DOCUMENT RSSUME ED 219 60 CE 033 501 AUTHOR McClain, Gerald R. TITLX . Mechanical Draft,ing. INSTITUTION Mid-America Vocational CurriculumConsortium, Stillwater, Okla. PUB DATE 82 NOTE' 787p.; For related documentssee CE.033 510,511. AVAILABLE FROMMid-America Vocational CurriculumConsortium, '1515 West Sixth Avenue, StillwAter, OK'74074. .EDRS PRICE, MF05 Plus Postage. PC Not AVailable from EbRS. DESCRIPTORS Behavioral Objectives; CompetencyBased Education; Criterion Referenced Tests; *Drafting;*Engineering Drawing; Equipment; Hand Tgols; *LearningActivitiesi, *Occupational Information;rPostsecondaryEducation; Technical Occupations; Transparenciesl.*Units Of Study; Vocational Education ABS'TRACT This publication, the third ina geries on draltIng, is intended to strengthen students'competence in the specialized field of mechanical drafting. Thetext consists of instructional materials for both teacher andstudents, written in terms of student performance using measurable objectives.The course iRcludes 11 units..Each instructional unit containssome or all of the basic. components 0 a unit of instruction: performanceobjectives, suggested aptivities_for teachersand students, information sheets', assignment/sheets, job sheets, transpaiencymisters, tests, and- answers to the tests. Units are liberally illustratedand are planned for more than one lessonor class period of instruction. Information for the teacher includesan instructional/task analysis of mechanical drafting, a list of tools, material,and equipment needed, anda reference list. Topics covered in the11 units are the following: orientation; tools and equipment;reference materials; layouts and' working drawings; dimensioning and tolerinCing;fasteners and- hardware; presentation drawings; materialsAnd specifications; manufacturing processes; sheet metal developments; and power , transmission. (KC) . - $ ****-*********'***********************************************************' Reproductions supplied by EDRS'are the best that can be made * * , ,from the original document. * **********/*****.*********4********************************************** MECHANICAL DRAFTING - by Gerald R. McClain Developed by the Midmerica Vocational Curriculum ConsortiUm,,Inc. k Board of Directors Merle Rudebusch, Nebraska, Chairthan David Poston, Louisiana, Vice Chairman Amon Herd, Missouri, Parliamentarian James Dasher, 'Arkansas Bill Barnes, Colorado Les Abel, Kansas U.S. DEPANTMENT OF EDUCATION Pat Lindley, Texas , NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION Dan Elwood, South Dakota / "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS EDUCATtONAI, F4SOORCES INFORMATION MATERIAL IN MICROFICHE ONLY CENTER EF1t.C1 Bob Pattori, Oklahoma \ITN!,docurtwm l'sim Amon reproducad HAS BEEN GRANTED BY Alan Morgan, New Mexico, recover/ horn flu penon or ortisoiniton Or/roaring 1 Larry Barnhardt, North. Dak ta plmor chanCro hay., been mad. to 'morrw . Ann Benson, Executive Dir Or roprrxiorton quakily Piwtt of wow nr opm.nt titled n IN% ACK., TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES rnent do ;t norevcArdy reoromnt oFF.cI Nil novton OS pf;bCy INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)" EE-0001111 2 7 COPYRIGHT 1982 Mid-America Vocational Curriculum COnsortium, Inc. lk / .. Printed by Oklahoma State Department of Vocational and Technical Education Stillwater, Oklahoma 74074 cp f a. 0 - , : ( 3 I , to ., 4 18) TABLE OF CONTENTS Unit I Orientation 1 Unit II Tools and Equiprnent 43 Unit III Reference Materials 139 Unit IV Layouts and Working Drawings 163 Unit V Dimensioning and Tolerancing 221. Unit VI Fasteners and Hardware 367 Unit VII Presentation Drawings 511_ . Unit VIII Materials and Specifications 579 . Unit IX Manufacturing Processes - 619 , ,..Z , . t---- I'-' '. Unit X Sheet Metal Developments ' : r.... ;pi 1 r. .. ., . Unit XI Power Transmission , ,..c...851. .. - . z( . .i...---*;.- i: ''.- , 0 . c , i .4.. ......... ., , . , ' 4 . 4 4 i FOREWORD , r Mechanical Drafting is`the third volume ofa series of drafting materials being produced by the Mid-America Vocatiohal CurriculumConsortium. Basic Drafting: Book One and Basic Drafting: Book Two comprise the basicsnecessary to be employed in a drafting occupation. This book, Mechanical Drafting, is designedto be used .as a supplement ,to them so that the student can specialize. The.suctess af this pub.lication is due, in large.part,tothe capabilities of the personnel bvho wor.keti with its developmeneThe technicalwriter has numerous years of industry'as well as teaching arid writing experience. Assisting , him, in his efforts were committeerepre- -ientatives who brought with them technicalexpertise and ex'perience related to the class- room and to the trade. To assure that the materials would parallelthe industni environment and to be accepted as a transportable bisic