Halbeath summary ttDL16.07.15.indd 1 Seatbelts on-board Real-time inf x Air conditioning on-boar ? Free Wi-Fion-board Free Toilets on-board Toilets Wheelchair accessible v 24 26 27 Leather Summary Timetable Halbeath P&R Dunfermline Kincardine Forth Valley Cumbernauld Glasgow city connect city from 17th August 2015 August 17th from Halbeath P&R G Dunfermline G Kincardine G FVRH G Cumbernauld G Glasgow X24 X26 X27 MONDAYS TO FRIDAYS route number X24 X24 X27 X24 X26 X27 X24 X26 X24 X26 X26 X24 X27 X26 X24 X27 Halbeath park & ride 0446 0512 0545 0617 0637 0652 0717 0747 0818 0833 0902 0922 0942 02 22 42 Halbeath Fife College 0449 0516 0549 0621 0641 0656 0721 0751 0823 0838 0906 0926 0946 06 26 46 Dunfermline bus station arr 0457 0524 0557 0629 0649 0704 0729 0759 0833 0848 0914 0934 0954 14 34 54 Dunfermline bus station dep 0500 0530 0605 0635 0655 0710 0735 0805 0840 0855 0920 0940 1000 20 40 00 Cairneyhill opp post offi ce 0508 0538 0613 0643 0703 0718 0743 0813 0848 0902 0928 0948 1008 28 48 08 Kincardine High Street 0519 0549 0624 0654 0714 0729 0754 0824 0859 0914 0939 0959 1019 39 59 19 until then at Kincardine High Street 0520 0550 0625 0655 0715 0730 0755 0825 0900 0915 0940 1000 1020 each hour 40 00 20 Forth Valley Royal Hospital M M M M M M M M M M 0638 0708 0838 0928 1033 33 these minutes past Cumbernauld town centre 0542 0612 0652 0722 0737 0752 0817 0852 0922 0942 1002 1022 1047 02 22 47 Glasgow Buchanan bus station 0604 0634 0714 0749 0804 0819 0844 0919 0944 1004 1024 1044 1109 24 44 09 route number X27 X26 X24 X27 X26 X24 X26 X27 X24 X24 X24 X24 Halbeath park & ride 1542 1602 1622 1642 1702 1727 1742 1807 1827 1927 2027 2127 Halbeath Fife College 1546 1606 1626 1646 1706 1731 1746 1811 1831 1931 2031 2131 Dunfermline bus station arr 1554 1614 1634 1654 1714 1739 1754 1819 1839 1939 2039 2139 Dunfermline bus station dep 1600 1620 1640 1700 1720 1745 1805 1825 1845 1945 2045 2145 Cairneyhill opp post offi ce 1608 1628 1648 1708 1728 1753 1813 1833 1853 1953 2053 2153 Kincardine High Street 1619 1639 1659 1719 1739 1804 1824 1844 1904 2004 2104 2204 Kincardine High Street 1620 1640 1700 1720 1740 1805 1825 1845 1905 2005 2105 2205 Forth Valley Royal Hospital 1633 1653 M 1733 1753 1818 M 1858 1918 2018 2118 2218 Cumbernauld town centre 1647 1707 1722 1747 1807 1832 1847 1912 1932 2032 2132 2232 Glasgow Buchanan bus station 1709 1729 1744 1809 1829 1854 1909 1934 1954 2054 2154 2254 SATURDAYS route number X24 X24 X27 X24 X27 X24 X27 X24 X27 X26 X24 X27 X26 X24 X27 X26 Halbeath park & ride 0446 0512 0545 0617 0647 0717 0747 0817 0842 02 22 42 1702 1722 1742 1802 Halbeath Fife College 0449 1516 0549 0621 0651 0721 0751 0821 0846 06 26 46 1706 1726 1746 1806 Dunfermline bus station arr 0457 1524 0557 0629 0659 0729 0759 0829 0854 14 34 54 1714 1734 1754 1814 Dunfermline bus station dep 0500 0530 0605 0635 0705 0735 0805 0835 0900 20 40 00 1720 1740 1800 1820 Cairneyhill opp post offi ce 0508 0538 0613 0643 0713 0743 0813 0843 0908 28 48 08 1728 1748 1808 1828 Kincardine High Street 0519 0549 0624 0654 0724 0754 0824 0854 0919 39 59 19 1739 1759 1819 1839 until then at Kincardine High Street 0520 0550 0625 0655 0725 0755 0825 0855 0920 each hour 40 00 20 1740 1800 1820 1840 Forth Valley Royal Hospital M M 0638 0708 M M 0838 M 0933 M M 33 M 1813 1833 1853 Cumbernauld town centre 0542 0612 0652 0722 0747 0817 0852 0917 