Ref. Ares(2018)6659871 - 26/12/2018 Grant Agreement Number: 731993 Project acronym: AUTOPILOT Project full title: AUTOmated driving Progressed by Internet Of Things D. 5.4 IoT Policy Framework for autonomous vehicles applications Due delivery date: 31/12/2018 Actual delivery date: 26/12/2018 Organization name of lead participant for this deliverable: SINTEF Project co-funded by the European Commission within Horizon 2020 and managed by the European GNSS Agency (GSA) Dissemination level PU Public X PP Restricted to other programme participants (including the GSA) RE Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the GSA) CO Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the GSA) Project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme (2014 – 2020) Document Control Sheet Deliverable number: D5.4 Deliverable responsible: SINTEF Work package: 5 Editor: Ovidiu Vermesan Author(s) – in alphabetical order Name Organisation E-mail Ovidiu Vermesan SINTEF [email protected] Roy Bahr SINTEF [email protected] Antoine Lapeyre CONTI [email protected] Jean-Francois Simeon CONTI [email protected] Daniele Brevi ISMB [email protected] Ilaria Bosi ISMB [email protected] Carlotta Firmani THA [email protected] Vincenzo Di Massa THA [email protected] Georgios Karagiannis HUA [email protected] Abbas Ahmad EGM [email protected] Marine Février EGM [email protected] Philippe Cousin EGM [email protected] Yvonne Barnard UNL [email protected] Haibo Chen UNL [email protected] Kaushali Dave UNL [email protected] Gillian Harrison UNL [email protected] Johan Scholliers VTT [email protected] Marcos Cabeza Irisarri CTAG [email protected] Louis Touko Tcheumadjeu DLR [email protected] Robert Kaul DLR [email protected] Document Revision History Version Date Modifications Introduced Modification Reason Modified by V0.01 29/03/2017 Template integration and initial version. SINTEF V0.02 23/05/2018 Document structure refined. SINTEF 2 V0.03 28/11/2018 Prefinal version ready. SINTEF, CONTI ISMB, THA, HUA, EGM, UNL, VTT, CTAG, DLR V0.04 11/12/2018 Pre-review and comments addressed. CNIT, TI, SINTEF V0.05 19/12/2018 Final review and comments addressed. VTT, AKKA, SINTEF V1.00 21/12/2018 Final version released. SINTEF Abstract This document presents a comprehensive autonomous vehicles and IoT policy framework including trust, security, privacy and stakeholders engagement that includes a set of principles that form the basis of making rules and guidelines, and give an overall direction to planning, development and deployment of technologies and solutions for autonomous vehicles, IoT and AI systems. The autonomous vehicles and IoT policy framework takes into consideration the specific requirements from the two fields, and the trust, security, privacy and data protection policies, the access to information policy, and the autonomous vehicles security and safety policies. The autonomous vehicle and IoT policy framework offers a starting point for understanding policy’s impact on autonomous vehicles applications integrated with IoT services and is intended to guide the stakeholders involved in such complex ecosystems in developing, implementing, and maintaining a coherent policy that addresses trust, security, privacy and engagement elements. The proposed policies are presented at high-level are technology neutral, and concern risks being a prerequisite for the implementation-specific information, which is part of the security standards, procedures and guidelines. Legal Disclaimer The information in this document is provided “as is”, and no guarantee or warranty is given that the information is fit for any particular purpose. The above referenced consortium members shall have no liability for damages of any kind including without limitation direct, special, indirect, or consequential damages that may result from the use of these materials subject to any liability which is mandatory due to applicable law. © 2017 by AUTOPILOT Consortium. 3 Abbreviations and Acronyms Acronym Definition ACEA European Automobile manufacturers Association ADAS Advanced driver assistance system ADS Automated Driving Systems AI Artificial Intelligence ANSI American National Standards Institute AOSSL Always On SSL API Application programming interface AR Augmented reality ASIL Automotive Safety Integrity Level AV Automated vehicle; Autonomous vehicle AVA Autonomous Vehicle for All BSM Basic Safety Message CA Co-operative awareness CAD Connected Automated Driving CAM Co-operative Awareness Message CARTS Committee for Autonomous Road Transport for Singapore CAV Connected and Autonomous vehicles CC Critical communication CCAV Centre for Connected and Automated Vehicles, (U.K.) ComS Communities services C-ITS Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems