anfi Bu0mti y tmmmmmnmm V#t^ LIBSIAJ^ <3 CHI L AS O. THE NEWBERRY LIBRARY Gift of The John Crerar Library 1953 K"H;ff-j V:B.tR^- Colortti $wpk'0 Mm " Boo'k and Bu0im00 Bimtor^ of Cl)tcaso, 311. 1905. Celerity printing Co. 4926 state St. D. A. BETHEA, Gom^piler of the. Blut^. Book Xl:!3"D BUSINESS BIRECTOR'Y. J^tefate. 'ISI compiling this work it has not been 'the a to ape oth^r Blu-e Books which may be in existence, but to give a comprehensive view of the achievements of the colored people in Chi- cago. Therefore more stress has been given to the business side rather than social. We have tried to make it a handy book of refer- ence. The Church, Club, and Society Directory may not be complete in every -case but we think ft is for the most part correct, except where there Ihave been recent changes. The Classified Business Directory is not as com- plete as we should have liked, but we ask our patrons to send in their names and any changes or corrections which they may desire and vve will get them in the next edition. The regular editions will be issued once a year. The next one will be considerably enlarged and will not be confined to business alone. Wc wish to express many thanks to the many who have rendered us service in bringing forth this first edition. Hoping that the public will be pleased with the work. We remain sincerely yours, D. A. Bethea, Compiler. \0 . COLORED PEOPLE'S BLUE BOOK Cable of Content^/ FrontispiecCy . - - - 2 Preface., - - - - 3 - - - Index, - •/ - - aA.M.C. - - 8 Churches., - - - - g-5(> Secret Societies, - - - 57 - ^o Secular- Societies, - - - ^^ Concert Companies, - - -82 Political Clubs, - - -86 - Social Clubs, - - -86- 8ij Women's Clubs, - - ~ 93 Neiuspapers, - - - 105- los Classified Business /directory, - log - 140 AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Hugh Buchanan, Clerk in N. Y. Life Luildir.; , COLORED PEOPLE'S BLUE BOOK TY)e Provident MEDICAL AID & BURIAL ASSOCIATION OF CHICAGO, 2935 STATE ST, ^ #2o.OO #3.00 TO TO #0 00 #SOO.OO Per weeK FUNERAL BENEFIT Sick Benefits $0.00 Medical Per week fittendance AccideQt purQished Beoefit M. W. RANKIN, PRESIDENT. MEDICAL STAFF. Dr, James R. White, 3558 State St., Medical Dikectok. Dr. L. W Lewis, 4711 State St. Dr. A Wi\berforce Williams, Dr. A. F. Perry, 33.53 State St. N. W. Cor State & a9th Sts. Dr. Henrv C. Cress, 3111 State St. Dr. W. E. Mackey, 3160 State t) Dr. D. E. Burrows. 3346 State St. Dr. Merwyn R. Bibb, 3900 State Dr G. W. Lacey, 3671 State St. Dr. L. M. Fenwick, G336 Halsted Dr. E. C. Greenebaum, 3.505 Indiana Ave. COLORED PEOPLE'S BLUE BOOK Members of Chicago Amateur Musical Club. Sylvester Roberts Percy Turner AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY, 'Upon this rock I will build my church/' ' Matt. 16;18. COLORED PEOPLE'S BLUE BOOK DR. ^W, H. BRITT GRADUATE OPTICAL COLLEGE 'ACKSON. MICH. DEGREEOFO. D. He has a large practice, handles all cases of eyestrains and errors of refraction scientifically. Specialty of fitting Spectacles and Eye glasses. If in trouble with your eyes drop the Doctor a card and he will examine your eyes at your home or his office, 5118 LASALLE ST D. Bish)op **** BARBER *»** PHDNE DOUGLAS 8989 OX Ei. 3^t:.