Common Name ................................................... S s F W Common Name ................................................... S s F W Common Name ................................................... S s F W Common Name ................................................... S s F W Trempealeau National Wildlife Refuge, established Swans, Geese, and Ducks Great Egret* ............................................... a a a Willet ............................................................ r r r Swifts in 1936, contains over 6,226 acres of rolling prairies, Snow Goose ................................................. u u Snowy Egret ............................................... r r Spotted Sandpiper* ................................... c c c Chimney Swift* .......................................... c a u rich wetlands and bottomland forests which support a Canada Goose (migrant)* .......................... a c a c Little Blue Heron ........................................ u Upland Sandpiper* ..................................... u u Hummingbirds variety of wildlife. A link in the chain of refuges along Trumpeter Swan ......................................... r r u r Cattle Egret ................................................ u r u Hudsonian Godwit ...................................... r Ruby-throated Hummingbird* ................. u c u the Mississippi Flyway extending from Canada to the Tundra Swan ............................................... a a o Green Heron* ............................................. c c c Marbled Godwit .......................................... r Gulf of Mexico, Trempealeau was set aside as a resting Wood Duck* ................................................. a a a r Black-crowned Night-Heron* ................. u u u Ruddy Turnstone ........................................ u u Kingfishers and breeding ground for migratory birds and other Gadwall ........................................................ c u c Yellow-crowned Night-Heron ................... r r r Sanderling ................................................... u u u Belted Kingfisher* ..................................... c c u o wildlife. American Wigeon ....................................... a u a Semipalmated Sandpiper .......................... c c c American Black Duck* .............................. c u c r Vultures Western Sandpiper ..................................... r Woodpeckers The isolated backwaters of the refuge provide critical Mallard* ....................................................... a a a c Turkey Vulture ............................................ c c u Least Sandpiper ......................................... c c c Red-headed Woodpecker* ......................... c c c u habitat for migrating waterfowl and other birds Blue-winged Teal* ...................................... c u a White-rumped Sandpiper .......................... u u u Red-bellied Woodpecker* .......................... c c c c during peak spring and fall migrations. Large rafts of Northern Shoveler ..................................... c u c Hawks & Eagles Baird’s Sandpiper ....................................... u u c Yellow-bellied Sapsucker* ......................... c c c dabblers and divers such as ruddy ducks, ring-necked Northern Pintail ......................................... u r u r Osprey* ........................................................ c c c Pectoral Sandpiper ..................................... c c c Downy Woodpecker* .................................. c c c c ducks, scaup, and blue-winged teal can often be seen Green-winged Teal ..................................... c u c r Bald Eagle* ................................................. c c c c Dunlin ........................................................... u u u Hairy Woodpecker* .................................... c c c c during migration from the observation deck spotting Canvasback ................................................. c r c r Northern Harrier* ..................................... u u u u Stilt Sandpiper ............................................ u u u Northern Flicker* ...................................... c c c u scopes adjacent to the refuge office. Also in the fall, Redhead ....................................................... u u Sharp-shinned Hawk ................................. c u c o Short-billed Dowitcher .............................. u u u Pileated Woodpecker* ............................... c c c c the refuge plays host to tundra swans and white Ring-necked Duck ...................................... a a Cooper’s Hawk ........................................... u u u o Long-billed Dowitcher ............................... u u pelicans, a birdwatcher’s favorite. Birders may also Greater Scaup ............................................. u u Northern Goshawk ...................................... o o American Woodcock* ................................. u u u Flycatchers catch a glimpse of a variety of migrating songbirds, Lesser Scaup ............................................... a r a u Red-shouldered Hawk* ............................. u u u r Wilson’s Phalarope ..................................... u u u Olive-sided Flycatcher ............................... u u u such as yellow-rumped warblers, orchard orioles Bufflehead ................................................... c c r Broad-winged Hawk* ................................ u u c Common Snipe ............................................ u u u Eastern Wood-Pewee* ............................... c c c and Henslow’s sparrows. The refuge offers excellent Common Goldeneye ................................... c c u Swainson’s Hawk ......................................... r Yellow-bellied Flycatcher .......................... r birding opportunities year round to both the serious Hooded Merganser* .................................. c u c r Red-tailed Hawk* ....................................... c c c c Gulls & Terns Alder Flycatcher ......................................... u u and casual birder. Current bird sighting information Common Merganser .................................. c c u Rough-legged Hawk ................................... u u Franklin’s Gull ............................................ u u Willow Flycatcher* ..................................... c c u is available by calling 608/539-2311, then accessing the Red-breasted Merganser .......................... u u r Golden Eagle ............................................... r u r Bonaparte’s Gull ......................................... u u Least Flycatcher* ...................................... a a c refuge information line. Ruddy Duck ................................................. u c o Ring-billed Gull ........................................... c c c u Eastern Phoebe* ........................................ c c c Falcons Herring Gull ................................................ c c c u Great Crested Flycatcher* ....................... a a u This bird list contains 263 species which have Grouse & Turkeys American Kestrel* ...................................... u u u r Caspian Tern ............................................... c u u Eastern Kingbird* ..................................... c c u been recorded by refuge personnel and visiting Ring-necked Pheasant* ............................. u u u u Merlin ........................................................... o u Common Tern ............................................. u u u ornithologists. Another 21 birds, listed under Ruffed Grouse* ........................................... o o o o Peregrine Falcon ......................................... o o o Forster’s Tern* ........................................... c c u Shrikes “Accidental” birds have been reported but are not Wild Turkey* ............................................... c c c c Black Tern* ................................................. c c u Loggerhead Shrike* .................................. u u u normally expected to be present. Rails & Coots Northern Shrike ......................................... r o o Quail King Rail ...................................................... r r Pigeons & Doves This bird list is in accordance with the Sixth American Northern Bobwhite* .................................. r r r r Virginia Rail* .............................................. u u u Rock Pigeon ................................................ u u u u Vireos Ornithologist’s Union Checklist of North American Sora* ............................................................ c u c Mourning Dove* ......................................... c c c u White-eyed Vireo ........................................ r r birds as amended. Loons Common Moorhen* .................................... u u u Bell’s Vireo* ................................................ o o Common Loon ............................................. u u American Coot* .......................................... a c a Cuckoos Blue-headed Vireo ...................................... u u Black-billed Cuckoo* ................................. c c u Yellow-throated Vireo* ............................... u u Legend Grebes Cranes Yellow-billed Cuckoo* ................................ c c u Blue-headed Vireo ...................................... u u u S ....................... Spring ........... March - May Pied-billed Grebe* ...................................... c u c Sandhill Crane* .......................................... c u u Warbling Vireo* .......................................... a a a s .......................
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