CoNa Co-operative navigation CP Certificate policy CSM Co-operative speed management C-V2X Cellular vehicle-to-everything, (communication) DCC Decentralized Congestion Control DDoS Distributed Denial of Service DENM Decentralised Environmental Notification Messages DGT Dirección General de Tráfico, (Spanish Traffic Authority) DL Down-link DLR German Aerospace Centre DLT Distributed Ledger Technology DoS Denial of Service DOT Department of Transportation, (U.S. DOT) DSRC Dedicated short range communication EC European Commission EC-GSM Enhanced coverage GSM ECU Electronic control unit; Engine control unit eMBB Enhanced Mobile Broadband ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute ENISA European Union Agency for Network and Information Security FHWA Federal Highway Administration, (U.S.) FMCSA Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, (U.S.) FMVSS Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard, (U.S.) FU The Freie Universität of Berlin 4 GA Grant Agreement GBA Generic Bootstrapping Architecture GDPR General Data Protection Regulation GNSS Global Navigation Satellite Systems GPS Global Positioning System GRRF UNECE Working Party on Brake and Running Gear. GRVA UNECE Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles GSM Global System for Mobile communications HAV Highly autonomous vehicles HMI Human Machine Interface HSPA High Speed Packet Access HSTS HTTP Strict Transport Security HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol IACS Industrial Automation Control System ICS Industrial Control System IEC International Electrotechnical Commission IIoT Industrial Internet of Things IMU Inertial measurement unit, (acceleration and rotation) IoT Internet of Things IoV internet of Vehicles ISO International Organisation for Standardisation IT Information technology ITS Intelligent transportation system IVIM Infrastructure to Vehicle Information Message LBS Location based services LCM Life cycle management LTE Long-Term Evolution, (communication standard) LTE-M LTE for Machine type communication M2M Machine-to-Machine, (communication) MaaS Mobility as a Service MAPEM MAP (topology) Extended Message MIIT Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, (China) mIoT Massive Internet of Things MISRA Motor Industry Software Reliability Association MIT Ministry of Infrastructure and Transportation, (Italy) ML Machine Learning MNO mobile network operator MOLIT Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, (South Korea) MOT Ministry of Transport, (China) MPS Ministry of Public Security, (China) NB-IoT Narrowband IoT NCSL National Conference of State Legislatures, (U.S.) NHTSA National Highway traffic Safety Association, (U.S.) NN Neural network NR Narrowband OBD Onboard diagnostic OBU Onboard unit OEM original equipment manufacturer OT Operational technology 5 PIA Privacy impact assessment PKI Private Key Infrastructure PO Project officer PS Pilot Site PSK Pre-Shared Key QoE Quality of Experience QoI Quality of Information QoS Quality of Service R&D Research and development RHW Road Hazard Warning RMB Renminbi, (official Chinese currency) RSU Road-side unit RTK Real-time kinematic (enhanced precision satellite navigation technique) SAE Society of Automotive Engineers SCMS Security Credentials Management System SLL Security Socket Layer SPATEM Signal Phase And Timing Extended Message StVG Straßenverkehrsgesetz, (Road Traffic Act in Germany) TCB Trusted Computing Base TC ITS Technical Committee Intelligent Transport Systems, (ETSI) TEN-T Trans-European Transport Network TLS Transport Layer Security, (LTE) Trafi The Finnish Transport Safety Agency UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications System UN United Nations UNECE United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UL Up-link URLLC Ultra-Reliable and Low Latency Communications Uu interface The radio/air interface between the mobile and the radio access network V2C Vehicle-to-Cloud, (communication) V2D Vehicle-to-Device, (communication) V2E Vehicle-to-Edge; Vehicle-to-Environment, (communication) V2G Vehicle-to-Grid, (communication) V2I Vehicle-to-Infrastructure, (communication) V2M Vehicle-to-Maintenance, (communication) V2N Vehicle-to-Network, (communication) V2O Vehicle-to-Owner, (communication) V2P Vehicle-to-Pedestrian, (communication) V2V Vehicle-to-Vehicle, (communication) V2X Vehicle-to-Everything, (communication) VR Virtual reality VRU Vulnerable road user VVLC Vehicular Visible Light Communication WP Work Package 6 Table of Contents Executive Summary .............................................................................................................................. 10 1. Introduction
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