teachingtpol, other'organizations and industr.y representatiVes were involvethin the develapmentalphases of the manual. Appreciation is extended to triem for their valuable contributionsto the manual., : _f ,. , , .. Instructional materials in.this publizatiohare rritten in terms Of studerverformanee using measurable objectives. Thti is aninnovatilie approach to teaching that kcents'and ' augments the teaching/learning ,. '- . process. Crite.rion referenced evaluation instryments_ are- f, provided for uniform- measurement of studerftprogress. In addition- to .eyarualin4 recat.1 kiformation," teachers are encouraged toevaluate the oter areas including p.rdcess and I product as indiCatedat ihe efid.of each instiuctionaltwit. .. ' . ... ..., , . ,-,-. .. .., t , . .. : It js the sincere belt& of the, MAVCC peronnel Okiall thosetrnimbers who served . on the parrrfnittee_ that this publicatiewittzlIcw the stvdentsto become better prepared ;and .nipre effectrve members .'of ithe work °forge.If .there.- is anything that we can doto help this publication becoine rriare usefuJ .. to ypU, dleese let i.4,know.`. - ' ,;-4r... 4 . c I a* 5 - % - : 5if , 5. S fr ti - .6 _ Merle'Rudebilsctij,Chairman,,, , .....0 .. : . l - . % j . Boara of Picectors . .. ''' Mid-America Vocational", 4. ._ -..' .: , Curriculum, ConSortur -- --,. ,r C. 1. 5 5 t . 0. G 4 PREFACE -For many years those responsible for teaching drafting have felt a .rieed for better quality materials to iise in this area. To address.this need,MAVCC has Previously-published two te3(ts, BasicDrafting, Book One and Basic Draffthg; Book Two. During the development ,of these basic materials, an even greater need was established, that being supplemental materials to help the students specialize in various arkas of draftins. The team .of teachers,. industry representatives, teacher educators, and statedevel (supervisors who bad produced the -original materials accepted this challenge and have now coMpleted the firs1 of the suppl ts. Mechanical Urafting is designed to be used in addition to tile the first two s, and is developed to strengthen a student's combetence in the.speciali7ed field of mectranical drafting. This field is sometimes-referred tiaa machine draiting:bufbecause 'it involves.the drafting of all meclianical devices, not only cnachines,.we gpecided to entitle otO text Mechanical Drafting. r 5 5 lib Th.as publication is ciesigndditO 'assist teachegs iii rrn.proiiing instruction. As this arobli- cation is us.edit is 'hoped t'l-raf the studenf performance:will improte so the'suldents wilrbe ketter ilsle to assurrieyrdie in their chosen occupation. -Every effcirt has.be'eli rnada"to Make, this publication. basic7Teaclable(and by alllvearls, usable..Ttrei vital tartV,of Thstroction havt been tritentionálly`bmitted: motiva/ion, betsonalizatjpn, )ruj localizatiOh. These,areis , -0 are left to the indiyicluat instructors.'whO shOuld`capjfatize tin the/n*. Only' palication wally become a vital pari of the ieaehirl-learn4ig prosessp. ... - , ,, ,.. , .. I t. 9. -.. In 'additiOn, We yvpuld arrArecike yourelp.,4Ne:check foricontept qi.fali-ty-, spelling, sz 'and. Itypovkiphical-prrors many times in the ., deifeldprnent of a manupt. It is atill posSibje,, however, for ari error triOlow Up. rn a..publiOtion. 1 . 5 , We4afe' tryiri9 -to provide yol.r.with Pit best pOssible durricul4n. materials and wiJI certainly, appreciate ydur help in detecting 'area's Wherer,posciVe. corrections are, needed . ., . tomIptairilhequalityyou Ovant abldeserve. ...:* .. 11- n n B-enson Executive Director .. Mid-America yocational Curriculum Consortium, Inc. vii ; 6- ACKNOWLEDGENOTS . I . AppreCiation is extended to. those individuals who contributed their time andtalenti in the development Of-Mechanical Dr'afting. OL . t Thet6ntents of ihis publication were planned And reviewed by: sis. s . r -.- ... MIclAmerka Vcicatiooal Curriculum Consortium Committee - . Bruceyancey Hunter, Okfghama ". WM. Parkisop Watcbitoohei, Louisiana Ronaldb. Davis "-. Wayne, Oklahoma - - Karen Scheitz -, Boulder, COlprado 1 s' . -- Rick,Roman . Austin, Texas.` .. i.: *t . - eraidR.,,ktIceilaiir- -,-. ' 'Stelwater, 4lahoma .--.- , -* "" SantaTe, New Mexico. rollton Moore sx.uomph:ossoyri . 4. Keitii Lockacci - LincoTh,Nebraska ;*- ,Jamei Brown, Pine-140f, Alcdrys'as " .." Thomas M Palmer Devi.41se, Mirth Dakota . ries Etarbohnep, Watertown,-South Dakota ., Payne Westminister:, Colorado Joe Porik . -Pittsburg, Kansas - , - 7"' Special, appi-eciaijon is extended to, lick ,Hefner and BillHill of tht Oklahoma State Oepartment staff, representin§ state level supervision, and to Tom Sutlierlin, teacher educe: tor.st Ccineron U4iversity, fortheirlectmical assistance with the text. : Gratitude is expressed to Jenny -Fowler, Beth Renwick, Penny Dodson, Crissie
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