TH WORLD BRIDGE S E R I E S ORLANDO, FLORIDA | 21ST SEPTEMBER - 6TH OCTOBER 2018 15Editor: Brent Manley • Co-Editors: Barry Rigal, Brian Senior Daily Bulletin Journalists: David Bird, Jos Jacobs, Ron Tacchi • Lay-out Editor: Monica Kümmel Issue No. 6 Wednesday, 26th September 2018 TIGHT FINISHES The WBF Congress meeting will be held Today, 27th September at 09:00 in room 4 on the first/ground floor of the Con- vention Centre. This room is situated to the left as you come down the escalators from the lobby. Youth Triathlon prize- giving Players and officials trying out the Lovebridge tablets in a tournament. The prize-giving ceremony for Make sure to read tomorrow’s bulletin for a report. the Youth World Triathlon will There were some desperately tight finishes to Wednesday's KO matches. take place Today, 27th Sep- In the Rosenblum Cup there were three single-digit margins: ALLFREY beat tember in Grand POLAND JUNIORS by 9 IMPs, SPECTOR beat TULIN by 2 IMPs, and TEXAN ACES Ballroom, Salon 4 defeated DIAMOND by 7 IMPs. A string of former World Team Champions went after play concludes. out in the DIAMOND, NICKELL, ROBINSON, PSZCZOLA and TULIN teams. The closest match in the Rand Cup saw WOLFSON beat LEWIS by just 2 IMPs in the all-American match. There were former World Champions in all four losing Contents quarter-final teams. Two multi-national teams, MILNER and SILVERMAN will face off in one semi-final, while WOLFSON of USA will meet CHINA EVERTRUST in the BBO Schedule . .2 other match. Two of the four McConnell Cup quarter-finals were turned around in the fourth Ranking Youth Individual . .2 quarter, with SMITH and BARONI both coming from behind to defeat POLAND Brackets . .3 and WESTHEIMER respectively. As in the other two series, former World Champions were dropping like flies. The semi-finalists are all multi-national teams. The red-headed stepchildren . .5 SMITH will face APEROL, and BARONI will face BAKER. PSZCZOŁA v ZAWADA . .7 Programme Thursday 27th CAYNE v ALLFREY . .11 In order to allow all delegates (including those playing) to be present at NICKELL v MAHAFFEY . .16 the WBF Congress starting at 9 am, the time schedule has changed: PSZCZOLA v LAVAZZA . .18 Rosenblum O/W/S Pairs Youth Good start, bad middle . .20 McConnell, Rand Individual 11:00 - 13:00 11:00 - 13:30 11:00 - 13:30 CONNECTOR v ZIMMERMANN . .22 13:40 - 15:40 14:10 - 16:40 14:10 - 16:40 Pairs Results . .25 16:00 - 18:00 17:10 - 19:40 17:10 - 19:40 18:20 - 20:20 JANNERSTEN FÖRLAG OFFICIAL SUPPLIER 15th WORLD BRIDGE SERIES Orlando, Florida The WBF in social media BBO SCHEDULE We will broadcast a live show during the last 1st & 2nd Segment: match of the day, starting at 17.40 (Orlando time). 1 ZIMMERMANN — TEXAN ACES Check your time-zone and don't miss the action! 