKK. Tan rubbers at P, W. Webb's, ! Mis.s Anna Culver attended choir practice at the First Presbyterian G. L. Peck, colloction.s aiul insur- Hear W. S. Fnster andiP, J. Glas­ church in Lansing Tuesd'ay even­ iinco. Office over Parmcr.s bank. ! gow at tho court house Siiturday ing. Next Sund'ay she will 'bo solo at 1:30 p. m, EVEREnS Come and .soo what you can save singer at the morning service in Dr, Samuel Dickie of Albion col­ tliat church. Sap Buckets on a pair of shoes, at F. W. \m lege will occupy tho M. E, pulpit Cash Grocery Webb's, ! The entertainmicnt given at tho next Sunday miorniiig. Cold MGclal"Floiir - (if) For Sale Cheap, to be moved off, Raynor operti house Tuesday eve­ -AND- llosobiid irioiir- "5 the Sibley house west of Sweeney As I have large bills to meet ning by the M. A. IC. band, for Moss IvOKo li'loiir — .75 Hotel. Inquire at the Citizens tel­ March 1st, please call and settle the Juniors of the Mason high 1(1 Ills. Goldon Corn Mo.ai.. -..2-1 your account, A. McDonald. !2 school, was well attended, and ephone office ! gave the best ot satisfaction. It 10 ll)s. Graiiiun li'loiir ....•IS Miss Merle Dayton entertained I,ari;a rriinus pur lb. — .12 ,Iolui I^asenby has ]nirchasod of was also a financial success, be­ SUGAR-MAKING THIS SPACE Ai)ricols per lb ...Mi Chiifl. Piarlcor the Liiiira Sibflcy her Sundiay school class and teach­ ing « $70 b)ouae. --.2") rcsidonco on Oak street, just west er. Mrs. L J. Kellogg, Tuesday af­ Com Klalcus, .'! for - — ternoon. Tho situation at the special ses­ Belongs to I 'orii Syrup, Wiiilc, per },'a .-..•I") of the Swceno.v Hotel sion of the legislature in Lansing SUPPLIES Soda, per pk},' -- ..-.()•) Hon. Ifenry H, Pattcngill will H. D, Osborne of this city h,ns is very uncertain. The cnoniiios of ('(Hlee 25, .28, ..'iO, .;{;i, .;)•) speak upon the local ojition ques­ purchased the •lO-acre farm of Mr. tiie iiresideiitial primar,y bill tire Sweet, l'icl;les, per do/ ...Oil tion at the court room, in Mason and Mrs, John Wavio, si.K miles doing all they can to prevent Us Sap Pans, Spiles, G. S. Thorburn Hac-OM, per lb bS iie.vt Thursday eveniiif?. east of Mason. jiassage. The house will pass the •^ slleed, peril) - 20 bill, but the trouble is i'li> tho son- I'ull'ed Kiee, per plcj,'. — 12 Mrs. Eva ,1. Price f^ave an inter- It is stated that there, aro 11,000 Syrup Cans estiiif? iidtlress upon temperance loaded cars of coal l.vinji: in the iito, several members of which ap­ Watch for Advt Salmon - 18, .20 irailroad yards at Toledo, billed to pear to be controlled by "the in­ Swil'i.'s I'rideSoap 7 for .2') and the local option issues at the terests." :.' bars of Toilet Soap --.Ou court room Monday afternoon. diffcroiit points in^ Michigan. Try my CracUers—you will have no B.x-Prosecuting Attorney W. S. Our new line of shoes ju.st in. A freight wreck on the Michigan Next Week. other'. Foster will speak tit the court Very neat and pretty styles. Come Central at the gravel iiit, two I. cans of Sardines for 25 house in this city no.xt Saturday in and look them o%'er. J. A. Cort­ miles south of this city, occurred GET READY ;i wish 1,0 state Uiat 1 have a steady /iftornoon upon local option is­ right. ! Monday evening, in which four clerli now, and will deliver j^oods at sues. cars were wrecked. A heavy all limes a day. Representatives from the state freight from the south attempted For the Sugar Season Brint^your JJiilt,cr and Eup^s—lii^di Black stockings 'for everybody. tax commissioner's office have to make the. aide track at the est; niarlcct price. Firmer texture, stronger yarns, been busy the past week looking gravel pit, but the switch was safer dyes, better shape than u.s- over the tax rolls of the county. frozen. Being nearly out of Avatcr ual, at like low prices. J. A. Cort- They occupy rooms at tho court the engine ran' to the tank in Ma­ GEO. H. LEVERETT. rigiit. I house during the progress of the son, While absent a light freight (lotli Plinncii. work. came from tho south and dashed We sell tho rubber with the bow into the roar of the first train, E. A. DENSMORE heel, used only on Shawmut rub­ The Presbyterian pulpit will be The engineer, fireman and brake- bers, tho rubber with double the occupied Sunday, both morning man jumped and escaped injury. MASON wear where* tlie wear cornea. J. A. and evening, by Rev. L, S. Brooke The way car was smashed into EiitoreO lit tlic I'ost Olllco, Mason, Cortright. 