1 1 ISSUE NO. 14-MARCH 14.13;G - 5. v RANDY i STONE LL: WHAT ABOUT THE BLOB? STEVE TAYLOR SOVIET INlAMESTOWN EMIGRE PERFORM ni[ $100 MILLION CONTRA MIUTARY AID PACKAGE oPPOSED IT. Cutting Stones for WASNT DOING Too WELL, MLY'AL STOOOLS. 1 a Home part II Midsemester doldrums set on us nov with plaster of Paris hands - squeeze and harden, and fiv vould think this so much fun. Winter vas nice, but it'$ nov time that it Ias on ils vay. Classes ,erin't even as r nice as the ¥inter, 50 they can be gone as well. It's March nov and just CONGOLSS OPPOSLb IT. ntt AM[DICAN PEOPLL ONE STOOGES TOO MANY. aboul everyone around has said just about as much as they really need THEY'AL STDOGLS. OPPOSED IT. t.0 say, myself included. But in the way that is both typical and ironic, nobody stops talking long enough to m hoi little needs saying at this point, myself included. Perhaps I've said too much already, and perhaps 1 expect too much alrudy. Perhaps the addiction ic have to shaking th, air around us in important ¥ays u a natural by-product of the queer resort .'ve come to. A college vhere Iher, thi intint H to nurture the articulation of idiat vill undoubtedly bring out a good dial of talk (both thi vorthy and the unvorthy), and this is all very well. It should be no other iay. But vhat does a person do ih#n he gets veary of it? Ho, am I to feel at 111 cemented to a place ¥hin the main activity can be so erosively boring. The problam liu in the purpose and function of our queer little resort, ¥hich is not at all to say that this purpose i, the problem. The Stor gives particular appriciation to Yuri The problem of being a person for three quarters of the year at Hreschyshyn this veek for his saving magic Apple Itc college is thal th, college cannot, and niver vas intended to, fulfill the that backed up our decripit copy processor, and for ihole person. Tho collegi has a specific and temporary task: to educate, his all-night consultation. and the student a specific and rot so laporary task: to learn. Granted, We also give thanks to Al randa for his generous Houghton College goes vill beyond this most basic goal in pursuit of cooperaUon. developing Christians and fitting them for an impact on our culture, but The Editorial U, only so much can be expected Melvin Dieter said just recently thal the Christian College may operate as an organ of the church, but it is not the church. In the same vay, our crnllege plays a role in our lives, but Houghlon College, as an Editor-in-chief institutior, was never meant to be a homt. And the activities that surround J. Craig Henry the academic life vere never meant to the full activities of a life (except Managing Editor Jeffrey D. Crocker for a f/v, and even these have their compartmentil It's no wonder that Editorial Assistant Gerald A. Szymanski the talk gro¥$ stale, that th, institutional relationships of the News Editors Lorriene K. Armold organizations on campus gro. sour, or even that ve tire of seeing the Tashna M. Hendriks same basic age group r,presented at each meal. It'I not full life, and the Photo Editor David M. Cleveland parts that Houghton can't provide for, ve'll have to take up on our oin. Arts & Entertainment Editor Barbara E. Pinto It sims like a simple observation, but remarkably, the closed telting Sports Editor Ron S. Kerr of Houghton - its seeeming self-sufficiency - lempts us lo expect too much. Inspirational Development Manager Gregg D. Burlingame tOe have plenty of expectations of the college, and rightly so, but it can't Proauction Manager Debra R. Moyer be mother and brother and home tom all at once (although 'in loco parentir not only seeps in through the fabric here, but also makes up Business Manager James D. Sutton a good bit of ill Thi student who bemoans the inadequati provisions for Advertising Manager Richard S. Rose all his human needi here on campus imn't going to bi happy any.here. Adviqnr Paul D. Young We are provided what you see. The rest should be lift to a cirtain amount Business Advisor David W. Frasier of personal Mipansibility. Maybi n ¥ouldn't reed to drag ourselves through 50 much talk if ¥e spent more time trying to calch sight of deer in our headlights. Ropon.rs Gayle Schultz Production Photogriphy Paul Busal Holly Winters Paul Bussl Or maybe . might atund local churcha outside of Houghlon and find Leisa Burhans Denise Younh Timothy Curry Harry Rad Ische some connection vith the people that have a true connection to this land Dorls-Ann lradi Dave and Jelf and aren't just passing through in apathy. Do as