TEACHER'GUIDE Building(&(Designing BATTERIES( Learning(About(ELECTROCHEMISTRY Building(STEM(Skills TEACHER'GUIDE Learning'About(((( ELECTROCHEMISTRY TABLE(OF(CONTENTS BEGINNING ... SECTION 1 Materials SECTION 2 STEM / Next-GEN SS Correlation Information SECTION 3 Experimental Design Considerations SECTION 4 Getting Ready ... ACTIVITY 1 Building a Pile Battery (Voltaic Cells) SECTION 1 What You Need ... SECTION 2 Pre-Lab Preparation SECTION 3 Think About It ... SECTION 4 What To Do ... and Data Analysis SECTION 5 Independent Investigation Inquiry ACTIVITY 2 Constructing a LED Light Battery SECTION 1 What You Need ... SECTION 2 Pre-Lab Preparation SECTION 3 Think About It ... SECTION 4 What To Do ... and Data Analysis SECTION 5 Independent Investigation Inquiry ACTIVITY 3 Building Earth & Microbe Batteries SECTION 1 What You Need ... SECTION 2 Pre-Lab Preparation SECTION 3 Overview SECTION 4 Think About It SECTION 5 What To Do ... and Data Analysis GOING FURTHER INVESTIGATIONS SECTION 1 ACTIVITY 4 Working with Earth Batteries SECTION 2 ACTIVITY 5 A Closer looks at Galvanic Corrosion SECTION 3 ACTIVITY 6 Working with Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs) REFERENCES SECTION 1 KIT MATERIALS Beginning ... Quantity Description 3 Red LED (1.7V; 20mA) ACTIVITY 1, (MODEL) 5 Blue LED (3.2V; 20mA) ACTIVITIES 1, 2 (MODEL; INQUIRY) 5 White LED (3.5V; 20mA) ACTIVITIES 1, 2 (MODEL; INQUIRY) Materials 1 Roll, electrical tape ACTIVITY 1 (MODEL / INQUIRY); ACTIVITY 3 (MODEL) 1 Roll, copper foil tape (150cm; 60in) ACTIVITY 1 (INQUIRY) 1 Roll, insulated wire (stranded, 20 gauge) ACTIVITIES 1, 3 (MODEL; INQUIRY) 200 Washers, flat, 18mm (galvanized) ACTIVITY 1 (MODEL / INQUIRY) 110 Ni planchets, flat, 25mm ACTIVITY 2 (MODEL / INQUIRY) 110 Zn planchets, flat, 25mm ACTIVITY 2 (MODEL / INQUIRY) 10 Wire, 14 gage stranded (8-inch length) ACTIVITY 2 (INQUIRY) 1 Multimeter ACTIVITY 1, 2, 3 (MODEL / INQUIRY) 1 Pair, wire strippers ACTIVITY 1 (MODEL / INQUIRY); ACTIVITY 3 (MODEL) 10 Cups, plastic (4oz) ACTIVITIES 1 , 2 (MODEL / INQUIRY) MATERIALS 10 Cups, styrofoam ACTIVITY 3 (MODEL) 10 Lids, styrofoam ACTIVITY 3 (MODEL) 1 Vial, pH strips ACTIVITIES 1, 2 (MODEL / INQUIRY) 1. Kit Materials 10 Ruler, 6-inch (metric) ACTIVITY 1 (MODEL / INQUIRY); ACTIVITY 3 (MODEL) 1 Rod, Aluminum (Al) ACTIVITY 3 (MODEL) 2. Local Materials 1 Rod, Copper (Cu) ACTIVITY 3 (MODEL) 10 Resistors, 1,000 Ω ACTIVITY 3 (MODEL) 1 Bag, play sand ACTIVITY 3 (MODEL) 10 Zip-closure bags (small) ACTIVITY 1 (INQUIRY) 20 Alligator clips ACTIVITY 1 (MODEL / INQUIRY); ACTIVITY 3 (MODEL) 20 Wing nuts, galvanized ACTIVITY 3 (MODEL) 60 Aluminum mesh screen squares ACTIVITY 3 (MODEL) 100 Water color paper discs (20 mm) ACTIVITIES 1 (MODEL / INQUIRY) 100 Water color paper discs (25 mm) ACTIVITIES 2 (MODEL / INQUIRY) 2 KIT%MATERIALS%(CONT) LOCAL%MATERIALS DVD-ROM Learning About Batteries & Electrochemistry Quantity Description ACTIVITY 1 Building a Pile Battery (Voltaic Cells) (MODEL / INQUIRY) 1 Bottle, lemon juice ACTIVITIES 1, 2 (MODEL; INQUIRY) ACTIVITY 2 Building a LED Light Battery (MODEL / INQUIRY) 1 Bottle, vinegar ACTIVITY 1 (INQUIRY) ACTIVITY 3 Building Earth & Microbe Batteries (MODEL / INQUIRY) 1 Potato ACTIVITY 1 (INQUIRY) GOING FURTHER 1 Pkg., table salt ACTIVITY 1 (INQUIRY) ACTIVITY 4 Working with Earth Batteries 1 Pkg., baking soda ACTIVITIES 1, 2 (INQUIRY) ACTIVITY 5 A Closer Look at Galvanic Corrosion 1 Tube, toothpaste ACTIVITIES 1, 2 (INQUIRY) ((ACTIVITY 6 (Working(with(Microbial(Fuel(Cells((MFCs) 1 Bottle, milk of magnesia ACTIVITIES 1, 2 (INQUIRY) 1 Bottle, TIDE detergent ACTIVITY 2 (INQUIRY) Teacher Guide PDF 1 Roll, aluminum foil (heavy duty) ACTIVITY 1 (INQUIRY) Student Guide PDF 10 Zip-closure bags (small) ACTIVITY 1 (INQUIRY) Glossary: Batteries PDF 1 Beaker, 500mL ACTIVITY 1 (MODEL / INQUIRY) Background Information: 1 Potato ACTIVITY 1 (INQUIRY) Learning About Batteries & Electrochemistry PDF 10 Pairs, scissors ACTIVITY 1 (MODEL; INQUIRY) PowerPoints: 1 Bottle, dishwashing detergent ACTIVITIES 1, 2 (MODEL; INQUIRY) Electrochemistry and Batteries PDF, PPT and video ACTIVITIES 1, 2, 3 200 Pennies ACTIVITY 1 (MODEL (100); INQUIRY) Measuring Electrical Quantities PDF, PPT and video, ACTIVITIES 1, 2, 3 50 Nickels ACTIVITY 1 (INQUIRY) Videos: 1 D cell ACTIVITY 1 (MODEL) DATA TABLE Setup in Excel (Data Table 2; ACTIVITY 1) MP4 10 Pencils (MODEL; INQUIRY); ACTIVITY 3 (MODEL) CONSTRUCTING A QURTER BATTERY ACTIVITY 2 MP4 10 Permanent markers ACTIVITY 1 (MODEL; INQUIRY); ACTIVITY 3 (MODEL) CHARTING DATA Setup in Excel (ACTIVITY 3, Data Table 2) MP4 1 Balance (readability to 0.1g) ACTIVITIES 1, 2 (MODEL; INQUIRY) NRL BENTHIC FUEL CELLS ACTIVITY 3 MP4 1 Roll, paper towels (or absorbent cloth) ACTIVITY 1 (MODEL; INQUIRY) 1 Awl ACTIVITY 3 (MODEL) Additional Content (folder): 1 Bucket, 5 gallon (with lid) ACTIVITY 6 (MODEL) Spreadsheets: ACTIVITY 3 (MODEL) ACTIVITY 1; Data Table 2 MODEL 1 Tablespoon ACTIVITY 1; Data Table 1 INQUIRY 1 Pliers, needle-nose ACTIVITY 2 (MODEL / INQUIRY) ACTIVITY 2; Data Table MODEL 1 Shovel (or spade) for field collection ACTIVITY 3 (MODEL) ACTIVITY 2; Data Table INQUIRY 1 Pair, boots (appropriate for wet conditions) for field collection ACTIVITY 3; Data Table 2 MODEL ACTIVITY 3 (MODEL) Worksheets: Building a Quarter Battery with LED Lamp PDF ACTIVITY 2 Galvanic Corrosion PDF ACTIVITY 5 Access to a computer, tablet, or iPad * Electrode Potentials ACTIVITIES 1, 2, 3 * Useful but not absolutely necessary Grid ACTIVITY 3 3 SECTION'2 CONCEPT%PRINCIPLES%/%KNOWLEDGE STEM(CorrelaAon((((((((((((((((((( • Using a multimeter? • Measuring: volts, milliamps; validate using Ohm’s Law • Calculating: electrical resistance, electrode potentials InformaAon • Evaluating battery performance Click,HERE,to"review"a"correla4on"of"this"kit"with"the" • SI Units (measurement units) Next"Genera4on"Science"Standards. • Unit conversion • Assembling electrical circuits SKILL%/%CONCEPT • Designing to specifications •"Experimental"/"Engineering"Design" • Constructing battery types • Inves4ga4ng • Electrochemistry Principles: REDOX reaction, electrode potentials • Energy"&"Ma8er • Galvanic Corrosion •"Scien4fic"Method •"Measuring • Data"Analysis • Spreadsheet"Prepara4on •"Communica4on • Technology • Developing"&"Using"Models Voltaic pile, 1805 4 COMMON%CORE%STANDARDS FRAMEWORK%for%K712%SCIENCE%EDUCATION Matter & Energy In Organisms and Ecosystems ACTIVITY 3 SCIENCE & ENGINEERING PRACTICES