}l St. PRESTON L. MOREHEAD 50 pec;; COURT CHICAGO pRRfsinRVTOF THE MOKEHEAI) ElVTIiIRF'RISE CO. MpR. AVn .lOBHER OF' MERCHAVniSE AXD FURVnMTRK Complexion Specialties Hair Orower axd DA^nRUFK Killer AND BUSINESS DIRECTOBY. DIRECTORY OF Ghurch)es- 13^ COLORED PEOPLES BLUE BOOIC REV. D. P. ROBERTS, M. D.. Pastor of Qiiinn C lapel. MISS BLANDENIA ALBRIGHT ^ public Stenograpber an5 tr^pewriter ^ 3I1I0 STATK STHKF.r has an Employment Bureau zuhich is not to be excelled anyzvhere for its good positions . If you are out of -work and desire a go.id position, call at this address, yon zuillfind accommodation. GOOD POSITIONS AND GOOD HELP ALWAYS ON HAND. AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Oflioial lioster of* QIIIP GHUPEL II. m. E. I!HU«I!|I. Rev. D. P. Roberts, M. D.. Pastor. J. J, Ingram, Clerk. .Trustee Board. Stewardesses Board No. Geo. W. Johnson Pres. B. A. Townsend, Pres. D. E Tyler, Treas. Addle Tyler, Treas. Robert Stokes, Sec'y. Eliza Wilkins, Sec'y Steward Board. Board No. 2. Noah Thomas, Pres. Mrs. L. L. Easton. Pres. J. W. Kersey, Treas. Rosa Grilley, Treas. A. Easton, Sec'y. J. Fannie Russel, Sec'y. Deaconesses Board. Board No. 3 Angeline Lee, Pres. Lucy Miller, Pres. Eliza Haddox, Treas. Ella \nderson, Treas. Martha L,ivingstone, Sec'y. Tilla Davis, Sec'y. Sunday School. Allen Endeavor League. Robert McCoomer, Supt. H. C. Cress, M. D., Ass't Sapt. W. E. DeLacy, Pres. Robert Lacy, Treas. E. P. Marshall, Treas. Maud Williams, Sec'y Mary Mosby, Sec'y. Choir. E. H. Robinson, Pres. James Craig, Treas. Rebecca Williams, Sec'y Maude Williams. Chorister Lizzie Williams, Organist A. C. Diggs W. S. Smith GEORGE W. MARTHRAL TEL. .GREEN 2359 Diggs & Smith laundryman RESTAURANT & LUNCH ROOM PHONE DOUGLAS I809 Extra Fne Home Cooking. 3325 STATE ST. CHICAGO 3636 So. State St. CHCAIGO LAUNDRY CALLLED FOR AND DELIVERED COLORED PEOPLE'S BLUE BOOK ^ AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Bctbel H. /ID. IB, Cburcb. COLORED PEOPLES BLUE BOOK REV. A J. CAREY, A M , D D., Pastor Bethel Church. fl. T. BATES PHONE NOn «»dg*ai*s and. Tobaceoesfe 6247 WENTWORTH AVENUE, CHICAGO Afro-American Cigar Co. Clothes Cleaned and Pressed. AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Official Roster of Bethel A. M. E. Church, "Stranger's Hor^e" COR, THIRTIETH AND DEARBORN STS- Rev. a. J. Carey, D. D. Pastor. Preaching 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Sabbath Services: Sabbath School 2 P. M. Y. P. S. a E. 6 P. M. Monday Oftirial Board. Tue>day - 1, and E Club. Midweek Services: Wednesday - Prayer Meeting Thur-day - Sunday School B lard. Friday - Class Meeting. Saturday - Choir Rehearsals. Deaconesses meet each Wednesday at 7:30. P. M. Stewardesses Board No. I Monday at 2 P. M. No. 2 Wednesday at 7:30 P. M. Ti ustees - First and third Tuesdays at 8 P. M- Pastok's Cabinet. Stewards. Trustees R. E. Moore G. W. Preston J. H. Washington M. L Benson W. M. Jones Adam Horn J. W- Kersey - S. W Trice J L Dawson C. R. Johnson Noah Johnson W. F Jiles J. W Lay C F. Gardner J. H Barris A. M Edwards J H. Harris A. H. Young Class Leaders. A. A. Fletcher, J. G. Raymore, John