0947 these minutes past 02 22 47 1802 1827 1847 1907 Glasgow Buchanan bus station 0604 0634 0714 0744 0809 0839 0914 0939 1009 24 44 09 1824 1849 1909 1929 route number X24 X24 X24 X24 Halbeath park & ride 1822 1927 2027 2127 Halbeath Fife College 1826 1931 2031 2131 Dunfermline bus station arr 1834 1939 2039 2139 Dunfermline bus station dep 1840 1945 2045 2145 Cairneyhill opp post offi ce 1848 1953 2053 2153 Kincardine High Street 1859 2004 2104 2204 Kincardine High Street 1900 2005 2105 2205 Forth Valley Royal Hospital 1913 2018 2118 2218 Forth ValleyLarbert Royal StirlingCumbernauld Hospital Rd/OldGlasgow Dennytown Buchanan centre Rd bus station Cumbernauld town centre 1927 2032 2132 2232 HalbeathHalbeath Park & RideTouch Fife College HalbeathDunfermline Rd/W’fiCrossford bus eldCairneyhill stationPitfiRd rraneWestfi Armspost eld offiKincardine roadce end High Street Glasgow Buchanan bus station 1949 2054 2154 2254 stopping points - These routes are limited stop and serve only the stops listed. SUNDAYS route number X24 X24 X26 X24 X27 X24 X26 X24 X27 X24 X26 A Halbeath park & ride 0446 0706 0902 0935 1002 1035 02 35 1802 1835 1902 Halbeath Fife College 0449 0709 0906 0939 1006 1039 06 39 1806 1839 1906 Dunfermline bus station arr 0457 0717 0914 0947 1014 1047 14 47 1814 1847 1914 Dunfermline bus station dep 0500 0725 0920 0955 1020 1055 20 55 1820 1855 1920 Cairneyhill opp post offi ce 0508 0733 0928 1003 1028 1103 28 03 1828 1903 1928 Kincardine High Street 0519 0744 0939 1014 1039 1114 39 14 1839 1914 1939 until then at Kincardine High Street 0520 0745 0940 1015 1040 1115 each hour 40 15 1840 1915 1940 Forth Valley Royal Hospital M 0758 0953 M 1053 M 53 M 1853 M 1953 these minutes past Cumbernauld town centre 0542 0812 1007 1037 1107 1137 07 37 1907 1937 2007 Glasgow Buchanan bus station 0604 0834 1029 1059 1129 1159 29 59 1929 1959 2029 To comply with Department of Transport guidance, this service connects at Kincardine. The connection is guaranteed, through fares are available and passengers may remain on the vehicle which operates through. A Sunday journeys from Halbeath at 1202, 1402 & 1602 operate as X27. Service X24 operates from St Andrews via Cupar and Glenrothes. Service X26 operates from Kirkcaldy via Auchtertool and Crossgates. Service X27 operates from Leven via Kirkcaldy and Victoria Hospital. Service X25 & X28, operated by Stagecoach in Glasgow also provide a frequent service between Cumbernauld and Glasgow. Please see separate service timetable leafl ets for full details. Glasgow G Cumbernauld G FVRH G Kincardine G Dunfermline G Halbeath P&R X24 X26 X27 MONDAYS TO FRIDAYS route number X24 X26 X24 X27 X24 X27 X24 X26 X27 X24 X26 X27 X24 X26 X27 X24 Glasgow Buchanan bus station 0610 0640 0720 0755 0825 0905 0925 0945 05 25 45 1605 1625 1645 1705 1725 Cumbernauld town centre 0632 0702 0742 0818 0847 0927 0947 1007 27 47 07 1627 1650 1710 1727 1750 Forth Valley Royal Hospital 0645 0715 0755 0833 M 0940 M M 40 M M 1640 M 1723 1745 M Kincardine High Street 0658 0728 0808 0848 0908 0953 1008 1028 53 08 28 1653 1713 1738 1758 1813 Kincardine High Street 0659 0729 0809 0849 0909 0954 1009 1029 54 09 29 1654 1714 1739 1759 1814 until Cairneyhill post offi ce 0710 0740 0820 0901 0920 1005 1020 1040 then at 05 20 40 1705 1725 1750 1810 1825 Dunfermline bus station arr 0719 0749 0829 0912 0929 1014 1029 1049 each