2 SPECTOR — STRUL Follow us on the WBF Official Youtube Page. 3 LAVAZZA — CHAGAS 4 ALLFREY — FROGS 5 SMITH — APEROL (McConnell) WBF Official World Bridge Federation 6 SILVERMAN — MILNER (Rand Cup) 3rd & 4th Segment: to be announced Worldbridgefederation www.worldbridge.org #WBF #Bridgeforpeace #WorldBridgeSeries #Bridge Also visit the Championship Page: http://championships.worldbridge.org/orlandows18 Youth Individual for Infos, News, Results and Rankings 1 FAN Lingwen CHN 61.36 2 WANG Ruizhe CHN 59.19 3 YUAN Zhijie CHN 57.48 4 RUAN Xinyao CHN 56.25 5 SUN Jiateng CHN 56.16 6 CHEN Yunpeng CHN 55.78 60 years together 7 WANG Yingqi CHN 55.59 8 XU Tong CHN 55.59 9 LIU Haochen CHN 55.40 IBPA members (alumni and potential by 10 OCYLOK Dominika POL 53.41 11 ZALEWSKA Joanna POL 52.94 appointment) are welcome to an 12 LANG Ningyu CHN 52.75 anniversary dinner tonight at Johnnies 13 LU Yijia CHN 52.65 14 DENG Cheng CHN 52.56 Hideaway (departure from Marriott’s 15 YANG Jiahao CHN 52.56 16 MA Shuoming CHN 52.08 Concierge desk 8.15 p.m.) Registration in 17 CIUNCZYK Hanna POL 51.99 the Press Room required. 18 JIANG Yixuan CHN 51.99 19 FU Yanzhuo CHN 50.95 20 YU Zhaolun CHN 50.66 21 GAO Yi Ran CHN 50.66 22 LIU Yizhou CHN 50.38 23 TANG Qing CHN 50.00 24 WANG Penghao CHN 49.62 25 ZHANG Tiancheng CHN 49.62 26 ZHOU Chuanyao CHN 49.62 27 LIU Yihong CHN 49.43 28 DAI Hanyang CHN 49.05 29 LU Yajie CHN 48.77 30 XU Jiaming CHN 48.77 ATTENTION: 31 LU Mingyu CHN 48.67 32 YU Wenfei CHN 48.11 Bridge Teachers and Players! 33 YAO Tianle CHN 47.63 34 KOKOT Joanna POL 47.63 There is a new board game — HOOL — specially 35 GE Chenyun CHN 47.63 36 ZHAO Yuchen CHN 47.25 developed for kids (and adults) to learn Bridge. 37 TONG Jiaxin CHN 46.88 It is both a face-to-face game as well as an online 38 CHEN Yufan CHN 46.12 mobile app (test version). 39 YAN Tianyao CHN 45.93 40 YANG Fan CHN 45.83 To experience HOOL, please come to the area 41 WANG Jiarui CHN 45.27 near the PLAYER REGISTRATION DESK for a 42 XU Hao CHN 44.13 43 ZHANG Xuyang CHN 43.66 demonstration. 44 SUCHODOLSKA Monika POL 43.56 45 ZAREBA Anna POL 43.37 [email protected] 46 YU Fanfei CHN 43.09 Bridge Development, WBF 47 WANG Yuming CHN 42.80 48 TANG Tengbo CHN 39.20 2 Rosenblum 1 CONNECTOR 92 ! !"#$% &'( 64 JJ MAXROD 85 "# $%)%*+!,"-. '' $ !/$$%!0/* &(1 ! !"#$% &&' #! 2%+3/00/$ &45 #$ ",,6*%# &(& 32 DE BOTTON 138 #$ !7-$"+/8%$ 5' 33 VENTIN 97 #% ",,6*%# &&5 $ !/$$%!0/* '' ! ",,6*%# 9' $" :-..%*."$$ &&4 $& 8/,"$2+;<$-/*= 5> 16 JUSTER 118 $& )-!?# '@ 49 CHINA XHJT 39 &' 8/,"$2+;<$-/*= &(> $" ;<=0%* 55 $& 8/,"$2+;<$-/*= &(' $( :-..%*."$$ &'& $) !7-$"+/8%$+( &&> 17 ZIMMERMANN 144 $) 6,%-=7%* 9A 48 ZHAO 135 %( !7-$"+/8%$+( &1( $ :-..%*."$$ ! ",,6*%# ) 0%B"$+"!%= ( 6*/C= 9 MCALLISTER 56 $' ./==/8 &&9 56 MAYBE 96 && 6%-B-"$C &'1 * ."#3% 5' $' 6%-B-"$C 55 !% 2-"./$2 &'1 !# 6*/C= &5( 24 DIAMOND 119 !# 6*/C= &19 41 ROSE 26 %! %.%*",2 @> ) 0%B"$+"!%= &4> ( =!7D"*0: @A * 2-"./$2 A9 $' 6*/C= &1> 8 TEXAN ACES 131 !" =!7D"*0: &9> 57 HATTIE 46 ! #* =8<2= 9( ) 0%B"$+"!%= &1> $ ( :7"/7%$C @5 !& .-00%,."$ &4' !" =!7D"*0: &95 25 BERTHEAU 101 ( .-B%2+<8 >A 40 MITTELMAN 112 &) :7"/7%$C &15 $! %# 5 TULIN 121 " */3-$=/$ &&A 60 ODDY 59 &* 8*%22# 9( & 0<,-$ &1A " */3-$=/$ &'& !) 82+0-.