many of us kno¥ as Carmen McKell Jonathon Lightfoot should kno, ho, comforting rout, 19 can be under streitlight? Theri are Bob Miller Carmen MIKell vays to live in Houghton instead of just going here to school - even Jonathon Ughtf Kathy Peters vays in our campus activitin Many of them have to do ¥ith waiting and James Randall Denise Younh vatching, finding a fe, Zood people to latch onto, and finding a place where ve ar, initiad of continually Ihining and pining after some The Houghfon SM, is a weekly publication representing the voice of the students 0/ geographic rtlief. Houghton College. The Star encourages thought, discussion, and the free exchange of Talk a little less, and ve might hear a home around us. opinion: but the opinions expiessed herein do not necessarily represent the views d. Crcig Benr, of the Sfar or ot Houghton College or the editors. The Star encourages signed letters to tile editors. however. the editors reserve the right to edit all contribution. All letters for inclusion must be submitted by 9 00 am Tuesday. The Slar subscribes to the Washington Post Writer'I Group,the Universal Press Syndicate, and the National On Campus Report. Be nd NEWS STUDENTS ·rm n FIGHT FOR IRr PRES G THAT ED 100 MILLION , TIE N ARAGUAN A UPHILL BA JHARCH 11 by Barb Pinto much opposition this year: An UNITED ST On Monday March 10, nine OBLI,AT*N" TO HE increase in TAP was proposed lasl ASSISTAN , Houghton College Students and year, but the legislauon vas not Mr. Re n in a s ech hele t -bou ervative Financial Aid Couselor Troy Marlin approved. supporters, that e lie¥ed ongr s support sat off for Albany'i Empir, Slate of his plan wa: owi Plaza to Lobby for an incrlase in Martin adds, -We spoke to 'This 18 a il t le w engaged, many of the key people involved with but we are making . 'You can the issus and got to sH actual Legislation increasing awards sense that the tide f the democratic results. While - Iwi in Suiator and utanding eligibility tor nts fighting the Riford' s off ici hi signed a proposal resistance," referring,po students under Nci York State's Sandinista Government. Tuition Astistance Program (TAP) White House officials said privately that the proposal has blen proposed for Governor Martin also thought thi for $70 million in military asslatince and $30 million Cuomo'i 1986 budget The TAP bill session vith Senator Present ,as in so-called humanitarian aid would be defeated in both has not yet betn included in thi beneficial :.. He Milly ¥as very houses if votes were taken today (March 11). They said budget interested in our tives, not Just in UN issue., Mr. Reagan was prepared to comgomise with Congress, but was Houghton Lobbyists mil vith rejecting such a suggestion for now in the hope of getting senators and assemblymin from their One of the high points of the the strongest aid package possible before the House votes home districts on Tuesday morning trip for Martin ¥as his intervii next Wednesday. to encourage then support for the vith Dick Wesley. 1 really think I The official said White House lobbyists were heartened proposed TAP legislation According incrused his a,ariness an thi TAP by the favorable reception given the measure by several to Assemblyman Richard Coombe, itsui and ,hal itudents' needs ari influential House members, He singled out Representatives «Aid to education is very important; hire at Houghton TAP is Nood for D.nte B. Fascell and Claude D. Pepper, Democrats of Florida, especially TAP. Lobbyists need lo everyons The mon aid that coms and Les Aspin, DeR;Ocrat of Wisconsin. k.p the pressure on to g.t r,sults.- from th, stal*, the more collegi aid is available to othsr students.- Houghton Students also participated in a question and He adds, 9 think thi trip ans¥ir session vith Senator Jess benefilted the students that went. SOUTH AFRICA'S POLITICnL PROTEST WAS REPORTED TODAY Present, representative of the It vas a good experience in state TO HAVE SPILLED INrO ONE OF THE NATION' S SO-CALIED TRIBAL Alligany County area for the past politics and hoi to lobby - eviryone HOMELANDS, Lebowa, where the police sald they shot and 18 years. According to Present, /as,ell informed." -There is good support for TAP in killed seven black demonstrators over the weekend. Students attending the trip, the Senate and 1 think it will be The Killings brought to 22 the number of people slain which /as parUally funded by placed on thi Governor's budget" in political and tribal fighting since tresldent P.W.
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