hour 14 29 49 1714 1734 1759 1819 1834 Dunfermline bus station dep 0725 0755 0835 0920 0935 1020 1035 1055 20 35 55 1720 1740 1805 1825 1840 Halbeath opp Fife College 0734 0804 0844 0929 0944 1029 1044 1104 these minutes past 29 44 04 1729 1749 1814 1834 1849 Halbeath park & ride 0737 0807 0847 0932 0947 1032 1047 1107 32 47 07 1732 1752 1817 1837 1852 route number X26 X27 X24 X27 X24 X24 X26 X24 X24 X24 X24 Glasgow Buchanan bus station 1745 1805 1825 1845 1905 1925 1945 2005 2105 2205 2305 Cumbernauld town centre 1807 1827 1847 1907 1927 1947 2007 2027 2127 2227 2327 Forth Valley Royal Hospital M 1840 M M 1940 M 2020 2040 2140 2240 2340 Kincardine High Street 1828 1853 1908 1928 1953 2008 2033 2053 2153 2253 2353 Kincardine High Street 1829 1854 1909 1929 1954 2009 2034 2054 2154 2254 2354 Cairneyhill post offi ce 1840 1905 1920 1940 2005 2020 2045 2105 2205 2305 0005 Dunfermline bus station arr 1849 1914 1929 1949 2014 2029 2054 2114 2214 2314 0014 Dunfermline bus station dep 1855 1920 1935 1955 2020 2035 2100 2120 2220 2320 0020 Halbeath opp Fife College 1904 1929 1944 2003 2028 2043 2108 2128 2228 2328 0028 Halbeath park & ride 1907 1932 1947 2006 2031 2046 2111 2131 2231 2331 0031 SATURDAYS route number X24 X26 X24 X27 X24 X27 X24 X27 X24 X26 X27 X24 X26 X27 X24 X27 Glasgow Buchanan bus station 0610 0640 0720 0805 0825 0905 0925 1005 1025 1045 05 25 45 1805 1825 1845 Cumbernauld town centre 0632 0702 0742 0827 0847 0927 0947 1027 1047 1107 27 47 07 1827 1847 1907 Forth Valley Royal Hospital 0645 0715 0755 0840 M 0940 M 1040 M M 40 M M 1840 M M Kincardine High Street 0658 0728 0808 0853 0908 0953 1008 1053 1108 1128 53 08 28 1853 1908 1928 Kincardine High Street 0659 0729 0809 0854 0909 0954 1009 1054 1109 1129 54 09 29 1854 1909 1929 until Cairneyhill post offi ce 0710 0740 0820 0905 0920 1005 1020 1105 1120 1140 then at 05 20 40 1905 1920 1940 Dunfermline bus station arr 0719 0749 0829 0914 0929 1014 1029 1114 1129 1149 each hour 14 29 49 1914 1929 1949 Dunfermline bus station dep 0725 0755 0835 0920 0935 1020 1035 1120 1135 1155 20 35 55 1920 1935 1955 Halbeath opp Fife College 0734 0804 0844 0929 0944 1029 1044 1129 1144 1204 these minutes past 29 44 04 1929 1944 2003 Halbeath park & ride 0737 0807 0847 0932 0947 1032 1047 1132 1147 1207 32 47 07 1932 1947 2006 route number X24 X24 X26 X24 X24 X24 X24 Glasgow Buchanan bus station 1905 1925 1945 2005 2105 2205 2305 Cumbernauld town centre 1927 1947 2007 2027 2127 2227 2327 Forth Valley Royal Hospital 1940 M 2020 2040 2140 2240 2340 Kincardine High Street 1953 2008 2033 2053 2153 2253 2353 Kincardine High Street 1954 2009 2034 2054 2154 2254 2354 Cairneyhill post offi ce 2005 2020 2045 2105 2205 2305 0005 Dunfermline bus station arr 2014 2029 2054 2114 2214 2314 0014 Dunfermline Touch bus Halbeath station Rd/W’fi eld Rd GlasgowCumbernauld BuchananLarbert bus town station StirlingForth centre ValleyRd/OldKincardine Royal DennyWestfi HospitalHigh Rd eld StreetCairneyhill road end Crossford post offi Pitfice rrane Arms HalbeathHalbeath Fife College Park & Ride Dunfermline bus station dep 2020 2035 2100 2120 2220 2320 0020 Halbeath opp Fife College 2028 2043 2108 2128 2228 2328 0028 Halbeath park & ride 2031 2046 2111 2131 2231 2331 0031 stopping points - These routes are limited stop and serve only the stops listed.
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