Williams, Jesse Bishop, 1. Scott J. Woodard, F. Williams, Wm. Harley, L. R. Evans, H. H. Young, J. B. Winfrey, J. T. Mahoney, A. M. Edwards, A. Jackson, J. A. Transue, M. B Myers, C. F. Jones. Deaconesses. Mesdames R. E M;pore, Alberta Riley, Polly Walls, Malinda Wood- son, Mary Robinson, Hattie Harper, Nellie Lay, Mamie Clinton. Ella Saunders, Luella Williams, Eva Raymore, Matilda Brooks. Y. P. S. C. E. — Miss Susie Newton, Pres. Sunday School — R. E. Moore, Supt. Mrs. E. Saunders, Ass't. Mrs. E. Cowles, Sec'y, Miss M. Lee, Treas., D. G. Smith, Chorister, Mrs. R. E. Moore, Matron. COLORED PEOPLES BLUE BOOKT MRS. Ml. BURROUGHS Cigars and Tobacco, Notions Ice Cream Delivered for ofail kinds. goc. per Gallon CONFECTIONERY AND fCE CREAM PARLOR PHOWE OGDEN 2440 920 W.LAKE ST. Bet. Leavftt and Oakley. All work guaranteed Contract work a spe. ialty >v. ^ i^ o >v :n PAINTING AND DECO RAT I NG BOUSE, SIGN AND FRESCO PAINTING. CAT.CIMINXNG. GRAINING AND INTERIOR DECORATING. ..O..... SOOTH ..3.S.*X.ST««X ^^^^^^^ ^^^ J. L. PARKS 4»1B CUTTING > SPEC1»LTV GEO. W. KROWN ^—AND— Eixil>almer MANAGER BRANCH OFFICE 931 WEST LAKE STREET 781 W. LAKE ST. TEL. 427 WEST CHAS, ALEXANDER, Mgr «IVE xrs A TRIAl. TEUiPHOXE 002 MOXROK ROBERT E. TURXER'S iSIioe Sliining-I^arlor 422 W MADISON STREET CHICAGO -ALL SHINES 5 CENTS- AGENT FOR THE CIGARS AND LEADING COLORED MAGAZINES LAUNDRY OFFICE AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. BctheJ Roster concluded- STEWAJiDBS.S£S. Board - No. J. Board - No. H. Mrs. Leah Woodard Ivlrs. Elizabeth Hagar " Julia Lewis " Rebecca Bass " Jane Leftridge '• Blanche Poweli " Mary Davenport " Elizabeth Horn " Sarah Lough " Sarah Hart " EmmaMcDougall ^' Helena Trice '^ Emma McGowen " Emma Washington " Mollie Smith " Prancis Paul " Ida Tobin " - Jennie Harris BISHOP as COLEMAN -EXPRESSING AND MOYING- Ol Elast 35 til St. Cliicag^o TELEPHONE DOUGLAS 8989 Telephone Market 1189 S. A. McELWEE S. A- T. WATKINS, Lawyer Lawyer, FFicE Phone Res, Phone IARKET1027 Douglas 261 80 Dearborn Street 119-121 LaSalle St. ASSISTANT PROSECUTING ROOM 60 WILSON BUILDING ATTORNEY Chicago RESIDENCE 31S3 FOREST AVE. HALE G. PARKER GEO. T. ABBOTT Attorne}' at Law 81 CLARK ST. Attorney at Law TELEPHONE 1 19-121 LA SALLE ST. CENT. 2481 60 WILSON BLDG. CHICAGO RESIDENCE ST1 INGLESIOE AVE. COLORED PEOPLE-S BLUE BOOK WAYMAN CH \PEL 260 North Pranklyn St. MAIN 3780 STRICKLAND C. GOULD raONE a, f. ALBERTA CHRISTY PHILIP C. GOULD poor,, BILLIARDS, C^IOARS A?JD PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER TOBACCO ROOM ei 1465 STATE ST. CHICAGO 110LASAL.LEST. CHICAUO JOHN BROWN PROPRIETOR 400 BARBER SHOP -e^ BATHS 20 CTS,*©- Cigars and Tobacco ;85 Dearborn Street AVD Laundry Office CHICAtJO AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. WaymaQ Chapel A. M. E. Church). 280 N. FRANKLIN STREET Rev. J. C. Anderson, LL. B., Pastur. Stewards. Trdstees Adam Granberry Wm. Holliday R L. Weaver B H. Watts S. Harding W. D. Lillard G. W Miller Jesse Butler ' John Clark J. H Sullivan D. Gcodrum S. D. Hays C. R. Scott C. R. Scott Dr. T. H Wilson A Granberry J.
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