Average Daily Traffic Volumes 2012 AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC Station Id Road Name Location Description Direction All Days Weekdays Weekends 70,000 73,500 65,700 Eastbound (349)* (190)* (101)* 20001 ANZAC BRIDGE Pyrmont - At Anzac Bridge 64,000 66,400 62,000 Westbound (349) (190) (101) 3,100 3,400 2,600 Eastbound (348) (198) (100) 05096 AWABA ROAD Toronto - West Of Cemetery 3,000 3,300 2,500 Westbound (347) (197) (100) 15,000 15,800 13,900 Northbound (355) (196) (103) 69205 BALMORAL STREET Blacktown - At Railway Bridge 14,000 14,700 12,900 Southbound (354) (196) (103) 21,900 23,200 19,700 Eastbound (305) (164) (88) 59025 BARRENJOEY ROAD Mona Vale - East Of Pittwater Road, MR164 21,200 22,300 19,200 Westbound (347) (194) (100) 16,100 17,300 14,400 Northbound (325) (192) (93) 74229 BEECROFT ROAD Between Cheltenham Road And The Boulevarde, Cheltenham 16,300 17,900 13,900 Southbound (282) (162) (81) 27,500 29,200 24,700 Eastbound (232) (139) (66) 74453 BEECROFT ROAD Epping - At Railway Overbridge,West Of Epping Road 28,500 29,800 26,700 Westbound (175) (105) (50) 10,400 11,500 8,600 Eastbound (358) (198) (103) 05205 BELFORD STREET Broadmeadow - West Of Samdon Street 10,700 11,900 8,700 Westbound (356) (197) (103) 12,100 13,700 9,200 Northbound (347) (190) (101) 04004 BENT STREET Grafton - At Clarence River Bridge 12,100 13,700 9,200 Southbound (347) (190) (101) 16,600 18,000 14,400 Northbound (180) (106) (53) 70150 BLACKTOWN ROAD Blacktown - South Of Lancelot Street 16,600 18,100 14,100 Southbound (355) (194) (103) 14,000 14,700 13,300 Northbound (361) (200) (103) 74228 BOUNDARY ROAD Between County Drive And Purcahse Road, Cherrybrook 15,100 16,000 13,900 Southbound (361) (200) (103) * Figures in parentheses indicate number of days counted. RMS - Average Daily Traffic Volumes Page 1 of 21 For more information contact: [email protected] 2012 AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC Station Id Road Name Location Description Direction All Days Weekdays Weekends 18,700 19,800 16,700 Westbound (358) (197) (103) 53208 BOUNDARY STREET Roseville - West Of Clermiston Avenue 18,100 19,600 15,600 Eastbound (358) (197) (103) 8,800 9,000 8,500 Northbound (341) (184) (99) 07002 BOWRAL ROAD Mittagong - 3.2Km North Crookwell Road, MR258 9,100 9,500 8,500 Southbound (347) (188) (101) 36,500 40,400 29,600 Eastbound (349) (190) (101) 50240 BRIENS ROAD Near Hayes Avenue, Northmead 35,400 38,600 29,500 Westbound (282) (149) (81) 8,700 9,300 7,600 Northbound (313) (164) (91) 05043 BRISBANE WATER DRIVE Woy Woy - At Woy Woy Creek Bridge 8,900 9,500 7,700 Southbound (313) (164) (91) 18,300 20,500 14,600 Northbound (166) (87) (47) 32012 BURNS BAY ROAD Hunters Hill - At Figtree Bridge 21,100 23,200 18,300 Southbound (171) (87) (51) 18,700 20,600 15,000 Northbound (313) (183) (86) 32029 BURNS BAY ROAD Just North Of View Street, Lane Cove 21,800 23,600 18,500 Southbound (317) (183) (89) 45,300 48,800 39,800 Northbound (349) (190) (101) 01003 CAHILL EXPRESSWAY Sydney - North Of Cahill Expressway, MR592 42,000 44,100 38,800 Southbound (348) (189) (101) 17,600 19,100 15,100 Northbound (332) (187) (93) 01011 CAHILL EXPRESSWAY Sydney - At Circular Quay 20,000 22,400 15,400 Southbound (337) (189) (95) 7,400 8,000 6,400 Northbound (347) (196) (100) 85016 CAMDEN VALLEY WAY Elderslie - North Of Macarthur Road 8,100 8,800 7,000 Southbound (353) (197) (102) 10,900 12,400 8,300 Northbound (343) (190) (101) 85019 CAMDEN VALLEY WAY Leppington - South Of Heath Road 10,600 11,900 8,400 Southbound (342) (187) (101) 22,200 24,300 18,300 Northbound (351) (203) (101) 83011 CAMPBELLTOWN ROAD Leumeah - South Of Plough Inn Road, RR7190 21,700 24,000 17,500 Southbound (351) (202) (101) * Figures in parentheses indicate number of days counted. RMS - Average Daily Traffic Volumes Page 2 of 21 For more information contact: [email protected] 2012 AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC Station Id Road Name Location Description Direction All Days Weekdays Weekends 19,300 20,500 17,400 Eastbound (358) (197) (103) 24014 CANTERBURY ROAD Wiley Park - East Of Canarys Road 18,000 18,500 17,600 Westbound (358) (197) (103) 21,300 22,400 20,100 Eastbound (343) (187) (99) 24213 CANTERBURY ROAD Canterbury Road,Canterbury Eastbound 21,300 22,600 19,600 Westbound (350) (192) (101) 25,500 28,400 20,100 Eastbound (340) (197) (98) 44026 CANTERBURY ROAD Revesby - East Of The River Road, SR2068 22,900 25,000 19,300 Westbound (341) (197) (98) 22,600 24,300 19,800 Northbound (154) (90) (45) 71082 CARLISLE AVENUE Mt Druitt - At Railway Overbridge 22,200 23,900 19,700 Southbound (152) (88) (45) 13,700 14,600 12,500 Westbound (364) (202) (104) 72028 CASTLE HILL ROAD Near Robert Road, West Pennant Hills 13,000 13,700 12,000 Eastbound (364) (202) (104) 7,500 8,200 6,100 Northbound (336) (194) (97) 05194 CESSNOCK ROAD Neath - North of Railway Crossing 7,500 8,300 6,100 Southbound (339) (194) (99) 15,300 16,900 12,600 Southbound (355) (197) (103) 50385 CHURCH STREET North Parramatta - South Of North Rocks Road 16,800 18,400 13,900 Northbound (355) (197) (103) 21,300 22,400 19,900 Northbound (345) (191) (99) 02015 CITY ROAD Darlington - South Cleveland Street, MR330 17,400 18,100 16,600 Southbound (355) (199) (101) 33,400 33,900 33,800 Westbound (328) (176) (94) 20075 CITY-WEST LINK Lilyfield - West Of The Crescent, MR650 35,700 36,900 35,400 Eastbound (283) (156) (80) 15,400 15,600 15,500 Eastbound (329) (176) (95) 03022 CLEVELAND STREET Moore Park - West Of Anzac Parade,MR171 11,700 12,000 11,500 Westbound (323) (182) (90) 47,500 50,000 43,400 Northbound (362) (202) (103) 29005 CONCORD ROAD Between Averill And Denham Streets, Rhodes 48,100 50,900 44,000 Southbound (362) (200) (104) * Figures in parentheses indicate number of days counted. RMS - Average Daily Traffic Volumes Page 3 of 21 For more information contact: [email protected] 2012 AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC Station Id Road Name Location Description Direction All Days Weekdays Weekends 21,200 23,000 18,400 Northbound (348) (190) (101) 34016 CONDAMINE STREET Manly Vale - At Manly Creek 20,500 22,300 17,600 Southbound (354) (196) (102) 8,200 8,800 7,200 Northbound (358) (198) (103) 07102 CORRIMAL STREET Wollongong - North Of Crown Street 7,100 7,700 6,200 Southbound (358) (198) (103) 4,500 4,100 5,200 Northbound (320) (180) (95) 07101 CROOKED RIVER ROAD Gerringong - 0.8Km South Of Gerringong Road 4,600 4,300 4,800 Southbound (313) (173) (94) 970 1,000 850 Northbound (322) (176) (94) 94390 CROOKWELL ROAD 