1 of Howell, who was to have splinters. Catching' tire it was con­ Hi>.secoii(l-clH.ss mattor. preached hero last Sunday, but At A. L. VANDERCOOrS The Baptist society will give a was detained at homie by the sumed with a car ot coal which Olives por bottle lOc I'ulillshcd Evory TImrsday by public reception ne.tt Monday eve­ death of one of his congregation. was next to the way car,'A car 'ol 2 cans ot Peaches 2Se ning at the church, to Rev, New­ meats from a packing house was Farmers, Take Notice. 3 cans ot corn 26c berry and wife. All are invited to The statement goes forth that smashed, and a carload of glass Wo will pay 26c this week for 3 bottles Tomato Catsup 26c attend and get acquainted. the Michigan United Railways has was overturned into the ditch. The butter tat delivered at the cream­ Cranberries per qt. lOc been leased' to the Michigtui Trac­ burning cars lighted up the scene Ono Year, $1.00; (in month. 60 cent.; thret Shoes cut from 50c to $1.00 at ery in good condition. Good coffoo per lb. 25c tion company for a period of for several hours. A freight wreck Mason Creamery Co. Pine ono for 28c month. 35 cent.. P, W. Webb's ! 999 years. Probably the same old of several cars occurred about the same time on the Valley division, Extra fine for 30c ADVERTISING RATES. Rev, Brooks of Howell, who was company under a new name, and Local Option Meetings. 3 lbs. Raisins for 26c OnriKlvorllsliiurul.usmadc known iilolllco, (idvertised to fill the pulpit at the perhaps a few unsheared laniibs. west of Rivea Junction, Qt. can Mixed Sweet Pickles 30c lluslnii.sscurds Jl a Hue iioryoar. Presbyterian church last Sunday, 3 pkgs Minco Moat 26c Huslnc;ss liicalsllvu cuiil.s |)i>r lino each and was unable to be hero, as ho offi­ Save a dollar at the shoo sale L. C. Cranipton— ("vnry Insurllon' at F. W. Webb's ! Missionary Meeting. March 8, evening, Stockbridgo. 25 lbs, flour fiOc MarrlaKo, birlrli and doalli notices froe. ciated at a funeral in his homo March 8, afternoon, Fitchburg. 5 lbs. Rice tor 25c ttosolnllonH of rospoct card of thanks, city that day. Boys, better watch out, as this Mrs, Win, Taylor of Leslie was lie.. Ilvii cunts a lln>5 W. S, Poster- 1 lb. 'Pig Newtons lOc Lansing citizens are investigat­ is leap yeiir. The U, S. circuit court present at the M, E. missionary March 9, afternoon, Mason. ing the question of electric light­ of appeals of St. Louis, Mo., has meeting held at Rev. C. L, Boebe's Gov. R. 'B. Glenn- Business Cards. ing, whether or not it is cheaper sustained a decision of a low­ Friday afternoon. Mrs. Taylor is March 12, Masonic Temple, Lan­ If your money does not net you to maintain tho municipal ]ilani, or er court awarding $10,000 to Miss known as the "Mother of the sing. five per cent, see ATTOKNKV. purchase the "juice" from the Ellen R. Day, a resident of Mo- Thankoffering Plan," she having Hon. H. R. Pattengill- 22tf H. 0. Preeland. Michigan jiowcr company nominee, for breach of promise to originated the idea over 30 years March 11, afternoon, Millville. I U. MGAUTllUll, Attorney at rmw, Ma- marry. The verdict is against Jas. ago, while she was president of March 11, evening, Vantown. IJ. son,Mlcli. Lewis Sanders, who for several S. Sanbourn of South Dakota. the Lansing missionary district. March 12, afternoon, Belle Oak. The National Loan and Invest­ years has icsidcd in Grand Rap­ .She gave $5.00, which she earned Marah 12, evening, Webborville. ment Co. will pay 4 1-2 per cent. |-\KN.SMOKR, K. A., attorney at law. Ma­ ids, died there last week and his County Clerk Parsons received for the purpose. After she ex­ See P. H, Field. son, Midi. notice last week from the Detroit March 13, afternoon, Alaledon, remains were brought to Leslie plained to tho members her March 13, evening, Williamston. LI''liRl) Al/LKN, Lawyer. Offlco In Mio Monday for burial. His wife was house of correction authorities thought of each one's making an U'unlud. I'^arinors' Dank buiUlIni,', Mason. that no prisoners from Ingham March 14, afternoon, Dansville. A buried there the 16th of January. ottering through some personal March H, evening. Mason. Every Tuesday, broilers and old county will be received after Sept. sacrifice, the result was $100 for A A.
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