%= &(( !( ,-,-%$=0%-$ >@ 28 PDC 78 !( %*" A@ 37 PD TIMES 81 #) ,-,-%$=0%-$ &&& & 0<,-$ &45 " */3-$=/$ A( $! =8%!0/* &4A $$ !7"C"= &19 21 SPECTOR 127 !! .<$-!7+=8<*= &&@ 44 PAVLICEK 45 %# 2",,%# &&1 $! 3,"!? '( $$ !7"C"= &5> !$ =8%!0/* &(@ !! .<$-!7+=8<*= &(9 12 LEVINE 81 $$ !7"C"= &(1 53 BLACK 128 &% !/,2%" 5& % =0*<, # ,")"::" & =8%!0/* " !7"C"= 20 GUPTA 112 45 MAHAFFEY 129 $% ./== A> $# $-!?%,, &&& &$ 2%+.-!7%,-= 9@ !' ."7"66%# &&4 $% ./== &44 13 NICKELL 128 +,-./012,.303.456130,-7.8 $* ,")"::" &15 52 BASEGGIO 63 $* ,")"::" &19 % =0*<, &15 %" C-,,-= >@ $# $-!?%,, 9@ $% ,")"::" &(1 29 FORMIDABLES 82 # 8=:!:/," &41 36 STRUL 88 #' :"D"2" &4> % 27".8<*+=<C"*+.-,,= A& #& ./*"$ 51 !* =0*<, &'9 # 8=:!:/," &4' 4 DHAMPUR SUGAR MILL 90 #' :"D"2" 9@ 61 PAYEN 77 # 8=:!:/," &'A "! 7"66%* 55 15th WORLD BRIDGE SERIES Orlando, Florida Rand Cup ! !"#$%"& !"! !" '"(&)* #$ ! !"#$%"& %# # #+!,% %& # #+!,% !&& $ -)(."!,/0 #' ! !"#$%"& % /1,&)2+3+('(4%' & 3*')% !$' !' /)55+##, !($ % /1,&)2+3+('(4%' !!$ & 3*')% !(! % 4%)(4%%+## $) !( /1,&)2+3+('(4%' !&* 8 ! & ( -,#&+( !#( !% 5(+-" "& ( -,#&+( !"' " -)(,## !!) " -)(,## !&# !! 6(,00#*2.")#)% !($ ' -,#&+( ( %,#3+(-)& ) %,#3+(-)& !&( !* /1,#+2%+&,"(% )' ' *7% $# ) %,#3+(-)& !() ' *7% !'' !& %,-%"& %' McConnell ! !"#$%& !"# " '()*+ !$! ! '()*+ # $!,-"# # $!,-"# !%$ $ ."&$ !"& ! ' % /$.,- !($ & 01)%% )$ ' /$-"%) % /$.,- ' 2,'*+,)(,- !&% ( /$-"%) !"' Rosenblum Seating Rights !"#$%&$'()*#+, - - ., / !" !" !"#$%&$'()*#+, 0 1 ., 2 "!"! !"#$%&$'()*#+, 3 3 ., 4 "!"! !"#$%&$'()*#+, 1 0 ., 5 "!"! 4 September 21st - October 6th 2018 15th WORLD BRIDGE SERIES McConnell QF S 1-4 The red-headed stepchildren Barry Rigal To mix my metaphors more than somewhat, if a BBO Diyan Danailov of the Schwartz team, and Michael Bell of match takes place in the forest when there is nobody team Lilienstein were the only two declarers to make this there, would anyone see it? Followers of this tournament play. Note that if clubs are 4-1 and the spade ace is with from a distance may be unaware that the women’s teams North, as you might expect, South may only be ruffing a have reached the quarter-finals, since the first 64 deals loser and jeopardizing his side’s trump tricks. were not shown on BBO. It therefore fell to your scribe to In the second set Aperol and Koda generated a large prove that the event was being played by watching at the number of IMPs, but I thought this swing was the one that table and reporting back. came from the best defense. Here are some of the more interesting deals from the Set 2. Board 21. Dealer North. N/S Vul. first day. [ K 8 6 5 Set 1. Board 7. Dealer South. All Vul. ] 10 2 [ J 9 5 3 { K J 9 4 ] Q 8 7 2 } 10 5 4 {7 [ A 4 2 N [ Q J 10 7 } J 10 9 3 ]J ]A Q 9 8 6 3 W E [ Q 10 8 4 2 N [K { A Q 10 5 3 {– ] A 3 ] K 10 9 6 5 } A J 8 3 S } K 7 6 { Q J W E { A 9 3 [ 9 3 } A Q 8 2 S } K 7 5 4 ] K 7 5 4 [ A 7 6 { 8 7 6 2 ] J 4 } Q 9 2 { K 10 8 6 5 4 2 West North East South }6 Ponomareva C.
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