MS-LS1-7 Develop a model to describe how food is rearranged through Planning & Carrying Out Investigations chemical reactions forming new molecules that support growth and/or re- Plan and conduct an investigation individually and collaboratively to pro- lease energy as this matter moves through an organism. duce data to serve as the basis for evidence, and in the design: decide on types, how much, and accuracy of data needed to produce reliable meas- Chemical Reactions ACTIVITIES 1, 2, 3 GOING FUTHER ACTIVITIES urements and consider limitations on the precision of the data (e.g., num- MS-PS1-2 Analyze and interpret data on the properties of substances before ber of trials, cost, risk, time), and refine the design accordingly. (HS-PS2-5) and after the substances interact to determine if a chemical reaction has oc- curred. Analyzing & Interpreting Data MS-PS1-5 Develop and use a model to describe how the total number of at- • Analyze and interpret data to determine similarities and differences in find- oms does not change in a chemical reaction and thus mass is conserved. ings. (MS-PS1-2) MS-PS1-6 Undertake a design project to construct, test, and modify a device that either releases or absorbs thermal energy by chemical processes. • Analyze data using tools, technologies, and/or models (e.g., computa- HS-PS2-1 Analyze data to support the claim that Newton’s second law of mo- tional, mathematical) in order to make valid and reliable scientific claims or tion describes the mathematical relationship among the net force on a mac- determine an optimal design solution. (HS-PS2-1) roscopic object, its mass, and its acceleration. HS-PS1-2 Construct and revise an explanation for the outcome of a simple Developing and Using Models chemical reaction based on the outermost electron states of atoms, trends • Develop a model based on evidence to illustrate the relationships be- in the periodic table, and knowledge of the patterns of chemical properties. tween systems or between components of a system. (HS-PS1-4) HS-PS1-5 Apply scientific principles and evidence to provide an explanation about the effects of changing the temperature or concentration of the react- Scientific Knowledge is Based on Empirical Evidence ing particles on the rate at which a reaction occurs. • Science knowledge is based upon logical and conceptual connections be- HS-PS2-4 Use mathematical representations of Newton’s Law of Gravitation tween evidence and explanations. (MS-PS1-2) and Coulomb’s Law to describe and predict the gravitational and electro- static forces between objects. Science Models, Laws, Mechanisms, and Theories Explain Natural HS-PS1-7 Use mathematical representations to support the claim that atoms, Phenomena and therefore mass, are conserved during a chemical reaction. • Laws are regularities or mathematical descriptions of natural phenomena. (MS-PS1-5) Forces & Interactions ACTIVITIES 1, 2, 3 GOING FUTHER ACTIVITIES HS-PS2-5 Plan and conduct an investigation to provide evidence that an elec- Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions tric current can produce a magnetic field and that a changing magnetic • Undertake a design project,
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