9.6Km North Of Hume Highway,SH2 970 1,000 910 Southbound (316) (174) (92) 6,300 6,700 5,700 Northbound (338) (182) (99) 05213 CROUDACE BAY ROAD Belmont North - North Of Belmont Crescent 6,100 6,500 5,600 Southbound (337) (181) (99) 6,200 6,300 6,100 Northbound (356) (197) (102) 02393 CROWN STREET East Sydney - South Of William Street, MR173 4,400 4,600 4,100 Southbound (355) (196) (103) 9,600 10,300 8,000 Eastbound (355) (198) (100) 07089 CROWN STREET Wollongong - At Railway Overbridge 8,500 9,300 7,100 Westbound (348) (192) (99) 19,400 20,800 17,400 Southbound (308) (166) (91) 100001 CUMBERLAND HIGHWAY Cumberland Highway, Canley Vale 19,900 21,200 17,500 Northbound (303) (171) (88) 20,300 21,900 17,600 Northbound (358) (197) (103) 43246 DAVIES ROAD Padstow - North Of Alma Road, RR7128 21,000 23,000 17,700 Southbound (350) (191) (101) 15,800 17,500 12,600 Eastbound (340) (193) (99) 05323 DONALD STREET Hamilton - At Railway Overbridge 15,300 17,100 12,200 Westbound (339) (193) (99) 8,100 8,600 7,100 Northbound (226) (139) (66) 05302 DOYALSON MOTORWAY LINK Doyalson - South Of Pacific Highway,SH10 8,900 9,400 7,900 Southbound (226) (139) (66) * Figures in parentheses indicate number of days counted. RMS - Average Daily Traffic Volumes Page 4 of 21 For more information contact: [email protected] 2012 AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC Station Id Road Name Location Description Direction All Days Weekdays Weekends 9,500 10,500 8,100 Northbound (331) (194) (97) 53053 EASTERN ARTERIAL ROAD St Ives - South Of Nicholson Avenue 8,600 9,500 7,300 Southbound (340) (193) (99) 8,800 10,000 7,600 Eastbound (128) (63) (39) 70067 EASTERN ROAD Doonside - South Of Knox Road - Eastern Creek Bridge 9,000 10,100 8,000 Westbound (128) (63) (39) 17,700 19,700 14,300 Northbound (341) (189) (98) 33023 EASTERN VALLEY WAY South Of Sunnyside Crescent, Willoughby 17,500 19,500 14,100 Southbound (342) (189) (98) 22,500 24,400 19,700 Eastbound (349) (190) (101) 60032 ELIZABETH DRIVE Liverpool - At Cabramatta Creek Bridge 21,200 23,000 18,700 Westbound (183) (95) (53) 12,100 13,300 10,000 Westbound (293) (169) (88) 64022 ELIZABETH DRIVE Cecil Park - East Of Wallgrove Road, MR515 12,900 14,400 10,400 Eastbound (295) (170) (88) 17,600 18,800 15,700 Eastbound (343) (192) (99) 65143 ELIZABETH DRIVE Bonnyrigg - West Of Bonnyrigg Avenue 19,200 20,500 17,400 Westbound (349) (196) (101) 18,800 20,000 16,900 Westbound (320) (189) (90) 51233 EPPING ROAD Between Balaclava And Vimera Roads, Marsfield 17,800 18,500 17,000 Eastbound (321) (189) (91) 27,200 29,600 23,300 Westbound (329) (176) (95) 52040 EPPING ROAD North Ryde - West Of Hills Motorway,M2 Terminal 24,300 26,900 20,000 Eastbound (328) (175) (95) 20,100 22,100 17,200 Eastbound (300) (156) (87) 74062 EPPING ROAD Epping - At Terrys Creek Bridge 20,300 21,300 18,900 Westbound (342) (191) (99) 18,500 20,000 16,100 Northbound (333) (187) (96) 57025 FOREST WAY Near Ralston Avenue, Belrose 19,400 21,300 16,400 Southbound (332) (187) (96) 26,200 28,300 22,300 Northbound (190) (117) (56) 68207 FREAME STREET Wentworthville - South Of Wentworth Avenue 26,400 28,700 22,900 Southbound (310) (160) (93) * Figures in parentheses indicate number of days counted.
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